blob: d4fcfbbe7f991b0e6d86114da535934a1119869c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# ________ _________ ________ ________
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# This is an allowlist of targets that use the deprecated `syslog` C++ library.
# C++ libraries should now be using `//sdk/lib/syslog/cpp` instead.
# Developers are encouraged to migrate to use the `diagnostics_log` and `tracing` libraries
# instead which bring structured logging support.
# The policy at this time is:
# 1. Pre-existing use of syslog in fuchsia.git are allowlisted.
# 2. Use of syslog in new libraries and binaries is strongly discouraged and only allowed
# under special circumstances under which the new library isn't covering the needs.
# To add items to the allowlist, please send a change to one of the OWNERS of
# this file to add an element to the visibility list below.
# Please allowlist entire directories rather than individual targets as it
# requires less allowlist churn over time.
# To regenerate:
# fx gn refs $(fx get-build-dir) /zircon/system/ulib/syslog:syslog //zircon/system/ulib/syslog | sed 's|\(.*:\).*|"\1*",|' | sort | uniq
syslog_visibility_allowlist = [
# At this time we are not enforcing restrictions on the below.
syslog_visibility_allowlist += [
# Syslog code can depend on syslog.
syslog_visibility_allowlist += [ "//zircon/system/ulib/syslog:*" ]
syslog_visibility_allowlist += [ "//build/sdk:deprecated_sdk_shared_libraries_to_build_at_all_supported_api_levels" ]
syslog_headers_visibility_allowlist = [
syslog_headers_visibility_allowlist += [
# Syslog code can depend on syslog-headers.
syslog_headers_visibility_allowlist += [ "//zircon/system/ulib/syslog:*" ]
syslog_headers = [
zx_library("syslog") {
sdk = "shared"
sdk_publishable = true
sdk_headers = syslog_headers
sources = [
deps = [
runtime_deps = [
visibility = syslog_visibility_allowlist
zx_library("syslog-headers") {
sdk = "static"
sdk_publishable = true
sdk_headers = syslog_headers
visibility = syslog_headers_visibility_allowlist
source_set("helpers") {
sources = [
deps = [ ":syslog-headers" ]
_test_sources = [
_test_deps = [
test("syslog-test") {
sources = _test_sources
deps = _test_deps + [ ":syslog" ]
fuchsia_unittest_component("c-syslog-test") {
deps = [ ":syslog-test" ]
fuchsia_test_package("c-syslog-tests") {
test_components = [ ":c-syslog-test" ]
fuchsia_unittest_component("c-syslog-defaults-test") {
deps = [ ":syslog-defaults-test" ]
fuchsia_test_package("c-syslog-defaults-tests") {
test_components = [ ":c-syslog-defaults-test" ]
test("syslog-defaults-test") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [