blob: 3a0a6187c184769249fb80622f1636957393b985 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{
device::terminal::{ControllingSession, Terminal},
mutable_state::{state_accessor, state_implementation},
send_signal, send_standard_signal, syscalls::WaitingOptions, SignalActions, SignalDetail,
interval_timer::IntervalTimerHandle, ptrace_detach, AtomicStopState, ClockId,
ControllingTerminal, CurrentTask, ExitStatus, Kernel, PidTable, ProcessGroup,
PtraceAllowedPtracers, PtraceEvent, PtraceOptions, PtraceStatus, Session, StopState, Task,
TaskMutableState, TaskPersistentInfo, TaskPersistentInfoState, TimerId, TimerTable,
WaitQueue, ZombiePtraces,
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use itertools::Itertools;
use macro_rules_attribute::apply;
use selinux::SecurityId;
use starnix_lifecycle::{AtomicU64Counter, DropNotifier};
use starnix_logging::{log_error, log_warn, track_stub};
use starnix_sync::{LockBefore, Locked, Mutex, MutexGuard, ProcessGroupState, RwLock};
use starnix_uapi::{
auth::{Credentials, CAP_SYS_ADMIN, CAP_SYS_RESOURCE},
errno, error,
ownership::{OwnedRef, Releasable, TempRef, WeakRef},
resource_limits::{Resource, ResourceLimits},
signals::{Signal, UncheckedSignal, SIGCHLD, SIGCONT, SIGHUP, SIGKILL, SIGTTOU},
time::{duration_from_timeval, timeval_from_duration},
use std::{
sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc, Weak},
/// The mutable state of the ThreadGroup.
pub struct ThreadGroupMutableState {
/// The parent thread group.
/// The value needs to be writable so that it can be re-parent to the correct subreaper if the
/// parent ends before the child.
pub parent: Option<Arc<ThreadGroup>>,
/// The tasks in the thread group.
/// The references to Task is weak to prevent cycles as Task have a Arc reference to their
/// thread group.
/// It is still expected that these weak references are always valid, as tasks must unregister
/// themselves before they are deleted.
tasks: BTreeMap<pid_t, TaskContainer>,
/// The children of this thread group.
/// The references to ThreadGroup is weak to prevent cycles as ThreadGroup have a Arc reference
/// to their parent.
/// It is still expected that these weak references are always valid, as thread groups must unregister
/// themselves before they are deleted.
pub children: BTreeMap<pid_t, Weak<ThreadGroup>>,
/// Child tasks that have exited, but not yet been waited for.
pub zombie_children: Vec<OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>>,
/// ptracees of this process that have exited, but not yet been waited for.
pub zombie_ptracees: ZombiePtraces,
// Child tasks that have exited, but the zombie ptrace needs to be consumed
// before they can be waited for. (pid_t, pid_t) is the original tracer and
// tracee, so the tracer can be updated with a reaper if this thread group
// exits.
pub deferred_zombie_ptracers: Vec<(pid_t, pid_t)>,
/// WaitQueue for updates to the WaitResults of tasks in this group.
pub child_status_waiters: WaitQueue,
/// Whether this thread group will inherit from children of dying processes in its descendant
/// tree.
pub is_child_subreaper: bool,
/// The IDs used to perform shell job control.
pub process_group: Arc<ProcessGroup>,
/// The timers for this thread group (from timer_create(), etc.).
pub timers: TimerTable,
pub did_exec: bool,
/// Wait queue for updates to `stopped`.
pub stopped_waiters: WaitQueue,
/// A signal that indicates whether the process is going to become waitable
/// via waitid and waitpid for either WSTOPPED or WCONTINUED, depending on
/// the value of `stopped`. If not None, contains the SignalInfo to return.
pub last_signal: Option<SignalInfo>,
pub leader_exit_info: Option<ProcessExitInfo>,
pub terminating: bool,
/// The SELinux operations for this thread group.
pub selinux_state: thread_group_hooks::SeLinuxThreadGroupState,
/// Time statistics accumulated from the children.
pub children_time_stats: TaskTimeStats,
/// Personality flags set with `sys_personality()`.
pub personality: PersonalityFlags,
/// Thread groups allowed to trace tasks in this this thread group.
pub allowed_ptracers: PtraceAllowedPtracers,
/// A collection of `Task` objects that roughly correspond to a "process".
/// Userspace programmers often think about "threads" and "process", but those concepts have no
/// clear analogs inside the kernel because tasks are typically created using `clone(2)`, which
/// takes a complex set of flags that describes how much state is shared between the original task
/// and the new task.
/// If a new task is created with the `CLONE_THREAD` flag, the new task will be placed in the same
/// `ThreadGroup` as the original task. Userspace typically uses this flag in conjunction with the
/// `CLONE_FILES`, `CLONE_VM`, and `CLONE_FS`, which corresponds to the userspace notion of a
/// "thread". For example, that's how `pthread_create` behaves. In that sense, a `ThreadGroup`
/// normally corresponds to the set of "threads" in a "process". However, this pattern is purely a
/// userspace convention, and nothing stops userspace from using `CLONE_THREAD` without
/// `CLONE_FILES`, for example.
/// In Starnix, a `ThreadGroup` corresponds to a Zicon process, which means we do not support the
/// `CLONE_THREAD` flag without the `CLONE_VM` flag. If we run into problems with this limitation,
/// we might need to revise this correspondence.
/// Each `Task` in a `ThreadGroup` has the same thread group ID (`tgid`). The task with the same
/// `pid` as the `tgid` is called the thread group leader.
/// Thread groups are destroyed when the last task in the group exits.
pub struct ThreadGroup {
/// The kernel to which this thread group belongs.
pub kernel: Arc<Kernel>,
/// A handle to the underlying Zircon process object.
/// Currently, we have a 1-to-1 mapping between thread groups and zx::process
/// objects. This approach might break down if/when we implement CLONE_VM
/// without CLONE_THREAD because that creates a situation where two thread
/// groups share an address space. To implement that situation, we might
/// need to break the 1-to-1 mapping between thread groups and zx::process
/// or teach zx::process to share address spaces.
pub process: zx::Process,
/// The lead task of this thread group.
