blob: 44c8dd48c42c15983c29e7b81a9aebb8408fd8e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fasync/internal/compiler.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/fasync/future.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_safety.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
namespace fasync {
// |fasync::scope|
// Provides a mechanism for binding futures to the lifetime of another object such that they are
// destroyed before that object goes out of scope. It is particularly useful for ensuring that the
// lifetime of a future does not exceed the lifetime of any variables that it has captured by
// reference.
// A scope is thread-safe but non-reentrant: it must not be destroyed while any of its associated
// futures are running.
// Define a |fasync::scope| as a member of the object to whose lifetime the futures should be bound.
// // We mark this class final because its destructor has side-effects that rely on the order of
// // destruction. If this object were subclassed there would be a possibility for futures bound
// // to its scope to inadvertently access the subclass's state while the object was being
// // destroyed.
// class accumulator final {
// public:
// accumulator() = default;
// ~accumulator() = default;
// fasync::future<int> accumulate(int value);
// private:
// int prior_total_ = 0;
// // This member is last so that the scope is exited before all other members of the object
// // are destroyed. Alternately, we could enforce this ordering by explicitly invoking
// // |fasync::scope::exit()| where appropriate.
// fasync::scope scope_;
// };
// Use |fasync::wrap_with()| to wrap up futures that capture pointers to the object. In this
// example, the captured pointer is "this".
// fasync::future<int> accumulator::accumulate(int value) {
// return fasync::make_future([this, value] {
// prior_total_ += value;
// return fitx::ok(prior_total_);
// }) | fasync::wrap_with(scope_); // Binding to scope happens here.
// }
class scope final {
// Creates a new scope.
scope() : state_(new state()) {}
// Exits the scope and destroys all of its wrapped futures.
// Asserts that no futures are currently running.
~scope() { state_->exit(true /*scope_was_destroyed*/); }
constexpr scope(const scope&) = delete;
constexpr scope& operator=(const scope&) = delete;
constexpr scope(scope&&) = delete;
constexpr scope& operator=(scope&&) = delete;
// Returns true if the scope has been exited.
// This method is thread-safe.
bool exited() const { return state_->exited(); }
// Exits the scope and destroys all of its wrapped futures.
// Assets that no futures are currently running.
// This method is thread-safe.
void exit() { return state_->exit(false /*scope_was_destroyed*/); }
// Returns a future which wraps the specified |future| and binds the future to this scope.
// The specified future will automatically be destroyed when its wrapper is destroyed or when the
// scope is exited. If the scope has already exited then the wrapped future will be immediately
// destroyed.
// When the returned future is invoked before the scope is exited, the future that it wraps will
// be invoked as usual. However, when the returned future is invoked after the scope is exited, it
// immediately returns a pending result (since the future that it previously wrapped has already
// been destroyed). By returning a pending result, the return future effectively indicates to the
// executor that the task has been "abandoned" due to the scope being exited.
// This method is thread-safe.
template <typename F>
auto wrap(F&& future) {
return fasync::make_future(
scoped_future<F>(state_->adopt_future(new future_holder<F>(std::move(future)))));
class state;
class future_holder_base;
// Holds a reference to a future that is owned by the state.
class future_handle final {
constexpr future_handle() = default;
// |state| and |future| belong to the state object.
// Invariant: If |future_holder| is non-null then |state| is also non-null.
friend state;
constexpr future_handle(state* state, future_holder_base* future_holder)
: state_(state), future_holder_(future_holder) {}
state* state_ = nullptr;
future_holder_base* future_holder_ = nullptr;
// Holds the shared state of the scope.
// This object is destroyed once the scope and all of its futures have been destroyed.
class state final {
constexpr state() = default;
~state() {
assert(acquired_future_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == scope_exited);
assert(future_handle_count_ == 0);
assert(head_future_holder_ == nullptr);
constexpr state(const state&) = delete;
constexpr state& operator=(const state&) = delete;
constexpr state(state&&) = delete;
constexpr state& operator=(state&&) = delete;
// The following methods are called from the |scope|.
bool exited() const {
return acquired_future_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & scope_exited;
void exit(bool scope_was_destroyed) {
future_holder_base* release_head = nullptr;
bool delete_self = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
scope_was_destroyed_ = scope_was_destroyed;
// Atomically exit the scope. We cannot do this safely if there are any running futures
// since they might still be accessing state which is guarded by the scope. Worse, if a
// future re-entrantly destroys the scope during its execution then as a side-effect the
// future itself will be destroyed. So assert!
uint64_t prior_count =, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (!(prior_count & scope_exited)) {
// Cannot exit fasync::scope while any of its futures are running!
assert(prior_count == 0);
// Take the futures so they can be deleted outside of the lock.
release_head = head_future_holder_;
head_future_holder_ = nullptr;
// If there are no more handles then we can delete the state now.
delete_self = should_delete_self();
// Delete aborted futures and self outside of the lock.
while (release_head) {
future_holder_base* release_next = release_head->next;
delete release_head;
release_head = release_next;
if (delete_self) {
delete this;
// The following methods are called from the |scoped_future|.
// Links a future to the scope's lifecycle such that it will be destroyed when the scope is
// exited. Returns a handle that may be used to access the future later.
