blob: 9423012eac71698d68109a73e011232675a4780a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# Real device produced device tree binary format files. These files are the blobs obtained from such devices.
# Reconstructed 'dts' files live along the 'dtb' files but are not exported.
# NOTE: Do NOT regenerate 'dtb' files from the dts file, this might change the structure of the blob obtained
# from the device.
dtb_real = [
# Synthetic devicetree source files meant for testing, they are not required to reflect any real node.
dts_synthetic = [
# Compile the synthetic source file to get blobs.
dtb_synthetic = []
dtb_synthetic_deps = []
foreach(dts_file, dts_synthetic) {
dtb_target = get_path_info(dts_file, "name")
dtb(dtb_target) {
sources = [ dts_file ]
dtb_synthetic += get_target_outputs(":$dtb_target")
dtb_synthetic_deps += [ ":$dtb_target" ]
dtb_all = dtb_real + dtb_synthetic
# Check for no overlapping files, so we guarantee that they all fit in the same subdirectory.
filenames = []
foreach(dtb, dtb_all) {
curr = [ get_path_info(dtb, "file") ]
assert(filenames + curr - curr == filenames,
"dtb_all file names must be unique. '${curr[0]}' is duplicated.")
filenames += curr
curr = []
if (is_host) {
runtime_path = "test_data/devicetree"
} else {
runtime_path = "data"
# Provides relative path from the executable to the repository directory.
# The expected path is platform specific.
config("data_path") {
defines = [ "LIB_DEVICETREE_DATA=\"$runtime_path\"" ]
if (is_host) {
host_test_data("data") {
sources = dtb_all
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$runtime_path/{{source_file_part}}" ]
deps = dtb_synthetic_deps
} else {
resource("data") {
sources = dtb_all
outputs = [ "$runtime_path/{{source_file_part}}" ]
deps = dtb_synthetic_deps