blob: c7f92dd803349e6a444e8bfb0b5d8fdc8aad43dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "data_structs.h"
#include "definitions.h"
#include "device_port.h"
#include "diagnostics_service.h"
#include "port_watcher.h"
#include "public/locks.h"
#include "public/network_device.h"
namespace network::testing {
class NetworkDeviceTest;
class FakeNetworkDeviceImpl;
namespace banjo {
class FakeNetworkDeviceImpl;
} // namespace network::testing
namespace network::internal {
class RxQueue;
class RxSessionTransaction;
class TxQueue;
class Session;
class AttachedPort;
using SessionList = fbl::SizedDoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<Session>>;
struct RefCountedFifo : public fbl::RefCounted<RefCountedFifo> {
zx::fifo fifo;
// Contains information about a filled Rx descriptor.
// Used to convey fulfilled rx frames in terms of descriptor indices.
struct SessionRxBuffer {
uint16_t descriptor;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t length;
// Helper struct containing information on an incoming complete rx frame.
// Used to cache common calculation and reduce number of arguments in functions.
struct RxFrameInfo {
const fuchsia_hardware_network_driver::wire::BufferMetadata& meta;
uint8_t port_id_salt;
cpp20::span<const SessionRxBuffer> buffers;
uint32_t total_length;
enum class DeviceStatus { STARTING, STARTED, STOPPING, STOPPED };
enum class PendingDeviceOperation { NONE, START, STOP };
class DeviceInterface;
class DeviceInterface : public fidl::WireServer<netdev::Device>,
public fdf::WireServer<netdriver::NetworkDeviceIfc>,
public ::network::NetworkDeviceInterface {
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<DeviceInterface>> Create(
const DeviceInterfaceDispatchers& dispatchers,
std::unique_ptr<NetworkDeviceImplBinder>&& binder);
~DeviceInterface() override;
// Public NetworkDevice API.
void Teardown(fit::callback<void()> callback) override;
zx_status_t Bind(fidl::ServerEnd<netdev::Device> req) override;
zx_status_t BindPort(uint8_t port_id, fidl::ServerEnd<netdev::Port> req) override;
// NetworkDeviceIfc implementation.
void PortStatusChanged(netdriver::wire::NetworkDeviceIfcPortStatusChangedRequest* request,
fdf::Arena& arena, PortStatusChangedCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void AddPort(netdriver::wire::NetworkDeviceIfcAddPortRequest* request, fdf::Arena& arena,
AddPortCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void RemovePort(netdriver::wire::NetworkDeviceIfcRemovePortRequest* request, fdf::Arena& arena,
RemovePortCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void CompleteRx(netdriver::wire::NetworkDeviceIfcCompleteRxRequest* request, fdf::Arena& arena,
CompleteRxCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void CompleteTx(netdriver::wire::NetworkDeviceIfcCompleteTxRequest* request, fdf::Arena& arena,
CompleteTxCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void Snoop(netdriver::wire::NetworkDeviceIfcSnoopRequest* request, fdf::Arena& arena,
SnoopCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
uint16_t rx_fifo_depth() const;
uint16_t tx_fifo_depth() const;
// Returns the device-owned buffer count threshold at which we should trigger RxQueue work. If the
// number of buffers on device is less than or equal to the threshold, we should attempt to fetch
// more buffers.
uint16_t rx_notify_threshold() const { return device_info_.rx_threshold().value_or(0); }
TxQueue& tx_queue() { return *tx_queue_; }
SharedLock& control_lock() __TA_RETURN_CAPABILITY(control_lock_) { return control_lock_; }
fbl::Mutex& rx_lock() __TA_RETURN_CAPABILITY(rx_lock_) { return rx_lock_; }
fbl::Mutex& tx_lock() __TA_RETURN_CAPABILITY(tx_lock_) { return tx_lock_; }
const netdriver::DeviceImplInfo& info() { return device_info_; }
// Loads rx path descriptors from the primary session into a session transaction.
zx_status_t LoadRxDescriptors(RxSessionTransaction& transact) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_);
// Operates workflow for when a session is started. If the session is eligible to take over the
// primary spot, it'll be elected the new primary session. If there was no primary session before,
// the data path will be started BEFORE the new session is elected as primary,
void SessionStarted(Session& session) __TA_RELEASE(control_lock_);
// Operates workflow for when a session is stopped. If there's another session that is eligible to
// take over the primary spot, it'll be elected the new primary session. Otherwise, the data path
// will be stopped.
void SessionStopped(Session& session) __TA_RELEASE(control_lock_);
// If a primary session exists, primary_rx_fifo returns a reference-counted pointer to the primary
// session's Rx FIFO. Otherwise, the returned pointer is null.
