blob: 29f4f153ffe412bdaffe248490dc321b78e0efbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
package::{extract_system_image_hash_string, read_content_blob, ReadContentBlobError},
anyhow::{Error, Result},
difference::{Changeset, Difference},
fuchsia_archive::Utf8Reader as FarReader,
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize},
std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
std::str::{from_utf8, FromStr},
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Error)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ValidationError {
#[error("Invalid validation policy configuration: {error}")]
InvalidPolicyConfiguration { error: String },
#[error("Validation failure: additional_boot_args MUST contain {expected_key}={expected_value}, but is missing key {expected_key}")]
AdditionalBootArgsMustContainsKeyMissing { expected_key: String, expected_value: String },
#[error("Validation failure: additional_boot_args MUST contain {expected_key}={expected_value}, but the value does not match. Expected: {expected_value}, Actual: {found_value}")]
AdditionalBootArgsMustContainsValueIncorrect {
expected_key: String,
expected_value: String,
found_value: String,
#[error("Validation failure: additional_boot_args MUST NOT contain {expected_key}={expected_value}, but does.")]
AdditionalBootArgsMustNotContainsHasKeyValue { expected_key: String, expected_value: String },
#[error("Validation error: Static package {package_name} not found.")]
MissingStaticPackage { package_name: String },
#[error("Validation error: Failed to read package {package_name}: {error}")]
FailedToReadPackage { package_name: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation error: A package check was not able to run. Package: {package_name}, error: {error}")]
FailedToPerformPackageCheck { package_name: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation error: A file check was not able to run. Package: {package_name}, file: {file_path}, error: {error}")]
FailedToPerformFileCheck { package_name: String, file_path: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation error: A file check was not able to run because the file was missing. Possible paths: {file_paths} ")]
FailedToFindFile { file_paths: String },
#[error("Validation error: A file check was not able to run because multiple possible files are present. Possible paths: {possible_paths:?}, files found: {files_found:?} ")]
UnexpectedNumberOfFilesPresent { possible_paths: Vec<String>, files_found: Vec<String> },
#[error("Validation failure: A file that MUST be absent was found to be present. Package: {package_name}, file: {file_path}")]
UnexpectedFilePresence { package_name: String, file_path: String },
#[error("Validation failure: A file that MUST be absent or empty was found to be present with contents. Package: {package_name}, file: {file_path}")]
UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents { package_name: String, file_path: String },
#[error("Validation error: Content bytes could not be converted to a string. Content source: {content_source}, error: {error}")]
FailedToParseContentsToString { content_source: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation error: Content could not be parsed as a key-value map. Content source: {content_source}, error: {error}")]
FailedToParseContentsAsKeyValueMap { content_source: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation error: Content could not be parsed as valid JSON. Content source: {content_source}, error: {error}")]
FailedToParseContentsAsJson { content_source: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation error: Cannot handle JSON key-value pair where value is an array or object. Found value: {found}, Content source: {content_source}")]
UnableToHandleJsonContent { found: String, content_source: String },
#[error("Validation error: The value type found in a JSON key-value check does not match the policy type. Found value: {found}, Found type: {found_type}, Policy value: {policy}, Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
found: String,
found_type: String,
policy: String,
content_source: String,
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST contain JSON key-value \"{expected_key}\":{expected_value} but does not.\nContent source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustContainsJsonKeyValueMissingOrIncorrect {
expected_key: String,
expected_value: String,
content_source: String,
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST contain {expected_key}={expected_value}, but is missing key {expected_key}. Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustContainsKeyValueKeyMissing {
expected_key: String,
expected_value: String,
content_source: String,
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST contain {expected_key}={expected_value}, but the value does not match. Expected: {expected_value}, Actual: {found_value}, Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustContainsKeyValueValueIncorrect {
expected_key: String,
expected_value: String,
found_value: String,
content_source: String,
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST NOT contain JSON key-value \"{expected_key}\":{expected_value}, but does. Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustNotContainsJsonHasKeyValue {
expected_key: String,
expected_value: String,
content_source: String,
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST NOT contain {expected_key}={expected_value}, but does. Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustNotContainsHasKeyValue {
expected_key: String,
expected_value: String,
content_source: String,
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST contain {value}, but does not. Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustContainValueMissing { value: String, content_source: String },
#[error("Validation failure: Content MUST NOT contain {value}, but does. Content source: {content_source}")]
ContentMustNotContainValuePresent { value: String, content_source: String },
#[error("Validation error: Could not open golden file at {golden_path}, error: {error}")]
FailedToOpenGoldenFile { golden_path: String, error: String },
#[error("Validation failure: Golden file mismatch. The golden file contents from {golden_path} do not match content from {content_source}. \nDiffs:\n{diffs}")]
ContentGoldenFileMismatch { golden_path: String, content_source: String, diffs: String },
impl ValidationError {
/// Replaces `self` with another error that also stores the provided `package_name`.
fn with_package_name(self, package_name: String) -> Self {
match self {
ValidationError::FailedToPerformFileCheck { file_path, error, .. } => {
ValidationError::FailedToPerformFileCheck { package_name, file_path, error }
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresence { file_path, .. } => {
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresence { package_name, file_path }
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents { file_path, .. } => {
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents { package_name, file_path }
_ => self,
/// Replaces `self` with another error that also stores the provided `content_source`.
fn with_content_source(self, content_source: String) -> Self {
match self {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsJson { content_source: _, error } => {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsJson { content_source, error }
ValidationError::UnableToHandleJsonContent { found, .. } => {
ValidationError::UnableToHandleJsonContent { found, content_source }
ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
found, found_type, policy, ..
} => ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
_ => self,
/// The type of content to expect when performing ContentChecks.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum ContentType {
/// JsonKeyValue currently handles bool, number, or string values from target JSON files.
/// The value in the policy file is the expected value as a string, e.g. "true" for bool.
JsonKeyValue(String, String),
/// KeyValuePair expects the delimiter to be `=`, for example `key=value`.
