blob: 4c2fa8b850797974eb41a7f85f24d5a63581e2ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
events::{event::Event, registry::ComponentEventRoute, stream::EventStream},
hooks::{CapabilityReceiver, EventPayload, EventType, HasEventType},
cm_rust::{ChildRef, EventScope},
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
self as zx, sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES, sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES, HandleBased,
futures::{stream, stream::Peekable, Stream, StreamExt},
moniker::{ChildNameBase, ExtendedMoniker, Moniker, MonikerBase},
std::{pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::Poll},
tracing::{error, warn},
// Number of bytes the header of a vector occupies in a fidl message.
// TODO( This should be a constant in a FIDL library.
const FIDL_VECTOR_HEADER_BYTES: usize = 16;
// Number of bytes the header of a fidl message occupies.
// TODO( This should be a constant in a FIDL library.
const FIDL_HEADER_BYTES: usize = 16;
/// Computes the scope length, which is the number of segments
/// up until the first scope. This is used to re-map the moniker
/// of an event before passing it off to the component that is
/// reading the event stream.
fn get_scope_length(route: &[ComponentEventRoute]) -> usize {
// Length is the length of the scope (0 if no scope, 1 for the
// component after <root>)
let mut length = 0;
// Index is the current index in route +1 (since we want to exclude
// a component's parent from the moniker).
let mut index = 1;
for component in route {
// Set length to index, this is the most recent
// scope found in the route.
if component.scope.is_some() {
length = index;
index += 1;
/// Determines if an event from a specified moniker
/// may be routed to a given scope.
fn is_moniker_valid_within_scope(moniker: &ExtendedMoniker, route: &[ComponentEventRoute]) -> bool {
match moniker {
ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(instance) => {
validate_component_instance(instance, route.iter())
ExtendedMoniker::ComponentManager => false,
// Returns true if the filter contains a specific Ref
fn event_filter_contains_ref(
filter: &Option<Vec<EventScope>>,
name: &str,
collection: Option<&Name>,
) -> bool {
filter.as_ref().map_or(true, |value| {
.map(|value| match value {
EventScope::Child(ChildRef { collection: child_coll, name: child_name }) => {
collection == child_coll.as_ref() && child_name == name
EventScope::Collection(collection_name) => Some(collection_name) == collection,
.any(|val| val)
/// Checks the specified instance against the specified route,
/// Returns Some(true) if the route is explicitly allowed,
/// Some(false) if the route is explicitly rejected,
/// or None if allowed because no route explicitly rejected it.
fn validate_component_instance(
instance: &Moniker,
mut iter: std::slice::Iter<'_, ComponentEventRoute>,
) -> bool {
let path = instance.path();
let mut event_iter = path.iter();
// Component manager is an unnamed component which exists in route
// but not in the moniker (because it's not a named component).
// We take the first item from the iterator and get its scope
// to determine initial scoping and ensure that route
// and moniker are properly aligned to each other.
let mut active_scope =;
for component in iter {
if let Some(event_part) = {
if !event_filter_contains_ref(&active_scope,, event_part.collection())
// Reject due to scope mismatch
return false;
let child_ref = ChildRef {
name: FlyStr::new(,
collection: event_part.collection().cloned(),
if child_ref != component.component {
// Reject due to path mismatch
return false;
active_scope = component.scope.clone();
} else {
// Reject due to no more event parts
return false;
match (active_scope, {
(Some(scopes), Some(event)) => {
if !event_filter_contains_ref(&Some(scopes),, event.collection.as_ref()) {
return false;
(Some(_), None) => {
// Reject due to no more event parts
return false;
_ => {}
// Reached end of scope.
/// Filters and downscopes an event by a route.
/// Returns true if the event is allowed given the specified route,
/// false otherwise.
fn filter_event(moniker: &mut ExtendedMoniker, route: &[ComponentEventRoute]) -> bool {
let scope_length = get_scope_length(route);
if !is_moniker_valid_within_scope(&moniker, &route[0..scope_length]) {
return false;
// For scoped events, the apparent root (visible to the component)
// starts at the last scope declaration which applies to this particular event.
