blob: 3d14698f65a504ab5a44536e11cccb6a4930008f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! `triage-detect` is responsible for auto-triggering crash reports in Fuchsia.
// TODO( Several things
// need to be answered and implemented before this is deployed.
// How and whether to gate/space crash report requests - should we queue them (with limited slots)
// the way PowerManager code does? (probably not)
// Should we throttle crash report requests (N per day) and where to enforce this?
// Do signatures need to be unique for each action? Namespaced between files?
// Integration test
// Restrict signature to lowercase-and-hyphens.
mod delay_tracker;
mod diagnostics;
mod snapshot;
mod triage_shim;
use {
anyhow::{bail, Context, Error},
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
log::{error, info, warn},
const MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS: i64 = 60 * 1_000_000_000;
const CONFIG_GLOB: &str = "/config/data/*";
const SIGNATURE_PREFIX: &str = "fuchsia-detect-";
const MINIMUM_SIGNATURE_INTERVAL_NANOS: i64 = 3600 * 1_000_000_000;
/// Command line args
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug)]
struct CommandLine {
/// how often to scan Diagnostic data
check_every: Option<String>,
/// ignore minimum times for testing. Never check in code with this flag set.
test_only: bool,
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Mode {
fn load_configuration_files() -> Result<HashMap<String, String>, Error> {
fn file_stem(file_path: &std::path::PathBuf) -> Result<String, Error> {
if let Some(s) = file_path.file_stem() {
if let Some(s) = s.to_str() {
return Ok(s.to_owned());
bail!("Bad path {:?} - can't find file_stem", file_path)
let mut file_contents = HashMap::new();
for file_path in glob(CONFIG_GLOB)? {
let file_path = file_path?;
let stem = file_stem(&file_path)?;
let config_text = std::fs::read_to_string(file_path)?;
file_contents.insert(stem, config_text);
fn load_command_line() -> Result<CommandLine, Error> {
// We can't just use the one-line argh parse, because that writes to stdout
// and stdout doesn't currently work in v2 components. Instead, grab and
// log the output.
let arg_strings = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let arg_strs: Vec<&str> = arg_strings.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
match CommandLine::from_args(&[arg_strs[0]], &arg_strs[1..]) {
Ok(args) => Ok(args),
Err(output) => {
for line in output.output.split("\n") {
warn!("CmdLine: {}", line);
match output.status {
Ok(()) => bail!("Exited as requested by command line args"),
Err(()) => bail!("Exited due to bad command line args"),
/// appropriate_check_interval determines the interval to check diagnostics, or signals error.
/// If the command line arg is empty, the interval is set to MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS.
/// If the command line can't be evaluated to an integer, an error is returned.
/// If the integer is below minimum and mode isn't Test, an error is returned.
/// If a valid integer is determined, it is returned as a zx::Duration.
fn appropriate_check_interval(
command_line_option: &Option<String>,
mode: &Mode,
) -> Result<zx::Duration, Error> {
let check_every = match &command_line_option {
Some(expression) => triage_shim::evaluate_int_math(&expression).or_else(|e| {
bail!("Check_every argument must be Minutes(n), Hours(n), etc. but: {}", e)
if check_every < MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS && *mode != Mode::Test {
"Minimum time to check is {} seconds; {} nanos is too small",
"Checking every {} seconds from command line '{:?}'",
check_every / 1_000_000_000,
// on_error logs any errors from `value` and then returns a Result.
