blob: b1bccd65648e9f0b1567334ebe4852a1cff4d4dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/verb_async_backtrace.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/frame.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/target.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/file_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/join_callbacks.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/async_output_buffer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/command.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/command_utils.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_name.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_node_console.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/output_buffer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/verbs.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_value.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_value_source.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/find_name.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/found_member.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_base.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_ptr_ref.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/resolve_variant.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/data_member.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/identifier.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/template_parameter.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// NOTE: we only support async Rust on Fuchsia for now. Async backtraces in other programming
// languages with different designs will require different approaches.
// An asynchronous backtrace is fundamentally different from a synchronous backtrace in that
// * An asynchronous backtrace is a tree of futures rather than a list of frames, as one future
// could await multiple other futures.
// * To show a synchronous backtrace, the unwinder walks the stack and uncovers register values
// of previous frames. Then the debugger symbolizes those frames and could display variables by
// reading the stack. To show an asynchronous backtrace, the debugger finds the executor, list
// active tasks, and displays futures recursively. Since Rust doesn't keep the stack or register
// values for non-running futures, the information is limited to the state stored in the memory.
// * Since any data types in Rust can be futures and the implementation of their poll methods can
// be arbitrary, it's impossible for us to find all futures and detect every dependency between
// them. Instead, we only focus on the async functions or async blocks that are usually the more
// interesting part during debugging.
constexpr int kVerbose = 1;
constexpr int kMoreVerbose = 2;
const char kAsyncBacktraceShortHelp[] = "async-backtrace / abt: Display all async tasks.";
const char kAsyncBacktraceHelp[] =
Alias: "abt"
Print a tree of async tasks from the main future in the current thread.
Include extra information
Include more extra information
abt -v
process 2 abt
const std::string kAwaiteeMarker = "└─ ";
struct FormatFutureOptions {
bool verbose = false;
ConsoleFormatOptions variable; // options to format variables
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatFuture(const ExprValue& future,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent,
const std::string& awaiter_file_name = "");
// Strip the template part of a type. This bypasses the complexity in ParsedIdentifier and should
// be sufficient.
std::string_view StripTemplate(std::string_view type_name) {
return type_name.substr(0, type_name.find('<'));
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatMessage(Syntax syntax, const std::string& str) {
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
out->Complete(syntax, str + '\n');
return out;
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatError(std::string msg, const Err& err = Err()) {
if (err.has_error())
msg += ": " + err.msg();
return FormatMessage(Syntax::kWarning, msg);
bool IsAsyncFunctionOrBlock(Type* type) {
if (type->GetIdentifier().components().empty())
return false;
// {async_fn_env#0} or {async_block_env#0}
return debug::StringStartsWith(type->GetIdentifier().components().back().name(), "{async_");
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatAsyncFunctionOrBlock(const ExprValue& future,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context,
int indent) {
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
// Resolve the current value of the async function.
fxl::RefPtr<DataMember> member;
ErrOrValue varient_val = ResolveSingleVariantValue(context, future, &member);
if (varient_val.has_error())
return FormatError("Cannot resolve async function", varient_val.err());
// This should be a struct, e.g., async_rust::main::func::λ::Suspend0.
ExprValue value = varient_val.take_value();
// Print the name of the original function, and put the state in a comment.
Identifier ident = value.type()->GetIdentifier();
std::string state = ident.components()[ident.components().size() - 1].name();
ident.components().resize(ident.components().size() - 2);
out->Append(FormatIdentifier(ident, {}));
if (!debug::StringStartsWith(state, "Suspend"))
out->Append(Syntax::kComment, " (" + state + ")");
std::string filename;
if (member->decl_line().is_valid()) {
filename = ExtractLastFileComponent(member->decl_line().file());
out->Append(" " + GetBullet() + " ");
FormatFileLine(member->decl_line(), context->GetProcessSymbols()->target_symbols()));
// Iterate data members and find the awaitee.
std::optional<ExprValue> awaitee;
std::set<std::string> printed;
if (const Collection* coll = value.type()->As<Collection>()) {
for (const auto& lazy_member : coll->data_members()) {
const DataMember* member = lazy_member.Get()->As<DataMember>();
// Skip compiler-generated data and static data.
if (!member || member->artificial() || member->is_external())
std::string name = member->GetAssignedName();
ErrOrValue val = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, value, FoundMember(coll, member));
if (val.has_error())
if (name == "__awaitee") {
awaitee = val.take_value();
} else if (options.verbose && printed.emplace(name).second) {
// For some reason Rust could repeat the same field twice.
out->Append(std::string(indent + 2, ' '));
out->Append(FormatValueForConsole(val.take_value(), options.variable, context, name));
if (awaitee) {
out->Append(std::string(indent, ' ') + kAwaiteeMarker);
out->Append(FormatFuture(*awaitee, options, context, indent + 3, filename));
return out;
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatSelectJoin(const ExprValue& future,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent,
const std::string& select_or_join) {
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
out->Append(select_or_join + "!\n", TextForegroundColor::kCyan);
// f should be a lambda.
