blob: ca8df1bbfbb67584def3b1c61ec29b62d2120c81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fuzz
import (
// A Fuzzer represents a fuzzer present on an instance.
type Fuzzer struct {
build Build
// Name is `package/binary`
Name string
pkg string
component string
manifest string
pkgUrl string
url string
args []string
options map[string]string
useFfx bool
// 1 is the default `exitcode` from SanitizerCommonFlags
// 7x are from compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerOptions.h
var expectedFuzzerReturnCodes = []int{
0, // no crash
1, // sanitizer error
70, // libFuzzer timeout
71, // libFuzzer OOM
77, // libFuzzer crash
func NewV2Fuzzer(build Build, pkg, component string, useFfx bool) *Fuzzer {
return newFuzzer(build, pkg, component, "cm", useFfx)
func newFuzzer(build Build, pkg, component, manifestExt string, useFfx bool) *Fuzzer {
manifest := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", component, manifestExt)
pkgUrl := "fuchsia-pkg://" + pkg
return &Fuzzer{
build: build,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pkg, component),
pkg: pkg,
component: component,
manifest: manifest,
pkgUrl: pkgUrl,
url: fmt.Sprintf("%s#meta/%s", pkgUrl, manifest),
useFfx: useFfx,
func (f *Fuzzer) IsExample() bool {
// Temporarily allow specific examples through for testing ClusterFuzz behavior in production
return f.pkg == "example-fuzzers" &&
!(f.Name == "example-fuzzers/out_of_memory_fuzzer" ||
f.Name == "example-fuzzers/toy_example_arbitrary")
// Return whether or not undercoat should command the fuzzer using `ffx fuzz`.
func (f *Fuzzer) useFfxFuzz() bool {
return f.useFfx
// Return whether or not undercoat should command the fuzzer using `fuzz_ctl`.
func (f *Fuzzer) useFuzzCtl() bool {
return !f.useFfxFuzz()
// Map paths as referenced by ClusterFuzz to internally-used paths as seen by
// libFuzzer, SFTP, etc.
func (f *Fuzzer) translatePath(relpath string) string {
if f.useFfxFuzz() {
// Not necessary for ffx
return relpath
// Note: we can't use path.Join or other path functions that normalize the path
// because it will drop trailing slashes, which is important to preserve in
// places like artifact_prefix.
// Rewrite all references to data/ to tmp/ for better performance
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "data/") {
relpath = "tmp/" + strings.TrimPrefix(relpath, "data/")
return relpath
// AbsPath returns the absolute target path for a given relative path in a
// fuzzer package. The path may differ depending on whether it is identified as
// a resource, data, or neither.
func (f *Fuzzer) AbsPath(relpath string) string {
if f.useFfxFuzz() {
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, cachePrefix) {
// No-op if already "absolute"
return relpath
} else {
// Extremely basic path normalization
if !strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "/") {
relpath = "/" + relpath
urlAsPath := strings.ReplaceAll(f.url, "/", "_")
urlAsPath = strings.ReplaceAll(urlAsPath, "#", "__")
return path.Join(cachePrefix+urlAsPath, relpath)
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "/") {
return relpath
relpath = f.translatePath(relpath)
if f.useFuzzCtl() {
return fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/fuzz_ctl/",
f.pkg, f.component, strings.TrimPrefix(relpath, "tmp/"))
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "pkg/") {
return fmt.Sprintf("/pkgfs/packages/%s/0/%s", f.pkg, relpath[4:])
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "data/") {
return fmt.Sprintf("/data/r/sys/",
f.pkg, f.manifest, relpath[5:])
if strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "tmp/") {
return fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/r/sys/",
f.pkg, f.manifest, relpath[4:])
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s", relpath)
// Parse command line arguments for the fuzzer. For '-key=val' style options,
// the last 'val' for a given 'key' is used. Any previously parsed options will
// be discarded.