KeyValuePair(String, String),
/// Possible sources from which to resolve the merkle string for a package:
/// 1. The zircon.system.pkgfs.cmd value from additional_boot_args for the system image blob.
/// 2. The package listing in data/static_packages from the system image blob's data.
/// 3. The bootfs package listing within a zbi from data/bootfs_packages.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum PackageSource {
impl Display for PackageSource {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
PackageSource::SystemImage => write!(f, "system_image"),
PackageSource::StaticPackages(pkg_name) => write!(f, "static-pkgs-index: {}", pkg_name),
PackageSource::BootfsPackages(pkg_name) => write!(f, "bootfs-pkgs-index: {}", pkg_name),
/// Possible sources for files within a package:
/// 1. Listed in the meta/contents file of a package in the form "name=<merkle>". In this case, we
/// must resolve the merkle from the map then access the file from the blobs_dir by merkle.
/// 2. Listed as a file directly accessible in the package archive, ie meta/data/sshd-host/sshd_config in config-data.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum FileSource {
/// Name for the target file as a key in the meta/contents mapping from the package.
/// Possible paths within the package archive. If multiple files are found, validation will fail.
/// Multiple paths are only supported to enable backwards compatibility during file migrations.
impl Display for FileSource {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
FileSource::MetaContents(path) => write!(f, "meta-contents: {}", path),
FileSource::PackageFar(paths) => {
write!(f, "package-far: {}", paths.join(", "))
/// The expected state of a file when performing FileChecks.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum FileState {
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct BuildCheckSpec {
/// Checks requiring presence or absence of specific key-value pairs in additional boot args.
pub additional_boot_args_checks: Option<ContentCheckSpec>,
/// Checks which involve reading the contents of specific packages in the build.
pub package_checks: Vec<PackageCheckSpec>,
/// Package checks operate on the content of individual packages.
/// package_source indicates how to find the merkle string for the package, which is used to fetch the
/// package from the blobs_directory's ArtifactReader.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PackageCheckSpec {
/// Which set of package sources to resolve the merkle string from.
pub source: PackageSource,
/// Set of checks to run on files within the package.
pub file_checks: Vec<FileCheckSpec>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct FileCheckSpec {
/// How the file is sourced from the package contents.
pub source: FileSource,
/// Expected state of the file: present, absent, absent or empty.
pub state: FileState,
/// If the file is expected to be present, the set of checks to run on the file's contents.
pub content_checks: Option<ContentCheckSpec>,
/// Defines a set of validations for content that must or must not be part of some input content.
/// There is no enforcement on mutual exclusion between must_contain and must_not_contain. If the same
/// value appears in both sets, validation will simply fail at check-time.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ContentCheckSpec {
/// Set of items that must be present in the target content.
pub must_contain: Option<Vec<ContentType>>,
/// Set of items that must not be present in the target content.
pub must_not_contain: Option<Vec<ContentType>>,
/// The name of a golden file. The directory path it resides in is provided elsewhere.
/// The contents of the golden file must match target content as a string.
pub matches_golden: Option<String>,
/// Validates the provided build artifacts according to the provided policy.
/// # Arguments
/// * `validation_policy` - A policy file describing checks to perform
/// * `boot_args_data` - Mapping of arg name to vector of values delimited by `+`
/// * `static_pkgs` - Mapping of pkg name to merkle hash string
/// * `blobs_artifact_reader` - ArtifactReader backed by a build's blob set
/// * 'golden_files_dir` - Directory containing golden files for matching
pub fn validate_build_checks(
validation_policy: BuildCheckSpec,
boot_args_data: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
static_pkgs: HashMap<String, String>,
blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<ValidationError>, Error> {
let mut errors_found = Vec::new();
// If the policy specifies additional_boot_args checks, run them.
if let Some(additional_boot_args_checks) = validation_policy.additional_boot_args_checks {
for error in validate_additional_boot_args(additional_boot_args_checks, &boot_args_data) {
for package_check in validation_policy.package_checks {
// Resolve the package merkle string based on the source specified by the policy.
let pkg_merkle_string = match package_check.source {
PackageSource::SystemImage => extract_system_image_hash_string(&boot_args_data)?,
PackageSource::StaticPackages(ref pkg_name) => {
if let Some(merkle_string) = static_pkgs.get(pkg_name) {
} else {
errors_found.push(ValidationError::MissingStaticPackage {
package_name: pkg_name.to_string(),
PackageSource::BootfsPackages(_) => unimplemented!(),
// Run the validations specified by the policy.
// Specification of the concrete PackageFileValidator impl should remain internal to build_checks.
for error in validate_package::<PackageFileValidator>(
) {
fn validate_additional_boot_args(
checks: ContentCheckSpec,
boot_args_data: &HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
if let Some(must_contain_checks) = checks.must_contain {
for check in must_contain_checks {
match check {
ContentType::KeyValuePair(key, value) => {
if !boot_args_data.contains_key(&key) {
errors.push(ValidationError::AdditionalBootArgsMustContainsKeyMissing {
expected_key: key,
expected_value: value,
if let Some(values_vec) = boot_args_data.get(&key) {
// AdditionalBootArgsCollector splits its values by the `+` delimiter.
