blob: 5a97d141e496575bdb7673f922f3aefbca9a7a4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fasync/future.h>
#include <lib/fasync/single_threaded_executor.h>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
// This example demonstrates sequencing of tasks using combinators.
namespace {
void resume_in_a_little_while(fasync::suspended_task task) {
std::thread([task]() mutable {
template <typename T>
T random(T min, cpp20::type_identity_t<T> max) {
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dist(min, max);
return dist(gen);
fasync::try_future<std::string, int> pick_bananas(int hours) {
return fasync::make_future(
[hours, time = 0,
harvest = 0](fasync::context& context) mutable -> fasync::try_poll<std::string, int> {
if (time == 0) {
printf("Starting the day picking bananas for %d hours...\n", hours);
} else {
printf("... %d hour elapsed...\n", time);
if (random(0, 6) == 0) {
return fasync::ready(fitx::error("A wild animal ate all the bananas we picked today!"));
if (time < hours) {
// Simulate time passing.
// Here we call |suspend_task()| to obtain a |fasync::suspended_task|
// which acts as a handle which will later be used by
// |resume_in_a_little_while()| to resume the task. In the
// meantime, we unwind the call stack by returning |fasync::pending()|.
// Once the task is resumed, the future's handler will restart
// execution from the top again, however it will have retained
// state (in |time| and |harvest|) from its prior execution.
harvest += random(0, 30);
return fasync::pending();
return fasync::ready(fitx::ok(harvest));
fasync::try_future<std::string> eat_bananas(int appetite) {
return fasync::make_future(
[appetite](fasync::context& context) mutable -> fasync::try_poll<std::string> {
if (appetite > 0) {
printf("... eating a yummy banana....\n");
if (random(0, 10) == 0) {
return fasync::ready(fitx::error("I ate too many bananas. Urp."));
return fasync::pending();
puts("Ahh. So satisfying.");
return fasync::ready(fitx::ok());
fasync::try_future<fitx::failed> prepare_simulation() {
int hours = random(0, 7);
return pick_bananas(hours) |
fasync::and_then([](const int& harvest) -> fitx::result<std::string, int> {
printf("We picked %d bananas today!\n", harvest);
if (harvest == 0)
return fitx::error("What will we eat now?");
return fitx::ok(harvest);
}) |
fasync::and_then([](const int& harvest) {
int appetite = random(0, 6);
if (appetite > harvest)
appetite = harvest;
return eat_bananas(appetite);
}) |
fasync::or_else([](const std::string& error) {
printf("Oh no! %s\n", error.c_str());
return fitx::failed();
}) |
fasync::and_then([] { puts("*** Simulation finished ***"); }) | fasync::or_else([] {
puts("*** Restarting simulation ***");
return prepare_simulation();
TEST(FutureTests, SimulationExample) {
auto simulation = prepare_simulation();
[[maybe_unused]] auto result = fasync::block(std::move(simulation));
} // namespace