func (f *Fuzzer) Parse(args []string) {
f.args = []string{}
f.options = make(map[string]string)
// For reference, see libFuzzer's flag-parsing method (`FlagValue`) in:
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^-([^-=\s]+)=(.*)$`)
for _, arg := range args {
submatch := re.FindStringSubmatch(arg)
if submatch == nil {
f.args = append(f.args, f.translatePath(arg))
} else {
f.options[submatch[1]] = f.translatePath(submatch[2])
// Fetch and echo the syslog for the given `pid` to `out`
func dumpSyslog(pid int, conn Connector, out io.Writer) error {
if pid == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch syslog: missing pid")
log, err := conn.GetSysLog(pid)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch syslog: %s", err)
io.WriteString(out, log+"\n")
return nil
func scanForPIDs(conn Connector, out io.WriteCloser, in io.ReadCloser) chan error {
scanErr := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
// Propagate EOFs, so that:
// - The symbolizer terminates properly.
defer out.Close()
// - The fuzzer doesn't block if an early exit occurs later in the chain.
defer in.Close()
// mutRegex detects output from
// MutationDispatcher::PrintMutationSequence
// (compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerMutate.cpp), which itself is called
// from Fuzzer::DumpCurrentUnit (compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp)
// as part of exit/crash callbacks
mutRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^MS: [0-9]*`)
pidRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^==([0-9]+)==`)
sawMut := false
sawPid := false
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(in)
pid := 0
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if _, err := io.WriteString(out, line+"\n"); err != nil {
scanErr <- fmt.Errorf("error writing: %s", err)
if m := pidRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
pid, _ = strconv.Atoi(m[1]) // guaranteed parseable due to regex
glog.Infof("Found fuzzer PID: %d", pid)
if sawPid {
glog.Warningf("Saw multiple PIDs; ignoring")
sawPid = true
if mutRegex.MatchString(line) {
glog.Infof("Found mutation sequence: %s", line)
if sawMut {
glog.Warningf("Saw multiple mutation sequences; ignoring")
sawMut = true
if err := dumpSyslog(pid, conn, out); err != nil {
// Include this warning inline so it is visible in fuzzer logs
fmt.Fprintf(out, "WARNING: %s\n", err)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
scanErr <- err
// If we haven't already dumped the syslog inline, do it here now that
// the process has exited. This will happen in non-fuzzing cases, such
// as repro runs.
if !sawMut {
if err := dumpSyslog(pid, conn, out); err != nil {
// Include this warning inline so it is visible in fuzzer logs
fmt.Fprintf(out, "WARNING: %s\n", err)
scanErr <- nil
return scanErr
// TODO( We can rely less on these fragile regexes if we
// switch to machine-parseable output streams.
func scanForArtifacts(out io.WriteCloser, in io.ReadCloser, artifactPrefix,
hostArtifactDir string, config *ffxFuzzRunConfig) (chan error, chan []string) {
// Only replace the directory part of the artifactPrefix, which is
// guaranteed to be at least "tmp"
artifactDir := path.Dir(artifactPrefix)
scanErr := make(chan error, 1)
artifactsCh := make(chan []string, 1)
go func() {
// Propagate EOFs, so that:
// - The symbolizer terminates properly.
defer out.Close()
// - scanForPIDs doesn't block if an early exit occurs later in the chain.
defer in.Close()
outputCorpus := ""
testcasePath := ""
if config != nil {
outputCorpus = config.outputCorpus
testcasePath = config.testcasePath
artifacts := []string{}
// Matching lines are produced by `fuzz_ctl` before any lines that match other regexes.
setOutputCorpusRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`Using '([^']+)' as the output corpus.`)
setTestcasePathRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`Using '([^']+)' as the test input.`)
// Matching lines are produced by libFuzzer.
artifactRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`Test unit written to (\S+)`)
testcaseRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^Running: (tmp/.+)`)
corpusRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+ files found in tmp/`)
// Matching lines are produced by libFuzzer when run as a V2 fuzzer.
testcaseRegexV2 := regexp.MustCompile(`^Running: /tmp/temp_corpus`)
outputCorpusRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`files found in /tmp/live_corpus`)
// Matching lines are produced by either `fuzz_ctl` or ffx fuzz`.
artifactRegexV2 := regexp.MustCompile(`(?:Input saved|Minimized input written) to '([^']+)'`)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(in)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if m := artifactRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
glog.Infof("Found artifact: %s", m[1])
if m[1] == "/tmp/result_input" {
// For v2 fuzzers, this is a hardcoded exact_artifact_path.