// value must return a Result; error_message must contain one {} to put the error in.
macro_rules! on_error {
($value:expr, $error_message:expr) => {
$value.or_else(|e| {
let message = format!($error_message, e);
error!("{}", message);
bail!("{}", message)
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
fuchsia_syslog::init_with_tags(&["detect"]).context("initializing logging").unwrap();
let args = on_error!(load_command_line(), "Command line error: {}")?;
let mode = match args.test_only {
true => Mode::Test,
false => Mode::Production,
let check_every = on_error!(
appropriate_check_interval(&args.check_every, &mode),
"Invalid command line arg for check time: {}"
let configuration =
on_error!(load_configuration_files(), "Error reading configuration files: {}")?;
let triage_engine = on_error!(
"Failed to parse Detect configuration files: {}"
info!("Loaded and parsed .triage files");
let selectors = triage_engine.selectors();
let mut diagnostic_source = diagnostics::DiagnosticFetcher::create(selectors)?;
let snapshot_service = snapshot::CrashReportHandlerBuilder::new().build()?;
let system_time = UtcTime::new();
let mut delay_tracker = DelayTracker::new(&system_time, mode);
// Start the first scan as soon as the program starts, via the "missed deadline" logic below.
let mut next_check_time = fasync::Time::INFINITE_PAST;
loop {
if next_check_time < fasync::Time::now() {
// We missed a deadline, so don't wait at all; start the check. But first
// schedule the next check time at now() + check_every.
if next_check_time != fasync::Time::INFINITE_PAST {
"Missed diagnostic check deadline {:?} by {:?} nanos",
fasync::Time::now() - next_check_time
next_check_time = fasync::Time::now() + check_every;
} else {
// Wait until time for the next check.
// Now it should be approximately next_check_time o'clock. To avoid drift from
// delays, calculate the next check time by adding check_every to the current
// next_check_time.
next_check_time += check_every;
let diagnostics = diagnostic_source.get_diagnostics().await;
let diagnostics = match diagnostics {
Ok(diagnostics) => diagnostics,
Err(e) => {
error!("Fetching diagnostics failed: {}", e);
let snapshot_requests = triage_engine.evaluate(diagnostics);
for snapshot in snapshot_requests.into_iter() {
if delay_tracker.ok_to_send(&snapshot) {
let signature = format!("{}{}", SIGNATURE_PREFIX, snapshot.signature);
if let Err(e) = snapshot_service.request_snapshot(SnapshotRequest::new(signature)) {
error!("Snapshot request failed: {}", e);
mod test {
use super::*;
fn verify_appropriate_check_interval() -> Result<(), Error> {
let error_a = Some("a".to_string());
let error_empty = Some("".to_string());
let raw_1 = Some("1".to_string());
let raw_1_result = zx::Duration::from_nanos(1);
let short_time = Some(format!("Nanos({})", MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS - 1));
let short_time_result = zx::Duration::from_nanos(MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS - 1);
let minimum_time = Some(format!("Nanos({})", MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS));
let minimum_time_result = zx::Duration::from_nanos(MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS);
let long_time = Some(format!("Nanos({})", MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS + 1));
let long_time_result = zx::Duration::from_nanos(MINIMUM_CHECK_TIME_NANOS + 1);
assert!(appropriate_check_interval(&error_a, &Mode::Test).is_err());
assert!(appropriate_check_interval(&error_empty, &Mode::Test).is_err());
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&None, &Mode::Test)?, minimum_time_result);
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&raw_1, &Mode::Test)?, raw_1_result);
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&short_time, &Mode::Test)?, short_time_result);
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&minimum_time, &Mode::Test)?, minimum_time_result);
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&long_time, &Mode::Test)?, long_time_result);
assert!(appropriate_check_interval(&error_a, &Mode::Production).is_err());
assert!(appropriate_check_interval(&error_empty, &Mode::Production).is_err());
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&None, &Mode::Production)?, minimum_time_result);
assert!(appropriate_check_interval(&raw_1, &Mode::Production).is_err());
assert!(appropriate_check_interval(&short_time, &Mode::Production).is_err());
appropriate_check_interval(&minimum_time, &Mode::Production)?,
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&long_time, &Mode::Test)?, long_time_result);
assert_eq!(appropriate_check_interval(&long_time, &Mode::Production)?, long_time_result);