// Since this creates a relative rather than absolute moniker, where the base may be different
// for each event, ambiguous component monikers are possible here.
if let ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(instance) = moniker {
let mut path = instance.path().clone();
for _ in 0..scope_length {
*instance = Moniker::new(path);
/// Validates and filters an event, returning true if the route is allowed,
/// false otherwise. The scope of the event is filtered to the allowed route.
pub fn validate_and_filter_event(
moniker: &mut ExtendedMoniker,
route: &[ComponentEventRoute],
) -> bool {
let needs_filter = route.iter().any(|component| component.scope.is_some());
if needs_filter {
filter_event(moniker, route)
} else {
/// [`EventFiller`] helps build a vector of events up to the Zircon
/// channel message size limit.
/// TODO( This can be simplified given better
/// FIDL large messages support.
struct EventFiller {
bytes_used: usize,
handles_used: usize,
events: Vec<fcomponent::Event>,
impl EventFiller {
fn new() -> Self {
EventFiller {
handles_used: 0,
events: vec![],
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Measures the size of an event, increments bytes used, and returns the
/// event Vec as an error if full.
/// If there isn't enough space for even one event, logs an error and
/// returns an empty Vec.
fn add_event(
mut self,
event: fcomponent::Event,
pending_event: &mut Option<fcomponent::Event>,
) -> Result<Self, Vec<fcomponent::Event>> {
let event_type = event
.map(|header| format!("{:?}", header.event_type))
let measure_tape = event.measure();
self.bytes_used += measure_tape.num_bytes;
self.handles_used += measure_tape.num_handles;
if self.bytes_used > ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize
|| self.handles_used > ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES as usize
if pending_event.is_some() {
unreachable!("Overflowed twice");
*pending_event = Some(event);
if == 0 {
event_type = event_type.as_str(),
"Event exceeded the maximum channel size, dropping event"
return Err(;
} else {;
return Ok(self);
impl From<EventFiller> for Vec<fcomponent::Event> {
fn from(value: EventFiller) -> Self {
/// This function returns events via both `Ok` and `Err` such that we
/// may use the question mark operator to return early.
async fn do_handle_get_next_request(
mut event_stream: Pin<&mut Peekable<impl Stream<Item = fcomponent::Event>>>,
pending_event: &mut Option<fcomponent::Event>,
) -> Result<Vec<fcomponent::Event>, Vec<fcomponent::Event>> {
let mut events = EventFiller::new();
// Read overflowed events from the buffer first.
if let Some(event) = pending_event.take() {
events = events.add_event(event, pending_event)?;
if events.is_empty() {
// Block one time, to ensure we get at least one event to return to the client.
if let Some(event) = {
events = events.add_event(event, pending_event)?;
loop {
// Try to add any immediately available event, stopping if there aren't any.
let Poll::Ready(_) = futures::poll!(event_stream.as_mut().peek()) else {
let Some(event) = else {
events = events.add_event(event, pending_event)?;
if events.is_empty() {
unreachable!("Internal: The event_stream internal channel should never be closed.");
/// Obtains the next batch of events, waiting for at least one. Returns when there are no
/// more events available at the moment, or when the events are going to exceed the
/// maximum size that can be sent in a channel message.
async fn handle_get_next_request(
event_stream: Pin<&mut Peekable<impl Stream<Item = fcomponent::Event>>>,
pending_event: &mut Option<fcomponent::Event>,
) -> Vec<fcomponent::Event> {
match do_handle_get_next_request(event_stream, pending_event).await {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(v) => v,
/// Serves the event_stream protocol implemented for EventStreamRequestStream
/// This is needed because we get the request stream directly as a stream from FDIO
/// but as a ServerEnd from the hooks system.