// This check will only operate on the first value found in cases where
// multiple values are present.
let found_value = values_vec[0].clone();
if !(found_value == value) {
ValidationError::AdditionalBootArgsMustContainsValueIncorrect {
expected_key: key,
expected_value: value,
_ => {
errors.push(ValidationError::InvalidPolicyConfiguration {
"Unexpected content type check for boot args, supports key value only."
if let Some(must_not_contain_checks) = checks.must_not_contain {
for check in must_not_contain_checks {
match check {
ContentType::KeyValuePair(key, value) => {
if boot_args_data.contains_key(&key) {
if let Some(values_vec) = boot_args_data.get(&key) {
// AdditionalBootArgsCollector supports multiple `+` delimited values. This expects only 1 value for now.
let found_value = values_vec[0].clone();
if found_value == value {
ValidationError::AdditionalBootArgsMustNotContainsHasKeyValue {
expected_key: key,
expected_value: value,
_ => {
errors.push(ValidationError::InvalidPolicyConfiguration {
"Unexpected content type check for boot args, supports key value only."
fn validate_package<FV: FileValidator>(
check: &PackageCheckSpec,
pkg_merkle_string: &String,
blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
// Open the package as a blob from the blobs_dir reader.
let package_blob_reader = match {
Ok(reader) => reader,
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToPerformPackageCheck {
package_name: check.source.to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
return errors;
// Interpret the blob we just opened as a Fuchsia Archive (.far).
let mut package_far_reader = match FarReader::new(package_blob_reader) {
Ok(far_reader) => far_reader,
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToPerformPackageCheck {
package_name: check.source.to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
return errors;
for file_check in &check.file_checks {
&mut package_far_reader,
.map(|error| error.to_owned().with_package_name(check.source.to_string())),
/// File validation trait exists for easier testing.
trait FileValidator {
fn validate_file(
check: &FileCheckSpec,
package_far_reader: &mut FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>>,
blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError>
Self: Sized;
struct PackageFileValidator;
/// Given a `FileSource` (`MetaContents` or `PackageFar`), find and read a file.
/// Returns (file path found, optional bytes read) or `ValidationError`.
fn resolve_file(
source: &FileSource,
package_far_reader: &mut FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>>,
blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
) -> Result<(String, Option<Vec<u8>>), Error> {
// First, find the file and read its contents if it is present.
// File absence is represented by `file_contents_bytes` = `None`.
match source {
FileSource::MetaContents(ref path) => {
// Read `meta/contents` to find merkle, then read the corresponding blob's bytes.
match read_content_blob(package_far_reader, blobs_artifact_reader, &path) {
Ok(bytes) => {
return Ok((path.to_string(), Some(bytes)));
Err(ReadContentBlobError::MetaContentsDoesNotContainFile { .. }) => {
return Ok((String::new(), None));
Err(e) => {
// For `FileSource::MetaContents` checks, if a file is listed in `meta/contents`
// but NOT found in blobs, it is considered to be an error.
return Err(e.into());
FileSource::PackageFar(ref possible_paths) => {
// Find the file within possible paths that is present in the package.
let files_in_package = package_far_reader
.map(|entry| entry.path().to_string())
let mut files_found = Vec::new();
for path in possible_paths {
if files_in_package.contains(path) {
if files_found.len() > 1 {
return Err(ValidationError::UnexpectedNumberOfFilesPresent {
possible_paths: possible_paths.to_vec(),
if files_found.len() == 1 {
let file_path_found = files_found[0].clone();
let bytes = package_far_reader.read_file(&file_path_found)?;
return Ok((file_path_found, Some(bytes)));
Ok((String::new(), None))
/// `content_source` is the file path from where the bytes were read.
/// This method doesn't open or read files, so the file path is provided for error traceability.
fn validate_file_contents(
checks: &ContentCheckSpec,
content_bytes: Vec<u8>,
content_source: &str,
golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
// Currently, content checks expect contents representable as a string.
// The string content may be further processed into a key-value map.
let content_str = match from_utf8(&content_bytes) {
Ok(content_str) => content_str,
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsToString {
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
return errors;
errors.extend(file_contents_must_contain(checks, content_str, content_source));
errors.extend(file_contents_must_not_contain(checks, content_str, content_source));
fn file_contents_must_contain(
checks: &ContentCheckSpec,
content_str: &str,
content_source: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
if let Some(must_contain) = &checks.must_contain {
for check in must_contain {
match check {
ContentType::JsonKeyValue(key, value) => {
match json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, content_str) {
Ok(contains) => {
if !contains {
ValidationError::ContentMustContainsJsonKeyValueMissingOrIncorrect {
expected_key: key.to_string(),
expected_value: value.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
Err(e) => {
ContentType::KeyValuePair(key, value) => {
let mapping = match parse_key_value(content_str) {
Ok(map) => map,
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsKeyValueMap {
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
if !mapping.contains_key(key) {
errors.push(ValidationError::ContentMustContainsKeyValueKeyMissing {
expected_key: key.to_string(),
expected_value: value.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
if let Some(found) = mapping.get(key) {
if found != value {
ValidationError::ContentMustContainsKeyValueValueIncorrect {
expected_key: key.to_string(),
expected_value: value.to_string(),
found_value: found.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
ContentType::String(value) => {
if !content_str.contains(value) {
errors.push(ValidationError::ContentMustContainValueMissing {
value: value.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
fn file_contents_must_not_contain(
checks: &ContentCheckSpec,
content_str: &str,
content_source: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
if let Some(must_not_contain) = &checks.must_not_contain {
for check in must_not_contain {
match check {
ContentType::JsonKeyValue(key, value) => {
match json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, content_str) {
Ok(contains) => {
if contains {
ValidationError::ContentMustNotContainsJsonHasKeyValue {
expected_key: key.to_string(),
expected_value: value.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
Err(e) => {
ContentType::KeyValuePair(key, value) => {
let mapping = match parse_key_value(content_str) {
Ok(map) => map,
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsKeyValueMap {
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
if mapping.contains_key(key) {
if let Some(found) = mapping.get(key) {
if found == value {
errors.push(ValidationError::ContentMustNotContainsHasKeyValue {
expected_key: key.to_string(),
expected_value: value.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
ContentType::String(value) => {
if content_str.contains(value) {
errors.push(ValidationError::ContentMustNotContainValuePresent {
value: value.to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
fn file_contents_match_golden(
checks: &ContentCheckSpec,
content_str: &str,
content_source: &str,
golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
if let Some(golden_file_name) = &checks.matches_golden {
let golden_path = Path::new(golden_files_dir).join(golden_file_name);
match read_to_string(&golden_path) {
Ok(golden_contents) => {
// Diffs are calculated and reported relative to the golden file.
