blob: cb3e3eb96d45ed1e9b3fa484df0bf22f90628efd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! fuchsia.IO UTIL-ity library
//! This crate provides various helper functions for iteracting with
//! `fidl_fuchsia_io::{DirectoryProxy, FileProxy, NodeProxy}` objects.
//! Functions in the top-level module are deprecated. New uses of `io_util` should use the
//! `directory`, `file`, or `node` modules instead.
//! Functions that contain `in_namespace` in their name operate on absolute paths in the process's
//! current namespace and utilize a blocking `fdio` call to open the proxy.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, Proxy, ServerEnd},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
std::path::{Component, Path},
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
use {fuchsia_zircon as zx, fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status};
pub mod directory;
pub mod file;
pub mod node;
// Reexported from fidl_fuchsia_io for convenience
pub use fio::OpenFlags;
/// open_node will return a NodeProxy opened to the node at the given path relative to the
/// given directory, or return an error if no such node exists (or some other FIDL error was
/// encountered). This function will not block.
pub fn open_node<'a>(
dir: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy,
path: &'a Path,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
mode: u32,
) -> Result<fio::NodeProxy, Error> {
let path = check_path(path)?;
let node = directory::open_node_no_describe(dir, path, flags, mode)?;
/// open_directory will open a NodeProxy at the given path relative to the given directory, and
/// convert it into a DirectoryProxy. This function will not block.
pub fn open_directory<'a>(
dir: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy,
path: &'a Path,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, Error> {
let path = check_path(path)?;
let node = directory::open_directory_no_describe(dir, path, flags)?;
/// open_file will open a NodeProxy at the given path relative to the given directory, and convert
/// it into a FileProxy. This function will not block.
pub fn open_file<'a>(
dir: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy,
path: &'a Path,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<fio::FileProxy, Error> {
let path = check_path(path)?;
let node = directory::open_file_no_describe(dir, path, flags)?;
/// # Panics
/// Panics if any path component of `path` is not a valid utf-8 encoded string.
pub fn create_sub_directories(
root_dir: &fio::DirectoryProxy,
path: &Path,
) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, Error> {
if path.components().next().is_none() {
return Err(format_err!("path must not be empty"));
let mut dir = None;
for part in path.components() {
if let Component::Normal(part) = part {
dir = Some({
let dir_ref = match dir.as_ref() {
Some(r) => r,
None => root_dir,
let (subdir, local_server_end) = create_proxy::<fio::DirectoryMarker>()?;
| fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE
| fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE
| fio::OpenFlags::CREATE,
} else {
return Err(format_err!("invalid item in path: {:?}", part));
// TODO: this function will block on the FDIO calls. This should be rewritten/wrapped/whatever to
// be asynchronous.
/// Connect a zx::Channel to a path in the namespace.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn connect_in_namespace(
path: &str,
server_chan: zx::Channel,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
node::connect_in_namespace(path, flags, server_chan)
/// open_node_in_namespace will return a NodeProxy to the given path by using the default namespace
/// stored in fdio. The path argument must be an absolute path.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn open_node_in_namespace(path: &str, flags: fio::OpenFlags) -> Result<fio::NodeProxy, Error> {
let node = node::open_in_namespace(path, flags)?;
/// open_directory_in_namespace will open a NodeProxy to the given path and convert it into a
/// DirectoryProxy. The path argument must be an absolute path.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn open_directory_in_namespace(
path: &str,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, Error> {
let node = directory::open_in_namespace(path, flags)?;
/// open_file_in_namespace will open a NodeProxy to the given path and convert it into a FileProxy.
/// The path argument must be an absolute path.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn open_file_in_namespace(path: &str, flags: fio::OpenFlags) -> Result<fio::FileProxy, Error> {
let node = file::open_in_namespace(path, flags)?;
pub async fn read_file_bytes(file: &fio::FileProxy) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let bytes = file::read(file).await?;
pub async fn read_file(file: &fio::FileProxy) -> Result<String, Error> {
let string = file::read_to_string(file).await?;
/// Write the given bytes into a file open for writing.
pub async fn write_file_bytes(file: &fio::FileProxy, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
file::write(file, data).await?;
/// Write the given string as UTF-8 bytes into a file open for writing.
pub async fn write_file(file: &fio::FileProxy, data: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
file::write(file, data).await?;
/// Write the given bytes into a file at `path`. The path must be an absolute path.
