blob: e2fc9430379cd6c151f10277fdc5a9ca301eb00f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.tracelink;
using zx;
// The provider interface which applications must implement and register
// with the |TraceRegistry| to participate in tracing.
// See //zircon/system/ulib/trace-provider/ for a C++ implementation of
// this interface which can easily be configured by an application.
protocol Provider {
// Starts writing trace records for events in the specified |categories|
// into |buffer| using |fifo| for signaling.
// |buffering_mode| specifies what happens when the buffer fills.
// ONESHOT: The provider must stop tracing.
// CIRCULAR: Continue tracing, dropping oldest records to make room
// for new ones.
// STREAMING: As the buffer fills notify TraceManager that it needs to be
// saved so that tracing can continue without dropping records. Whether
// records get dropped depends on how fast TraceManager is able to save
// intermediate buffers. No guarantee is made that records won't be
// dropped. Coordination of the saving of buffers is done via |fifo|.
// See trace-provider/provider.h for details.
// When the trace provider observes |ZX_FIFO_PEER_CLOSED| on |fifo|, it must
// assume the trace manager has terminated abnormally (since |Stop| was
// not received as usual) and stop tracing automatically, discarding
// any in-flight trace data.
// At most one trace can be running at a time. If the trace provider
// receives a request to start tracing while already tracing, it must
// ignore the request.
// There is no result. If the provider successfully starts it must send a
// TRACE_PROVIDER_STARTED packet on |fifo|.
// #include <trace-provider/provider.h> to get |TRACE_PROVIDER_STARTED|.
// To indicate failure to start close |fifo|.
Start(BufferingMode buffering_mode,
handle<vmo> buffer, handle<fifo> fifo,
vector<string:100>:100 categories);
// Stops tracing.
// Once the provider has finished writing any final events to the trace
// buffer, it must close both |buffer| and |fifo| to indicate to the trace
// manager that tracing is finished.
// The service which trace providers use to register themselves with
// the tracing system.
// Note that one property of this interface is that once registration is made
// the provider can drop this connection.
[Discoverable, Layout = "Simple"]
protocol Registry {
// Registers the trace provider.
// Note: Registration is asynchronous, it's only at some point after this
// returns that the provider is actually registered.
// To unregister, simply close the TraceProvider pipe.
RegisterTraceProviderDeprecated(Provider provider);
// Registers the trace provider.
// Note: Registration is asynchronous, it's only at some point after this
// returns that the provider is actually registered.
// To unregister, simply close the TraceProvider pipe.
RegisterTraceProvider(Provider provider, zx.koid pid, string:100 name);
// Registers the trace provider synchronously. The call doesn't return
// until the provider is registered.
// On return |s| is ZX_OK if registration was successful.
// |started| is true if tracing has already started, which is a hint to
// the provider to wait for the Start() message before continuing if it
// wishes to not drop trace records before Start() is received.
// To unregister, simply close the TraceProvider pipe.
RegisterTraceProviderSynchronously(Provider provider, zx.koid pid, string:100 name) -> (zx.status s, bool started);
// The trace buffering mode.
enum BufferingMode : uint8 {
// In oneshot mode there is only one buffer that is not reused. When the
// buffer fills the provider just keeps dropping records, keeping a count,
// and then when tracing stops the header is updated to record final state.
// In circular mode, the buffer is effectively split into two pieces.
// When a buffer fills writing immediately continues with the other
// buffer, and this continues until tracing stops.
// In streaming mode, the buffer is effectively split into two pieces.
// When a buffer fills the provider:
// - TODO(dje): Say more here.
// and then, when the buffer is saved, the manager:
// - TODO(dje): Say more here.
// If the manager hasn't saved the buffer in time, and the other buffer
// fills, then the provider is required to keep dropping records until
// the buffer is ready.