blob: 8ea9af09cbaee0fe7910d1470b5e971568ed18d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{errors::IntoExitCode, TargetInfo};
use addr::TargetAddr;
use anyhow::Result;
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use home::home_dir;
use std::process::Command;
use std::process::Stdio;
use std::{os::unix::process::CommandExt, path::PathBuf};
use thiserror::Error;
const CONTROL_MASTER_PATH: &str = ".ssh/control/funnel_control_master";
const CLEANUP_COMMAND: &'static str = include_str!("cleanup_command");
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum TunnelError {
#[error("Target {target} did not have any valid Ip Addresses associated with it.")]
NoAddressesError { target: String },
#[error("There may be a tunnel already running to {remote_host}. Try running `funnel cleanup-remote-host {remote_host}` to clean it up before retrying")]
TunnelAlreadyRunning { remote_host: String },
#[error("Ssh was terminated by a signal")]
#[error("User's home dir is not valid UTF8: {home_dir}")]
InvalidHomeDir { home_dir: PathBuf },
#[error("User does not have a Home Dir")]
#[error("Control master path cannot be at root")]
#[error("Could not create path to control master: {source}")]
CannotCreateControlMasterPath { source: std::io::Error },
#[error("Ssh Did not start: {0}")]
SshDidNotStart(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("unknown error code during ssh: {0}")]
impl IntoExitCode for TunnelError {
fn exit_code(&self) -> i32 {
match self {
Self::NoAddressesError { target: _ } => 31,
Self::TunnelAlreadyRunning { remote_host: _ } => 32,
Self::SshTerminatedFromSignal => 128,
Self::InvalidHomeDir { home_dir: _ } => 33,
Self::NoHomeDir => 34,
Self::ControlMasterPathCannotBeAtRoot => 35,
Self::CannotCreateControlMasterPath { source } => {
source.raw_os_error().unwrap_or_else(|| 36)
Self::SshDidNotStart(e) => e.raw_os_error().unwrap_or_else(|| 37),
Self::SshError(i) => *i,
fn get_control_path() -> Result<Utf8PathBuf, TunnelError> {
let home_path = home_dir().ok_or(TunnelError::NoHomeDir)?;
let home_path = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(home_path)
.map_err(|e| TunnelError::InvalidHomeDir { home_dir: e })?;
let funnel_control_path = home_path.join(CONTROL_MASTER_PATH);
let funnel_control_path_parent =
match funnel_control_path_parent.try_exists() {
Ok(true) => {}
Ok(false) => std::fs::create_dir_all(funnel_control_path_parent)
.map_err(|e| TunnelError::CannotCreateControlMasterPath { source: e })?,
Err(e) => return Err(TunnelError::CannotCreateControlMasterPath { source: e }),
pub(crate) async fn do_ssh(
host: String,
target: TargetInfo,
repo_port: u32,
additional_port_forwards: Vec<u32>,
) -> Result<(), TunnelError> {
// Set up the control master
let funnel_control_path = get_control_path()?;
// Set up ssh command
let mut ssh_cmd = &mut Command::new("ssh");
for arg in
build_ssh_args(target, funnel_control_path, repo_port, additional_port_forwards)?.iter()
ssh_cmd = ssh_cmd.arg(arg);
ssh_cmd = ssh_cmd.arg(host.clone());
ssh_cmd = ssh_cmd.arg(format!(r#"echo 'Tunnel established'; sleep infinity"#));
// Disable stdin
ssh_cmd = ssh_cmd.stdin(Stdio::null());
// Use the PID as the process group so that SIGINT doesnt get forwarded
ssh_cmd = ssh_cmd.process_group(0);
// Spawn
tracing::debug!("About to ssh with command: {:#?}", ssh_cmd);