ErrOrValue err_or_f = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, future, {"f"});
if (err_or_f.has_error())
return FormatError("Cannot read f from PollFn", err_or_f.err());
ExprValue f = err_or_f.take_value();
const Collection* f_coll = f.type()->As<Collection>();
if (!f_coll)
return FormatError("Wrong type for f in PollFn");
for (const auto& lazy_member : f_coll->data_members()) {
const DataMember* member = lazy_member.Get()->As<DataMember>();
if (!member || member->artificial() || member->is_external())
ErrOrValue member_val = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, f, FoundMember(f_coll, member));
// Each member_val should be a future.
if (member_val) {
out->Append(std::string(indent, ' ') + kAwaiteeMarker);
out->Append(FormatFuture(member_val.take_value(), options, context, indent + 3));
return out;
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatFuse(const ExprValue& fuse, const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent) {
ErrOrValue inner = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, fuse, {"inner"});
if (inner.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Fuse (1)", inner.err());
// |inner| should be an option.
ErrOrValue some = ResolveSingleVariantValue(context, inner.value());
if (some.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Fuse (2)", some.err());
if (some.value().type()->GetAssignedName() == "None")
return FormatMessage(Syntax::kComment, "(terminated)");
ErrOrValue future = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, some.value(), {"__0"});
if (future.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Fuse (3)", future.err());
return FormatFuture(future.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatThen(const ExprValue& then, const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent) {
ErrOrValue val = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, then, {"inner"});
if (val.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Then (1)", val.err());
val = ResolveSingleVariantValue(context, val.value());
if (val.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Then (2)", val.err());
val = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, val.value(), {"f"});
if (val.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Then (3)", val.err());
return FormatFuture(val.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatMap(const ExprValue& map, const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent) {
ErrOrValue val = ResolveSingleVariantValue(context, map);
if (val.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Map (1)", val.err());
val = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, val.value(), {"future"});
if (val.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Map (2)", val.err());
return FormatFuture(val.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatMapDebug(const ExprValue& map,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent) {
ErrOrValue val = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, map, {"inner"});
if (val.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Map (0)", val.err());
return FormatMap(val.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatMaybeDone(const ExprValue& maybe_done,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context,
int indent) {
ErrOrValue some = ResolveSingleVariantValue(context, maybe_done);
if (some.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid MaybeDone (1)", some.err());
if (some.value().type()->GetAssignedName() == "Future") {
ErrOrValue future = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, some.value(), {"__0"});
if (future.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid MaybeDone (2)", future.err());
return FormatFuture(future.value(), options, context, indent);
return FormatMessage(Syntax::kComment, "(" + some.value().type()->GetAssignedName() + ")");
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatRemote(const ExprValue& remote,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent) {
ErrOrValue future = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, remote, {"future", "future", "__0"});
if (future.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Remote", future.err());
return FormatFuture(future.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatPin(const ExprValue& pin, const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent) {
// Pin changed the member variable name to "__pointer" in
// So if this fails we should try the old variable.
ErrOrValue pointer = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, pin, {"__pointer"});
if (pointer.has_error()) {
pointer = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, pin, {"pointer"});
if (pointer.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid Pin", pointer.err());
// Let FormatFuture to resolve pointer.
return FormatFuture(pointer.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatTaskRunner(const ExprValue& task_runner,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context,
int indent) {
ErrOrValue future = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, task_runner, {"task"});
if (future.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid TaskRunner", future.err());
return FormatFuture(future.value(), options, context, indent);
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatFuture(const ExprValue& future,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, int indent,
const std::string& awaiter_file_name) {
std::string_view type = StripTemplate(future.type()->GetFullName());
// Resolve pointers first. A pointer could be either non-dyn or dyn, raw or boxed.
// A non-dyn pointer (raw or boxed) is a ModifiedType.
// A dyn raw pointer is a Collection and has a name "*mut dyn ..." or "*mut (dyn ... + ...)".
// A dyn boxed pointer has the same layout but with a name "alloc::boxed::Box<(dyn ... + ...)>".
if (future.type()->As<ModifiedType>() || debug::StringStartsWith(type, "*mut ") ||
type == "alloc::boxed::Box") {
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
ResolvePointer(context, future, [=](ErrOrValue val) {
if (val.has_error()) {
out->Complete(FormatError("Fail to resolve pointer", val.err()));
} else {
out->Complete(FormatFuture(val.value(), options, context, indent));
return out;
if (IsAsyncFunctionOrBlock(future.type()))
return FormatAsyncFunctionOrBlock(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "futures_util::future::future::fuse::Fuse")
return FormatFuse(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "futures_util::future::maybe_done::MaybeDone")
return FormatMaybeDone(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "futures_util::future::future::Then")
return FormatThen(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "futures_util::future::future::Map") // only appears in debug mode.
return FormatMapDebug(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "futures_util::future::future::map::Map")
return FormatMap(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "futures_util::future::future::remote_handle::Remote")
return FormatRemote(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "core::pin::Pin")
return FormatPin(future, options, context, indent);
if (type == "vfs::execution_scope::TaskRunner")
return FormatTaskRunner(future, options, context, indent);
// NOTE: `select!` and `join!` macro expand to PollFn. It'll be useful if we could describe it.
