blob: 4e093a9e4aff1763af499b99b2d84b959e304ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <stack>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/raw_ast.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/span_sequence.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/tree_visitor.h"
namespace fidlc {
using SpanSequenceList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SpanSequence>>;
// This class is a pretty printer for a parse-able FIDL file. It takes two representations of the
// file as input: the raw AST (via the OnFile method), and a view into the source text of the file
// from which that raw AST was generated.
class SpanSequenceTreeVisitor : public DeclarationOrderTreeVisitor {
explicit SpanSequenceTreeVisitor(cpp20::span<Token> tokens) : tokens_(tokens) {}
void OnAliasDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawAliasDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnAttributeArg(const std::unique_ptr<RawAttributeArg>& element) override;
void OnAttribute(const std::unique_ptr<RawAttribute>& element) override;
void OnAttributeList(const std::unique_ptr<RawAttributeList>& element) override;
void OnBinaryOperatorConstant(const std::unique_ptr<RawBinaryOperatorConstant>& element) override;
void OnCompoundIdentifier(const std::unique_ptr<RawCompoundIdentifier>& element) override;
void OnConstant(const std::unique_ptr<RawConstant>& element) override;
void OnConstDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawConstDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnFile(const std::unique_ptr<File>& element) override;
void OnIdentifier(const std::unique_ptr<RawIdentifier>& element, bool ignore);
void OnIdentifier(const std::unique_ptr<RawIdentifier>& element) override {
OnIdentifier(element, false);
void OnIdentifierConstant(const std::unique_ptr<RawIdentifierConstant>& element) override;
void OnLayout(const std::unique_ptr<RawLayout>& element) override;
void OnInlineLayoutReference(const std::unique_ptr<RawInlineLayoutReference>& element) override;
void OnLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawLayoutMember>& element) override;
void OnLibraryDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawLibraryDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnLiteral(const std::unique_ptr<RawLiteral>& element) override;
void OnLiteralConstant(const std::unique_ptr<RawLiteralConstant>& element) override;
void OnNamedLayoutReference(const std::unique_ptr<RawNamedLayoutReference>& element) override;
void OnOrdinal64(RawOrdinal64& element) override;
void OnOrdinaledLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawOrdinaledLayoutMember>& element) override;
void OnParameterList(const std::unique_ptr<RawParameterList>& element) override;
void OnProtocolCompose(const std::unique_ptr<RawProtocolCompose>& element) override;
void OnProtocolDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawProtocolDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnProtocolMethod(const std::unique_ptr<RawProtocolMethod>& element) override;
void OnResourceDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawResourceDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnResourceProperty(const std::unique_ptr<RawResourceProperty>& element) override;
void OnServiceDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawServiceDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnServiceMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawServiceMember>& element) override;
void OnStructLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawStructLayoutMember>& element) override;
void OnTypeConstructor(const std::unique_ptr<RawTypeConstructor>& element) override;
void OnTypeDeclaration(const std::unique_ptr<RawTypeDeclaration>& element) override;
void OnUsing(const std::unique_ptr<RawUsing>& element) override;
void OnValueLayoutMember(const std::unique_ptr<RawValueLayoutMember>& element) override;
// Must be called after OnFile() has been called. Returns the result of the file fragmentation
// work done by this class.
MultilineSpanSequence Result();
enum class VisitorKind : uint8_t {
// As we descend down a particular branch of the raw AST, we record the VisitorKind of each node
// we visit in the ast_path_ member set. Later, we can use this function to check if we are
// "inside" of some raw AST node. For example, we handle RawIdentifiers differently if they are
// inside of a RawCompoundIdentifier. Running `IsInsideOf(VisitorKind::kCompoundIdentifier)`
// allows us to deduce if this special handling is necessary for any RawIdentifier we visit.
bool IsInsideOf(VisitorKind visitor_kind);
// This function is like `IsInsideOf`, except it only checks the immediate parent node.
bool IsDirectlyInsideOf(VisitorKind visitor_kind);
// An RAII-ed tracking class, invoked at the start of each On*-like visitor. It appends the
// VisitorKind of the visitor to the ast_path_ for the life time of the On* visitor's execution,
// allowing downstream visitors to orient themselves. For example, OnIdentifier behaves slightly
// differently depending on whether or not it is inside of a CompoundIdentifier. By adding
// VisitorKinds as we go down the tree, we're able to deduce from within OnIdentifier whether or
// not it is contained in this node.