let Changeset { diffs, distance, .. } =
Changeset::new(&golden_contents, content_str, "\n");
if distance > 0 {
let mut reported_diffs = String::new();
for diff in diffs {
match diff {
Difference::Same(_) => {}
Difference::Add(ref line) => {
reported_diffs.push_str(&format!("+{}\n", line));
Difference::Rem(ref line) => {
reported_diffs.push_str(&format!("-{}\n", line));
errors.push(ValidationError::ContentGoldenFileMismatch {
golden_path: golden_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(),
content_source: content_source.to_string(),
diffs: reported_diffs,
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToOpenGoldenFile {
golden_path: golden_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
fn json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(
key: &str,
value: &str,
content_str: &str,
) -> Result<bool, ValidationError> {
let mapping: serde_json::Value = match serde_json::from_str(content_str) {
Ok(map) => map,
Err(e) => {
return Err(ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsJson {
content_source: String::new(),
error: e.to_string(),
match &mapping[key] {
serde_json::Value::Null => {
// Assumption: found null values are treated as absent from the found mapping.
// This logic will need to be updated if we actually need to check for
// presence of null values, e.g. {"key": null}.
serde_json::Value::Bool(found_value) => {
// Policy specifies boolean values as string. Parse and compare here.
match value {
"true" => Ok(*found_value),
"false" => Ok(!found_value),
_ => Err(ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
found: found_value.to_string(),
found_type: "Bool".to_string(),
policy: value.to_string(),
content_source: String::new(),
serde_json::Value::Number(found_value) => {
// Per serde_json implementation and docs, Number may be i64, u64, or f64.
if found_value.is_i64() {
match i64::from_str(value) {
Ok(policy_val) => return Ok(policy_val == found_value.as_i64().unwrap()),
Err(_) => {
return Err(ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
found: found_value.to_string(),
found_type: "Number i64".to_string(),
policy: value.to_string(),
content_source: String::new(),
if found_value.is_u64() {
match u64::from_str(value) {
Ok(policy_val) => return Ok(policy_val == found_value.as_u64().unwrap()),
Err(_) => {
return Err(ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
found: found_value.to_string(),
found_type: "Number u64".to_string(),
policy: value.to_string(),
content_source: String::new(),
if found_value.is_f64() {
match f64::from_str(value) {
Ok(policy_val) => return Ok(policy_val == found_value.as_f64().unwrap()),
Err(_) => {
return Err(ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch {
found: found_value.to_string(),
found_type: "Number f64".to_string(),
policy: value.to_string(),
content_source: String::new(),
// Reaching this error likely means a bug in serde_json.
Err(ValidationError::UnableToHandleJsonContent {
found: found_value.to_string(),
content_source: String::new(),
serde_json::Value::String(found_value) => Ok(found_value == value),
val => Err(ValidationError::UnableToHandleJsonContent {
found: val.to_string(),
content_source: String::new(),
impl FileValidator for PackageFileValidator {
fn validate_file(
check: &FileCheckSpec,
package_far_reader: &mut FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>>,
blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
// First, find the file and read its contents if it is present.
// File absence is represented by file_contents_bytes = None.
let (file_path_found, file_contents_bytes) =
match resolve_file(&check.source, package_far_reader, blobs_artifact_reader) {
Ok((path, bytes)) => (path, bytes),
Err(e) => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToPerformFileCheck {
// Package name is not known here and needs to be supplied by error handler.
package_name: String::new(),
file_path: check.source.to_string(),
error: e.to_string(),
return errors;
// Second, check that the state of the file (present or absent) matches policy expectations.
match check.state {
FileState::Present => {
let bytes = match file_contents_bytes {
Some(bytes) => bytes,
None => {
errors.push(ValidationError::FailedToFindFile {
file_paths: check.source.to_string(),
return errors;
// If we have content checks beyond just the file being there, run them.
if let Some(content_checks) = &check.content_checks {
for error_found in validate_file_contents(
) {
FileState::Absent => {
// To pass this check, file_contents_bytes must be None, indicating that a file was not found.
if file_contents_bytes.is_some() {
errors.push(ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresence {
// Package name is not known here and needs to be supplied by error handler.
package_name: String::new(),
file_path: file_path_found,
FileState::AbsentOrEmpty => {
// To pass this check, file_contents_bytes must be either None or an empty byte vector.
if let Some(bytes) = file_contents_bytes {
if bytes.len() > 0 {
errors.push(ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents {
// Package name is not known here and needs to be supplied by error handler.
package_name: String::new(),
file_path: file_path_found,
mod tests {
use {
fuchsia_archive::write as far_write,
io::{BufWriter, Cursor, Read, Write},
struct TestArtifactReader {
artifacts: HashMap<PathBuf, Vec<u8>>,
impl TestArtifactReader {
fn new(artifacts: HashMap<PathBuf, Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
Self { artifacts }
impl ArtifactReader for TestArtifactReader {
fn open(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> {
if let Some(bytes) = self.artifacts.get(path) {
return Ok(Box::new(Cursor::new(bytes.clone())));
Err(anyhow!("No artifact found for path: {:?}", path))
fn read_bytes(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
if let Some(bytes) = self.artifacts.get(path) {
return Ok(bytes.clone());
Err(anyhow!("No artifact found for path: {:?}", path))
fn get_deps(&self) -> HashSet<PathBuf> {
panic!("not implemented");
struct TestErrorFreeFileValidator;
impl FileValidator for TestErrorFreeFileValidator {
fn validate_file(
_check: &FileCheckSpec,
_package_far_reader: &mut FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>>,
_blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
_golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError>
Self: Sized,
fn create_package_far(contents: HashMap<&str, &[u8]>) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut contents_map: BTreeMap<&str, (u64, Box<dyn Read>)> = BTreeMap::new();
for (path, bytes) in contents {
let bytes_reader: Box<dyn Read> = Box::new(bytes);
contents_map.insert(path, (bytes.len() as u64, bytes_reader));
let mut package_far = BufWriter::new(Vec::new());
far_write(&mut package_far, contents_map).unwrap();
// Test against a basic policy which has all of the elements included.