/// * If the file already exists, replaces existing contents.
/// * If the file does not exist, creates the file.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn write_path_bytes(path: &str, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
file::write_in_namespace(path, data).await?;
/// Read the given FIDL message from binary form from a file open for reading.
/// FIDL structure should be provided at a read time.
/// Incompatible data is populated as per FIDL ABI compatibility guide:
pub async fn read_file_fidl<T: Persistable>(file: &fio::FileProxy) -> Result<T, Error> {
/// Read the given FIDL message from binary file at `path` in the current namespace. The path
/// must be an absolute path.
/// FIDL structure should be provided at a read time.
/// Incompatible data is populated as per FIDL ABI compatibility guide:
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn read_path_fidl<T: Persistable>(path: &str) -> Result<T, Error> {
/// Write the given FIDL message in a binary form into a file open for writing.
pub async fn write_file_fidl<T: Persistable>(
file: &fio::FileProxy,
data: &mut T,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
file::write_fidl(file, data).await?;
/// Write the given FIDL encoded message into a file at `path`. The path must be an absolute path.
/// * If the file already exists, replaces existing contents.
/// * If the file does not exist, creates the file.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn write_path_fidl<T: Persistable>(path: &str, data: &mut T) -> Result<(), Error> {
file::write_fidl_in_namespace(path, data).await?;
/// node_to_directory will convert the given NodeProxy into a DirectoryProxy. This is unsafe if the
/// type of the node is not checked first.
pub fn node_to_directory(node: fio::NodeProxy) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, Error> {
let node_chan = node.into_channel().map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?}", e))?;
/// node_to_file will convert the given NodeProxy into a FileProxy. This is unsafe if the
/// type of the node is not checked first.
pub fn node_to_file(node: fio::NodeProxy) -> Result<fio::FileProxy, Error> {
let node_chan = node.into_channel().map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?}", e))?;
/// clone_directory will create a clone of the given DirectoryProxy by calling its clone function.
/// This function will not block.
pub fn clone_directory(
dir: &fio::DirectoryProxy,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, Error> {
let node = directory::clone_no_describe(dir, Some(flags))?;
/// canonicalize_path will remove a leading `/` if it exists, since it's always unnecessary and in
/// some cases disallowed (
pub fn canonicalize_path(path: &str) -> &str {
if path == "/" {
return ".";
if path.starts_with('/') {
return &path[1..];
/// Verifies path is relative, utf-8, and non-empty.
fn check_path(path: &Path) -> Result<&str, Error> {
if path.is_absolute() {
return Err(format_err!("path must be relative"));
let path = path.to_str().ok_or(format_err!("path contains invalid UTF-8"))?;
if path.is_empty() {
return Err(format_err!("path must not be empty"));
mod tests {
use {
fidl::endpoints::{Proxy, ServerEnd},
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status,
tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir},
file::vmo::{read_only_static, read_write, simple_init_vmo_with_capacity},
async fn open_and_read_file_test() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to create tmp dir");
let data = "abc".repeat(10000);
fs::write(tempdir.path().join("myfile"), &data).expect("failed writing file");
let dir = open_directory_in_namespace(
.expect("could not open tmp dir");
let path = Path::new("myfile");
let file = open_file(&dir, &path, OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).expect("could not open file");
let contents = read_file(&file).await.expect("could not read file");
assert_eq!(&contents, &data, "File contents did not match");
async fn open_and_write_file_test() {
// Create temp dir for test.
let tempdir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to create tmp dir");
let dir = open_directory_in_namespace(
.expect("could not open tmp dir");
// Write contents.