/// The lead task is typically the initial thread created in the thread group.
pub leader: pid_t,
/// The signal actions that are registered for this process.
pub signal_actions: Arc<SignalActions>,
/// A mechanism to be notified when this `ThreadGroup` is destroyed.
pub drop_notifier: DropNotifier,
/// Whether the process is currently stopped.
/// Must only be set when the `mutable_state` write lock is held.
stop_state: AtomicStopState,
/// The mutable state of the ThreadGroup.
mutable_state: RwLock<ThreadGroupMutableState>,
/// The resource limits for this thread group. This is outside mutable_state
/// to avoid deadlocks where the thread_group lock is held when acquiring
/// the task lock, and vice versa.
pub limits: Mutex<ResourceLimits>,
/// The next unique identifier for a seccomp filter. These are required to be
/// able to distinguish identical seccomp filters, which are treated differently
/// for the purposes of SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC. Inherited across clone because
/// seccomp filters are also inherited across clone.
pub next_seccomp_filter_id: AtomicU64Counter,
/// Timer id of ITIMER_REAL.
itimer_real_id: TimerId,
/// Tasks ptraced by this process
pub ptracees: Mutex<BTreeMap<pid_t, TaskContainer>>,
impl fmt::Debug for ThreadGroup {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.leader)
impl PartialEq for ThreadGroup {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.leader == other.leader
/// A selector that can match a process. Works as a representation of the pid argument to syscalls
/// like wait and kill.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ProcessSelector {
/// Matches any process at all.
/// Matches only the process with the specified pid
/// Matches all the processes in the given process group
impl ProcessSelector {
pub fn do_match(&self, pid: pid_t, pid_table: &PidTable) -> bool {
match *self {
ProcessSelector::Pid(p) => pid == p,
ProcessSelector::Any => true,
ProcessSelector::Pgid(pgid) => {
if let Some(task_ref) = pid_table.get_task(pid).upgrade() {
== Some(&
} else {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ProcessExitInfo {
pub status: ExitStatus,
pub exit_signal: Option<Signal>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WaitResult {
pub pid: pid_t,
pub uid: uid_t,
pub exit_info: ProcessExitInfo,
/// Cumulative time stats for the process and its children.
pub time_stats: TaskTimeStats,
impl WaitResult {
// According to wait(2) man page, SignalInfo.signal needs to always be set to SIGCHLD
pub fn as_signal_info(&self) -> SignalInfo {
SignalDetail::SIGCHLD {
uid: self.uid,
status: self.exit_info.status.signal_info_status(),
pub struct ZombieProcess {
pub pid: pid_t,
pub pgid: pid_t,
pub uid: uid_t,
pub exit_info: ProcessExitInfo,
/// Cumulative time stats for the process and its children.
pub time_stats: TaskTimeStats,
/// Whether dropping this ZombieProcess should imply removing the pid from
/// the PidTable
pub is_canonical: bool,
impl PartialEq for ZombieProcess {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// We assume only one set of ZombieProcess data per process, so this should cover it. ==
&& self.pgid == other.pgid
&& self.uid == other.uid
&& self.is_canonical == other.is_canonical
impl Eq for ZombieProcess {}
impl PartialOrd for ZombieProcess {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
// pid by itself seems good enough.
impl Ord for ZombieProcess {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl ZombieProcess {
pub fn new(
thread_group: ThreadGroupStateRef<'_>,
credentials: &Credentials,
exit_info: ProcessExitInfo,
) -> OwnedRef<Self> {
let time_stats = thread_group.base.time_stats() + thread_group.children_time_stats;
OwnedRef::new(ZombieProcess {
pid: thread_group.base.leader,
pgid: thread_group.process_group.leader,
uid: credentials.uid,
is_canonical: true,
pub fn to_wait_result(&self) -> WaitResult {
WaitResult {
uid: self.uid,
exit_info: self.exit_info.clone(),
time_stats: self.time_stats,
pub fn copy_for_key(&self) -> Self {
ZombieProcess {
pgid: self.pgid,
uid: self.uid,
exit_info: self.exit_info.clone(),
time_stats: self.time_stats,
is_canonical: false,
impl Releasable for ZombieProcess {
type Context<'a> = &'a mut PidTable;
fn release(self, pids: &mut PidTable) {
if self.is_canonical {
impl ThreadGroup {
pub fn new<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
kernel: Arc<Kernel>,
process: zx::Process,
parent: Option<ThreadGroupWriteGuard<'_>>,
leader: pid_t,
process_group: Arc<ProcessGroup>,
signal_actions: Arc<SignalActions>,
) -> Arc<ThreadGroup>
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let timers = TimerTable::new();
let itimer_real_id = timers.create(CLOCK_REALTIME as ClockId, None).unwrap();
let selinux_state =
thread_group_hooks::alloc_security(&kernel, parent.as_ref().map(|p| &p.selinux_state));
let mut thread_group = ThreadGroup {
drop_notifier: Default::default(),
// A child process created via fork(2) inherits its parent's
// resource limits. Resource limits are preserved across execve(2).
