blob: eaec9615dadb755eb790e384bdd013ca5cc8c538 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library ddk.protocol.goldfish.pipe;
using zx;
/// Maximum number of buffers that can be used for read/write commands.
const uint32 MAX_BUFFERS_PER_COMMAND = 336;
/// Codes for supported pipe commands.
enum PipeCmdCode : int32 {
OPEN = 1;
CLOSE = 2;
POLL = 3;
WRITE = 4;
READ = 6;
/// Wake flags received through signal callback.
enum PipeWakeFlag : int32 {
READ = 2;
WRITE = 4;
/// Pipe command errors. 0 is success.
enum PipeError : int32 {
INVAL = -1;
AGAIN = -2;
NOMEM = -3;
IO = -4;
/// Additional command parameters used for read/write commands.
/// Note: This structure is known to both the virtual device and driver.
[Packed, repr="C"]
struct PipeCmdReadWriteParams {
uint32 buffers_count;
int32 consumed_size;
array<uint64>:MAX_BUFFERS_PER_COMMAND ptrs;
array<uint32>:MAX_BUFFERS_PER_COMMAND sizes;
/// Pipe command structure used for all commands.
/// Note: This structure is known to both the virtual device and driver.
[Packed, repr="C"]
struct PipeCmdBuffer {
int32 cmd;
int32 id;
int32 status;
int32 reserved;
PipeCmdReadWriteParams rw_params;
/// Signal callback interface used for notifications.
[Layout = "ddk-callback"]
protocol GoldfishPipeSignalValue {
Callback(int32 flags) -> ();
/// This interface can be used to establish a goldfish pipe connection. The
/// client is responsible for managing the command structure associated with
/// the pipe and should issue a 'close' command before destroying a previously
/// opened pipe. Failure to do so may result in host side resources that are
/// not cleaned up properly.
[Layout = "ddk-protocol"]
protocol GoldfishPipe {
/// Create a new pipe connection. The |id| identifies the pipe and must
/// be used for all subsequent commands. The memory that will be used
/// as command structure is returned in |vmo|.
Create(GoldfishPipeSignalValue cb_value) -> (zx.status s, int32 id, handle<vmo> vmo);
/// Destroy a previously created pipe connection.
Destroy(int32 id);
/// Open pipe connection. This must be called before any other
/// commands are issued and will cause the physical address of the
/// command structure to be a associated with the pipe. The command
/// structure must contain {.cmd = OPEN, .id = id} at the time this
/// request is issued.
Open(int32 id);
/// Execute pipe command stored in associated command structure.
Exec(int32 id);
/// Get BTI that can be used create IO buffers for read/write commands.
GetBti() -> (zx.status s, handle<bti> bti);