fn test_validate_build_checks_success() {
let expected_key = "test_key";
let expected_value = "test_value";
let policy = BuildCheckSpec {
additional_boot_args_checks: Some(ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
matches_golden: None,
package_checks: Vec::new(),
let boot_args_data = hashmap! {
expected_key.to_string() => vec![expected_value.to_string()]
let mut artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors =
validate_build_checks(policy, boot_args_data, HashMap::new(), &mut artifact_reader, "")
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_build_checks_tolerates_absent_boot_args_policy() {
let expected_key = "test_key";
let expected_value = "test_value";
let policy =
BuildCheckSpec { additional_boot_args_checks: None, package_checks: Vec::new() };
let boot_args_data = hashmap! {
expected_key.to_string() => vec![expected_value.to_string()]
let mut artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors =
validate_build_checks(policy, boot_args_data, HashMap::new(), &mut artifact_reader, "")
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_boot_args_must_contain_success() {
let expected_key = "test_key";
let expected_value = "test_value";
let policy = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let input_data = hashmap! {
expected_key.to_string() => vec![expected_value.to_string()]
let validation_errors = validate_additional_boot_args(policy, &input_data);
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 0);
fn test_boot_args_must_contain_failure() {
let expected_key = "test_key";
let expected_value = "test_value";
let policy = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let input_data = hashmap! {
"some_other_key".to_string() => vec!["some_other_value".to_string()]
let validation_errors = validate_additional_boot_args(policy, &input_data);
assert!(validation_errors.len() == 1);
match &validation_errors[0] {
// Check that we report the value we were looking for, but did not find.
ValidationError::AdditionalBootArgsMustContainsKeyMissing {
} => {
assert_eq!(*expected_key, "test_key".to_string());
assert_eq!(*expected_value, "test_value".to_string());
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_boot_args_must_contain_invalid_policy_configuration() {
// Boot args checks only accept KeyValue pair as the content type.
let policy = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::String("test".to_string())]),
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let input_data = HashMap::new();
let validation_errors = validate_additional_boot_args(policy, &input_data);
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 1);
// Check error type.
match &validation_errors[0] {
ValidationError::InvalidPolicyConfiguration { error: _ } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_boot_args_must_not_contain_success() {
let expected_key = "test_key";
let expected_value = "test_value";
// The policy sets the expectations.
let policy = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
matches_golden: None,
// The input data here conforms to the policy.
let input_data = hashmap! {
"some_other_key".to_string() => vec!["some_other_value".to_string()]
let validation_errors = validate_additional_boot_args(policy, &input_data);
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 0);
fn test_boot_args_must_not_contain_failure() {
let expected_key = "test_key";
let expected_value = "test_value";
// The policy sets the expectations.
let policy = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
matches_golden: None,
// The input data here does not conform to the policy.
let input_data = hashmap! {
expected_key.to_string() => vec![expected_value.to_string()]
let validation_errors = validate_additional_boot_args(policy, &input_data);
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 1);
match &validation_errors[0] {
// Check that we report the value we were expecting to be absent, but was present.
ValidationError::AdditionalBootArgsMustNotContainsHasKeyValue {
} => {
assert_eq!(*expected_key, "test_key");
assert_eq!(*expected_value, "test_value");
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_boot_args_must_not_contain_invalid_policy_configuration() {
// Boot args checks only accept KeyValue pair as the content type.
let policy = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::String("test".to_string())]),
matches_golden: None,
let input_data = HashMap::new();
let validation_errors = validate_additional_boot_args(policy, &input_data);
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 1);
// Check error type.
match &validation_errors[0] {
ValidationError::InvalidPolicyConfiguration { error: _ } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_package_check_fails_to_open_blob() {
// Create mocks with nothing in them and verify validate_package returns an error.
let check =
PackageCheckSpec { source: PackageSource::SystemImage, file_checks: Vec::new() };
let pkg_merkle_string = "unused_merkle".to_string();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let validation_errors = validate_package::<TestErrorFreeFileValidator>(
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 1);
match &validation_errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToPerformPackageCheck { package_name: _, error: _ } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_package_check_fails_to_read_blob_as_far() {
// Create mocks with a package in the ArtifactReader, but it's not a .far. Verify error result.
let check =
PackageCheckSpec { source: PackageSource::SystemImage, file_checks: Vec::new() };
let pkg_merkle_string = "test_pkg_merkle".to_string();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> = Box::new(TestArtifactReader::new(
PathBuf::from_str(&pkg_merkle_string).unwrap() => "some non-far contents".as_bytes().to_vec()
let validation_errors = validate_package::<TestErrorFreeFileValidator>(
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 1);
match &validation_errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToPerformPackageCheck { package_name: _, error: _ } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_package_check_file_validation_error() {
// Create mocks with a valid package and .far, but file validation fails.
// file_checks is not used since the file validation functionality is mocked, but
// the vec must contain at least 1 element to execute the validation code path.
let check = PackageCheckSpec {
source: PackageSource::SystemImage,
file_checks: vec![FileCheckSpec {
source: FileSource::MetaContents("sample/path".to_string()),
state: FileState::Present,
content_checks: None,
let pkg_merkle_string = "test_pkg_merkle".to_string();
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => "some/meta/contents/entry".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far_bytes = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
PathBuf::from_str(&pkg_merkle_string).unwrap() => pkg_far_bytes
// The mock file validator will return 4 errors to exercise the error handling code.