limits: Mutex::new(
parent.as_ref().map(|p| p.base.limits.lock().clone()).unwrap_or(Default::default()),
next_seccomp_filter_id: Default::default(),
ptracees: Default::default(),
stop_state: AtomicStopState::new(StopState::Awake),
mutable_state: RwLock::new(ThreadGroupMutableState {
parent: parent.as_ref().map(|p| Arc::clone(p.base)),
tasks: BTreeMap::new(),
children: BTreeMap::new(),
zombie_children: vec![],
zombie_ptracees: ZombiePtraces::new(),
deferred_zombie_ptracers: vec![],
child_status_waiters: WaitQueue::default(),
is_child_subreaper: false,
process_group: Arc::clone(&process_group),
did_exec: false,
stopped_waiters: WaitQueue::default(),
last_signal: None,
leader_exit_info: None,
terminating: false,
children_time_stats: Default::default(),
personality: parent.as_ref().map(|p| p.personality).unwrap_or(Default::default()),
allowed_ptracers: PtraceAllowedPtracers::None,
let thread_group = if let Some(mut parent) = parent {
let thread_group = Arc::new(thread_group);
parent.children.insert(leader, Arc::downgrade(&thread_group));
process_group.insert(locked, &thread_group);
} else {
state_accessor!(ThreadGroup, mutable_state, Arc<ThreadGroup>);
pub fn load_stopped(&self) -> StopState {
// Causes the thread group to exit. If this is being called from a task
// that is part of the current thread group, the caller should pass
// `current_task`. If ownership issues prevent passing `current_task`, then
// callers should use CurrentTask::thread_group_exit instead.
pub fn exit(
self: &Arc<Self>,
exit_status: ExitStatus,
mut current_task: Option<&mut CurrentTask>,
) {
if let Some(ref mut current_task) = current_task {
.ptrace_event(PtraceOptions::TRACEEXIT, exit_status.signal_info_status() as u64);
let mut pids = self.kernel.pids.write();
let mut state = self.write();
if state.terminating {
// The thread group is already terminating and all threads in the thread group have
// already been interrupted.
state.terminating = true;
// Drop ptrace zombies
state.zombie_ptracees.release(&mut pids);
// Interrupt each task. Unlock the group because send_signal will lock the group in order
// to call set_stopped.
// SAFETY: tasks is kept on the stack. The static is required to ensure the lock on
// ThreadGroup can be dropped.
let tasks = state.tasks().map(TempRef::into_static).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Detach from any ptraced tasks.
let tracees = self.ptracees.lock().keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for tracee in tracees {
if let Some(task_ref) = pids.get_task(tracee).clone().upgrade() {
let _ = ptrace_detach(self.clone(), task_ref.as_ref(), &UserAddress::NULL);
for task in tasks {
send_standard_signal(&task, SignalInfo::default(SIGKILL));
pub fn add(self: &Arc<Self>, task: &TempRef<'_, Task>) -> Result<(), Errno> {
let mut state = self.write();
if state.terminating {
return error!(EINVAL);
state.tasks.insert(, task.into());
pub fn remove<L>(self: &Arc<Self>, locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>, task: &Task)
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let mut pids = self.kernel.pids.write();
let mut state = self.write();
let persistent_info: TaskPersistentInfo =
if let Some(container) = state.tasks.remove(& {
} else {
// The task has never been added. The only expected case is that this thread was
// already terminating.
if == self.leader {
let exit_status = task.exit_status().unwrap_or_else(|| {
log_error!("Exiting without an exit code.");
state.leader_exit_info = Some(ProcessExitInfo {
status: exit_status,
exit_signal: *persistent_info.lock().exit_signal(),
if state.tasks.is_empty() {
state.terminating = true;
// Replace PID table entry with a zombie.
let exit_info =
state.leader_exit_info.take().expect("Failed to capture leader exit status");
let zombie =
ZombieProcess::new(state.as_ref(), persistent_info.lock().creds(), exit_info);
pids.kill_process(self.leader, OwnedRef::downgrade(&zombie));
state.leave_process_group(locked, &mut pids);
// I have no idea if dropping the lock here is correct, and I don't want to think about
// it. If problems do turn up with another thread observing an intermediate state of
// this exit operation, the solution is to unify locks. It should be sensible and
// possible for there to be a single lock that protects all (or nearly all) of the
// data accessed by both exit and wait. In gvisor and linux this is the lock on the
// equivalent of the PidTable. This is made more difficult by rust locks being
// containers that only lock the data they contain, but see
// for an idea.
// We will need the immediate parent and the reaper. Once we have them, we can make
// sure to take the locks in the right order: parent before child.
let parent =;
let reaper = self.find_reaper();
// Reparent the children.
if let Some(reaper_ref) = reaper {
let mut reaper = reaper_ref.write();
let mut state = self.write();
for (_pid, child) in std::mem::take(&mut state.children) {
if let Some(child) = child.upgrade() {
child.write().parent = Some(Arc::clone(reaper.base));
reaper.children.insert(child.leader, Arc::downgrade(&child));
reaper.zombie_children.append(&mut state.zombie_children);
ZombiePtraces::reparent(&pids, self, &reaper_ref);
} else {
// If we don't have a reaper then just drop the zombies.
let mut state = self.write();
for zombie in state.zombie_children.drain(..) {
zombie.release(&mut pids);
if let Some(ref parent) = parent {
let mut tracer_pid = None;
if let Some(ref ptrace) = & {
tracer_pid = Some(ptrace.get_pid());
let mut maybe_zombie = Some(zombie);
if let Some(tracer_pid) = tracer_pid {
if let Some(ref tracer) = pids.get_task(tracer_pid).upgrade() {
maybe_zombie = tracer.thread_group.maybe_notify_tracer(
&mut pids,
if let Some(zombie) = maybe_zombie {
} else {
zombie.release(&mut pids);
// TODO: Set the error_code on the Zircon process object. Currently missing a way
// to do this in Zircon. Might be easier in the new execution model.
