blob: fea0896e23b594b3fe1c8ced7dea342b3e89ed85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Device layer api.
use alloc::fmt::Debug;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use net_types::ip::{Ipv4, Ipv6};
use packet::BufferMut;
use tracing::debug;
use crate::{
ContextPair, CoreTimerContext, RecvFrameContext, ReferenceNotifiers,
ResourceCounterContext, TimerContext2,
ArpConfiguration, ArpConfigurationUpdate, DeviceConfiguration,
DeviceConfigurationContext, DeviceConfigurationUpdate, DeviceConfigurationUpdateError,
NdpConfiguration, NdpConfigurationUpdate,
state::{BaseDeviceState, DeviceStateSpec, IpLinkDeviceStateInner},
AnyDevice, BaseDeviceId, BasePrimaryDeviceId, BaseWeakDeviceId, Device,
DeviceCollectionContext, DeviceCounters, DeviceId, DeviceIdContext, DeviceLayerStateTypes,
DeviceLayerTypes, DeviceProvider, DeviceReceiveFrameSpec, OriginTrackerContext,
IpDeviceBindingsContext, IpDeviceConfigurationContext, Ipv6DeviceConfigurationContext,
types::{RemoveResourceResult, RemoveResourceResultWithContext},
/// Pending device configuration update.
/// This type is a witness for a valid [`DeviceConfigurationUpdate`] for some
/// device ID `D` and is obtained through
/// [`DeviceApi::new_configuration_update`].
/// The configuration is only applied when [`DeviceApi::apply_configuration`] is
/// called.
pub struct PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate<'a, D>(DeviceConfigurationUpdate, &'a D);
/// The device API.
pub struct DeviceApi<D, C>(C, PhantomData<D>);
impl<D, C> DeviceApi<D, C> {
pub(crate) fn new(ctx: C) -> Self {
Self(ctx, PhantomData)
impl<D, C> DeviceApi<D, C>
D: Device + DeviceStateSpec + DeviceReceiveFrameSpec,
C: ContextPair,
C::CoreContext: DeviceApiCoreContext<D, C::BindingsContext>,
C::BindingsContext: DeviceApiBindingsContext,
pub(crate) fn contexts(&mut self) -> (&mut C::CoreContext, &mut C::BindingsContext) {
let Self(pair, PhantomData) = self;
pub(crate) fn core_ctx(&mut self) -> &mut C::CoreContext {
let Self(pair, PhantomData) = self;
/// Adds a new device to the stack and returns its identifier.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if more than 1 loopback device is added to the stack.
pub fn add_device(
&mut self,
bindings_id: <C::BindingsContext as DeviceLayerStateTypes>::DeviceIdentifier,
properties: D::CreationProperties,
metric: RawMetric,
external_state: D::External<C::BindingsContext>,
) -> <C::CoreContext as DeviceIdContext<D>>::DeviceId {
debug!("adding {} device with {:?} metric:{metric}", D::DEBUG_TYPE, properties);
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
let origin = core_ctx.origin_tracker();
let primary = BasePrimaryDeviceId::new(
|weak_ref| {
D::new_link_state::<C::CoreContext, _>(bindings_ctx, weak_ref, properties),
let id = primary.clone_strong();
/// Like [`DeviceApi::add_device`] but using default values for
/// `bindings_id` and `external_state`.
/// This is provided as a convenience method for tests with faked bindings
/// contexts that have simple implementations for bindings state.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testutils"))]
pub(crate) fn add_device_with_default_state(
&mut self,
properties: D::CreationProperties,
metric: RawMetric,
) -> <C::CoreContext as DeviceIdContext<D>>::DeviceId
<C::BindingsContext as DeviceLayerStateTypes>::DeviceIdentifier: Default,
D::External<C::BindingsContext>: Default,
self.add_device(Default::default(), properties, metric, Default::default())
/// Removes `device` from the stack.