// We want to suppress this line for now, because
// ClusterFuzz parses it to find the artifact and we don't
// yet know the "real" artifact filename (until
// artifactRegexV2 is triggered below)
line = ""
} else {
artifacts = append(artifacts, m[1])
if hostArtifactDir != "" {
line = strings.Replace(line, artifactDir, hostArtifactDir, 2)
} else if m := artifactRegexV2.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
glog.Infof("Found v2 artifact: %s", m[1])
// This is a virtual target path that mimics what libFuzzer
// would have done. It will be mapped into existence, as
// necessary, after the fuzzer completes.
artifactPrefix = "tmp/"
artifactPath := path.Join(artifactPrefix, filepath.Base(m[1]))
artifacts = append(artifacts, artifactPath)
if hostArtifactDir != "" {
// All paths should become host paths
artifactPrefix = hostArtifactDir + "/"
artifactPath = filepath.Join(hostArtifactDir, filepath.Base(m[1]))
// Emit a libFuzzer-style artifact line now that we know the full artifact name
line = fmt.Sprintf("artifact_prefix='%s'; Test unit written to %s",
artifactPrefix, artifactPath)
} else if m := testcaseRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
// The ClusterFuzz integration test for the repro workflow
// expects to see the path of the passed testcase echoed back
// in libFuzzer's output, so we can't leak the fact that we've
// translated paths behind the scenes. Since that test is the
// only place that relies on this behavior, this rewriting may
// possibly be removed in the future if the test changes.
line = "Running: data/" + strings.TrimPrefix(m[1], "tmp/")
} else if m := testcaseRegexV2.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
// See above, with different logic for CFF
line = "Running: " + testcasePath
} else if m := outputCorpusRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
// This is just to pass ClusterFuzz integration tests
if outputCorpus != "" {
line = strings.Replace(line, "/tmp/live_corpus", outputCorpus, 1)
} else if m := corpusRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
// As above, this is just to pass ClusterFuzz integration tests.
line = strings.Replace(line, "tmp/", "data/", 1)
} else if m := setOutputCorpusRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
outputCorpus = strings.Replace(m[1], "tmp/", "data/", 1)
} else if m := setTestcasePathRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
testcasePath = strings.Replace(m[1], "tmp/", "data/", 1)
if _, err := io.WriteString(out, line+"\n"); err != nil {
scanErr <- fmt.Errorf("error writing: %s", err)
scanErr <- scanner.Err()
artifactsCh <- artifacts
return scanErr, artifactsCh
// PrepareFuzzer ensures the named fuzzer is ready to be used on the Instance.
// This must be called before running the fuzzer or exchanging any data with
// the fuzzer.
func (f *Fuzzer) Prepare(conn Connector) error {
var dataPath string
if f.useFfxFuzz() {
// Stop any existing session that may have gotten stuck, and reset the
// fuzzer's options and live corpus.
