blob: d7e0f016fd01fcc7030bc04e4d7402b93b4d3162 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{artifact::ArtifactReader, io::ReadSeek, key_value::parse_key_value},
anyhow::{Context, Result},
fuchsia_merkle::{Hash, MerkleTree},
fuchsia_url::{PackageName, PackageVariant},
de::{self, Deserializer, Error as _, MapAccess, Visitor},
Deserialize, Serialize,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
str::{from_utf8, FromStr},
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Error)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum SystemImageError {
#[error("additional boot config is missing the pkgfs cmd entry")]
#[error("Unexpected number of pkgfs cmd entry arguments: expected {expected_len}; actual: {actual_len}")]
UnexpectedPkgfsCmdLen { expected_len: usize, actual_len: usize },
#[error("Unexpected pkgfs command: expected {expected_cmd}; actual {actual_cmd}")]
UnexpectedPkgfsCmd { expected_cmd: String, actual_cmd: String },
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Error)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum PackageError {
#[error("Malformed package hash: expected hex-SHA256; actual {actual_hash}")]
MalformedPackageHash { actual_hash: String },
#[error("Failed to open package file: {package_path}: {io_error}")]
FailedToOpenPackage { package_path: PathBuf, io_error: String },
#[error("Failed to read package file: {package_path}: {io_error}")]
FailedToReadPackage { package_path: PathBuf, io_error: String },
#[error("Failed to verify package file: expected merkle root: {expected_merkle_root}; computed merkle root: {computed_merkle_root}")]
FailedToVerifyPackage { expected_merkle_root: Hash, computed_merkle_root: Hash },
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Error)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ReadContentBlobError {
#[error("Failed to read package's meta/contents file: {error}")]
FailedToReadMetaContents { error: String },
#[error("Failed to convert package's meta/contents file's raw bytes to string: {error}")]
FailedToConvertMetaContentsToString { error: String },
#[error("Failed to parse path=merkle pairs in package's meta/contents file: {error}")]
FailedToParseMetaContents { error: String },
#[error("File not found in package's meta/contents map: {file_path}")]
MetaContentsDoesNotContainFile { file_path: String },
#[error("Failed to read file from package: {file_path}, error: {error}")]
FailedToReadFileFromPackage { file_path: String, error: String },
/// Path within a Fuchsia package that contains the package contents manifest.
pub static META_CONTENTS_PATH: &str = "meta/contents";
pub static PKGFS_CMD_ADDITIONAL_BOOT_CONFIG_KEY: &str = "zircon.system.pkgfs.cmd";
pub static PKGFS_BINARY_PATH: &str = "bin/pkgsvr";
/// Parse the system image merkle hash from the zircon.system.pkgfs.cmd value in additional boot args.
/// Assumption: the additional_boot_args provided have already split values by the `+` delimiter.
/// Example: zircon.system.pkgfs.cmd=bin/pkgsvr+a5e7a3756cca7fc664de30d9fe6cec96f7923562763a4678b1a7c69f84aedce3
pub fn extract_system_image_hash_string(
additional_boot_args: &HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
) -> Result<String, SystemImageError> {
let pkgfs_cmd = additional_boot_args
.ok_or_else(|| SystemImageError::MissingPkgfsCmdEntry)?;
if pkgfs_cmd.len() != 2 {
return Err(SystemImageError::UnexpectedPkgfsCmdLen {
expected_len: 2,
actual_len: pkgfs_cmd.len(),
let (pkgfs_binary_path, system_image_merkle_string) = (&pkgfs_cmd[0], &pkgfs_cmd[1]);
if pkgfs_binary_path != PKGFS_BINARY_PATH {
return Err(SystemImageError::UnexpectedPkgfsCmd {
expected_cmd: PKGFS_BINARY_PATH.to_string(),
actual_cmd: pkgfs_binary_path.clone(),
/// Verify that the merkle given for the package matches the computed merkle of the associated blob.
/// The package merkle strings may be extracted from:
/// 1. The zircon.system.pkgfs.cmd value from additional_boot_args for the system image blob.
/// 2. The package listing in data/static_packages from the system image blob's data.
/// 3. The bootfs package listing within a zbi from data/bootfs_packages.
