blob: d095e18a501b0a8851a8368507aa04efb4190315 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2016 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <asm.h>
#include <arch/x86/mp.h>
#include <lib/code_patching.h>
#include <lib/syscalls/zx-syscall-numbers.h>
#define DW_REG_rsp 0x7
#define DW_REG_rip 0x10
// Macros for preparing ABI conformant calls for syscall wrappers.
// syscall_8(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4, arg_5, arg_6, arg_7, arg_8, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// arg_3 from rdx to rdx
// arg_4 from r10 to rcx
// arg_5 from r8 to r8
// arg_6 from r9 to r9
// arg_7 from r12 to (%rsp)
// arg_8 from r13 to 8(%rsp)
// rip from rcx to 16(%rsp)
.macro pre_8_args
pre_push 3
push_value %rcx
push_value %r13
push_value %r12
/* move arg 4 into the proper register for calling convention */
mov %r10, %rcx
.macro post_8_args
post_pop 3
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_7(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4, arg_5, arg_6, arg_7, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// arg_3 from rdx to rdx
// arg_4 from r10 to rcx
// arg_5 from r8 to r8
// arg_6 from r9 to r9
// arg_7 from r12 to (rsp)
// rip from rcx to 8(rsp)
.macro pre_7_args
pre_push 2
push_value %rcx
push_value %r12
mov %r10, %rcx
.macro post_7_args
post_pop 2
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_6(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4, arg_5, arg_6, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// arg_3 from rdx to rdx
// arg_4 from r10 to rcx
// arg_5 from r8 to r8
// arg_6 from r9 to r9
// rip from rcx to (rsp)
.macro pre_6_args
pre_push 1
push_value %rcx
mov %r10, %rcx
.macro post_6_args
post_pop 1
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_5(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4, arg_5, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// arg_3 from rdx to rdx
// arg_4 from r10 to rcx
// arg_5 from r8 to r8
// rip from rcx to r9
.macro pre_5_args
pre_push 0
mov %rcx, %r9
mov %r10, %rcx
.macro post_5_args
post_pop 0
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_4(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// arg_3 from rdx to rdx
// arg_4 from r10 to rcx
// rip from rcx to r8
.macro pre_4_args
pre_push 0
mov %rcx, %r8
mov %r10, %rcx
.macro post_4_args
post_pop 0
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_3(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// arg_3 from rdx to rdx
// rip from rcx to rcx
.macro pre_3_args
pre_push 0
.macro post_3_args
post_pop 0
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_2(arg_1, arg_2, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// arg_2 from rsi to rsi
// rip from rcx to rdx
.macro pre_2_args
pre_push 0
mov %rcx, %rdx
.macro post_2_args
post_pop 0
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_1(arg_1, rip)
// arg_1 from rdi to rdi
// rip from rcx to rsi
.macro pre_1_args
pre_push 0
mov %rcx, %rsi
.macro post_1_args
post_pop 0
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// syscall_0(rip)
// rip from rcx to rdi
.macro pre_0_args
pre_push 0
mov %rcx, %rdi
.macro post_0_args
post_pop 0
jmp .Lcleanup_and_return
// These macros ensure the stack pointer remains 16-byte aligned.
.macro pre_push n
.if \n % 2 == 1
push_value $0
.macro post_pop n
.if \n % 2 == 1
add_to_sp ((\n + 1) * 8)
.elseif \n != 0
add_to_sp (\n * 8)
.macro cfi_outermost_frame
// TODO(dje): IWBN to use .cfi_undefined here, but gdb didn't properly
// handle initial attempts. Need to try again (or file gdb bug).
cfi_register_is_zero DW_REG_rsp
cfi_register_is_zero DW_REG_rip
// Adds a label for making the syscall and adds it to the jump table.
.macro syscall_dispatch nargs, syscall
.pushsection .text.syscall-dispatch,"ax",%progbits
// See x86_syscall for why this is here.
call wrapper_\syscall
.pushsection .rodata.syscall-table,"a",%progbits
.quad .Lcall_\syscall
// Adds the label for the jump table.
.macro start_syscall_dispatch
.pushsection .rodata.syscall-table,"a",%progbits
.balign 8
/* kernel side of the SYSCALL instruction
* state on entry:
* RCX holds user RIP
* R11 holds user RFLAGS
* RSP still holds user stack
* CS loaded with kernel CS from IA32_STAR
* SS loaded with kernel CS + 8 from IA32_STAR
* args passed:
* rax - syscall # and return
* rbx - saved
* rcx - modified as part of syscall instruction
* rdx - arg 3
* rsi - arg 2
* rdi - arg 1
* rbp - saved
* rsp - saved
* r8 - arg 5
* r9 - arg 6
* r10 - arg 4
* r11 - modified as part of syscall instruction
* r12 - arg 7
* r13 - arg 8
* r14 - saved
* r15 - saved
.cfi_startproc simple
// CFI tracking here doesn't (currently) try to support backtracing from
// kernel space to user space. This is left for later. For now just say
// %rsp and %rip of the previous frame are zero, mark all the other
// registers as undefined, and have all register push/pop just specify
// stack adjustments and not how to find the register's value.