// Once the last zircon thread stops, the zircon process will also stop executing.
if let Some(parent) = parent {
pub fn do_zombie_notifications(self: &Arc<Self>, zombie: OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>) {
let mut state = self.write();
state.deferred_zombie_ptracers.retain(|&(_, tracee)| tracee !=;
// Send signals
if let Some(exit_signal) = zombie.exit_info.exit_signal {
if let Some(signal_target) = state.get_signal_target(exit_signal.into()) {
let mut signal_info = zombie.to_wait_result().as_signal_info();
signal_info.signal = exit_signal;
send_signal(&signal_target, signal_info).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
log_warn!("Failed to send exit signal: {}", e);
/// Notifies the tracer if appropriate. Returns Some(zombie) if caller
/// needs to notify the parent, None otherwise. The caller should probably
/// invoke parent.do_zombie_notifications(zombie) on the result.
fn maybe_notify_tracer(
self: &Arc<Self>,
tracee: &Task,
mut pids: &mut PidTable,
parent: &Arc<ThreadGroup>,
zombie: OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>,
) -> Option<OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>> {
if, &pids) {
if *self == *parent {
// The tracer is the parent and has not consumed the
// notification. Don't bother with the ptracee stuff, and just
// notify the parent.
self.write().zombie_ptracees.retain(&mut |z: &ZombieProcess| !=;
return Some(zombie);
} else {
// The tracer is not the parent and the tracer has not consumed
// the notification.
// Tell the parent to expect a notification later.
let mut parent_state = parent.write();
// Tell the tracer that there is a notification pending.
let mut state = self.write();
state.zombie_ptracees.set_parent_of(, Some(zombie), parent.clone());
return None;
} else if *self == *parent {
// The tracer is the parent and has already consumed the parent
// notification. No further action required.
zombie.release(&mut pids);
return None;
// The tracer is not the parent and has already consumed the parent
// notification. Notify the parent.
/// Find the task which will adopt our children after we die.
fn find_reaper(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Option<Arc<Self>> {
let mut parent = Arc::clone(;
loop {
parent = {
let parent_state =;
if parent_state.is_child_subreaper {
match parent_state.parent {
Some(ref next_parent) => Arc::clone(next_parent),
None => break,
pub fn setsid<L>(self: &Arc<Self>, locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>) -> Result<(), Errno>
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let mut pids = self.kernel.pids.write();
if pids.get_process_group(self.leader).is_some() {
return error!(EPERM);
let process_group = ProcessGroup::new(self.leader, None);
self.write().set_process_group(locked, process_group, &mut pids);
pub fn setpgid<L>(
self: &Arc<Self>,
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
target: &Task,
pgid: pid_t,
) -> Result<(), Errno>
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let mut pids = self.kernel.pids.write();
let current_process_group = Arc::clone(&;
// The target process must be either the current process of a child of the current process
let mut target_thread_group = target.thread_group.write();
let is_target_current_process_child =
target_thread_group.parent.as_ref().map(|tg| tg.leader) == Some(self.leader);
if target_thread_group.leader() != self.leader && !is_target_current_process_child {
return error!(ESRCH);
// If the target process is a child of the current task, it must not have executed one of the exec
// function.
if is_target_current_process_child && target_thread_group.did_exec {
return error!(EACCES);
let new_process_group;
let target_process_group = &target_thread_group.process_group;
// The target process must not be a session leader and must be in the same session as the current process.
if target_thread_group.leader() == target_process_group.session.leader
|| current_process_group.session != target_process_group.session
return error!(EPERM);
let target_pgid = if pgid == 0 { target_thread_group.leader() } else { pgid };
if target_pgid < 0 {
return error!(EINVAL);
if target_pgid == target_process_group.leader {
return Ok(());
// If pgid is not equal to the target process id, the associated process group must exist
// and be in the same session as the target process.
if target_pgid != target_thread_group.leader() {
new_process_group =
pids.get_process_group(target_pgid).ok_or_else(|| errno!(EPERM))?;
if new_process_group.session != target_process_group.session {
return error!(EPERM);
} else {
// Create a new process group
new_process_group =
ProcessGroup::new(target_pgid, Some(target_process_group.session.clone()));
target_thread_group.set_process_group(locked, new_process_group, &mut pids);
fn itimer_real(self: &Arc<Self>) -> IntervalTimerHandle {
self.write().timers.get_timer(self.itimer_real_id).expect("no ITIMER_REAL exists")
pub fn set_itimer(self: &Arc<Self>, which: u32, value: itimerval) -> Result<itimerval, Errno> {
if which == ITIMER_PROF || which == ITIMER_VIRTUAL {
// We don't support setting these timers.
// The gvisor test suite clears ITIMER_PROF as part of its test setup logic, so we support
// clearing these values.
if value.it_value.tv_sec == 0 && value.it_value.tv_usec == 0 {
return Ok(itimerval::default());
track_stub!(TODO(""), "Unsupported itimer type", which);
return Err(errno!(ENOTSUP));
if which != ITIMER_REAL {
return Err(errno!(EINVAL));
let itimer_real = self.itimer_real();
let prev_remaining = itimer_real.time_remaining();
if value.it_value.tv_sec != 0 || value.it_value.tv_usec != 0 {
utc::utc_now() + duration_from_timeval(value.it_value)?,
} else {
Ok(itimerval {
it_value: timeval_from_duration(prev_remaining.remainder),
it_interval: timeval_from_duration(prev_remaining.interval),
pub fn get_itimer(self: &Arc<Self>, which: u32) -> Result<itimerval, Errno> {
if which == ITIMER_PROF || which == ITIMER_VIRTUAL {
// We don't support setting these timers, so we can accurately report that these are not set.
return Ok(itimerval::default());
if which != ITIMER_REAL {
return Err(errno!(EINVAL));
let remaining = self.itimer_real().time_remaining();
Ok(itimerval {
it_value: timeval_from_duration(remaining.remainder),
it_interval: timeval_from_duration(remaining.interval),
/// Check whether the stop state is compatible with `new_stopped`. If it is return it,
/// otherwise, return None.
fn check_stopped_state(
self: &Arc<Self>,
new_stopped: StopState,
finalize_only: bool,
) -> Option<StopState> {
let stopped = self.load_stopped();
if finalize_only && !stopped.is_stopping_or_stopped() {
return Some(stopped);
if stopped.is_illegal_transition(new_stopped) {
return Some(stopped);
return None;
/// Set the stop status of the process. If you pass |siginfo| of |None|,
/// does not update the signal. If |finalize_only| is set, will check that
/// the set will be a finalize (Stopping -> Stopped or Stopped -> Stopped)
/// before executing it.