/// The provided artifact_reader is assumed to have access to the set of blobs containing the package of interest.
pub fn verify_package_merkle(
package_merkle_string: &String,
artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
) -> Result<(), PackageError> {
// First, ensure the given string for the package merkle is a valid hash.
let package_merkle = Hash::from_str(package_merkle_string).map_err(|_| {
PackageError::MalformedPackageHash { actual_hash: package_merkle_string.clone() }
// Next, open the blob corresponding to the package merkle from the artifact reader.
let package_path = Path::new(package_merkle_string);
let mut pkg =|err| {
PackageError::FailedToReadPackage {
package_path: package_path.to_path_buf(),
io_error: err.to_string(),
// Compute the merkle from the package blob.
let computed_package_merkle = MerkleTree::from_reader(&mut pkg)
.map_err(|err| PackageError::FailedToReadPackage {
package_path: package_path.to_path_buf(),
io_error: err.to_string(),
// Make sure the computed merkle matches the given value.
if computed_package_merkle != package_merkle {
return Err(PackageError::FailedToVerifyPackage {
expected_merkle_root: package_merkle,
computed_merkle_root: computed_package_merkle,
pub fn open_update_package<P: AsRef<Path>>(
update_package_path: P,
artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
) -> Result<Utf8Reader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>>> {
let update_package_path = update_package_path.as_ref();
let mut update_package_file = File::open(update_package_path).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to open update package meta.far at {:?}", update_package_path)
let update_package_hash = MerkleTree::from_reader(&mut update_package_file)
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to compute merkle root of update package meta.far at {:?}",
let far =|| {
"Failed to open update package meta.far at {:?} from artifact archives",
Utf8Reader::new(far).with_context(|| {
"Failed to initialize far reader for update package at {:?} with merkle root {}",
update_package_path, update_package_hash
pub fn read_content_blob(
far_reader: &mut Utf8Reader<impl ReadSeek>,
artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
path: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ReadContentBlobError> {
let meta_contents = far_reader
.map_err(|err| ReadContentBlobError::FailedToReadMetaContents { error: err.to_string() })?;
let meta_contents = from_utf8(meta_contents.as_slice()).map_err(|err| {
ReadContentBlobError::FailedToConvertMetaContentsToString { error: err.to_string() }
let paths_to_merkles = parse_key_value(meta_contents).map_err(|err| {
ReadContentBlobError::FailedToParseMetaContents { error: err.to_string() }
let merkle_root = paths_to_merkles.get(path).ok_or_else(|| {
ReadContentBlobError::MetaContentsDoesNotContainFile { file_path: path.to_string() }
artifact_reader.read_bytes(&Path::new(merkle_root)).map_err(|err| {
ReadContentBlobError::FailedToReadFileFromPackage {
file_path: path.to_string(),
error: err.to_string(),
/// Package index files contain lines of the form:
/// [pkg-name-variant-path]=[merkle-root-hash].
pub type PackageIndexContents = HashMap<(PackageName, Option<PackageVariant>), Hash>;
/// Serialize package indices listing contents. A custom strategy is necessary because
/// map keys are stored as `(PackageName, Option<PackageVariant>)`, which must be manually converted
/// to a string representation.
pub fn serialize_pkg_index<S>(
pkgs: &Option<PackageIndexContents>,
serializer: S,
) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
match pkgs {
None => serializer.serialize_none(),
Some(pkgs) => {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for ((name, variant), hash) in pkgs {
match variant {
None => {
map.insert(name.to_string(), hash.to_string());
Some(variant) => {
format!("{}/{}", name.as_ref(), variant.as_ref()),
/// Deserialize package indices listing contents. A custom strategy is necessary because
/// map keys are stored as `(PackageName, Option<PackageVariant>)`, which must be manually converted
/// from a string representation.
