blob: 14f5d0c9ea458a2df9e9026857aee19accbd1fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain,
"//build/images/* are only valid in the Fuchsia toolchain")
if (use_bringup_assembly) {
# These don't have any meaning in a bringup assembly, so leave them as empty
# placeholder targets.
group("updates") {
group("packages") {
group("publish") {
# This file doesn't exist for bringup, as bringup does not have packages to
# upload blobs for.
group("all_package_manifests.list") {
} else {
group("updates") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Use the common `labels` and `files` vars
# These are the package groups that are used to build the system
group("universe_packages") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
# This label is used by //'s 'build_api_module()s' to perform metadata
# walks over "all the software built for the target", both the universe and
# that which is part of the assembled images (bootfs, base pkgs, cache pkgs,
# etc.)
# To get a list of all packages built, use the following file:
# `$root_build_dir/all_package_manifests.list`
# which is generated by:
# `//build/images/updates:all_package_manifests.list`
# This label defined here (`:packages`) IS NOT usable to perform a GN metadata
# walk for a list of "all the packages built". That list cannot be gathered by
# GN metadata alone.
# Because the list would be incomplete, this label ACTIVELY BLOCKS the ability
# to use it to gather ANY package manifest metadata.
group("packages") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# The universe package set
# Everything else in the main image
# The recovery image
# Restrict usages to // targets only (build_api_module()s, for the
# most part)
visibility = [ "//:*" ]
metadata = {
# Block the package_manifest_output gathering, because this target cannot
# provide a correct list via that mechanism.
package_barrier = []
# These are lists of the packages in the above groups
package_list_from_assembly("base_packages.list") {
testonly = true
system_label = labels.images
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# In Bazel assembly, images.json is produced by the "_create_system"
# subtarget.
system_label += "_create_system"
package_set = "base"
contents = "name"
outputs = [ files.base_package_names ]
package_list_from_assembly("cache_packages.list") {
testonly = true
system_label = labels.images
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# In Bazel assembly, images.json is produced by the "_create_system"
# subtarget.
system_label += "_create_system"
package_set = "cache"
contents = "name"
outputs = [ files.cache_package_names ]
generate_package_metadata("universe_packages.list") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
data_keys = [ "package_names" ]
outputs = [ files.universe_package_names ]
deps = [ ":universe_packages" ]
group("package_lists") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
### Amber updates.
if (!use_bazel_images_only) {
recovery_images_list = root_build_dir + "/recovery_images_list"
generated_file("recovery_images_list") {
testonly = true
outputs = [ recovery_images_list ]
output_conversion = "list lines"
data_keys = [ "update_target" ]
deps = [ recovery_label ]
generate_epoch("epoch.json") {
output_file = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}"
# This output is a manifest of manifests that is usable as an input to `pm
# publish -lp`, a tool for publishing a set of packages from a build produced
# list of package manifests.
all_package_manifests_list = root_build_dir + "/all_package_manifests.list"
generate_package_metadata("package_manifests_from_metadata.list") {
testonly = true
outputs = [ files.manifests_from_metadata ]
data_keys = [ "package_output_manifests" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
deps = [
# Universe
# The update packages for the main image
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# Base and cache package_manifests.list files are intentionally left empty
# when Bazel assembly is used. The information here will come from Bazel
# assembly (fuchsia_product_bundle) instead. See all_package_manifests.list
# below.
generated_file("base_package_manifests.list") {
outputs = [ files.base_package_manifests ]
contents = ""
generated_file("cache_package_manifests.list") {
outputs = [ files.cache_package_manifests ]
contents = ""
} else {
package_list_from_assembly("base_package_manifests.list") {
testonly = true
system_label = labels.images
package_set = "base"
contents = "manifest"
outputs = [ files.base_package_manifests ]
package_list_from_assembly("cache_package_manifests.list") {
testonly = true
system_label = labels.images
package_set = "cache"
contents = "manifest"
outputs = [ files.cache_package_manifests ]
# Generate a list of cache packages from product assembly for the `fx publish`
# tool.
cache_packages_from_product_assembler("assembly_cache_packages.list") {
assembly_label = labels.images
is_bazel_assembled = use_bazel_images_only
outputs = [ files.assembly_cache_package_manifests ]
testonly = true
action("universe_package_manifests.list") {
testonly = true
script = ""
depfile = "$root_build_dir/$target_name.d"
outputs = [ files.universe_package_manifests ]
deps = [
inputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
foreach(input, inputs) {
args += [ rebase_path(input, root_build_dir) ]
action("all_package_manifests.list") {
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = [ all_package_manifests_list ]
deps = []
args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
sources = []
_manifest_deps = [ ":universe_package_manifests.list" ]
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
deps += [ labels.bazel_package_manifests_list ]
args +=
[ rebase_path(files.bazel_package_manifests_list, root_build_dir) ]
sources += [ files.bazel_package_manifests_list ]
} else {
_manifest_deps += [
foreach(_dep, _manifest_deps) {
deps += [ _dep ]
_dep_outputs = [] # tell gn its ok to rewrite each iteration
_dep_outputs = get_target_outputs(_dep)
args += [ rebase_path(_dep_outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
sources += [ _dep_outputs[0] ]
_output_repository_dir = "${root_build_dir}/amber-files"
# Publish all packages to the package repository.
devhost_repository_publish("publish") {
testonly = true
output_repository_dir = _output_repository_dir
deps = [ ":all_package_manifests.list" ]
package_list_manifests = [ all_package_manifests_list ]
output_blob_manifest_path = root_build_dir + "/all_blobs.json"
metadata = {
package_repository = [
path = rebase_path("${_output_repository_dir}/repository",
targets =
blobs = rebase_path("${_output_repository_dir}/repository/blobs",
# Allow the incremental publisher to stage the repository keys and root metadata so it can publish
# without needing to do a full build.
group("prepare_publish") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":publish_repo_deps" ]