let mut ssh = ssh_cmd.spawn()?;
match ssh.wait() {
Ok(e) => match e.code() {
None => Err(TunnelError::SshTerminatedFromSignal),
Some(255) => Err(TunnelError::TunnelAlreadyRunning { remote_host: host.clone() }),
Some(0) => Ok(()),
Some(i) => Err(TunnelError::SshError(i)),
Err(e) => Err(TunnelError::SshDidNotStart(e)),
fn build_ssh_args(
target: TargetInfo,
control_master_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
repo_port: u32,
additional_port_forwards: Vec<u32>,
) -> Result<Vec<String>, TunnelError> {
let mut addrs: Vec<TargetAddr> = target.addresses.into_iter().collect::<Vec<TargetAddr>>();
tracing::debug!("Discovered addresses for target: {:?}", addrs);
// Flip the sorting so that Ipv6 comes before Ipv4 as we will take the first
// address, and (generally) Ipv4 addresses from the Target are ephemeral
addrs.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
let target_ip =
addrs.first().ok_or(TunnelError::NoAddressesError { target: target.nodename.clone() })?;
if addrs.len() > 1 {
"Target: {} has {} addresses associated with it: {:?}. Choosing the first one: {}",
let mut res: Vec<String> = vec![
// We want ipv6 binds for the port forwards
"-o AddressFamily inet6".into(),
// We do not want multiplexing
format!("-o ControlPath {}", control_master_path.as_ref()),
"-o ControlMaster auto".into(),
// Disable pseudo-tty allocation for screen based programs over the SSH tunnel.
"-o RequestTTY no".into(),
"-o ExitOnForwardFailure yes".into(),
"-o StreamLocalBindUnlink yes".into(),
// Request to a package server on the local host are forwarded to the remote
// host.
format!("-o LocalForward *:{repo_port} localhost:{repo_port}"),
// Requests from the remote to ssh to localhost:8022 will be forwarded to the
// target.
format!("-o RemoteForward 8022 [{target_ip}]:22"),
// zxdb & fidlcat requests from the remote to 2345 are forwarded to the target.
format!("-o RemoteForward 2345 [{target_ip}]:2345"),
// libassistant debug requests from the remote to 8007 are forwarded to the
// target.
format!("-o RemoteForward 8007 [{target_ip}]:8007"),
format!("-o RemoteForward 8008 [{target_ip}]:8008"),
format!("-o RemoteForward 8443 [{target_ip}]:8443"),
// SL4F requests to port 9080 on the remote are forwarded to target port 80.
format!("-o RemoteForward 9080 [{target_ip}]:80"),
// UMA log requests to port 8888 on the remote are forwarded to target port 8888.
format!("-o RemoteForward 8888 [{target_ip}]:8888"),
// Some targets use Fastboot over TCP which listens on 5554
format!("-o RemoteForward 5554 [{target_ip}]:5554"),
let additional_forwards = additional_port_forwards
.map(|p| format!("-o RemoteForward {p} [{target_ip}]:{p}"));
pub(crate) async fn cleanup_remote_sshd(host: String) -> Result<()> {
let mut ssh =
Command::new("ssh").arg("-o RequestTTY yes").arg(host).arg(CLEANUP_COMMAND).spawn()?;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum CloseExistingTunnelError {
#[error("{}", .0)]
Error(#[from] anyhow::Error),
#[error("{}", .0)]
TunnelError(#[from] TunnelError),
#[error("{}", .0)]
SshError(#[from] std::io::Error),
impl IntoExitCode for CloseExistingTunnelError {
fn exit_code(&self) -> i32 {
match self {
Self::Error(_) => 1,
Self::TunnelError(e) => e.exit_code(),
Self::SshError(e) => e.raw_os_error().unwrap_or_else(|| 1),