pub async fn serve_event_stream(
event_stream: EventStream,
mut stream: fcomponent::EventStreamRequestStream,
) {
async fn filter_event(input: (Event, Option<Vec<ComponentEventRoute>>)) -> Option<Event> {
let (mut event, route) = input;
if let Some(mut route) = route {
if !validate_and_filter_event(&mut event.event.target_moniker, &route) {
return None;
async fn filter_log_errors(
result: Result<fcomponent::Event, anyhow::Error>,
) -> Option<fcomponent::Event> {
match result {
Ok(event_fidl_object) => Some(event_fidl_object),
Err(error) => {
warn!(?error, "Failed to create event object");
let event_stream = event_stream
let event_stream = event_stream.boxed().peekable();
let mut event_stream = std::pin::pin!(event_stream);
let mut buffer = None;
while let Some(Ok(request)) = {
match request {
fcomponent::EventStreamRequest::GetNext { responder } => {
let events = handle_get_next_request(event_stream.as_mut(), &mut buffer).await;
if !responder.send(events).is_ok() {
// Close the channel if an error occurs while handling the request.
fcomponent::EventStreamRequest::WaitForReady { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send();
type BoxStream<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = T> + Send + 'static>>;
fn stream_once<T: Send + 'static>(value: T) -> BoxStream<T> {
fn create_event_payloads(
event_payload: &EventPayload,
) -> BoxStream<Result<fcomponent::EventPayload, fidl::Error>> {
match event_payload {
EventPayload::CapabilityRequested { name, receiver, .. } => {
create_capability_requested_payload(name.to_string(), receiver.clone())
EventPayload::Stopped { status } => {
stream_once(Ok(fcomponent::EventPayload::Stopped(fcomponent::StoppedPayload {
status: Some(status.into_raw()),
EventPayload::DebugStarted { runtime_dir, break_on_start } => {
stream_once(Ok(create_debug_started_payload(runtime_dir, break_on_start)))
payload => stream_once(Ok(match payload.event_type() {
EventType::Discovered => {
EventType::Destroyed => {
EventType::Resolved => {
EventType::Unresolved => {
EventType::Started => {
_ => unreachable!("Unsupported event type"),
fn create_capability_requested_payload(
name: String,
receiver: CapabilityReceiver,
) -> BoxStream<Result<fcomponent::EventPayload, fidl::Error>> {
match receiver.take() {
// If this component has the opportunity to intercept capability requests,
// emit a CapabilityRequested event for every request it receives.
Some(receiver) => stream::unfold(receiver, move |receiver| {
let name = name.clone();
async move {
let Some(message) = receiver.receive().await else {
return None;
let payload = fcomponent::CapabilityRequestedPayload {
name: Some(name),
capability: Some(,
Some((Ok(fcomponent::EventPayload::CapabilityRequested(payload)), receiver))
// If someone else took away the opportunity to intercept capability requests,
// emit a CapabilityRequested event with an absent capability.
None => stream::once(std::future::ready(Ok(
fcomponent::EventPayload::CapabilityRequested(fcomponent::CapabilityRequestedPayload {
name: Some(name),
capability: None,
fn create_debug_started_payload(
runtime_dir: &Option<fio::DirectoryProxy>,
break_on_start: &Arc<zx::EventPair>,
) -> fcomponent::EventPayload {
fcomponent::EventPayload::DebugStarted(fcomponent::DebugStartedPayload {
runtime_dir: clone_dir(runtime_dir.as_ref()).map(|dir| {
.expect("could not convert directory to channel")
break_on_start: break_on_start.duplicate_handle(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS).ok(),
/// Creates a stream of FIDL Event objects from an Event.
