blob: 679db9fc75d4f2b0b498b1422723a0014be37690 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A simple URL parser for gs:// used for Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
/// Split a url into (bucket, object) tuple.
/// Example: `gs://bucket/object/path` will return ("bucket", "object/path").
/// Returns errors for incorrect prefix or missing slash between bucket and
/// object.
pub fn split_gs_url(gs_url: &str) -> Result<(&str, &str)> {
// Uri will create a local which we cannot return references to:
// let url = Uri::try_from(gs_url)
// A regex is more than needed for this simple format.
// Instead this simple parser is used: skip past the prefix and find the
// third slash.
const PREFIX: &str = "gs://";
if !gs_url.starts_with(PREFIX) {
bail!("A gs url must start with \"{}\". Incorrect: {:?}", PREFIX, gs_url);
// The `starts_with` above proves this unwrap is infallible.
let past = gs_url.get(PREFIX.len()..).unwrap();
if let Some(end_of_bucket) = past.find('/') {
// The `find` just above proves both these unwraps are infallible.
Ok((past.get(..end_of_bucket).unwrap(), past.get(end_of_bucket + 1..).unwrap()))
} else {
"A gs url requires at least three slashes, \
e.g. gs://bucket/object. Incorrect: {:?}",
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_split_gs_url() {
("foo", "bar/blah")
assert_eq!(split_gs_url(&"gs://foo/".to_string()).expect("empty object"), ("foo", ""));
assert_eq!(split_gs_url(&"gs:///".to_string()).expect("empty object"), ("", ""));