blob: 54531ccf6a9b9233133a273e67b6f8eea38bc027 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include "src/graphics/tests/common/utils.h"
#include "src/graphics/tests/common/vulkan_context.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
namespace {
constexpr size_t kNumBuffers = 2;
constexpr size_t kSrcBuffer = 0;
constexpr size_t kDstBuffer = 1;
constexpr uint8_t kSrcValue = 0xaa;
constexpr uint32_t kMB = 1024 * 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kTimestamps = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kTimestampBegin = 0;
constexpr uint32_t kTimestampEnd = 1;
} // namespace
class VkCopyTest {
explicit VkCopyTest(uint32_t buffer_size) : buffer_size_(buffer_size) {}
virtual ~VkCopyTest();
bool Initialize();
bool Exec();
bool Validate();
void Elapsed(uint32_t kBufferSize, uint32_t kIterations);
bool InitBuffers(uint32_t buffer_size);
bool is_initialized_ = false;
uint32_t buffer_size_;
std::unique_ptr<VulkanContext> ctx_;
struct Buffer {
vk::BufferUsageFlagBits usage;
vk::UniqueBuffer buffer;
vk::UniqueDeviceMemory memory;
std::array<Buffer, kNumBuffers> buffers_;
vk::UniqueCommandPool command_pool_;
std::vector<vk::CommandBuffer> command_buffers_;
bool is_timestamp_supported_ = false;
float timestamp_period_;
vk::UniqueQueryPool query_pool_;
struct {
struct {
std::chrono::duration<double> min_ = std::chrono::duration<double>::max();
std::chrono::duration<double> max_ = std::chrono::duration<double>::zero();
std::chrono::duration<double> sum_ = std::chrono::duration<double>::zero();
} host;
struct {
uint64_t min_ = UINT64_MAX;
uint64_t max_ = 0UL;
uint64_t sum_ = 0UL;
} device;
} elapsed;
VkCopyTest::~VkCopyTest() {
if (is_initialized_) {
ctx_->device()->freeCommandBuffers(*command_pool_, command_buffers_);
is_initialized_ = false;
bool VkCopyTest::Initialize() {
if (is_initialized_) {
return false;
ctx_ = VulkanContext::Builder{}.set_validation_layers_enabled(false).Unique();
if (!ctx_) {
RTN_MSG(false, "Failed to initialize Vulkan.\n");
if (!InitBuffers(buffer_size_)) {
RTN_MSG(false, "InitBuffers failed.\n");
is_initialized_ = true;
return true;
bool VkCopyTest::InitBuffers(uint32_t buffer_size) {
vk::Result rv;
const auto &device = ctx_->device();
// If timestamps are supported, create query pool
vk::PhysicalDeviceProperties props;
if (props.limits.timestampComputeAndGraphics == VK_TRUE) {
is_timestamp_supported_ = true;
timestamp_period_ = props.limits.timestampPeriod;
vk::QueryPoolCreateInfo query_pool_info;
auto rvt_query_pool = device->createQueryPoolUnique(query_pool_info);
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rvt_query_pool.result) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Create query pool.\n", rvt_query_pool.result);
query_pool_ = std::move(rvt_query_pool.value);
// Allocate buffers
vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memory_props;
uint32_t memory_type = 0;
for (; memory_type < memory_props.memoryTypeCount; memory_type++) {
if (memory_props.memoryTypes[memory_type].propertyFlags &
vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible) {
if (memory_type >= memory_props.memoryTypeCount) {
RTN_MSG(false, "Can't find compatible mappable memory for image.\n");
buffers_[kSrcBuffer].usage = vk::BufferUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc;
buffers_[kDstBuffer].usage = vk::BufferUsageFlagBits::eTransferDst;
for (auto &buffer : buffers_) {
vk::BufferCreateInfo buffer_info;
buffer_info.size = buffer_size;
buffer_info.usage = buffer.usage;
buffer_info.sharingMode = vk::SharingMode::eExclusive;
auto rvt_buffer = device->createBufferUnique(buffer_info);
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rvt_buffer.result) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Create buffer.\n", rvt_buffer.result);
buffer.buffer = std::move(rvt_buffer.value);
vk::MemoryAllocateInfo alloc_info;
alloc_info.allocationSize = buffer_size;
alloc_info.memoryTypeIndex = memory_type;
auto rvt_memory = device->allocateMemoryUnique(alloc_info);
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rvt_memory.result) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Create buffer memory.\n", rvt_memory.result);
buffer.memory = std::move(rvt_memory.value);
void *addr;
rv = device->mapMemory(*(buffer.memory), 0 /* offset */, buffer_size, vk::MemoryMapFlags(),
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rv) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Map buffer memory.\n", rv);
uint8_t index = (buffer.usage == vk::BufferUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc) ? 0 : 1;
memset(addr, static_cast<uint8_t>(kSrcValue + index), buffer_size);
vk::MappedMemoryRange range;
range.memory = *(buffer.memory);
range.offset = 0;
range.size = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
device->flushMappedMemoryRanges(1, &range);
rv = device->bindBufferMemory(*(buffer.buffer), *(buffer.memory), 0 /* offset */);
if (rv != vk::Result::eSuccess) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Bind buffer memory.\n", rv);
vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo command_pool_info;
command_pool_info.queueFamilyIndex = ctx_->queue_family_index();
auto rvt_command_pool = device->createCommandPoolUnique(command_pool_info);
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rvt_command_pool.result) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Create command pool.\n", rvt_command_pool.result);
command_pool_ = std::move(rvt_command_pool.value);
vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo cmd_buff_alloc_info;
cmd_buff_alloc_info.commandPool = *command_pool_;
cmd_buff_alloc_info.level = vk::CommandBufferLevel::ePrimary;
cmd_buff_alloc_info.commandBufferCount = 1;
auto rvt_alloc_cmd_bufs = device->allocateCommandBuffers(cmd_buff_alloc_info);
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rvt_alloc_cmd_bufs.result) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Allocate command buffers.\n", rvt_alloc_cmd_bufs.result);
command_buffers_ = std::move(rvt_alloc_cmd_bufs.value);
vk::CommandBuffer &command_buffer = command_buffers_.front();
auto rv_begin = command_buffer.begin(vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo{});
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rv_begin) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Begin command buffer.\n", rv_begin);
if (is_timestamp_supported_) {
command_buffer.resetQueryPool(query_pool_.get(), 0, kTimestamps);
command_buffer.writeTimestamp(vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTopOfPipe, query_pool_.get(), 0);
vk::BufferCopy copy_region(0 /* srcOffset */, 0 /* dstOffset */, buffer_size);
command_buffer.copyBuffer(*(buffers_[kSrcBuffer].buffer), *(buffers_[kDstBuffer].buffer),
1 /* regionCount */, &copy_region);
if (is_timestamp_supported_) {
command_buffer.writeTimestamp(vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTransfer, query_pool_.get(), 1);
auto rv_end = command_buffer.end();
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rv_end) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - End command buffer.\n", rv_end);
return true;
bool VkCopyTest::Exec() {
// Submit command buffer and wait for it to complete.