// However, PollFn could encode an arbitrary function so there's a chance we're doing very wrong.
// To be more accurate, we also check the filename of the awaiter. `select!` will be expanded
// from, and `join!` will be expanded from ``.
if (type == "futures_util::future::poll_fn::PollFn") {
if (awaiter_file_name == "")
return FormatSelectJoin(future, options, context, indent, "select");
if (awaiter_file_name == "")
return FormatSelectJoin(future, options, context, indent, "join");
// General formatter.
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
if (options.verbose) {
out->Append(FormatValueForConsole(future, options.variable, context));
} else {
out->Complete(std::string(type) + "\n", TextForegroundColor::kGray);
return out;
// Format (usize, alloc::sync::Arc<fuchsia_async::runtime::fuchsia::executor::common::Task>)
// Instead of return an AsyncOutputBuffer directly, use a callback to also return task_id.
void FormatActiveTasksHashMapTuple(
const ExprValue& tuple, const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context,
fit::callback<void(uint64_t, fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer>)> cb) {
ErrOrValue arc_inner_ptr = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, tuple, {"__1", "ptr", "pointer"});
if (arc_inner_ptr.has_error())
return cb(0, FormatError("Invalid HashMap tuple (1)", arc_inner_ptr.err()));
context, arc_inner_ptr.value(), [=, cb = std::move(cb)](ErrOrValue arc_inner) mutable {
if (arc_inner.has_error())
return cb(0, FormatError("Invalid HashMap tuple (2)", arc_inner.err()));
ErrOrValue id = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, arc_inner.value(), {"data", "id"});
uint64_t task_id = 0;
if (id.has_error() || id.value().PromoteTo64(&task_id).has_error())
return cb(0, FormatError("Invalid HashMap tuple (3)", id.err()));
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
out->Append("Task(id = " + std::to_string(task_id) + ")\n", TextForegroundColor::kGreen);
// Arc -> Task -> AtomicFuture -> UnsafeCell -> ManuallyDrop -> FutureObj -> LocalFutureObj
ErrOrValue future =
ResolveNonstaticMember(context, arc_inner.value(),
{"data", "future", "future", "value", "value", "__0", "future"});
if (future.has_error())
return cb(task_id, FormatError("Invalid HashMap tuple (6)", future.err()));
// |future| is a $(*mut dyn core::future::future::Future<Output=()>).
out->Complete(FormatFuture(future.value(), options, context, 3));
cb(task_id, out);
// Format HashMap<usize, alloc::sync::Arc<fuchsia_async::runtime::fuchsia::executor::common::Task>>
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> FormatActiveTasksHashMap(const ErrOrValue& hashmap,
const FormatFutureOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context) {
if (hashmap.has_error()) {
return FormatError("Cannot locate active_tasks", hashmap.err());
if (StripTemplate(hashmap.value().type()->GetFullName()) !=
"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap") {
return FormatError("Expect a HashMap, got " + hashmap.value().type()->GetFullName());
// See |StdHashMapSyntheticProvider| in .../rustlib/etc/ for the layout.
// 1. Obtain the type of the tuple (usize, Arc<Task>)
ErrOrValue raw_table = ResolveNonstaticMember(context, hashmap.value(), {"base", "table"});
if (raw_table.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (1)", raw_table.err());
const Collection* raw_table_coll = raw_table.value().type()->As<Collection>();
if (!raw_table_coll || raw_table_coll->template_params().empty())
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (2)");
fxl::RefPtr<Type> tuple_type;
if (auto param = raw_table_coll->template_params()[0].Get()->As<TemplateParameter>())
tuple_type = RefPtrTo(param->type().Get()->As<Type>());
if (!tuple_type)
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (3)");
// 2. Resolve bucket_mask and ctrl pointer.
ErrOrValue bucket_mask_res =
ResolveNonstaticMember(context, raw_table.value(), {"table", "bucket_mask"});
if (bucket_mask_res.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (4)", bucket_mask_res.err());
uint64_t bucket_mask = 0;
Err err = bucket_mask_res.value().PromoteTo64(&bucket_mask);
if (err.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (5)", err);
if (!bucket_mask) {
// Empty hashmap.