/// Returns the latest stop state after any changes.
pub fn set_stopped(
self: &Arc<Self>,
new_stopped: StopState,
siginfo: Option<SignalInfo>,
finalize_only: bool,
) -> StopState {
// Perform an early return check to see if we can avoid taking the lock.
if let Some(stopped) = self.check_stopped_state(new_stopped, finalize_only) {
return stopped;
self.write().set_stopped(new_stopped, siginfo, finalize_only)
/// Ensures |session| is the controlling session inside of |controlling_session|, and returns a
/// reference to the |ControllingSession|.
fn check_controlling_session<'a>(
session: &Arc<Session>,
controlling_session: &'a Option<ControllingSession>,
) -> Result<&'a ControllingSession, Errno> {
if let Some(controlling_session) = controlling_session {
if controlling_session.session.as_ptr() == Arc::as_ptr(session) {
return Ok(controlling_session);
pub fn get_foreground_process_group(
self: &Arc<Self>,
terminal: &Arc<Terminal>,
is_main: bool,
) -> Result<pid_t, Errno> {
let state =;
let process_group = &state.process_group;
let terminal_state =;
let controlling_session = terminal_state.get_controlling_session(is_main);
// "When fd does not refer to the controlling terminal of the calling
// process, -1 is returned" - tcgetpgrp(3)
let cs = Self::check_controlling_session(&process_group.session, controlling_session)?;
pub fn set_foreground_process_group<L>(
self: &Arc<Self>,
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
terminal: &Arc<Terminal>,
is_main: bool,
pgid: pid_t,
) -> Result<(), Errno>
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let process_group;
let send_ttou;
// Keep locks to ensure atomicity.
let pids =;
let state =;
process_group = Arc::clone(&state.process_group);
let mut terminal_state = terminal.write();
let controlling_session = terminal_state.get_controlling_session_mut(is_main);
let cs = Self::check_controlling_session(&process_group.session, controlling_session)?;
// pgid must be positive.
if pgid < 0 {
return error!(EINVAL);
let new_process_group = pids.get_process_group(pgid).ok_or_else(|| errno!(ESRCH))?;
if new_process_group.session != process_group.session {
return error!(EPERM);
// If the calling process is a member of a background group and not ignoring SIGTTOU, a
// SIGTTOU signal is sent to all members of this background process group.
send_ttou = process_group.leader != cs.foregound_process_group_leader
&& !
&& self.signal_actions.get(SIGTTOU).sa_handler != SIG_IGN;
if !send_ttou {
*controlling_session = controlling_session
// Locks must not be held when sending signals.
if send_ttou {
process_group.send_signals(locked, &[SIGTTOU]);
return error!(EINTR);
pub fn set_controlling_terminal(
self: &Arc<Self>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
terminal: &Arc<Terminal>,
is_main: bool,
steal: bool,
is_readable: bool,
) -> Result<(), Errno> {
// Keep locks to ensure atomicity.
let state =;
let process_group = &state.process_group;
let mut terminal_state = terminal.write();
let controlling_session = terminal_state.get_controlling_session_mut(is_main);
let mut session_writer = process_group.session.write();
// "The calling process must be a session leader and not have a
// controlling terminal already." - tty_ioctl(4)
if process_group.session.leader != self.leader
|| session_writer.controlling_terminal.is_some()
return error!(EINVAL);
let has_admin = current_task.creds().has_capability(CAP_SYS_ADMIN);
// "If this terminal is already the controlling terminal of a different
// session group, then the ioctl fails with EPERM, unless the caller
// has the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability and arg equals 1, in which case the
// terminal is stolen, and all processes that had it as controlling
// terminal lose it." - tty_ioctl(4)
if let Some(other_session) =
controlling_session.as_ref().and_then(|cs| cs.session.upgrade())
if other_session != process_group.session {
if !has_admin || !steal {
return error!(EPERM);
// Steal the TTY away. Unlike TIOCNOTTY, don't send signals.
other_session.write().controlling_terminal = None;
if !is_readable && !has_admin {
return error!(EPERM);
session_writer.controlling_terminal =
Some(ControllingTerminal::new(terminal.clone(), is_main));
*controlling_session = ControllingSession::new(process_group);
pub fn release_controlling_terminal<L>(
self: &Arc<Self>,
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
terminal: &Arc<Terminal>,
is_main: bool,
) -> Result<(), Errno>
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let process_group;
// Keep locks to ensure atomicity.
let state =;
process_group = Arc::clone(&state.process_group);
let mut terminal_state = terminal.write();
let controlling_session = terminal_state.get_controlling_session_mut(is_main);
let mut session_writer = process_group.session.write();
// tty must be the controlling terminal.
Self::check_controlling_session(&process_group.session, controlling_session)?;
// "If the process was session leader, then send SIGHUP and SIGCONT to the foreground
// process group and all processes in the current session lose their controlling terminal."
// - tty_ioctl(4)
// Remove tty as the controlling tty for each process in the session, then
// send them SIGHUP and SIGCONT.
session_writer.controlling_terminal = None;
*controlling_session = None;
if process_group.session.leader == self.leader {
process_group.send_signals(locked, &[SIGHUP, SIGCONT]);
fn check_orphans<L>(self: &Arc<Self>, locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>)
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
let mut thread_groups =<Vec<_>>();
let process_groups =
thread_groups.iter().map(|tg| Arc::clone(&;
for pg in process_groups {
pub fn get_rlimit(self: &Arc<Self>, resource: Resource) -> u64 {
pub fn adjust_rlimits(
self: &Arc<Self>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
resource: Resource,
maybe_new_limit: Option<rlimit>,
) -> Result<rlimit, Errno> {
let can_increase_rlimit = current_task.creds().has_capability(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE);
let mut limit_state = self.limits.lock();
limit_state.get_and_set(resource, maybe_new_limit, can_increase_rlimit)
pub fn time_stats(&self) -> TaskTimeStats {
let process: &zx::Process = if zx::AsHandleRef::as_handle_ref(&self.process).is_invalid() {
// `process` must be valid for all tasks, except `kthreads`. In that case get the
// stats from starnix process.