// The default for caller-saved regs is "undefined", but for completeness
// sake mark them all as undefined.
/* swap to the kernel GS register */
/* save the user stack pointer */
/* load the kernel stack pointer */
.cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 0
// Save all the general purpose registers in a syscall_regs_t
// struct on the kernel's stack.
// By saving (and later restoring) all of the registers rather than just
// the bare minimum, we ensure that kernel data is not inadvertently
// leaked back to user mode.
push_value %gs:PERCPU_SAVED_USER_SP_OFFSET // User stack
push_value %r11 // RFLAGS
push_value %rcx // RIP
push_value %r15
push_value %r14
push_value %r13
push_value %r12
push_value $0 // R11 was trashed by the syscall instruction.
push_value %r10
push_value %r9
push_value %r8
push_value %rbp
push_value %rdi
push_value %rsi
push_value %rdx
push_value $0 // RCX was trashed by the syscall instruction.
push_value %rbx
push_value %rax
// At this point:
// rsp points at a syscall_regs_t struct
// rsp is 16-byte aligned
// Any changes to the stack here need to be reflected in
// pre_push and post_pop macros above to maintain alignment.
// Bounds-check system call number and jump to handler.
cmp $ZX_SYS_COUNT, %rax
jae .Lunknown_syscall
leaq .Lcall_wrapper_table(%rip), %r11
movq (%r11,%rax,8), %r11
// LFENCE stalls dispatch until outcome of bounds check is resolved and system call handler
// is known, preventing a Spectre V1 and V2 attack at this site.
jmp *%r11
call unknown_syscall
// At this point:
// rax = syscall result
// rdx = non-zero if thread was signaled
// rsp = address of syscall_regs_t
// Save syscall result to the syscall_regs_t on the stack to ensure it's not trashed
// by upcoming function calls and to ensure debuggers can see and modify it if the thread was
// suspened.
movq %rax, (%rsp)
// Move the thread-signaled indicator to a callee-saved register to ensure it's not trashed by
// upcoming function calls.
movq %rdx, %r12
// Spectre V1: If the syscall is going to return certain errors, flush the L1D$
// TODO( Can this be folded together w/ MD_CLEAR below?
test %rax, %rax
jz 1f
movq %rax, %rdi
call x86_cpu_maybe_l1d_flush
// Was the thread signaled?
test %r12, %r12
jnz .Lthread_signaled
/* Ensure that interrupts are disabled on all paths to here. */
/* If they are not, enter a spinloop. */
pushq %rax
popq %rax
bt $9, %rax /* RFLAGS.IF */
jc bad /* Loop if we found RFLAGS.IF set (interrupts enabled) */
popq %rax
// If we are affected by the MDS speculative execution vulnerability, flush microarchitectural
// buffers via mds_buff_overwrite(). x86_mds_flush_select() will NOP out the flush where it is
// not required.
.global syscall_maybe_mds_buff_overwrite
call mds_buff_overwrite
APPLY_CODE_PATCH_FUNC_WITH_DEFAULT(x86_mds_flush_select, syscall_maybe_mds_buff_overwrite, 5)
// Restore general purpose registers just before returning.
// It is critical that all registers are reset. The callee-saved registers must be restored per
// the ABI. The other registers might contain private kernel data that must not be leaked to
// user mode. To ensure data is not leaked in call-clobbered registers, we restored them to
// their previous values. Alternatively, we could simply zero them out to ensure data is not
// leaked. However, this code path is shared with the path taken by a thread returning to user
// mode after its registers have been modified by a debugger so we restore them all to keep it
// simple (except for RCX and R11 which are clobbered by the SYSRET instruction).
// TODO( Make the restored register state completely capture the thread's state
// and make syscalls act more like atomic instructions.
pop_value %rax
pop_value %rbx
pop_value %rcx // Will be overwritten with RIP later on.
pop_value %rdx
pop_value %rsi
pop_value %rdi
pop_value %rbp
pop_value %r8
pop_value %r9
pop_value %r10
pop_value %r11 // Will be overwritten with RFLAGS later on.
pop_value %r12
pop_value %r13
pop_value %r14
pop_value %r15
pop_value %rcx // RIP
pop_value %r11 // RFLAGS
pop_value %rsp // User stack
/* put the user gs back */
/* This will fault if the return address is non-canonical. See
* docs/ for how we avoid that. */
/* re-enable interrupts to maintain kernel preemptiveness */
// Pass a pointer to the syscall_regs_t struct as first arg.
movq %rsp, %rdi
call x86_syscall_process_pending_signals
jmp .Lreturn_from_syscall
// One of these macros is invoked by for each syscall.
// These don't have kernel entry points.
#define VDSO_SYSCALL(...)
// These are the direct kernel entry points.
#define KERNEL_SYSCALL(name, type, attrs, nargs, arglist, prototype) \
syscall_dispatch nargs, name
#include <lib/syscalls/>