fn create_event_fidl_objects(event: Event) -> BoxStream<Result<fcomponent::Event, anyhow::Error>> {
let moniker_string = match (&event.event.target_moniker, &event.scope_moniker) {
(moniker @ ExtendedMoniker::ComponentManager, _) => moniker.to_string(),
(ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(target), ExtendedMoniker::ComponentManager) => {
(ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(target), ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(scope)) => {
target.strip_prefix(scope).expect("target must be a child of event scope").to_string()
let event_type = match event.event.event_type().try_into() {
Ok(event_type) => event_type,
Err(error) => return stream::once(std::future::ready(Err(error))).boxed(),
let header = fcomponent::EventHeader {
event_type: Some(event_type),
moniker: Some(moniker_string),
component_url: Some(event.event.component_url.clone()),
timestamp: Some(event.event.timestamp.into_nanos()),
let payload_stream = create_event_payloads(&event.event.payload);
.map(move |payload| {
.and_then(|payload| {
Ok(fcomponent::Event {
header: Some(header.clone()),
payload: Some(payload),
mod tests {
use crate::model::events::serve::validate_and_filter_event;
use crate::model::events::serve::ComponentEventRoute;
use cm_rust::ChildRef;
use cm_rust::EventScope;
use moniker::ChildName;
use moniker::ExtendedMoniker;
use moniker::Moniker;
use moniker::MonikerBase;
// Route: /root(coll)
// Event: /root
// Output: (rejected)
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_at_root() {
let mut moniker =
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "root".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("coll".parse().unwrap())]),
assert!(!validate_and_filter_event(&mut moniker, &route));
// Route: /<root>/core(test_manager)/test_manager
// Event: /
// Output: (rejected)
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_empty_moniker() {
let mut event = ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::root());
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "core".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("test_manager".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "test_manager".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
assert_eq!(validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route), false);
// Route: a(b)/b(c)/c
// Event: a/b/c
// Output: /
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_moniker_root() {
let mut event = ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::new(vec![
ChildName::try_new("a", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("b", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("c", None).unwrap(),
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "a".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "b".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "b".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "c".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "c".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
assert!(super::validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route));
assert_eq!(event, ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::root()));
// Route: a(b)/b(c)/c
// Event: a/b/c/d
// Output: d
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_moniker_children_scoped() {
let mut event = ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::new(vec![
ChildName::try_new("a", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("b", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("c", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("d", None).unwrap(),
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "a".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "b".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "b".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "c".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "c".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
assert!(super::validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route));
ChildName::try_new("d", None).unwrap()
// Route: a(b)/b(c)/c
// Event: a
// Output: (rejected)
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_moniker_above_root_rejected() {
let mut event =
ChildName::try_new("a", None).unwrap()
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "a".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("b".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "b".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("c".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "c".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
assert!(!super::validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route));
ChildName::try_new("a", None).unwrap()
// Route: a/b(c)/c
// Event: f/i
// Output: (rejected)
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_moniker_ambiguous() {
let mut event = ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::new(vec![
ChildName::try_new("f", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("i", None).unwrap(),
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "a".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "b".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("c".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "c".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
assert!(!super::validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route));
// Route: /core(test_manager)/test_manager/test-id(test_wrapper)/test_wrapper(test_root)
// Event: /core/feedback
// Output: (rejected)
fn test_validate_and_filter_event_moniker_root_rejected() {
let mut event = ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::new(vec![
ChildName::try_new("core", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("feedback", None).unwrap(),
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "core".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("test_manager".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "test_manager".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("test_wrapper".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "test_wrapper".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("test_root".parse().unwrap())]),
assert_eq!(super::validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route), false);
// Route: /<root>/core(test_manager)/test_manager(col(tests))/auto-3fc01a79864c741:tests(test_wrapper)/test_wrapper(col(test),enclosing_env,hermetic_resolver)/test:test_root/archivist
// Event: /core/test_manager/tests:auto-3fc01a79864c741/test_wrapper/archivist
// Output: (rejected)
fn test_validate_child_under_scoped_collection_is_root() {
let mut event = ExtendedMoniker::ComponentInstance(Moniker::new(vec![
ChildName::try_new("core", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("test_manager", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("auto-3fc01a79864c741", Some("tests")).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("test_wrapper", None).unwrap(),
ChildName::try_new("archivist", None).unwrap(),
let route = vec![
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "<root>".into(), collection: None },
scope: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "core".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "test_manager".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "test_manager".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Collection("tests".parse().unwrap())]),
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef {
name: "auto-3fc01a79864c741".into(),
collection: Some("tests".parse().unwrap()),
scope: Some(vec![EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "test_wrapper".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef { name: "test_wrapper".into(), collection: None },
scope: Some(vec![
EventScope::Child(ChildRef { name: "enclosing_env".into(), collection: None }),
EventScope::Child(ChildRef {
name: "hermetic_resolver".into(),
collection: None,
ComponentEventRoute {
component: ChildRef {
name: "test_root".into(),
collection: Some("test".parse().unwrap()),
scope: None,
assert_eq!(super::validate_and_filter_event(&mut event, &route), false);