// The state takes ownership of the future.
future_handle adopt_future(future_holder_base* future_holder) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
assert(!scope_was_destroyed_); // Otherwise how did we get here?
// If the scope hasn't been exited yet, link the future and mint a new handle. Otherwise we
// will abort the future.
if (!exited()) {
if (head_future_holder_) {
head_future_holder_->prev = future_holder;
future_holder->next = head_future_holder_;
head_future_holder_ = future_holder;
return future_handle(this, future_holder);
// Delete aborted future outside of the lock.
delete future_holder;
return future_handle{};
// Unlinks a future from the scope's lifecycle given its handle and causes the underlying future
// to be destroyed if it hasn't already been destroyed due to the scope exiting.
// Does nothing if the handle was default-initialized.
static void drop_future(future_handle future_handle) {
if (!future_handle.future_holder_) {
return; // Invalid handle, nothing to do.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(future_handle.state_->mutex_);
// If the scope hasn't been exited yet, unlink the future and prepare to destroy it.
// Otherwise, it's already been unlinked and destroyed so release the handle but don't touch
// the pointer!
assert(future_handle.state_->future_handle_count_ > 0);
if (!future_handle.state_->exited()) {
if (future_handle.future_holder_->next) {
future_handle.future_holder_->next->prev = future_handle.future_holder_->prev;
if (future_handle.future_holder_->prev) {
future_handle.future_holder_->prev->next = future_handle.future_holder_->next;
} else {
future_handle.state_->head_future_holder_ = future_handle.future_holder_->next;
// Fallthrough to delete the future.
} else if (!future_handle.state_->should_delete_self()) {
} else {
// Fallthrough to delete self.
future_handle.future_holder_ = nullptr;
// Delete the future or scope outside of the lock.
if (future_handle.future_holder_) {
delete future_handle.future_holder_;
} else {
delete future_handle.state_;
// Acquires a future given its handle.
// Returns nullptr if the handle was default-initialized or if the scope exited, meaning that
// the future was not acquired. The future must be released before it can be acquired again.
static future_holder_base* try_acquire_future(future_handle future_handle) {
if (future_handle.future_holder_) {
uint64_t prior_count =
future_handle.state_->acquired_future_count_.fetch_add(1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (!(prior_count & scope_exited)) {
return future_handle.future_holder_;
future_handle.state_->acquired_future_count_.fetch_sub(1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return nullptr;
// Releases a future that was successfully acquired.
static void release_future(future_handle future_handle) {
future_handle.state_->acquired_future_count_.fetch_sub(1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
constexpr bool should_delete_self() const FIT_REQUIRES(mutex_) {
return scope_was_destroyed_ && future_handle_count_ == 0;
static constexpr uint64_t scope_exited = static_cast<uint64_t>(1u) << 63;
// Tracks of the number of futures currently running ("acquired").
// The top bit is set when the scope is exited, at which point no new futures can be acquired.
// After exiting, the count can be incremented transiently but is immediately decremented again
// until all future handles have been released. Once no future handles remain, the count will
// equal |scope_exited| and will not change again.
std::atomic_uint64_t acquired_future_count_{0};
mutable std::mutex mutex_;
bool scope_was_destroyed_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_) = false;
uint64_t future_handle_count_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
future_holder_base* head_future_holder_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_) = nullptr;
// Base type for managing the lifetime of a future of any type.
// It is owned by the state and retained indirectly by the continuation using a |future_handle|.
class future_holder_base {
constexpr future_holder_base() = default;
virtual ~future_holder_base() = default;
constexpr future_holder_base(const future_holder_base&) = delete;
constexpr future_holder_base& operator=(const future_holder_base&) = delete;
constexpr future_holder_base(future_holder_base&&) = delete;
constexpr future_holder_base& operator=(future_holder_base&&) = delete;
// |next| and |prev| belong to the state object.
friend class state;
future_holder_base* next = nullptr;
future_holder_base* prev = nullptr;
// Holder for a future of a particular type.
template <typename F>
class future_holder final : public future_holder_base {
explicit constexpr future_holder(F&& future) : future(std::move(future)) {}
~future_holder() override = default;
F future;
// Wraps a future whose lifetime is managed by the scope.
template <typename F>
class scoped_future final {
explicit constexpr scoped_future(future_handle future_handle) : future_handle_(future_handle) {}
~scoped_future() { state::drop_future(future_handle_); }
constexpr scoped_future(const scoped_future&) = delete;
constexpr scoped_future& operator=(const scoped_future&) = delete;
constexpr scoped_future(scoped_future&& other) : future_handle_(other.future_handle_) {
other.future_handle_ = future_handle{};
scoped_future& operator=(scoped_future&& other) {
if (this != &other) {
future_handle_ = other.future_handle_;
other.future_handle_ = future_handle{};
return *this;
future_poll_t<F> operator()(context& context) {
future_poll_t<F> poll = fasync::pending();
auto holder = static_cast<future_holder<F>*>(state::try_acquire_future(future_handle_));
if (holder) {
poll = holder->future(context);
return poll;
future_handle future_handle_;
// The scope's shared state.
state* const state_;
} // namespace fasync