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
return out;
ErrOrValue ctrl_res =
ResolveNonstaticMember(context, raw_table.value(), {"table", "ctrl", "pointer"});
if (ctrl_res.has_error())
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (6)", ctrl_res.err());
uint64_t ctrl = 0;
err = ctrl_res.value().PromoteTo64(&ctrl);
if (err.has_error() || !ctrl)
return FormatError("Invalid HashMap (7)", err);
// 3. Read the memory. To save some operations we try to fetch the whole hashmap once.
// The layout of a HashMap looks like
// Tn, ..., T2, T1, C1, C2, ..., Cn
// ^ |ctrl| points here
uint64_t capacity = bucket_mask + 1;
uint64_t total_buckets_size = tuple_type->byte_size() * capacity;
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
ctrl - total_buckets_size, total_buckets_size + capacity,
[=](const Err& err, std::vector<uint8_t> data) {
if (err.has_error()) {
out->Complete(FormatError("Invalid HashMap (8)", err));
// Tasks are collected using a JoinCallbacks first so that they can be sorted by their id
// rather than the orders appearing in the hashmap.
using CallbackDataType = std::pair<uint64_t, fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer>>;
auto joiner = fxl::MakeRefCounted<JoinCallbacks<CallbackDataType>>();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < capacity; idx++) {
if ((data[total_buckets_size + idx] & 0x80)) // not present
uint8_t* slot = &data[total_buckets_size - (idx + 1) * tuple_type->byte_size()];
ExprValue tuple(tuple_type, {slot, slot + tuple_type->byte_size()},
ExprValueSource(ctrl - (idx + 1) * tuple_type->byte_size()));
tuple, options, context,
[cb = joiner->AddCallback()](auto task_id, auto output) mutable {
cb(std::make_pair(task_id, std::move(output)));
joiner->Ready([out](std::vector<CallbackDataType> tasks) {
std::sort(tasks.begin(), tasks.end(),
[](auto& p1, auto& p2) { return p1.first < p2.first; });
for (auto& p : tasks) {
return out;
void OnStackReady(Stack& stack, fxl::RefPtr<CommandContext> cmd_context,
const FormatFutureOptions& options) {
// Step 2: locate main_future and the executor.
if (stack.empty()) {
Err("Cannot sync frames. Please ensure the thread is either suspended "
"or blocked in an exception. Use \"pause\" to suspend it."));
for (size_t i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
if (!stack[i]->GetLocation().has_symbols())
std::string func_name(StripTemplate(stack[i]->GetLocation().symbol().Get()->GetFullName()));
if (func_name == "fuchsia_async::runtime::fuchsia::executor::local::LocalExecutor::run" ||
func_name == "fuchsia_async::runtime::fuchsia::executor::send::SendExecutor::run") {
auto out = fxl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncOutputBuffer>();
auto context = stack[i]->GetEvalContext();
EvalExpression("self.inner->", context, false,
[out, options, context](const ErrOrValue& value) {
out->Complete(FormatActiveTasksHashMap(value, options, context));
cmd_context->ReportError(Err("Cannot locate the async executor on the stack."));
void RunVerbAsyncBacktrace(const Command& cmd, fxl::RefPtr<CommandContext> cmd_context) {
if (Err err = cmd.ValidateNouns({Noun::kProcess, Noun::kThread}); err.has_error())
return cmd_context->ReportError(err);
if (!cmd.thread())
return cmd_context->ReportError(Err("There is no thread to show backtrace."));
FormatFutureOptions options;
if (cmd.HasSwitch(kMoreVerbose)) {
options.verbose = true;
options.variable.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMedium;
options.variable.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kSmart;
options.variable.pointer_expand_depth = 3;
options.variable.max_depth = 6;
} else if (cmd.HasSwitch(kVerbose)) {
options.verbose = true;
options.variable.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMedium;
options.variable.pointer_expand_depth = 1;
options.variable.max_depth = 3;
// Step 1: obtain the (synchronous) stack.
if (cmd.thread()->GetStack().has_all_frames()) {
OnStackReady(cmd.thread()->GetStack(), std::move(cmd_context), options);
} else {
false, [thread = cmd.thread(), cmd_context = std::move(cmd_context),
options](const Err& err) mutable {
if (err.has_error()) {
} else {
OnStackReady(thread->GetStack(), std::move(cmd_context), options);
} // namespace
VerbRecord GetAsyncBacktraceVerbRecord() {
VerbRecord abt(&RunVerbAsyncBacktrace, {"async-backtrace", "abt"}, kAsyncBacktraceShortHelp,
kAsyncBacktraceHelp, CommandGroup::kQuery);
abt.switches.emplace_back(kVerbose, false, "verbose", 'v');
abt.switches.emplace_back(kMoreVerbose, false, "more-verbose", 0);
return abt;
} // namespace zxdb