fbl::RefPtr<RefCountedFifo> primary_rx_fifo();
// Commits all pending rx buffers in all active sessions.
void CommitAllSessions() __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_) __TA_REQUIRES(rx_lock_);
// Copies the received data described by `buff` to all sessions other than `owner`.
void CopySessionData(const Session& owner, const RxFrameInfo& frame_info)
__TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_) __TA_REQUIRES(rx_lock_);
// Notifies all listening sessions of a new tx transaction from session `owner` and descriptor
// `owner_index`.
void ListenSessionData(const Session& owner, cpp20::span<const uint16_t> descriptors)
__TA_REQUIRES(tx_lock_) __TA_EXCLUDES(control_lock_, rx_lock_);
// Notifies that a batch of Tx frames has been returned.
// If was_full is true, all active sessions are notified that device tx space has freed up.
// Checks if dead sessions are ready to be destroyed due to buffers returning.
void NotifyTxReturned(bool was_full);
// Sends the provided space buffers in `rx` to the device implementation.
void QueueRxSpace(cpp20::span<netdriver::wire::RxSpaceBuffer> rx)
__TA_EXCLUDES(control_lock_, rx_lock_, tx_lock_);
// Sends the provided transmit buffers in `tx` to the device implementation.
void QueueTx(cpp20::span<netdriver::wire::TxBuffer> tx)
__TA_EXCLUDES(control_lock_, rx_lock_, tx_lock_);
bool IsDataPlaneOpen() __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_);
// Called by sessions when they're no longer running. If the dead session has any outstanding
// buffers with the device implementation, it'll be kept in `dead_sessions_` until all the buffers
// are safely returned and we own all the buffers again.
void NotifyDeadSession(Session& dead_session);
// FIDL protocol implementation.
void GetInfo(GetInfoCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void OpenSession(OpenSessionRequestView request, OpenSessionCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void GetPort(GetPortRequestView request, GetPortCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void GetPortWatcher(GetPortWatcherRequestView request,
GetPortWatcherCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void Clone(CloneRequestView request, CloneCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
// Returns the current port salt for the provided base port ID.
// If the port with |base_id| does not currently exist, returns the value of
// the previously existing port with the same |base_id| or the initial salt
// value.
uint8_t GetPortSalt(uint8_t base_id) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_) {
return ports_[base_id].salt;
// Notifies of |frame_length| bytes received on port with |base_id|.
void NotifyPortRxFrame(uint8_t base_id, uint64_t frame_length)
// Acquires a port for use in a Session.
// Sessions are notified of ports that are no longer safe to use by the DeviceInterface through
// Session::DetachPort.
// NB: The validity of the returned AttachedPort is not really guaranteed by the type system, but
// by the fact that DeviceInterface will detach all ports from sessions before continuing.
zx::result<AttachedPort> AcquirePort(netdev::wire::PortId port_id,
cpp20::span<const netdev::wire::FrameType> rx_frame_types)
// Event observer hook for Rx queue packets.
void NotifyRxQueuePacket(uint64_t key);
// Event observer hook for Tx complete.
void NotifyTxComplete();
DiagnosticsService& diagnostics() { return diagnostics_; }
friend testing::NetworkDeviceTest;
friend testing::FakeNetworkDeviceImpl;
friend testing::banjo::FakeNetworkDeviceImpl;
// Helper class to keep track of clients bound to DeviceInterface.
class Binding : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<Binding>> {
static zx_status_t Bind(DeviceInterface* interface, fidl::ServerEnd<netdev::Device> channel)
void Unbind();
Binding() = default;
std::optional<fidl::ServerBindingRef<netdev::Device>> binding_;
using BindingList = fbl::SizedDoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<Binding>>;
enum class TeardownState {
zx_status_t Init(std::unique_ptr<NetworkDeviceImplBinder>&& binder);
explicit DeviceInterface(const DeviceInterfaceDispatchers& dispatchers);
// Starts the data path with the device implementation.
void StartDevice() __TA_EXCLUDES(control_lock_, tx_lock_, rx_lock_);
void StartDeviceLocked() __TA_RELEASE(control_lock_) __TA_EXCLUDES(tx_lock_, rx_lock_);
// Stops the data path with the device implementation.
// If continue_teardown is provided, teardown continuation will be attempted before notifying the
// underlying device of stoppage.
void StopDevice(std::optional<TeardownState> continue_teardown = std::nullopt)
__TA_RELEASE(control_lock_) __TA_EXCLUDES(tx_lock_, rx_lock_);
// Starts the device implementation with `DeviceStarted` as its callback.
void StartDeviceInner() __TA_EXCLUDES(control_lock_);
// Stops the device implementation with `DeviceStopped` as its callback.
void StopDeviceInner() __TA_EXCLUDES(control_lock_);
// Helper inner function to stop a session.