// These 4 errors will not supply a package name to match the FileValidator's real impl.
struct TestFileValidatorWithErrors;
impl FileValidator for TestFileValidatorWithErrors {
fn validate_file(
check: &FileCheckSpec,
_package_far_reader: &mut FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>>,
_blobs_artifact_reader: &mut Box<dyn ArtifactReader>,
_golden_files_dir: &str,
) -> Vec<ValidationError>
Self: Sized,
ValidationError::FailedToPerformFileCheck {
package_name: String::new(),
file_path: check.source.to_string(),
error: "some error message".to_string(),
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresence {
package_name: String::new(),
file_path: check.source.to_string(),
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents {
package_name: String::new(),
file_path: check.source.to_string(),
ValidationError::FailedToFindFile { file_paths: check.source.to_string() },
let validation_errors = validate_package::<TestFileValidatorWithErrors>(
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
// Check that the errors returned by validate_package are the ones we constructed for the mock FileValidator.
assert_eq!(validation_errors.len(), 4);
match &validation_errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToPerformFileCheck { package_name, file_path, error } => {
// The validate_package method will inject the package name in the error returned.
assert_eq!(*package_name, check.source.to_string());
assert_eq!(*file_path, check.file_checks[0].source.to_string());
assert_eq!(*error, "some error message".to_string());
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
match &validation_errors[1] {
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresence { package_name, file_path } => {
// The validate_package method will inject the package name in the error returned.
assert_eq!(*package_name, check.source.to_string());
assert_eq!(*file_path, check.file_checks[0].source.to_string());
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
match &validation_errors[2] {
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents { package_name, file_path } => {
// The validate_package method will inject the package name in the error returned.
assert_eq!(*package_name, check.source.to_string());
assert_eq!(*file_path, check.file_checks[0].source.to_string());
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
match &validation_errors[3] {
// validate_package should not modify the error messaging for this error.
ValidationError::FailedToFindFile { file_paths } => {
assert_eq!(*file_paths, check.file_checks[0].source.to_string());
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_package_check_success() {
// Set up mocks to allow validate_package to run a file check without error.
let check = PackageCheckSpec {
source: PackageSource::SystemImage,
file_checks: vec![FileCheckSpec {
source: FileSource::MetaContents("sample/path".to_string()),
state: FileState::Present,
content_checks: None,
let pkg_merkle_string = "test_pkg_merkle".to_string();
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => "some/meta/contents/entry".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far_bytes = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
PathBuf::from_str(&pkg_merkle_string).unwrap() => pkg_far_bytes
let validation_errors = validate_package::<TestErrorFreeFileValidator>(
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
fn test_package_check_empty_file_checks() {
// Set up mocks to allow validate_package to run with no file checks.
let check =
PackageCheckSpec { source: PackageSource::SystemImage, file_checks: Vec::new() };
let pkg_merkle_string = "test_pkg_merkle".to_string();
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => "some/meta/contents/entry".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far_bytes = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
PathBuf::from_str(&pkg_merkle_string).unwrap() => pkg_far_bytes
let validation_errors = validate_package::<TestErrorFreeFileValidator>(
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
fn test_resolve_file_meta_contents_finds_bytes() {
// Set up a package with meta/contents containing a key-value pair for a file.
// Set up blobs artifact reader to have the file present with bytes.
// Verify resolve_file uses meta/contents info to find and read the blob's bytes.
let file_name = "some/file";
let file_merkle_string = "merkle";
let file_contents_bytes = "some file contents".as_bytes();
let source: FileSource = FileSource::MetaContents(file_name.to_string());
let meta_contents_file_contents = format!("{}={}", file_name, file_merkle_string);
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => meta_contents_file_contents.as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
PathBuf::from_str(&file_merkle_string).unwrap() => file_contents_bytes.to_vec()
let (file_found, bytes_found) =
resolve_file(&source, &mut pkg_far_reader, &mut blobs_artifact_reader).unwrap();
assert_eq!(file_found, file_name.to_string());
assert_eq!(bytes_found.unwrap(), file_contents_bytes.to_vec());
fn test_resolve_file_meta_contents_missing_returns_none() {
// Set up a package with meta/contents that does not contain the contents we're looking for.
// Set up blobs artifact reader to be empty.
// Verify resolve_file returns None for bytes found, indicating missing file.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::MetaContents(file_name.to_string());
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => "random/other/file=othermerkle".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let (file_found, bytes_found) =
resolve_file(&source, &mut pkg_far_reader, &mut blobs_artifact_reader).unwrap();
fn test_resolve_file_meta_contents_error() {
// Set up a package with meta/contents that isn't parseable as key-value pairs.
// This is one of several ways to trigger the error flow we want to exercise.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::MetaContents(file_name.to_string());
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => "something that is not a key value pair".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let res = resolve_file(&source, &mut pkg_far_reader, &mut blobs_artifact_reader);
fn test_resolve_file_package_far_finds_bytes() {
// Set up a package containing a file we want to find directly.
// The blobs_artifact_reader does not participate in this flow and can be empty.
let file_name = "some/file";
let file_contents_bytes = "some file contents".as_bytes();
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ file_name => file_contents_bytes];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let (file_found, bytes_found) =
resolve_file(&source, &mut pkg_far_reader, &mut blobs_artifact_reader).unwrap();
assert_eq!(file_found, file_name.to_string());
assert_eq!(bytes_found.unwrap(), file_contents_bytes.to_vec());
fn test_resolve_file_package_far_missing_returns_none() {
// Set up a package for a file we want to find, but it does not contain it.
// The blobs_artifact_reader does not participate in this flow and can be empty.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ "some/other/file" => "misc contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let (file_found, bytes_found) =
resolve_file(&source, &mut pkg_far_reader, &mut blobs_artifact_reader).unwrap();
fn test_resolve_file_package_far_multiple_files_error() {
// Set up a policy specifying multiple possible paths for a file.
// Set up a package containing files for multiple of the possible paths. This should error.
