blob: 09d16f25551ee1d9b9500db0af2b16cb71a1f874 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import sys
# Fix issue with coverage finding termsim library.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
import contextlib
import unittest
import termsim
import termout
class TestTermout(unittest.TestCase):
def test_single_line_overwrite(self) -> None:
"""Test that we can overwrite the contents of a single line."""
size = termout.Size(25, 25)
terminal = termsim.Terminal(size.columns)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(terminal):
termout.write_lines(["Hello"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello"])
termout.write_lines(["World"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["World"])
def test_single_line_cannot_overflow(self) -> None:
"""Test that single lines are truncated to the window width."""
size = termout.Size(3, 25)
terminal = termsim.Terminal(size.columns)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(terminal):
termout.write_lines(["Hello"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hel"])
termout.write_lines(["World"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Wor"])
def test_multiple_line_overwrite(self) -> None:
"""Test that we can update multiple lines"""
size = termout.Size(25, 25)
terminal = termsim.Terminal(size.columns)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(terminal):
termout.write_lines(["Hello", "World"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello", "World"])
termout.write_lines(["Hello 2", "Different"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello 2", "Different"])
def test_overwrite_with_different_counts(self) -> None:
"""Test that we can change the number of lines displayed"""
size = termout.Size(25, 25)
terminal = termsim.Terminal(size.columns)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(terminal):
termout.write_lines(["Hello"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello"])
termout.write_lines(["Hello", "World"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello", "World"])
termout.write_lines(["Hello 2"], size=size)
# An extra line is left, which is expected.
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello 2", ""])
def test_with_prepending_lines(self) -> None:
"""Test that we can keep a status view and prepend info lines"""
size = termout.Size(25, 25)
terminal = termsim.Terminal(size.columns)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(terminal):
termout.write_lines(["Hello"], size=size)
self.assertListEqual(terminal.lines, ["Hello"])
["Hello", "World"],
prepend=["This is a really long line that will get split."],
"This is a really long lin",
"e that will get split.",
["Hello 2"], size=size, prepend=["Another", "Two", "Lines"]
# No extra line, since we appended we were able to overwrite it.
"This is a really long lin",
"e that will get split.",
"Hello 2",