if _, err := conn.FfxRun("", "fuzz", "stop", f.url); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error ensuring fuzzer is stopped: %s", err)
dataPath = ""
} else if f.useFuzzCtl() {
if err := conn.Command("fuzz_ctl", "reset", f.url).Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error resetting fuzzer %q: %s", f.pkgUrl, err)
return nil
} else {
// TODO( We shouldn't rely on executing these commands
if err := conn.Command("pkgctl", "resolve", f.pkgUrl).Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error resolving fuzzer package %q: %s", f.pkgUrl, err)
// Kill any prior running instances of this fuzzer that may have gotten stuck
if err := conn.Command("killall", f.pkgUrl).Run(); err != nil {
// `killall` will return -1 if no matching task is found, but this is fine
if cmderr, ok := err.(*InstanceCmdError); !ok || cmderr.ReturnCode != 255 {
return fmt.Errorf("error killing any existing instances of %q: %s", f.pkgUrl, err)
dataPath = "tmp/*"
// Clear any persistent data in the fuzzer's namespace, resetting its state
if err := conn.RmDir(f.AbsPath(dataPath)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error clearing fuzzer data namespace %q: %s", dataPath, err)
return nil
// Mapping from libFuzzer args -> CFF args
// Essentially the inverse of the mapping in LibFuzzerRunner::AddArgs() in:
// Defaults are from:
type cffOption struct {
name string
unit string
defaultValue string
var optionMapping = map[string]*cffOption{
"runs": {"runs", "count", "0"},
"max_total_time": {"max_total_time", "time", "0s"},
"seed": {"seed", "int", "0"},
"max_len": {"max_input_size", "byte", "1mb"},
"mutate_depth": {"mutation_depth", "int", "5"},
"detect_leaks": {"detect_leaks", "bool", "false"},
"timeout": {"run_limit", "time", "1200s"},
"malloc_limit_mb": {"malloc_limit", "mb", "2gb"},
"rss_limit_mb": {"oom_limit", "mb", "2gb"},
"purge_allocator_interval": {"purge_interval", "time", "1s"},
"print_final_stats": {"print_final_stats", "bool", "false"},
"use_value_profile": {"use_value_profile", "bool", "false"},
// Options that are not supported, but safe to ignore because they are
// handled in other ways.
"artifact_prefix": nil,
"exact_artifact_path": nil,
"minimize_crash": nil,
"merge": nil,
"merge_control_file": nil,
"jobs": nil,
// TODO( Translate this once ffx fuzz supports it
"dict": nil,
func (f *Fuzzer) setCFFOptions(conn Connector) error {
// First check for any unsupported libFuzzer options
for opt, val := range f.options {
// Only the default value for -jobs is supported
if opt == "jobs" && val != "0" {
return fmt.Errorf("only -jobs=0 is supported, not %q", val)
if _, ok := optionMapping[opt]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported libFuzzer option: -%s=%s", opt, val)
for libFuzzerOpt, cffOpt := range optionMapping {
if cffOpt == nil {
// This option is handled/emulated elsewhere
val, ok := f.options[libFuzzerOpt]
if ok {
// Add units as necessary
if cffOpt.unit == "mb" {
val = val + "mb"
} else if cffOpt.unit == "byte" {
val = val + "b"
} else if cffOpt.unit == "time" {
val = val + "s"
} else {
// Still set the value to its default, since they are persisted
// between subsequent runs
val = cffOpt.defaultValue
if _, err := conn.FfxRun("", "fuzz", "set", f.url,, val); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error setting option %s=%s: %s", cffOpt, val, err)
return nil
// Mark the given virtual target directory as needing to be updated with an
// explicit fetch from on-target corpus the next time `get_data` is called.
func (f *Fuzzer) markOutputCorpus(conn Connector, targetDir string) error {
// Note: We have to make a temp directory and not just a temp file here
// so we can control the entire filename.
markerDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "undercoat_tmp")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating tmpdir: %s", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(markerDir)
marker := filepath.Join(markerDir, liveCorpusMarkerName)
// In theory, the connector could reconstruct the URL using the
// cache namespace, but this lets it be less tightly coupled
if err := os.WriteFile(marker, []byte(f.url), 0o600); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing marker file: %s", err)
return conn.Put(marker, f.AbsPath(targetDir))
type ffxFuzzRunConfig struct {
// Note: all paths here, other than outputDir, are target paths
command string
args []string
outputDir string
inputCorpora []string
outputCorpus string
// This is needed only for libFuzzer output rewriting
testcasePath string
func (f *Fuzzer) parseArgsForFfx(conn Connector) (*ffxFuzzRunConfig, error) {
// TODO( overnet fails when given too much data on a `zx.socket`. This can be
// observed with targets that emit syslogs on every iteration. Since libFuzzer prints all relevant
// info to stderr, workaround this issue by disabling stdout and syslog.