// The blobs_artifact_reader does not participate in this flow and can be empty.
let file_name_one = "some/file";
let file_name_two = "some/other/file";
let source =
FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name_one.to_string(), file_name_two.to_string()]);
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ file_name_one => "misc contents".as_bytes(), file_name_two => "some other misc contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let res = resolve_file(&source, &mut pkg_far_reader, &mut blobs_artifact_reader);
fn test_validate_file_contents_not_string_readable() {
let checks =
ContentCheckSpec { must_contain: None, must_not_contain: None, matches_golden: None };
// Invalid utf8 bytes from the from_utf8 documentation.
let content_bytes = vec![0, 159, 146, 150];
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsToString {
content_source: reported,
error: _,
} => {
// Check that the error reports the content source.
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported)
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_invalid_json_error() {
let expected_json_kvp =
ContentType::JsonKeyValue("some_config_value".to_string(), "true".to_string());
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![expected_json_kvp]),
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = "some text that is not valid json";
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsJson { content_source: reported, error: _ } => {
// Check that the error reports the content source.
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported)
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_json_kvp_success() {
let expected_json_kvp =
ContentType::JsonKeyValue("some_config_value".to_string(), "true".to_string());
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![expected_json_kvp]),
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
// A policy specifying "true" will match both the string and bool forms of json content.
for content_string in [
json!({"some_config_value": true}).to_string(),
json!({"some_config_value": "true"}).to_string(),
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_json_kvp_failure() {
let expected_key = "some_config_value".to_string();
let expected_value = "true".to_string();
let expected_json_kvp =
ContentType::JsonKeyValue(expected_key.clone(), expected_value.clone());
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![expected_json_kvp]),
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = json!({
"some_config_value": false
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentMustContainsJsonKeyValueMissingOrIncorrect {
expected_key: reported_key,
expected_value: reported_value,
content_source: reported,
} => {
assert_eq!(expected_key.to_string(), *reported_key);
assert_eq!(expected_value.to_string(), *reported_value);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported)
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_kvp_success() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = format!("{}={}", expected_key, expected_value);
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_kvp_failure() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
// This should trigger the KeyMissing error.
let content_string = format!("{}={}", "not_expected_key", "not_expected_value");
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentMustContainsKeyValueKeyMissing {
expected_key: reported_key,
expected_value: reported_value,
content_source: reported_source,
} => {
assert_eq!(expected_key.to_string(), *reported_key);
assert_eq!(expected_value.to_string(), *reported_value);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_kvp_error() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
// This should trigger the failure to parse error.
let content_bytes = "something not a key value pair".as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsKeyValueMap {
content_source: reported_source,
error: _,
} => {
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_string_success() {
let expected_string = "must be present";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::String(expected_string.to_string())]),
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = format!("some other text, {}, more text", expected_string);
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_contain_string_failure() {
let expected_string = "must be present";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::String(expected_string.to_string())]),
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: None,
let content_bytes =
"some other text, not the magic string though, more text".as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentMustContainValueMissing {
content_source: reported_source,
} => {
assert_eq!(expected_string, *value);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_json_kvp_success() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::JsonKeyValue(
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = json!({
"some_other_key": "some_other_value"
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_json_kvp_failure() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::JsonKeyValue(
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = json!({
expected_key.to_string(): expected_value.to_string()
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentMustNotContainsJsonHasKeyValue {
expected_key: reported_key,
expected_value: reported_value,
content_source: reported,
} => {
assert_eq!(expected_key.to_string(), *reported_key);
assert_eq!(expected_value.to_string(), *reported_value);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported)
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_kvp_success() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = format!("{}={}", "some_other_key", "some_other_value");
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_kvp_failure() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = format!("{}={}", expected_key, expected_value);
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentMustNotContainsHasKeyValue {
expected_key: reported_key,
expected_value: reported_value,
content_source: reported_source,
} => {
assert_eq!(expected_key.to_string(), *reported_key);
assert_eq!(expected_value.to_string(), *reported_value);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_kvp_error() {
let expected_key = "key";
let expected_value = "value";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::KeyValuePair(
matches_golden: None,
// This should trigger the failure to parse error.
let content_bytes = "something not a key value pair".as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsKeyValueMap {
content_source: reported_source,
error: _,
} => {
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_string_success() {
let expected_string = "must not be present";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::String(expected_string.to_string())]),
matches_golden: None,
let content_bytes =
"some other text, not the expected string, more text".as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_contents_must_not_contain_string_failure() {
let expected_string = "must not be present";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: Some(vec![ContentType::String(expected_string.to_string())]),
matches_golden: None,
let content_string = format!("some other text, {}, more text", expected_string);
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(&checks, content_bytes, &content_source, "");
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentMustNotContainValuePresent {
content_source: reported_source,
} => {
assert_eq!(expected_string, *value);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_matches_golden_success() {
let content_string = "some content
another line of stuff
third line";
// Set up the golden file to have the same contents as expected contents.
let mut golden_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: Some(golden_file.path().display().to_string()),
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_matches_golden_failure() {
let content_string = "some content
another line of stuff
third line\n";
let extra_golden_content = "extra expected content";
// Set up the golden file to have the same contents as expected contents.
let mut golden_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
golden_file.write_all("extra expected content".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: Some(golden_file.path().display().to_string()),
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::ContentGoldenFileMismatch {
content_source: reported_source,
} => {
assert_eq!(golden_file.path().display().to_string(), *golden_path);
assert_eq!(content_source, *reported_source);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_matches_golden_error_loading_golden() {
let content_string = "some content
another line of stuff
third line";
let golden_file_name = "non_existent_file_path";
let checks = ContentCheckSpec {
must_contain: None,
must_not_contain: None,
matches_golden: Some(golden_file_name.to_string()),
let content_bytes = content_string.as_bytes().to_vec();
let content_source = "content_source".to_string();
let errors = validate_file_contents(
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
// Verify the golden file directory and file name were combined.
let path_searched =
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToOpenGoldenFile { golden_path, error: _ } => {
assert_eq!(&path_searched, golden_path);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_json_contents_contains_parse_error() {
let key = "key";
let value = "value";
let content_str = "non valid json";
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, content_str);
match res {
Ok(_) => assert!(
"Unexpectedly did not return error from attempting to parse invalid json"
Err(e) => match e {
ValidationError::FailedToParseContentsAsJson { content_source: _, error: _ } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_u64_number_success() {
let key = "key";
// Must be able to parse value as u64.