// Returns true if the device should be stopped.
bool SessionStoppedInner(Session& session) __TA_REQUIRES(control_lock_);
// Callback given to the device implementation for the `Start` call. The data path is considered
// open only once the device is started.
void DeviceStarted() __TA_RELEASE(control_lock_);
// Callback given to the device implementation for the `Stop` call. All outstanding buffers are
// automatically reclaimed once the device is considered stopped. If a teardown is pending,
// `DeviceStopped` will complete the teardown BEFORE all buffers are reclaimed and all the
// sessions are destroyed.
void DeviceStopped();
PendingDeviceOperation SetDeviceStatus(DeviceStatus status) __TA_REQUIRES(control_lock_);
// Notifies the device implementation that the VMO used by the provided session will no longer be
// used. It is called right before sessions are destroyed.
// ReleaseVMO acquires the vmos_lock_ internally, so we mark it as excluding the vmos_lock_.
void ReleaseVmo(Session& session, fit::callback<void()>&& on_complete)
// Continues a teardown process, if one is running.
// The provided state is the expected state that the teardown process is in. If the given state is
// not the current teardown state, no processing will happen. Otherwise, the teardown process will
// continue if the pre-conditions to move between teardown states are met.
// Returns true if the teardown is completed and execution should be stopped.
// ContinueTeardown is marked with many thread analysis lock exclusions so it can acquire those
// locks internally and evaluate the teardown progress.
bool ContinueTeardown(TeardownState state) __TA_RELEASE(control_lock_)
__TA_EXCLUDES(tx_lock_, rx_lock_);
// Calls f with a const std::unique_ptr<DevicePort>& to the DevicePort referenced by port_id
// or nullptr if no ports with that id are installed.
// Returns the value returned by the call to f.
// It is unsafe to use the provided DevicePort outside of the scope of the callback f.
template <typename F>
auto WithPort(uint8_t port_id, F f) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_) {
if (port_id >= ports_.size()) {
const std::unique_ptr<DevicePort> null_port;
return f(null_port);
return f(ports_[port_id].port);
void OnPortTeardownComplete(DevicePort& port);
// Destroys all dead sessions that report they can be destroyed through `Session::CanDestroy`.
void PruneDeadSessions() __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_);
// Notifies all sessions that the transmit queue has available spots to take in transmit frames.
void NotifyTxQueueAvailable() __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(control_lock_);
zx_status_t CanCreatePortWithId(uint8_t port_id) __TA_REQUIRES(control_lock_);
netdriver::DeviceImplInfo device_info_;
DiagnosticsService diagnostics_;
const DeviceInterfaceDispatchers dispatchers_;
// Only used to keep a network device shim alive during the device's lifetime.
std::unique_ptr<NetworkDeviceImplBinder> binder_;
std::optional<fdf::ServerBindingRef<netdriver::NetworkDeviceIfc>> ifc_binding_;
fdf::WireSharedClient<netdriver::NetworkDeviceImpl> device_impl_;
std::array<netdev::wire::RxAcceleration, netdev::wire::kMaxAccelFlags> accel_rx_;
std::array<netdev::wire::TxAcceleration, netdev::wire::kMaxAccelFlags> accel_tx_;
std::unique_ptr<Session> primary_session_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
SessionList sessions_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
uint32_t active_primary_sessions_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_) = 0;
struct PortSlot {
std::unique_ptr<DevicePort> port;
uint8_t salt;
std::array<PortSlot, MAX_PORTS> ports_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
SessionList dead_sessions_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
// We don't need to keep any data associated with the VMO ids, we use the slab to guarantee
// non-overlapping unique identifiers within a set of valid IDs.
DataVmoStore vmo_store_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
BindingList bindings_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
PortWatcher::List port_watchers_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
TeardownState teardown_state_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_) = TeardownState::RUNNING;
fit::callback<void()> teardown_callback_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_);
PendingDeviceOperation pending_device_op_ = PendingDeviceOperation::NONE;
std::atomic_bool has_listen_sessions_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<TxQueue> tx_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<RxQueue> rx_queue_;
DeviceStatus device_status_ __TA_GUARDED(control_lock_) = DeviceStatus::STOPPED;
fbl::Mutex rx_lock_;
fbl::Mutex tx_lock_ __TA_ACQUIRED_AFTER(rx_lock_);
SharedLock control_lock_ __TA_ACQUIRED_AFTER(tx_lock_, rx_lock_);
// Event hooks used in tests:
fit::function<void(const char*)> evt_session_started_;
// NB: This will be called with control_lock_ held.
fit::function<void(const char*)> evt_session_died_;
fit::function<void(uint64_t)> evt_rx_queue_packet_;
fit::function<void()> evt_tx_complete_;
} // namespace network::internal