pub(crate) fn close_existing_tunnel(host: String) -> Result<(), CloseExistingTunnelError> {
let funnel_control_path = get_control_path()?;
let args = vec![
format!("ControlPath {}", funnel_control_path),
tracing::info!("executing ssh command with args: {:?}", args);
let mut ssh = Command::new("ssh").args(args).spawn()?;
mod test {
use super::*;
use fidl_fuchsia_developer_ffx::{TargetAddrInfo, TargetIp};
use fidl_fuchsia_net::{IpAddress, Ipv4Address, Ipv6Address};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
fn test_make_args() -> Result<()> {
let src = TargetAddrInfo::Ip(TargetIp {
ip: IpAddress::Ipv6(Ipv6Address {
addr: Ipv6Addr::new(0xff00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).octets(),
scope_id: 2,
let src_ipv4 = TargetAddrInfo::Ip(TargetIp {
ip: IpAddress::Ipv4(Ipv4Address { addr: Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1).octets() }),
scope_id: 0,
let target = TargetInfo {
nodename: "kiriona".to_string(),
addresses: vec![src_ipv4.into(), src.into()],
let got = build_ssh_args(target, "/foo", 8081, vec![5555])?;
let want: Vec<&str> = vec![
"-o AddressFamily inet6",
"-o ControlPath /foo",
"-o ControlMaster auto",
"-o RequestTTY no",
"-o ExitOnForwardFailure yes",
"-o StreamLocalBindUnlink yes",
"-o LocalForward *:8081 localhost:8081",
"-o RemoteForward 8022 [ff00::]:22",
"-o RemoteForward 2345 [ff00::]:2345",
"-o RemoteForward 8007 [ff00::]:8007",
"-o RemoteForward 8008 [ff00::]:8008",
"-o RemoteForward 8443 [ff00::]:8443",
"-o RemoteForward 9080 [ff00::]:80",
"-o RemoteForward 8888 [ff00::]:8888",
"-o RemoteForward 5554 [ff00::]:5554",
"-o RemoteForward 5555 [ff00::]:5555",
assert_eq!(got, want);
fn test_make_args_empty_nodename() -> Result<()> {
let src = TargetAddrInfo::Ip(TargetIp {
ip: IpAddress::Ipv6(Ipv6Address {
addr: Ipv6Addr::new(0xff00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).octets(),
scope_id: 2,
let target = TargetInfo {
nodename: "ianthe".to_string(),
addresses: vec![src.into()],
let got = build_ssh_args(target, "/foo", 8081, vec![])?;
let want: Vec<&str> = vec![
"-o AddressFamily inet6",
"-o ControlPath /foo",
"-o ControlMaster auto",
"-o RequestTTY no",
"-o ExitOnForwardFailure yes",
"-o StreamLocalBindUnlink yes",
"-o LocalForward *:8081 localhost:8081",
"-o RemoteForward 8022 [ff00::]:22",
"-o RemoteForward 2345 [ff00::]:2345",
"-o RemoteForward 8007 [ff00::]:8007",
"-o RemoteForward 8008 [ff00::]:8008",
"-o RemoteForward 8443 [ff00::]:8443",
"-o RemoteForward 9080 [ff00::]:80",
"-o RemoteForward 8888 [ff00::]:8888",
"-o RemoteForward 5554 [ff00::]:5554",
assert_eq!(got, want);
fn test_make_args_returns_err_on_no_addresses() {
let nodename = "cytherea".to_string();
let target = TargetInfo { nodename: nodename.clone(), ..Default::default() };
let res = build_ssh_args(target, "/foo", 9091, vec![]);
let target = TargetInfo { nodename: nodename.clone(), ..Default::default() };
let res = build_ssh_args(target, "/foo", 9091, vec![]);
let target =
TargetInfo { nodename: nodename.clone(), addresses: vec![], ..Default::default() };
let res = build_ssh_args(target, "/foo", 9091, vec![]);
fn test_make_args_returns_err_on_empty_addresses() {
let target = TargetInfo {
nodename: "cytherera".to_string(),
addresses: vec![],
let res = build_ssh_args(target, "/foo", 9091, vec![]);