class Visiting {
Visiting(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, VisitorKind visitor_kind);
virtual ~Visiting();
SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv_;
// An RAII-ed base class for constructing SpanSequence's from inside On* visitor methods. Each
// instance of a Builder is roughly saying "make a SpanSequence out of text between the end of the
// last processed node and the one currently being visited."
template <typename T>
class Builder {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<SpanSequence, T>,
"T of Builder<T> must inherit from SpanSequence");
Builder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& start, const Token& end, bool new_list);
Builder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& start, bool new_list)
: Builder(ftv, start, start, new_list) {}
// Empty builder method ensures that all Builders live until the end of their scope, enabling
// RAII usage. Using ` = default` as clang suggests seems to cause the compiler to throw unused
// variable warnings when the Builder is used as part of the RAII pattern.
~Builder() {}
SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* GetFormattingTreeVisitor() { return ftv_; }
const Token& GetStartToken() { return start_; }
const Token& GetEndToken() { return end_; }
SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv_;
const Token& start_;
const Token& end_;
// Builds a single TokenSpanSequence. For example, consider the following FIDL:
// // My standalone comment.
// using as qux; // My inline comment.
// All three of `foo`, `baz,` and `qux` will be visited by the OnIdentifier method. Each instance
// of this method will instantiate a TokenBuilder, as entire span covered by an Identifier node
// consists of a single token.
class TokenBuilder : public Builder<TokenSpanSequence> {
TokenBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& token, bool trailing_space);
// Builds a CompositeSpanSequence that is smaller than a standalone statement (see the comment on
// StatementBuilder for more on what that means), but still contains multiple tokens. Using the
// same example as above:
// // My standalone comment.
// using as qux; // My inline comment.
// The span `` is a RawCompoundIdentifier consisting of multiple tokens (`foo`, `.`, and
// `bar`). Since this span is not meant to be divisible, it should be constructed by a
// SpanBuilder<AtomicSpanSequence>. In contrast, a sub-statement length span that IS meant to be
// divisible, like `@attr(foo="bar)`, should be constructed by SpanBuilder<DivisibleSpanSequence>
// instead.
template <typename T>
class SpanBuilder : public Builder<T> {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<CompositeSpanSequence, T>,
"T of SpanBuilder<T> must inherit from CompositeSpanSequence");
// Use these constructors when the entire SourceElement will be ingested by the SpanBuilder.
SpanBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const SourceElement& element,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault)
: Builder<T>(ftv, element.start_token, element.end_token, true), position_(position) {}
SpanBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& start, const Token& end,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault)
: Builder<T>(ftv, start, end, true), position_(position) {}
// Use this constructor when the SourceElement will only be partially ingested by the
// SpanBuilder. For example, a ConstDeclaration's identifier and type_ctor members are ingested
// into one SpanSequence, but the constant member should be in another. Since the second
// SpanSequence starts before the end of the SourceElement, we should use a constructor that
// only ingests up to the start of SourceElement, but no further.
SpanBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& start,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault)
: Builder<T>(ftv, start, start, true), position_(position) {}
const SpanSequence::Position position_;
// Builds a SpanSequence to represent a FIDL statement (ie any chain of tokens that ends in a
// semicolon). As illustration, both the protocol and method declarations here are statements,
// one wrapping the other:
// protocol {
// DoFoo(MyRequest) -> (MyResponse) error uint32;
// };
// The purpose of this Builder is to make a SpanSequence from all text from the end of the last
// statement, up to and including the semicolon that ends this statement (as well as any inline
// comments that may follow that semicolon). Again taking the 'using...' example, the entirety of
// the text below would become a single SpanSequence when passed through
// StatementBuilder<AtomicSpanSequence>:
// // My standalone comment.
// using as qux; // My inline comment.
// For the `protocol...` example, `protocol ...` would be processed by
// StatementBuilder<MultilineSpanSequence> (since protocols are multiline by default), whereas
// `DoFoo...` would be handled by StatementBuilder<DivisibleSpanSequence> instead.
template <typename T>
class StatementBuilder : public Builder<T> {
// Use this constructor when the entire SourceElement will be ingested by the StatementBuilder.
StatementBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const SourceElement& element,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault)
: Builder<T>(ftv, element.start_token, element.end_token, true), position_(position) {}
StatementBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& start, const Token& end,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault)
: Builder<T>(ftv, start, end, true), position_(position) {}
// Use this constructor when the SourceElement will only be partially ingested by the
// StatementBuilder. For example, a ConstDeclaration's identifier and type_ctor members are
// ingested into one SpanSequence, but the constant member should be in another. Since the
// second SpanSequence starts before the end of the SourceElement, we should use a constructor
// that only ingests up to the start of SourceElement, but no further.
StatementBuilder(SpanSequenceTreeVisitor* ftv, const Token& start,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault)
: Builder<T>(ftv, start, start, true), position_(position) {}
const SpanSequence::Position position_;
// Given an optional Token from our source file, ingest up to but NOT including that Token. The
// token passed in must be greater than or equal to the token identified by the next_token_index_
// member variable. If the first argument is nullopt, this function will ingest to the end of the
// token list.
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<SpanSequence>> IngestUpTo(
std::optional<Token> until,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault);
// Given an optional Token from our source file, ingest up to and including that Token. The token
// passed in must be greater than or equal to the token identified by the next_token_index_ member
// variable. If the first argument is nullopt, this function will ingest to the end of the
// token list.
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<SpanSequence>> IngestUpToAndIncluding(
std::optional<Token> until,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault);
// Given an optional token kind, ingest up to and including the first instance of that token kind,
// taking care to include any inline comments that may be trailing after that instance. In other
// words, if we call this method on a string_view that looks like `foo;\n` or `foo; bar`, we
// should expect to ingest the `foo;` portion. But if we call it on `foo; // bar\n`, we should
// expect to ingest the entire thing, trailing comment included. If the first argument is nullopt,
// this function will ingest to the end of the token list.
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<SpanSequence>> IngestUpToAndIncludingTokenKind(
std::optional<Token::Kind> until_kind,
SpanSequence::Position position = SpanSequence::Position::kDefault);
// Ingest all remaining tokens until the end of the file.
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<SpanSequence>> IngestRestOfFile();
// Sugar for IngestUpToAndIncludingTokenKind(Token::kSemicolon)`.
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<SpanSequence>> IngestUpToAndIncludingSemicolon();
// Stores that path in the raw AST of the node currently being visited. See the comment on the
// `Visiting` class for more on why this is useful.
std::vector<VisitorKind> ast_path_;
// We need to invoke the OnAttributesList visitor manually, to ensure that it attributes are
// handled independently of the declaration they are attached to. This means that every
// AttributeList will be visited twice: once during this manual invocation, and then again during
// the regular course of the TreeVisitor for the raw AST node the AttributeList is attached to.
// To ensure that the AttributeList is not processed twice, each new OnAttributeList invocation
// checks against this set to ensure that the AttributeList in question has not already been
// visited.
// We need to invoke certain On* visitors, like OnAttributeList or OnIdentifier, manually prior to
// delegating to the original TreeVisitor logic for their parent node, which will visit them
// again. This is necessary when we want to handle child AST nodes in a different order than that
// which they are visited in by the default TreeVisitor of that kind. For example, when in
// OnProtocolDeclaration, we need to visit the attached attributes before visiting the first token
// of the declaration (in this case, "protocol") itself. If we did not do this, and instead
// delegated the task to the TreeVisitor, the resulting output wold be:
// protocol @foo {...
// To avoid this "double visit" problem, we maintain a set of pointers to SourceElements we've
// already visited.
std::set<SourceElement*> already_seen_;
// A stack that keeps track of the CompositeSpanSequence we are currently building. It is a list
// of that CompositeSpanSequence's children. When the child list has been filled out, it is
// popped off the stack and pushed onto the new top element as its child.
// When this class is constructed, one element is added to this stack, serving as the "root"
// SpanSequence for the file. Calling this class' Result() method pops that element off and
// returns it, representing the fully processed SpanSequence tree for the given source file, and
// exhausting this class.
std::stack<SpanSequenceList> building_;
// An ordered list of all tokens (including comments) in the source file.
cpp20::span<Token> tokens_;
// The index of the next token to be visited.
size_t next_token_index_ = 0;
} // namespace fidlc