self as *const ThreadGroup,
} else {
let info =
zx::Task::get_runtime_info(process).expect("Failed to get starnix process stats");
TaskTimeStats {
user_time: zx::Duration::from_nanos(info.cpu_time),
// TODO( How can we calculate system time?
system_time: zx::Duration::default(),
/// For each task traced by this thread_group that matches the given
/// selector, acquire its TaskMutableState and ptracees lock and execute the
/// given function.
pub fn get_ptracees_and(
selector: ProcessSelector,
pids: &PidTable,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(WeakRef<Task>, &TaskMutableState),
) {
for tracee in self
.filter(|tracee_pid| selector.do_match(**tracee_pid, &pids))
.map(|tracee_pid| pids.get_task(*tracee_pid).clone())
if let Some(task_ref) = tracee.clone().upgrade() {
let task_state = task_ref.write();
if task_state.ptrace.is_some() {
f(tracee, &task_state);
/// Returns a tracee whose state has changed, so that waitpid can report on
/// it. If this returns a value, and the pid is being traced, the tracer
/// thread is deemed to have seen the tracee ptrace-stop for the purposes of
pub fn get_waitable_ptracee(
self: &Arc<Self>,
selector: ProcessSelector,
options: &WaitingOptions,
pids: &mut PidTable,
) -> Option<WaitResult> {
// This checks to see if the target is a zombie ptracee.
let waitable_entry = self.write().zombie_ptracees.get_waitable_entry(selector, options);
match waitable_entry {
None => (),
Some((zombie, None)) => return Some(zombie.to_wait_result()),
Some((zombie, Some((tg, z)))) => {
if tg != *self {
} else {
let mut state = tg.write();
state.deferred_zombie_ptracers.retain(|&(_, tracee)| tracee !=;
return Some(zombie.to_wait_result());
let mut tasks = vec![];
// This checks to see if the target is a living ptracee
self.get_ptracees_and(selector, pids, &mut |task: WeakRef<Task>, _| {
for task in tasks {
let Some(task_ref) = task.upgrade() else {
let process_state = &mut task_ref.thread_group.write();
let mut task_state = task_ref.write();
if task_state
.is_some_and(|ptrace| ptrace.is_waitable(task_ref.load_stopped(), options))
// We've identified a potential target. Need to return either
// the process's information (if we are in group-stop) or the
// thread's information (if we are in a different stop).
// The shared information:
let mut pid: i32 = 0;
let info = process_state.tasks.values().next().unwrap().info().clone();
let uid = info.creds().uid;
let mut exit_status = None;
let exit_signal = info.exit_signal();
let time_stats =
process_state.base.time_stats() + process_state.children_time_stats;
let task_stopped = task_ref.load_stopped();
enum ExitType {
if process_state.is_waitable() {
let ptrace = &mut task_state.ptrace;
// The information for processes, if we were in group stop.
let process_stopped = process_state.base.load_stopped();
let mut fn_type = ExitType::None;
if process_stopped == StopState::Awake && options.wait_for_continued {
fn_type = ExitType::Cont;
let mut event = ptrace
.map_or(PtraceEvent::None, |ptrace| {
ptrace.event_data.as_ref().map_or(PtraceEvent::None, |data| data.event)
// Tasks that are ptrace'd always get stop notifications.
if process_stopped == StopState::GroupStopped
&& (options.wait_for_stopped || ptrace.is_some())
fn_type = ExitType::Stop;
if fn_type != ExitType::None {
let siginfo = if options.keep_waitable_state {
} else {
if let Some(mut siginfo) = siginfo {
if task_ref.thread_group.load_stopped() == StopState::GroupStopped
&& ptrace.as_ref().is_some_and(|ptrace| ptrace.is_seized())
if event == PtraceEvent::None {
event = PtraceEvent::Stop;
siginfo.code |= (PtraceEvent::Stop as i32) << 8;
if siginfo.signal == SIGKILL {
fn_type = ExitType::Kill;
exit_status = match fn_type {
ExitType::Stop => Some(ExitStatus::Stop(siginfo, event)),
ExitType::Cont => Some(ExitStatus::Continue(siginfo, event)),
ExitType::Kill => Some(ExitStatus::Kill(siginfo)),
_ => None,
// Clear the wait status of the ptrace, because we're
// using the tg status instead.
.map(|ptrace| ptrace.get_last_signal(options.keep_waitable_state));
pid = process_state.base.leader;
if exit_status == None {
if let Some(ptrace) = task_state.ptrace.as_mut() {
// The information for the task, if we were in a non-group stop.
let mut fn_type = ExitType::None;
let event = ptrace
.map_or(PtraceEvent::None, |event| event.event);
if task_stopped == StopState::Awake {
fn_type = ExitType::Cont;
if task_stopped.is_stopping_or_stopped()
|| ptrace.stop_status == PtraceStatus::Listening
fn_type = ExitType::Stop;
if fn_type != ExitType::None {
if let Some(siginfo) =
if siginfo.signal == SIGKILL {
fn_type = ExitType::Kill;
exit_status = match fn_type {
ExitType::Stop => Some(ExitStatus::Stop(siginfo, event)),
ExitType::Cont => Some(ExitStatus::Continue(siginfo, event)),
ExitType::Kill => Some(ExitStatus::Kill(siginfo)),
_ => None,
pid = task_ref.get_tid();
if let Some(exit_status) = exit_status {
return Some(WaitResult {
exit_info: ProcessExitInfo {
status: exit_status,
exit_signal: *exit_signal,
/// Get the SELinux security ID of the thread group.
