blob: 1244872b1fab66a60df8df996b0397b9c8f638a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
template("coverage_verification_test") {
instrumented_binary_label = "${target_name}.binary-instrumented"
instrumented_binary_link_rsp_action =
instrumented_binary_rsp_file =
link_output_rspfile(instrumented_binary_link_rsp_action) {
testonly = true
deps = [ "${invoker.instrumented_target}" ]
outputs = [ instrumented_binary_rsp_file ]
instrumented_binary_path =
instrumented_binary_copy_action = "${target_name}.instrumented_binary_copy"
action(instrumented_binary_copy_action) {
testonly = true
sources = [ instrumented_binary_rsp_file ]
deps = [ ":${instrumented_binary_link_rsp_action}" ]
script = "//src/tests/coverage/"
outputs = [ instrumented_binary_path ]
depfile = "${outputs[0]}.d"
args = [
rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
host_test_data(instrumented_binary_label) {
sources = [ instrumented_binary_path ]
deps = [
instrumented_binary_rebased_path =
rebase_path(instrumented_binary_path, root_build_dir)
system_image_name = get_label_info(invoker.assembled_system, "name")
system_image_path = get_label_info("${invoker.assembled_system}",
"target_out_dir") + "/" + system_image_name
# This is used to tell the emulator which image to boot.
zbi_name = "${system_image_name}"
zbi_file = "${system_image_path}/fuchsia.zbi"
# Block image.
if (fxfs_blob) {
block_image = "${system_image_name}.fxfs"
block_file = "${system_image_path}/fxfs.blk"
} else {
block_image = "${system_image_name}.fvm"
block_file = "${system_image_path}/fvm.blk"
# Host test data for both the ZBI and the FVM/FXFS image.
system_image_label = "${target_name}.system-images"
host_test_data(system_image_label) {
sources = [
deps = [ "${invoker.assembled_system}" ]
assert(defined(invoker.expectations) && invoker.expectations != [])
# List of sources that need to be provided as input for a host test data, that
# is used for llvm-cov invocations.
expectation_sources_path = []
new_expectations = []
foreach(expectation, invoker.expectations) {
expectation_sources_path += [ expectation.source ]
# Rebase the expecatations such that they can be resolved at runtime.
new_expectation = expectation
new_expectation.source = rebase_path(expectation.source, root_build_dir)
new_expectations += [ new_expectation ]
# List of sources to be provided to the test, such that they can be provided
# to llvm-cov invocations.
expectation_sources_label = "${target_name}.expectation_sources_label"
host_test_data(expectation_sources_label) {
sources = expectation_sources_path
fvm_host_tool = "$host_out_dir/fvm"
# Configuration to be parsed by |coverage_verifier_test.go|.
test_config = {
# Binaries used for the test.
bin = {
llvm_profdata =
rebase_path("${clang_prefix}/llvm-profdata", root_build_dir)
llvm_cov = rebase_path("${clang_prefix}/llvm-cov", root_build_dir)
llvm_cxxfilt = rebase_path("${clang_prefix}/llvm-cxxfilt", root_build_dir)
fvm = rebase_path(fvm_host_tool, root_build_dir)
ffx = rebase_path("${host_tools_dir}/ffx", root_build_dir)
# Test specific artifacts.
test = {
path = instrumented_binary_rebased_path
name = invoker.test_uri
zbi_image = zbi_name
block_image = block_image
ssh_key = rebase_path("//.ssh/pkey", rebase_path(root_build_dir))
# Represents the validation to be performed on the coverage data.
expectations = new_expectations
# Config file to be embedded as host test data for the generated test target.
config_file_label = "$target_name.test_config"
output_config = "$root_out_dir/$config_file_label.json"
generated_file(config_file_label) {
outputs = [ output_config ]
contents = test_config
output_conversion = "json"
test_config_host_label = "$"
host_test_data(test_config_host_label) {
sources = [ output_config ]
deps = [ ":$config_file_label" ]
extra_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
extra_deps = invokder.deps
# Instantiate the host interaction helper with the parameters and images
# generated for this target.
go_test(target_name) {
library = "//src/tests/early-boot-coverage/host-test:lib"
non_go_deps = [
] + extra_deps
args = [
rebase_path(output_config, root_build_dir),