let file_name = Path::new("myfile");
let data = "abc".repeat(10000);
let file = open_file(&dir, &file_name, OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE)
.expect("could not open file");
write_file(&file, &data).await.expect("could not write file");
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(tempdir.path().join(file_name)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &data, "File contents did not match");
async fn open_checks_path_validity() {
let dir = open_directory_in_namespace("/pkg", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE)
.expect("could not open /pkg");
assert!(open_file(&dir, Path::new(""), OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).is_err());
assert!(open_file(&dir, Path::new("/"), OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).is_err());
assert!(open_file(&dir, Path::new("/foo"), OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).is_err());
assert!(open_directory(&dir, Path::new(""), OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).is_err());
assert!(open_directory(&dir, Path::new("/"), OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).is_err());
assert!(open_directory(&dir, Path::new("/foo"), OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).is_err());
fn test_canonicalize_path() {
assert_eq!(canonicalize_path("/"), ".");
assert_eq!(canonicalize_path("/foo"), "foo");
assert_eq!(canonicalize_path("/foo/bar/"), "foo/bar/");
assert_eq!(canonicalize_path("."), ".");
assert_eq!(canonicalize_path("./"), "./");
assert_eq!(canonicalize_path("foo/bar/"), "foo/bar/");
async fn flags_test() -> Result<(), Error> {
let example_dir = pseudo_directory! {
"read_only" => read_only_static("read_only"),
"read_write" => read_write(
simple_init_vmo_with_capacity("read_write".as_bytes(), 100)
let (example_dir_proxy, example_dir_service) =
let scope = ExecutionScope::new();
for (file_name, flags, should_succeed) in vec![
("read_only", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE, true),
("read_only", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE, false),
("read_only", OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE, false),
("read_write", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE, true),
("read_write", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE, true),
("read_write", OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE, true),
] {
let file_proxy = open_file(&example_dir_proxy, &Path::new(file_name), flags)?;
match (should_succeed, file_proxy.describe().await) {
(true, Ok(_)) => (),
(false, Err(_)) => continue,
(true, Err(e)) => {
panic!("failed to open when expected success, couldn't describe: {:?}", e)
(false, Ok(d)) => {
panic!("successfully opened when expected failure, could describe: {:?}", d)
if flags.intersects(OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE) {
assert_eq!(file_name, read_file(&file_proxy).await.expect("failed to read file"));
if flags.intersects(OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE) {
let _: u64 = file_proxy
.expect("write failed")
.expect("write error");
assert_eq!(file_proxy.close().await?, Ok(()));
async fn open_directory_in_namespace_rejects_files() {
let tempfile = NamedTempFile::new().expect("failed to create tmp file");
let dir = open_directory_in_namespace(
.expect("could not send open request");
// We should see a PEER_CLOSED because we tried to open a file as a directory
dir.on_closed().await.expect("Error waiting for peer closed");
async fn create_sub_directories_test() -> Result<(), Error> {
let tempdir = TempDir::new()?;
let path = Path::new("path/to/example/dir");
let file_name = Path::new("example_file_name");
let data = "file contents";
let root_dir = open_directory_in_namespace(
let sub_dir = create_sub_directories(&root_dir, &path)?;
let file = open_file(
OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE,
write_file(&file, &data).await.expect("writing to the file failed");
let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(tempdir.path().join(path).join(file_name))?;
assert_eq!(&contents, &data, "File contents did not match");
async fn write_path_bytes_create_test() {
// Create temp dir for test, and bind it to our namespace.
let tempdir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to create tmp dir");
let _dir = open_directory_in_namespace(
.expect("could not open tmp dir");
let path = tempdir.path().join(Path::new("write_path_bytes_create"));
let path_string = path.to_str().expect("converting path to string failed");
// Write contents.
let data = b"\x80"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write_path_bytes(&path_string, data).await.expect("could not write to path");
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &data, "Contents did not match");
async fn write_path_bytes_replace_test() {
// Create temp dir for test, and bind it to our namespace.
let tempdir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to create tmp dir");
let _dir = open_directory_in_namespace(
.expect("could not open tmp dir");
let path = tempdir.path().join(Path::new("write_path_bytes_replace"));
let path_string = path.to_str().expect("converting path to string failed");
// Write contents.
let original_data = b"\x80\x81"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write_path_bytes(&path_string, original_data).await.expect("could not write to path");
// Over-write contents.
let new_data = b"\x82"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write_path_bytes(&path_string, new_data).await.expect("could not over-write to path");
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &new_data, "Contents did not match");