vk::SubmitInfo submit_info;
submit_info.commandBufferCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(command_buffers_.size());
submit_info.pCommandBuffers =;
auto host_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto rv = ctx_->queue().submit(1 /* submitCt */, &submit_info, nullptr /* fence */);
if (rv != vk::Result::eSuccess) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - vk::Queue submit failed.\n", rv);
std::chrono::duration<double> const t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - host_start; = t < ? t :; = t > ? t :; += t;
// Device
if (is_timestamp_supported_) {
uint64_t timestamps[kTimestamps];
const auto &device = ctx_->device();
device->getQueryPoolResults(query_pool_.get(), //
0, //
kTimestamps, //
sizeof(timestamps), //
timestamps, //
sizeof(timestamps[0]), //
vk::QueryResultFlagBits::e64 | vk::QueryResultFlagBits::eWait);
uint64_t const t = timestamps[kTimestampEnd] - timestamps[kTimestampBegin];
elapsed.device.min_ = t < elapsed.device.min_ ? t : elapsed.device.min_;
elapsed.device.max_ = t > elapsed.device.max_ ? t : elapsed.device.max_;
elapsed.device.sum_ += t;
return true;
bool VkCopyTest::Validate() {
const auto &device = ctx_->device();
// Verify that we've copied from kSrcBuffer to kDstBuffer.
void *dst_addr;
auto rv_map = device->mapMemory(*(buffers_[kDstBuffer].memory), 0 /* offset */, buffer_size_,
vk::MemoryMapFlags(), &dst_addr);
vk::MappedMemoryRange range;
range.memory = *(buffers_[kDstBuffer].memory);
range.offset = 0;
range.size = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
device->invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(1, &range);
if (vk::Result::eSuccess != rv_map) {
RTN_MSG(false, "VK Error: 0x%x - Map buffer memory, value test.\n", rv_map);
if (*(static_cast<uint8_t *>(dst_addr)) != kSrcValue) {
RTN_MSG(false, "Dst buffer contents don't match src buffer - copy failed.\n");
return true;
void VkCopyTest::Elapsed(uint32_t kBufferSize, uint32_t kIterations) {
printf("Copy rates\n");
double const sum_mbs = static_cast<double>(kBufferSize) * kIterations / kMB;
double const buf_mbs = static_cast<double>(kBufferSize) / kMB;
printf("Wall Clock AVG : %9.2f MB/s ( %7.3f msecs )\n", //
sum_mbs /, // * 1000.0 / kIterations);
printf(" MIN : %9.2f MB/s ( %7.3f msecs )\n", //
buf_mbs /, // * 1000.0);
printf(" MAX : %9.2f MB/s ( %7.3f msecs )\n", //
buf_mbs /, // * 1000.0);
if (is_timestamp_supported_) {
double const elapsed_ns_sum = static_cast<double>(elapsed.device.sum_) * timestamp_period_;
double const elapsed_ns_min = static_cast<double>(elapsed.device.min_) * timestamp_period_;
double const elapsed_ns_max = static_cast<double>(elapsed.device.max_) * timestamp_period_;
printf("Timestamps AVG : %9.2f MB/s ( %7.3f msecs )\n", //
sum_mbs * 1e9 / elapsed_ns_sum, //
elapsed_ns_sum / (1e6 * kIterations));
printf(" MIN : %9.2f MB/s ( %7.3f msecs )\n", //
buf_mbs * 1e9 / elapsed_ns_max, //
elapsed_ns_max / 1e6);
printf(" MAX : %9.2f MB/s ( %7.3f msecs )\n", //
buf_mbs * 1e9 / elapsed_ns_min, //
elapsed_ns_min / 1e6);
int main() {
constexpr uint32_t kBufferSize = 6 * kMB;
constexpr uint32_t kIterations = 1000;
VkCopyTest app(kBufferSize);
if (!app.Initialize()) {
RTN_MSG(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not initialize app.\n");
"Copying : %.2f MB\n"
"Iterations : %u\n"
static_cast<double>(kBufferSize) / kMB, //
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < kIterations; iter++) {
if (!app.Exec()) {
RTN_MSG(EXIT_FAILURE, "Exec failed.\n");
if (!app.Validate()) {
RTN_MSG(EXIT_FAILURE, "Validate failed.\n");
app.Elapsed(kBufferSize, kIterations);