let value = "15";
let content_str = json!({
"key": 15
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str)
.expect("failed to check json containing number value");
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_u64_number_failure() {
let key = "key";
// Must be able to parse value as u64.
let value = "32";
let content_str = json!({
"key": 15
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str)
.expect("failed to check json containing number value");
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_i64_number_success() {
let key = "key";
// Must be able to parse value as i64. This means negative values in serde_json's definition.
let value = "-15";
let content_str = json!({
"key": -15
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str)
.expect("failed to check json containing number value");
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_i64_number_failure() {
let key = "key";
// Must be able to parse value as i64. This means negative values in serde_json's definition.
let value = "-32";
let content_str = json!({
"key": -15
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str)
.expect("failed to check json containing number value");
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_f64_number_success() {
let key = "key";
// Must be able to parse value as f64.
let value = "1.5";
let content_str = json!({
"key": 1.5
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str)
.expect("failed to check json containing number value");
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_f64_number_failure() {
let key = "key";
// Must be able to parse value as f64.
let value = "3.245";
let content_str = json!({
"key": 1.5
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str)
.expect("failed to check json containing number value");
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_number_type_mismatch() {
// Policy has float, content has u64.
let key = "key";
let value = "3.245";
let content_str = json!({
"key": 15
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str);
match res {
Ok(_) => assert!(
"Unexpectedly did not return error from attempting to compare different json types"
Err(e) => match e {
ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch { .. } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_json_contents_contains_handles_bool_type_mismatch() {
// Policy expects something other than bool, content has bool.
let key = "key";
let value = "3.245";
let content_str = json!({
"key": true
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str);
match res {
Ok(_) => assert!(
"Unexpectedly did not return error from attempting to compare different json types"
Err(e) => match e {
ValidationError::ContentAndPolicyJsonTypeMismatch { .. } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_json_contents_contains_does_not_handle_array() {
let key = "key";
let value = "value";
let content_str = json!({
"key": ["array", "of", "values"]
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str);
match res {
Ok(_) => assert!(
"Unexpectedly did not return error from attempting to compare different json types"
Err(e) => match e {
ValidationError::UnableToHandleJsonContent { .. } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_json_contents_contains_does_not_handle_object() {
let key = "key";
let value = "value";
let content_str = json!({
"key": {
"some_other_object_key": "value"
let res = json_contents_contain_key_value_pair(key, value, &content_str);
match res {
Ok(_) => assert!(
"Unexpectedly did not return error from attempting to compare different json types"
Err(e) => match e {
ValidationError::UnableToHandleJsonContent { .. } => {}
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_handles_resolve_error() {
// Set up a package with meta/contents that isn't parseable as key-value pairs.
// This is one of several ways to trigger the error flow we want to exercise.
// This is similar to the test scoped to resolve_file, except is for validate_file.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::MetaContents(file_name.to_string());
let file_check = FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::Present, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents =
hashmap![ META_CONTENTS_PATH => "something that is not a key value pair".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToPerformFileCheck { package_name, file_path, error: _ } => {
// validate_file does not know package_name, which is injected by the caller.
// The Display trait impl for the source adds indication that it is from `meta-contents`.
assert_eq!(&format!("meta-contents: {}", file_name), file_path);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_absent_success() {
// Set up policy to target a file directly in package far rather than meta contents.
// This simplifies the test by allowing the blob reader to be empty.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let file_check = FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::Absent, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ "not/the/file" => "contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_absent_failure() {
// Set up policy to target a file directly in package far rather than meta contents.
// This simplifies the test by allowing the blob reader to be empty.
let file_name: &str = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let file_check = FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::Absent, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ file_name => "contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresence { package_name, file_path } => {
assert_eq!(file_name, file_path);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_absent_or_empty_success() {
// Set up policy to target a file directly in package far rather than meta contents.
// This simplifies the test by allowing the blob reader to be empty.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let file_check =
FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::AbsentOrEmpty, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ "not/the/file" => "".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_absent_or_empty_failure() {
// Set up policy to target a file directly in package far rather than meta contents.
// This simplifies the test by allowing the blob reader to be empty.
let file_name: &str = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let file_check =
FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::AbsentOrEmpty, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ file_name => "contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::UnexpectedFilePresenceOrHasContents { package_name, file_path } => {
assert_eq!(file_name, file_path);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),
fn test_validate_file_present_success() {
// Set up policy to target a file directly in package far rather than meta contents.
// This simplifies the test by allowing the blob reader to be empty.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let file_check = FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::Present, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ file_name => "contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 0);
fn test_validate_file_present_failure() {
// Set up policy to target a file directly in package far rather than meta contents.
// This simplifies the test by allowing the blob reader to be empty.
let file_name = "some/file";
let source = FileSource::PackageFar(vec![file_name.to_string()]);
let file_check = FileCheckSpec { source, state: FileState::Present, content_checks: None };
let pkg_far_contents = hashmap![ "some/other/file" => "contents".as_bytes()];
let pkg_far = create_package_far(pkg_far_contents);
let pkg_far_box: Box<dyn ReadSeek> = Box::new(Cursor::new(pkg_far));
let mut pkg_far_reader: FarReader<Box<dyn ReadSeek>> = FarReader::new(pkg_far_box).unwrap();
let mut blobs_artifact_reader: Box<dyn ArtifactReader> =
let errors = PackageFileValidator::validate_file(
&mut pkg_far_reader,
&mut blobs_artifact_reader,
assert_eq!(errors.len(), 1);
match &errors[0] {
ValidationError::FailedToFindFile { file_paths } => {
// The Display trait impl for the source adds indication that it is from `package-far`.
assert_eq!(&format!("package-far: {}", file_name), file_paths);
e => assert!(false, "Unexpected error from failure or error case test: {}", e),