/// If the return value is `RemoveDeviceResult::Removed` the device is
/// immediately removed from the stack, otherwise
/// `RemoveDeviceResult::Deferred` indicates that the device was marked for
/// destruction but there are still references to it. It carries a
/// `ReferenceReceiver` from the bindings context that can be awaited on
/// until removal is complete.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the device is not currently in the stack.
pub fn remove_device(
&mut self,
device: BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>,
) -> RemoveResourceResultWithContext<D::External<C::BindingsContext>, C::BindingsContext>
// Required to call into IP layer for cleanup on removal:
BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>: Into<DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>>,
C::CoreContext: IpDeviceConfigurationContext<Ipv4, C::BindingsContext>
+ Ipv6DeviceConfigurationContext<C::BindingsContext>
+ DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice, DeviceId = DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>>,
C::BindingsContext: IpDeviceBindingsContext<Ipv4, <C::CoreContext as DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice>>::DeviceId>
+ IpDeviceBindingsContext<Ipv6, <C::CoreContext as DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice>>::DeviceId>,
// Start cleaning up the device by disabling IP state. This removes timers
// for the device that would otherwise hold references to defunct device
// state.
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
let debug_references = {
let device = device.clone().into();
crate::ip::device::clear_ipv4_device_state(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, &device);
crate::ip::device::clear_ipv6_device_state(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, &device);
tracing::debug!("removing {device:?}");
let primary = core_ctx.remove(&device).expect("tried to remove device not in stack");
assert_eq!(device, primary);
match PrimaryRc::unwrap_or_notify_with(primary.into_inner(), || {
let (notifier, receiver) = C::BindingsContext::new_reference_notifier::<
let notifier =
crate::sync::MapRcNotifier::new(notifier, |state: BaseDeviceState<_, _>| {
(notifier, receiver)
}) {
Ok(s) => RemoveResourceResult::Removed(s.external_state),
Err(receiver) => RemoveResourceResult::Deferred(receiver),
/// Receive a device layer frame from the network.
pub fn receive_frame<B: BufferMut + Debug>(
&mut self,
meta: D::FrameMetadata<BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>>,
frame: B,
) {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
core_ctx.receive_frame(bindings_ctx, meta, frame)
/// Applies the configuration and returns a [`DeviceConfigurationUpdate`]
/// with the previous values for all configurations for all `Some` fields.
/// Note that even if the previous value matched the requested value, it is
/// still populated in the returned `DeviceConfigurationUpdate`.
pub fn apply_configuration(
&mut self,
pending: PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate<'_, BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>>,
) -> DeviceConfigurationUpdate {
let PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate(DeviceConfigurationUpdate { arp, ndp }, device_id) =
let core_ctx = self.core_ctx();
let arp = core_ctx.with_nud_config_mut::<Ipv4, _, _>(device_id, move |device_config| {
let device_config = match device_config {
Some(c) => c,
None => {
// Can't set ARP configuration if device doesn't support it,
// this is validated when creating the
// `PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate`.
return None;
};|ArpConfigurationUpdate { nud }| {
let nud =|config| config.apply_and_take_previous(device_config));
ArpConfigurationUpdate { nud }
let ndp = core_ctx.with_nud_config_mut::<Ipv6, _, _>(device_id, move |device_config| {
let device_config = match device_config {
Some(c) => c,
None => {
// Can't set NDP configuration if device doesn't support it,
// this is validated when creating the
// `PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate`.
return None;
};|NdpConfigurationUpdate { nud }| {
let nud =|config| config.apply_and_take_previous(device_config));
NdpConfigurationUpdate { nud }
DeviceConfigurationUpdate { arp, ndp }
/// Creates a new device configuration update for the given device.
/// This method only validates that `config` is valid for `device`.
/// [`DeviceApi::apply`] must be called to apply the configuration.
pub fn new_configuration_update<'a>(
&mut self,
device: &'a BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>,
config: DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
) -> Result<
PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate<'a, BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>>,
> {
let core_ctx = self.core_ctx();
let DeviceConfigurationUpdate { arp, ndp } = &config;
if arp.is_some() && core_ctx.with_nud_config::<Ipv4, _, _>(device, |c| c.is_none()) {
return Err(DeviceConfigurationUpdateError::ArpNotSupported);
if ndp.is_some() && core_ctx.with_nud_config::<Ipv6, _, _>(device, |c| c.is_none()) {
return Err(DeviceConfigurationUpdateError::NdpNotSupported);
Ok(PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate(config, device))
/// Returns a snapshot of the given device's configuration.
pub fn get_configuration(
&mut self,
device: &BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>,
) -> DeviceConfiguration {
let core_ctx = self.core_ctx();
let arp = core_ctx
.with_nud_config::<Ipv4, _, _>(device, |config| config.cloned())
.map(|nud| ArpConfiguration { nud });
let ndp = core_ctx
.with_nud_config::<Ipv6, _, _>(device, |config| config.cloned())
.map(|nud| NdpConfiguration { nud });
DeviceConfiguration { arp, ndp }
/// Exports state for `device` into `inspector`.