pub fn deserialize_pkg_index<'de, D>(
deserializer: D,
) -> Result<Option<PackageIndexContents>, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
struct OptVisitor;
struct MapVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for OptVisitor {
type Value = Option<PackageIndexContents>;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("optional pkgs map")
fn visit_none<E>(self) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: de::Error,
fn visit_some<D>(self, deserializer: D) -> Result<Self::Value, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let visitor = MapVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for MapVisitor {
type Value = PackageIndexContents;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("pkg index map")
fn visit_map<A>(self, mut map_access: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error>
A: MapAccess<'de>,
let mut map = HashMap::with_capacity(map_access.size_hint().unwrap_or(0));
loop {
let entry: Option<(String, String)> = map_access.next_entry()?;
match entry {
None => break,
Some((name_variant_string, hash_string)) => {
let mut name_parts = vec![];
let mut variant_part = None;
for part in name_variant_string.split("/") {
if let Some(prev_tail) = variant_part {
variant_part = Some(part);
let name_string = name_parts.join("/");
let name = PackageName::from_str(&name_string).map_err(|err| {
"Failed to parse package name from string: {}: {}",
name_string, err
let variant = variant_part
.map(|variant| {
PackageVariant::from_str(variant).map_err(|err| {
"Failed to parse package variant from string: {}: {}",
variant, err
.map_or(Ok(None), |r|;
let hash = Hash::from_str(&hash_string).map_err(|err| {
"Failed to parse package hash from string: {}: {}",
hash_string, err
map.insert((name, variant), hash);
let visitor = OptVisitor;
mod tests {
use {
extract_system_image_hash_string, verify_package_merkle, PackageError,
anyhow::{anyhow, Result},
fuchsia_archive::write as far_write,
fuchsia_merkle::{Hash, MerkleTree, HASH_SIZE},
maplit::{btreemap, hashmap},
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet},
io::{BufWriter, Cursor, Read},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
struct TestArtifactReader {
artifacts: HashMap<PathBuf, Vec<u8>>,
impl TestArtifactReader {
fn new(artifacts: HashMap<PathBuf, Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
Self { artifacts }
impl ArtifactReader for TestArtifactReader {
fn open(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> {
if let Some(bytes) = self.artifacts.get(path) {
return Ok(Box::new(Cursor::new(bytes.clone())));
Err(anyhow!("No artifact found for path: {:?}", path))
fn read_bytes(&mut self, _path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("not implemented");
fn get_deps(&self) -> HashSet<PathBuf> {
panic!("not implemented");
fn create_package_far() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut package_far = BufWriter::new(Vec::new());
let meta_contents = "".to_string();
let meta_contents_bytes = meta_contents.as_bytes();
let meta_contents_reader: Box<dyn Read> = Box::new(meta_contents_bytes);
let path_content_map: BTreeMap<&str, (u64, Box<dyn Read>)> = btreemap! {
(meta_contents_bytes.len() as u64, meta_contents_reader),
far_write(&mut package_far, path_content_map).unwrap();
// These pkgfs command parsing tests mirror the tests in static_pkgs collector, but are narrower in
// scope as they test smaller functions.
fn test_missing_pkgfs_cmd_entry() {
let additional_boot_args = hashmap! {};
let result = extract_system_image_hash_string(&additional_boot_args);
match result {
Err(SystemImageError::MissingPkgfsCmdEntry { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn test_pkgfs_cmd_too_short() {
let additional_boot_args = hashmap! {
let result = extract_system_image_hash_string(&additional_boot_args);
match result {
Err(SystemImageError::UnexpectedPkgfsCmdLen { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn test_pkgfs_cmd_too_long() {
let additional_boot_args = hashmap! {
let result = extract_system_image_hash_string(&additional_boot_args);
match result {
Err(SystemImageError::UnexpectedPkgfsCmdLen { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn test_bad_pkgfs_cmd() {
let bad_cmd_name = "unexpected/pkgsvr/path";
let additional_boot_args = hashmap! {
Hash::from([0; HASH_SIZE]).to_string(),
let result = extract_system_image_hash_string(&additional_boot_args);
match result {
Err(SystemImageError::UnexpectedPkgfsCmd { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn test_invalid_package_merkle() {
let mut test_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let bad_merkle_root = "I am not a merkle root".to_string();
let result = verify_package_merkle(&bad_merkle_root, &mut test_artifact_reader);
match result {
Err(PackageError::MalformedPackageHash { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn test_missing_package() {
let mut test_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let designated_system_image_hash = Hash::from([0; HASH_SIZE]);
let result = verify_package_merkle(
&mut test_artifact_reader,
match result {
Err(PackageError::FailedToReadPackage { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),
fn test_incorrect_package_merkle() {
// This test sets up a TestArtifactReader to contain a representative artifact that
// we can calculate a merkle hash for. The code under test will use this to compute
// a merkle and match it against the given value (the `designated_package_hash`).
let designated_package_hash = Hash::from([0; HASH_SIZE]);
let package_contents = create_package_far();
let package_hash = MerkleTree::from_reader(package_contents.as_slice()).unwrap().root();
assert!(designated_package_hash != package_hash);
// Incorrectly map designated_package_hash` to `package_contents` (that's not its
// content hash!).
let test_artifacts = hashmap! {
PathBuf::from(designated_package_hash.to_string()) => package_contents,
let mut test_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let result =
verify_package_merkle(&designated_package_hash.to_string(), &mut test_artifact_reader);
match result {
Err(PackageError::FailedToVerifyPackage { .. }) => return,
_ => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result),