/// Returns a placeholder value if SELinux is not enabled.
pub fn get_current_sid(&self) -> SecurityId {
// TODO(http://b/316181721): to avoid TOCTOU issues, once initial security contexts are
// propagated to tasks in the system, in some cases using this API will need to be replaced
// with call sites holding the state lock while making updates.
impl ThreadGroupMutableState<Base = ThreadGroup, BaseType = Arc<ThreadGroup>> {
pub fn leader(&self) -> pid_t {
pub fn children(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Arc<ThreadGroup>> + '_ {
self.children.values().map(|v| {
v.upgrade().expect("Weak references to processes in ThreadGroup must always be valid")
pub fn tasks(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = TempRef<'_, Task>> + '_ {
self.tasks.values().flat_map(|t| t.upgrade())
pub fn task_ids(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &pid_t> {
pub fn contains_task(&self, tid: pid_t) -> bool {
pub fn get_task(&self, tid: pid_t) -> Option<TempRef<'_, Task>> {
self.tasks.get(&tid).and_then(|t| t.upgrade())
pub fn tasks_count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn get_ppid(&self) -> pid_t {
match &self.parent {
Some(parent) => parent.leader,
None => self.leader(),
fn set_process_group<L>(
&mut self,
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
process_group: Arc<ProcessGroup>,
pids: &mut PidTable,
) where
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
if self.process_group == process_group {
self.leave_process_group(locked, pids);
self.process_group = process_group;
self.process_group.insert(locked, self.base);
fn leave_process_group<L>(&mut self, locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>, pids: &mut PidTable)
L: LockBefore<ProcessGroupState>,
if self.process_group.remove(locked, self.base) {
/// Indicates whether the thread group is waitable via waitid and waitpid for
pub fn is_waitable(&self) -> bool {
return self.last_signal.is_some() && !self.base.load_stopped().is_in_progress();
pub fn get_waitable_zombie(
&mut self,
zombie_list: &dyn Fn(&mut ThreadGroupMutableState) -> &mut Vec<OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>>,
selector: ProcessSelector,
options: &WaitingOptions,
pids: &mut PidTable,
) -> Option<WaitResult> {
// The zombies whose pid matches the pid selector queried.
let zombie_matches_pid_selector = |zombie: &OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>| match selector {
ProcessSelector::Any => true,
ProcessSelector::Pid(pid) => == pid,
ProcessSelector::Pgid(pgid) => zombie.pgid == pgid,
// The zombies whose exit signal matches the waiting options queried.
let zombie_matches_wait_options: Box<dyn Fn(&OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>) -> bool> = if options
Box::new(|_zombie: &OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>| true)
} else {
// A "clone" zombie is one which has delivered no signal, or a
// signal other than SIGCHLD to its parent upon termination.
Box::new(|zombie: &OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>| {
Self::is_correct_exit_signal(options.wait_for_clone, zombie.exit_info.exit_signal)
// We look for the last zombie in the vector that matches pid selector and waiting options
let selected_zombie_position = zombie_list(self)
.position(|zombie: &OwnedRef<ZombieProcess>| {
zombie_matches_wait_options(zombie) && zombie_matches_pid_selector(zombie)
.map(|position_starting_from_the_back| {
zombie_list(self).len() - 1 - position_starting_from_the_back
});|position| {
if options.keep_waitable_state {
} else {
let zombie = zombie_list(self).remove(position);
self.children_time_stats += zombie.time_stats;
let result = zombie.to_wait_result();
pub fn is_correct_exit_signal(for_clone: bool, exit_code: Option<Signal>) -> bool {
for_clone == (exit_code != Some(SIGCHLD))
fn get_waitable_running_children(
selector: ProcessSelector,
options: &WaitingOptions,
pids: &PidTable,
) -> Result<Option<WaitResult>, Errno> {
// The children whose pid matches the pid selector queried.
let filter_children_by_pid_selector = |child: &Arc<ThreadGroup>| match selector {
ProcessSelector::Any => true,
ProcessSelector::Pid(pid) => child.leader == pid,
ProcessSelector::Pgid(pgid) => {
pids.get_process_group(pgid).as_ref() == Some(&
// The children whose exit signal matches the waiting options queried.
let filter_children_by_waiting_options = |child: &Arc<ThreadGroup>| {
if options.wait_for_all {
return true;
let child_state =;
if child_state.terminating {
// Child is terminating. In addition to its original location,
// the leader may have exited, and its exit signal may be in the
// leader_exit_info.
if let Some(info) = &child_state.leader_exit_info {
if info.exit_signal.is_some() {
return Self::is_correct_exit_signal(
child_state.tasks.values().any(|container| {
let info =;
Self::is_correct_exit_signal(options.wait_for_clone, *info.exit_signal())
// If wait_for_exited flag is disabled or no terminated children were found we look for living children.
let mut selected_children = self
.map(|t| t.upgrade().unwrap())
if selected_children.peek().is_none() {
// There still might be a process that ptrace hasn't looked at yet.
if self.deferred_zombie_ptracers.iter().any(|&(_, tracee)| match selector {
ProcessSelector::Any => true,
ProcessSelector::Pid(pid) => tracee == pid,
ProcessSelector::Pgid(pgid) => {
pids.get_process_group(pgid).as_ref() == pids.get_process_group(tracee).as_ref()
}) {
return Ok(None);
return error!(ECHILD);
for child in selected_children {
let child = child.write();
if child.last_signal.is_some() {
let build_wait_result = |mut child: ThreadGroupWriteGuard<'_>,
exit_status: &dyn Fn(SignalInfo) -> ExitStatus|
-> WaitResult {
let siginfo = if options.keep_waitable_state {
} else {
let exit_status = if siginfo.signal == SIGKILL {
// This overrides the stop/continue choice.
} else {
let info = child.tasks.values().next().unwrap().info();
WaitResult {
pid: child.base.leader,
uid: info.creds().uid,
exit_info: ProcessExitInfo {
status: exit_status,
exit_signal: *info.exit_signal(),
time_stats: child.base.time_stats() + child.children_time_stats,
let child_stopped = child.base.load_stopped();
if child_stopped == StopState::Awake && options.wait_for_continued {
return Ok(Some(build_wait_result(child, &|siginfo| {
ExitStatus::Continue(siginfo, PtraceEvent::None)
if child_stopped == StopState::GroupStopped && options.wait_for_stopped {
return Ok(Some(build_wait_result(child, &|siginfo| {
ExitStatus::Stop(siginfo, PtraceEvent::None)
/// Returns any waitable child matching the given `selector` and `options`. Returns None if no
/// child matching the selector is waitable. Returns ECHILD if no child matches the selector at
/// all.
