blob: 9f598d7bbd9dbb8aac658ae186d3ca4752f2afe4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This centralizes the definition of a bunch of labels and files used in the
# various //build/images/**/ files.
flash_manifest_version = 3
# These are the common assembly-related labels.
labels = {
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# For now only Fuchsia images built by Bazel are useful.
assembly_name = "fuchsia"
bazel_product_bundle_target != "",
"bazel_product_bundle_prefix and bazel_product_bundle_board must be set to use Bazel assembly")
# When Bazel assembly is enabled, Bazel builds both product and recovery
# images, and include them in the product bundle.
images = bazel_product_bundle_target
recovery_images = bazel_product_bundle_target
# Path to the `package_tool_package_manifest_list_create` target defined in
# `bazel_product_bundle`.
bazel_package_manifests_list = "${images}_package_manifests_list"
} else if (use_bringup_assembly) {
images = "//build/images/bringup(${default_toolchain})"
recovery_images = recovery_label
assembly_name = "bringup"
} else {
_images_without_toolchain = "//build/images/fuchsia"
images = "${_images_without_toolchain}(${default_toolchain})"
recovery_images = recovery_label
assembly_name = "fuchsia"
netboot = "//build/images/fuchsia:netboot"
_qemu_deps = qemu_boot_shim.deps
assert(_qemu_deps == [ _qemu_deps[0] ])
qemu_kernel = _qemu_deps[0]
supports_flashing_fxfs =
fxfs_blob && fxfs_partition != "" && !use_bringup_assembly
# These are the common assembly-related files.
files = {
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
_bazel_target_name = get_label_info(labels.images, "name")
_images_outdir = get_label_info(labels.images, "target_out_dir") +
_assembly_outdir = _images_outdir + "/system_a"
bazel_package_manifests_list =
get_label_info(labels.images, "target_out_dir") +
} else {
_images_outdir = get_label_info(labels.images, "target_out_dir")
_assembly_outdir = _images_outdir + "/${labels.assembly_name}"
if (!use_bringup_assembly) {
if (fxfs_blob) {
fxfs = "${_assembly_outdir}/fxfs.blk"
if (supports_flashing_fxfs) {
fxfs_sparse = "${_assembly_outdir}/fxfs.sparse.blk"
} else {
fvm = "${_assembly_outdir}/fvm.blk"
fvm_sparse = "${_assembly_outdir}/fvm.sparse.blk"
if (supports_fastboot_fvm) {
fvm_fastboot = "${_assembly_outdir}/fvm.fastboot.blk"
base_package_names = "$root_build_dir/base_packages.list"
cache_package_names = "$root_build_dir/cache_packages.list"
universe_package_names = "$root_build_dir/universe_packages.list"
manifests_from_metadata =
# TODO( move these to image-relative paths along with tools' usages
base_package_manifests = "$root_build_dir/base_package_manifests.list"
cache_package_manifests = "$root_build_dir/cache_package_manifests.list"
universe_package_manifests =
assembly_cache_package_manifests =
# TODO( Audit and add the following paths when
# only Bazel assembly is enabled.
if (!use_bazel_images_only) {
flash_manifest = "${_images_outdir}/flash_manifest/flash.json"
blobfs = "${_assembly_outdir}/blob.blk"
if (use_gigaboot) {
esp = "${root_out_dir}/fuchsia.esp.blk"
_image_suffix = "zbi"
if (sign_zbi) {
_image_suffix = "zbi.signed"
# The zbi and vbmeta created by assembly
zbi = "${_assembly_outdir}/${labels.assembly_name}.${_image_suffix}"
vbmeta = "${_assembly_outdir}/${labels.assembly_name}.vbmeta"
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# Final image and vbmeta are not copied to root in Bazel assembly.
final_zbi = zbi
final_vbmeta = vbmeta
} else {
# Final output image and vbmeta (the files at the above paths are copied here)
final_zbi = "${root_out_dir}/" + rebase_path(zbi, _assembly_outdir)
final_vbmeta = "${root_out_dir}/" + rebase_path(vbmeta, _assembly_outdir)
# Recovery output image and vbmeta
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# GN and Bazel assembly should share the same recovery image config, so use
# GN's recovery_label to determine Bazel's recovery image name.
if (recovery_is_recovery_eng || recovery_is_recovery_fastboot) {
_recovery_name = "fuchsia"
} else {
_recovery_name = get_label_info(recovery_label, "name")
_recovery_outdir = _images_outdir + "/system_r"
recovery_zbi = "${_recovery_outdir}/${_recovery_name}.${_image_suffix}"
recovery_vbmeta = "${_recovery_outdir}/${_recovery_name}.vbmeta"
} else {
if (recovery_is_zedboot) {
_recovery_outdir = get_label_info("//build/images/zedboot",
"target_out_dir") + "/zedboot"
recovery_zbi = "${_recovery_outdir}/zedboot.${_image_suffix}"
recovery_vbmeta = "${_recovery_outdir}/zedboot.vbmeta"
} else if (recovery_is_recovery_eng) {
_recovery_outdir = root_out_dir
recovery_zbi = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/recovery/recovery-eng/fuchsia.${_image_suffix}"
recovery_vbmeta = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/recovery/recovery-eng/fuchsia.vbmeta"
} else if (recovery_is_recovery_fastboot) {
_recovery_outdir = root_out_dir
recovery_zbi = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/recovery/recovery-fastboot/fuchsia.${_image_suffix}"
recovery_vbmeta = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/recovery/recovery-fastboot/fuchsia.vbmeta"
} else {
# The standard recovery image and vbmeta locations.
_recovery_outdir = root_out_dir
recovery_zbi = "${root_out_dir}/recovery.${_image_suffix}"
recovery_vbmeta = "${root_out_dir}/recovery.vbmeta"
if (use_bazel_images_only) {
# Final recovery image and vbmeta are not copied to root in Bazel assembly.
final_recovery_zbi = recovery_zbi
final_recovery_vbmeta = recovery_vbmeta
} else {
# Final recovery image and vbmeta (the files at the above paths are copied here).
final_recovery_zbi =
"${root_out_dir}/" + rebase_path(recovery_zbi, _recovery_outdir)
final_recovery_vbmeta =
"${root_out_dir}/" + rebase_path(recovery_vbmeta, _recovery_outdir)
installer_zbi = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/recovery/recovery-installer/fuchsia.${_image_suffix}"
installer_vbmeta = "${root_out_dir}/obj/build/images/recovery/recovery-installer/fuchsia.vbmeta"
qemu_kernel = qemu_boot_shim.path