config := ffxFuzzRunConfig{
args: []string{f.url, "--no-stdout", "--no-syslog"},
// Split args into files and directories
var fileArgs []string
var dirArgs []string
for _, arg := range f.args {
if isDir, err := conn.IsDir(f.AbsPath(arg)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error stat-ing input: %s", err)
} else if isDir {
dirArgs = append(dirArgs, arg)
} else {
fileArgs = append(fileArgs, arg)
// TODO( Support cleanse
// Make sure we weren't passed conflicting args
minimizeRequested := f.options["minimize_crash"] == "1"
mergeRequested := f.options["merge"] == "1"
if minimizeRequested && mergeRequested {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one of minimize and merge can be selected: %s", f.args)
} else if minimizeRequested && len(fileArgs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("minimize requires a testcase to be passed: %s", f.args)
} else if mergeRequested && len(dirArgs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("merge requires corpus directories to be passed: %s", f.args)
// Figure out what command to run (based on arg types and options passed)
if len(fileArgs) > 0 && len(dirArgs) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mixing file and directory inputs is not supported: %s", f.args)
} else if len(fileArgs) > 0 {
config.testcasePath = fileArgs[0]
if minimizeRequested {
config.command = "minimize"
} else {
config.command = "try"
if len(fileArgs) > 1 {
glog.Warningf("%q only supports one file; ignoring extra args: %s",
config.command, f.args)
config.args = append(config.args, f.AbsPath(config.testcasePath))
} else {
if len(dirArgs) > 0 {
config.outputCorpus = dirArgs[0]
if len(dirArgs) > 1 {
config.inputCorpora = dirArgs[1:]
if mergeRequested {
if len(dirArgs) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("merge requires at least 2 directory args: %s", f.args)
config.command = "merge"
} else {
config.command = "run"
return &config, nil
// Run the fuzzer, sending symbolized output to `out` and returning a list of
// any referenced artifacts (e.g. crashes) as absolute paths. If provided,
// `hostArtifactDir` will be used to transparently rewrite artifact_prefix
// references in artifact paths in the output log.
func (f *Fuzzer) Run(conn Connector, out io.Writer, hostArtifactDir string) ([]string, error) {
if f.options == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Run called on Fuzzer before Parse")
var cmd InstanceCmd
var ffxConfig *ffxFuzzRunConfig
if f.useFfxFuzz() {
config, err := f.parseArgsForFfx(conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error translating args: %s", err)
if err := f.setCFFOptions(conn); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error translating options: %s", err)
tempDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "undercoat-ffx-output-")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary ffx output directory: %s", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
config.outputDir = tempDir
// Push any input corpora over first
start := time.Now()
for _, inputDir := range config.inputCorpora {
addCmd := []string{"fuzz", "add", f.url, f.AbsPath(inputDir)}
if _, err := conn.FfxRun("", addCmd...); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error adding input corpus %q: %s", inputDir, err)
if len(config.inputCorpora) > 0 {
glog.Infof("Pushed input corpora in %s", time.Since(start))
// Mark any output corpus dir as being special, so it can be fetched as
// necessary later (except for Merge, which auto-fetches the result;
// for more info, see the code that moves the merge corpus into place
// below).
if config.outputCorpus != "" && config.command != "merge" {
if err := f.markOutputCorpus(conn, config.outputCorpus); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error marking output corpus dir: %s", err)
ffxArgs := append([]string{"fuzz", config.command}, config.args...)
ffxCmd, err := conn.FfxCommand(config.outputDir, ffxArgs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error constructing ffx call: %s", err)
ffxConfig = config
cmd = &FfxInstanceCmd{ffxCmd}
} else {
// Ensure artifact_prefix will be writable, and fall back to default if not
// specified
if artPrefix, ok := f.options["artifact_prefix"]; ok {
if !strings.HasPrefix(artPrefix, "tmp/") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("artifact_prefix not in mutable namespace: %q",
} else {
f.options["artifact_prefix"] = "tmp/"
cmdline := []string{}
if f.useFuzzCtl() {
cmdline = append(cmdline, "run_libfuzzer")
cmdline = append(cmdline, f.url)
for k, v := range f.options {
cmdline = append(cmdline, fmt.Sprintf("-%s=%s", k, v))
for _, arg := range f.args {
cmdline = append(cmdline, arg)
if f.useFuzzCtl() {
cmd = conn.Command("fuzz_ctl", cmdline...)
} else {
cmd = conn.Command("run", cmdline...)
// The overall flow of fuzzer output data is as follows:
// fuzzer -> scanForPIDs -> scanForArtifacts -> symbolizer -> out
// In addition to the log lines and EOF (on fuzzer exit) that pass from
// left to right, an EOF will also be propagated backwards in the case that
// any of the intermediate steps exits abnormally, so as not to leave
// blocking writes from earlier stages in a hung state.
fuzzerOutput, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting fuzzer stdout: %s", err)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
fromPIDScanner, toArtifactScanner := io.Pipe()
// Start goroutine to scan for PID and insert syslog
pidScanErr := scanForPIDs(conn, toArtifactScanner, fuzzerOutput)
fromArtifactScanner, toSymbolizer := io.Pipe()
// Start goroutine to check/rewrite artifact paths
artifactScanErr, artifactCh := scanForArtifacts(toSymbolizer, fromPIDScanner,
f.options["artifact_prefix"], hostArtifactDir, ffxConfig)
// Start symbolizer goroutine, connected to the output
symErr := make(chan error, 1)
go func(in io.ReadCloser) {
symErr <-, out)
// Check for any errors in the goroutines
if err := <-symErr; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed during symbolization: %s", err)
if err := <-pidScanErr; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed during PID scanning: %s", err)
if err := <-artifactScanErr; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed during artifact scanning: %s", err)
// We can Wait now that all reads from the fuzzerOutput pipe have completed.
err = cmd.Wait()
glog.Infof("Fuzzer run has completed")
if cmderr, ok := err.(*InstanceCmdError); ok {
// `fuzz_ctl` only returns 0 or 1, so anything non-zero is an error.
if f.useFuzzCtl() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return code: %s", err)
// For v1 libFuzzer: check the returncode (though this might be
// modified by libfuzzer args and thus be unreliable)
found := false
for _, code := range expectedFuzzerReturnCodes {
if cmderr.ReturnCode == code {
found = true
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return code: %s", err)
} else if cmderr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
// ffx fuzz does not propagate libFuzzer errors, so any non-zero code
// indicates a problem
glog.Warningf("ffx stderr: %s", cmderr.Stderr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return code: %s", err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed during wait: %s", err)
var artifacts []string
for _, artifact := range <-artifactCh {
if f.useFfxFuzz() {
// ffx has already copied the file to the host
ffxArtifactDir := filepath.Join(ffxConfig.outputDir, "artifacts")
hostArtifactPath := filepath.Join(ffxArtifactDir, path.Base(artifact))
// Emulate exact_artifact_prefix by renaming the artifact
if f.options["exact_artifact_path"] != "" {
artifact = f.options["exact_artifact_path"]
newHostArtifactPath := filepath.Join(ffxArtifactDir, path.Base(artifact))
if err := os.Rename(hostArtifactPath, newHostArtifactPath); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error renaming artifact: %s", err)
hostArtifactPath = newHostArtifactPath
// Map virtual target paths
if err := conn.Put(hostArtifactPath, f.AbsPath(path.Dir(artifact))); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error caching artifact: %s", err)
artifacts = append(artifacts, f.AbsPath(artifact))
// In the Merge case, the output corpus is auto-fetched, so to avoid
// redundant work we just copy it into place in the cache now.
// TODO( Avoid the extra copy here once we can override
// the corpus output directory.
if f.useFfxFuzz() && ffxConfig.command == "merge" {
fetchedDir := filepath.Join(ffxConfig.outputDir, "corpus")
if err := conn.Put(fetchedDir+"/*", f.AbsPath(ffxConfig.outputCorpus)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error copying merged corpus into place: %s", err)
return artifacts, nil