/// Will remove the waitable status from the child depending on `options`.
pub fn get_waitable_child(
&mut self,
selector: ProcessSelector,
options: &WaitingOptions,
pids: &mut PidTable,
) -> Result<Option<WaitResult>, Errno> {
if options.wait_for_exited {
if let Some(waitable_zombie) = self.get_waitable_zombie(
&|state: &mut ThreadGroupMutableState| &mut state.zombie_children,
) {
return Ok(Some(waitable_zombie));
self.get_waitable_running_children(selector, options, pids)
/// Returns a task in the current thread group.
pub fn get_live_task(&self) -> Result<TempRef<'_, Task>, Errno> {
.and_then(|t| t.upgrade())
.or_else(|| self.tasks().next())
.ok_or_else(|| errno!(ESRCH))
/// Return the appropriate task in |thread_group| to send the given signal.
pub fn get_signal_target(&self, _signal: UncheckedSignal) -> Option<TempRef<'_, Task>> {
// TODO( Consider more than the main thread or the first thread in the thread group
// to dispatch the signal.
/// Set the stop status of the process. If you pass |siginfo| of |None|,
/// does not update the signal. If |finalize_only| is set, will check that
/// the set will be a finalize (Stopping -> Stopped or Stopped -> Stopped)
/// before executing it.
/// Returns the latest stop state after any changes.
pub fn set_stopped(
mut self,
new_stopped: StopState,
siginfo: Option<SignalInfo>,
finalize_only: bool,
) -> StopState {
if let Some(stopped) = self.base.check_stopped_state(new_stopped, finalize_only) {
return stopped;
// Thread groups don't transition to group stop if they are waking, because waking
// means something told it to wake up (like a SIGCONT) but hasn't finished yet.
if self.base.load_stopped() == StopState::Waking
&& (new_stopped == StopState::GroupStopping || new_stopped == StopState::GroupStopped)
return self.base.load_stopped();
// TODO( When thread
// group can be stopped inside user code, tasks/thread groups will
// need to be either restarted or stopped here.
if let Some(signal) = &siginfo {
// We don't want waiters to think the process was unstopped
// because of a sigkill. They will get woken when the
// process dies.
if signal.signal != SIGKILL {
self.last_signal = siginfo;
if new_stopped == StopState::Waking || new_stopped == StopState::ForceWaking {
let parent = (!new_stopped.is_in_progress()).then(|| self.parent.clone()).flatten();
// Drop the lock before locking the parent.
if let Some(parent) = parent {
fn store_stopped(&mut self, state: StopState) {
// We don't actually use the guard but we require it to enforce that the
// caller holds the thread group's mutable state lock (identified by
// mutable access to the thread group's mutable state)., Ordering::Relaxed)
/// Container around a weak task and a strong `TaskPersistentInfo`. It is needed to keep the
/// information even when the task is not upgradable, because when the task is dropped, there is a
/// moment where the task is not yet released, yet the weak pointer is not upgradeable anymore.
/// During this time, it is still necessary to access the persistent info to compute the state of
/// the thread for the different wait syscalls.
pub struct TaskContainer(WeakRef<Task>, TaskPersistentInfo);
impl From<&TempRef<'_, Task>> for TaskContainer {
fn from(task: &TempRef<'_, Task>) -> Self {
Self(WeakRef::from(task), task.persistent_info.clone())
impl From<TaskContainer> for TaskPersistentInfo {
fn from(container: TaskContainer) -> TaskPersistentInfo {
impl TaskContainer {
fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<TempRef<'_, Task>> {
fn info(&self) -> MutexGuard<'_, TaskPersistentInfoState> {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::testing::*;
async fn test_setsid() {
fn get_process_group(task: &Task) -> Arc<ProcessGroup> {
let (_kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
assert_eq!(current_task.thread_group.setsid(&mut locked), error!(EPERM));
let child_task = current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, Some(SIGCHLD));
assert_eq!(get_process_group(&current_task), get_process_group(&child_task));
let old_process_group =;
assert_eq!(child_task.thread_group.setsid(&mut locked), Ok(()));
.read(&mut locked)
async fn test_exit_status() {
let (_kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let child = current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, Some(SIGCHLD));
child.thread_group.exit(ExitStatus::Exit(42), None);
async fn test_setgpid() {
let (_kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
assert_eq!(current_task.thread_group.setsid(&mut locked), error!(EPERM));
let child_task1 = current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, Some(SIGCHLD));
let child_task2 = current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, Some(SIGCHLD));
let execd_child_task = current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, Some(SIGCHLD));
execd_child_task.thread_group.write().did_exec = true;
let other_session_child_task =
current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, Some(SIGCHLD));
assert_eq!(other_session_child_task.thread_group.setsid(&mut locked), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(child_task1.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &current_task, 0), error!(ESRCH));
current_task.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &execd_child_task, 0),
assert_eq!(current_task.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &current_task, 0), error!(EPERM));
current_task.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &other_session_child_task, 0),
current_task.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &child_task1, -1),
current_task.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &child_task1, 255),
&mut locked,
assert_eq!(child_task1.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &child_task1, 0), Ok(()));
let old_process_group =;
current_task.thread_group.setpgid(&mut locked, &child_task2,,
.read(&mut locked)
async fn test_adopt_children() {
let (_kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let task1 = current_task.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, None);
let task2 = task1.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, None);
let task3 = task2.clone_task_for_test(&mut locked, 0, None);
task2.thread_group.exit(ExitStatus::Exit(0), None);
// Task3 parent should be current_task.