pub fn inspect<N: Inspector>(
&mut self,
device: &BaseDeviceId<D, C::BindingsContext>,
inspector: &mut N,
) {
inspector.record_child("Counters", |inspector| {
self.core_ctx().with_per_resource_counters(device, |counters: &DeviceCounters| {
self.core_ctx().with_per_resource_counters(device, |counters: &D::Counters| {
/// The device API interacting with any kind of supported device.
pub struct DeviceAnyApi<C>(C);
impl<C> DeviceAnyApi<C> {
pub(crate) fn new(ctx: C) -> Self {
impl<C> DeviceAnyApi<C>
C: ContextPair,
C::CoreContext: DeviceApiCoreContext<EthernetLinkDevice, C::BindingsContext>
+ DeviceApiCoreContext<LoopbackDevice, C::BindingsContext>
+ DeviceApiCoreContext<PureIpDevice, C::BindingsContext>,
C::BindingsContext: DeviceApiBindingsContext,
fn device<D>(&mut self) -> DeviceApi<D, &mut C> {
let Self(pair) = self;
/// Like [`DeviceApi::apply_configuration`] but for any device types.
pub fn apply_configuration(
&mut self,
pending: PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate<'_, DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>>,
) -> DeviceConfigurationUpdate {
let PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate(config, device) = pending;
for_any_device_id!(DeviceId, device,
device => {
self.device().apply_configuration(PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate(config, device))
/// Like [`DeviceApi::new_configuration_update`] but for any device
/// types.
pub fn new_configuration_update<'a>(
&mut self,
device: &'a DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>,
config: DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
) -> Result<
PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate<'a, DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>>,
> {
for_any_device_id!(DeviceId, device,
inner => {
.new_configuration_update(inner, config)
.map(|PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate(config, _)| {
PendingDeviceConfigurationUpdate(config, device)
/// Like [`DeviceApi::get_configuration`] but for any device types.
pub fn get_configuration(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>,
) -> DeviceConfiguration {
for_any_device_id!(DeviceId, device,
device => self.device().get_configuration(device))
/// Like [`DeviceApi::inspect`] but for any device type.
pub fn inspect<N: Inspector>(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<C::BindingsContext>,
inspector: &mut N,
) {
for_any_device_id!(DeviceId, DeviceProvider, D, device,
device => self.device::<D>().inspect(device, inspector))
/// A marker trait for all the core context traits required to fulfill the
/// [`DeviceApi`].
pub trait DeviceApiCoreContext<
D: Device + DeviceStateSpec + DeviceReceiveFrameSpec,
BC: DeviceApiBindingsContext,
DeviceIdContext<D, DeviceId = BaseDeviceId<D, BC>, WeakDeviceId = BaseWeakDeviceId<D, BC>>
+ OriginTrackerContext
+ DeviceCollectionContext<D, BC>
+ DeviceConfigurationContext<D>
+ RecvFrameContext<BC, D::FrameMetadata<BaseDeviceId<D, BC>>>
+ ResourceCounterContext<Self::DeviceId, DeviceCounters>
+ ResourceCounterContext<Self::DeviceId, D::Counters>
+ CoreTimerContext<D::TimerId<Self::WeakDeviceId>, BC>
impl<O, D, BC> DeviceApiCoreContext<D, BC> for O
D: Device + DeviceStateSpec + DeviceReceiveFrameSpec,
BC: DeviceApiBindingsContext,
O: DeviceIdContext<D, DeviceId = BaseDeviceId<D, BC>, WeakDeviceId = BaseWeakDeviceId<D, BC>>
+ OriginTrackerContext
+ DeviceCollectionContext<D, BC>
+ DeviceConfigurationContext<D>
+ RecvFrameContext<BC, D::FrameMetadata<BaseDeviceId<D, BC>>>
+ ResourceCounterContext<Self::DeviceId, DeviceCounters>
+ ResourceCounterContext<Self::DeviceId, D::Counters>
+ CoreTimerContext<D::TimerId<Self::WeakDeviceId>, BC>,
/// A marker trait for all the bindings context traits required to fulfill the
/// [`DeviceApi`].
pub trait DeviceApiBindingsContext: DeviceLayerTypes + ReferenceNotifiers + TimerContext2 {}
impl<O> DeviceApiBindingsContext for O where O: DeviceLayerTypes + ReferenceNotifiers + TimerContext2