blob: 8b5cc424e2192b2fa4d77b3f0b971c20b36a620b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/callback/capture.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <functional>
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
// This Coroutine library allows to use coroutines. A coroutine is a function
// that can interrupt itself by yielding, and the computation will resume at the
// same point when another context of execution resumes the coroutine using
// its handler.
namespace coroutine {
// The status of a coroutine when it returns from Yield.
enum class ContinuationStatus : bool {
// The coroutine is in its standard state. Computation can continue.
// The coroutine has been interrupted, it must unwind its stack and terminate.
// The Handler of a coroutine. It allows a coroutine to yield and another
// context of execution to resume the computation.
// Threading: until the first Yield(), the coroutine executes on the thread that
// called CoroutineService::StartCoroutine(). Between Yield() and Resume(),
// the handler can be passed to another thread - the computation resumes on the
// thread that called Resume().
class CoroutineHandler {
virtual ~CoroutineHandler() {}
// Yield the current coroutine. This must only be called from inside the
// coroutine associated with this handler. If Yield returns |INTERRUPTED|, the
// coroutine must unwind its stack and terminate.
FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual ContinuationStatus Yield() = 0;
// Restarts the computation of the coroutine associated with this handler.
// This must only be called outside of the coroutine when it is yielded. If
// |status| is |INTERRUPTED|, |Yield| will return |INTERRUPTED| when the
// coroutine is resumed, asking it to terminate.
virtual void Resume(ContinuationStatus status) = 0;
// The service handling coroutines. It allows to create new coroutines.
// Destructing the service will terminate all active coroutines. All the
// non-terminated coroutines will eventually be activated and asked to
// terminate.
class CoroutineService {
virtual ~CoroutineService() {}
// Starts a new coroutine that will execute |runnable|.
virtual void StartCoroutine(
fit::function<void(CoroutineHandler*)> runnable) = 0;
// Allows to execute an asynchronous call in a coroutine. The coroutine will
// yield until the asynchronous call terminates, it will then be resumed and
// will store the results of the asynchronous calls in |parameters|. If
// |SyncCall| returns |INTERRUPTED|, the coroutine must unwind its stack and
// terminate.
// |async_call| will be never be called after this method returns. As such, it
// can capture local variables by reference.
// For instance, suppose you have the following asynchronous function
// LongAsyncComputation that signals its completion by passing the computed
// string and integer to a callback:
// void LongAsyncComputation(fit::function<void(std::string, int)> on_done);
// Here is how to execute it synchronously in a coroutine:
// CoroutineHandler* handler;
// std::string s; int i;
// if (SyncCall(handler, &LongAsyncComputation, &s, &i) ==
// ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
// return ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED;
// }
// FXL_LOG(INFO) << "LongAsyncComputation returned: " << s << " " << i;
// Another usage pattern is to have a lambda in place of LongAsyncComputation,
// that will immediately store the callback provided by SyncCall in some
// ancillary data structure. The SyncCall will then yield until some other part
// of the code invokes this callback with a result:
// if (SyncCall(handler,
// [this](fit::function<void(string, int)> on_done) {
// pending_callbacks_.emplace_back(std::move(on_done));
// },
// &s, &i) == ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
// return ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED;
// }
// FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Some background task computed: " << s << " " << i;
template <typename A, typename... Args>
FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ContinuationStatus SyncCall(CoroutineHandler* handler,
A async_call,
Args*... parameters) {
class TerminationSentinel
: public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<TerminationSentinel> {
bool terminated = false;
auto termination_sentinel = fxl::MakeRefCounted<TerminationSentinel>();
auto on_return = fit::defer(
[termination_sentinel] { termination_sentinel->terminated = true; });
volatile bool sync_state = true;
volatile bool callback_called = false;
// Unblock the coroutine (by having it return early) if the asynchronous call
// drops its callback without ever calling it.
auto unblocker = fit::defer([termination_sentinel, &handler, &sync_state] {
if (termination_sentinel->terminated) {
if (sync_state) {
sync_state = false;
auto capture = callback::Capture(
[&sync_state, &callback_called, handler,
unblocker = std::move(unblocker)]() mutable {
// |capture| is already gated by the termination sentinel below. No need
// to re-check here.
callback_called = true;
if (sync_state) {
sync_state = false;
capture = std::move(capture)](Args... args) mutable {
if (termination_sentinel->terminated) {
// If sync_state is still true, the callback was not called. Yield until it
// is.
if (sync_state) {
sync_state = false;
return handler->Yield();
return callback_called ? ContinuationStatus::OK
: ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED;
} // namespace coroutine