blob: a1828fedc6a53d6090db0321a7be99f903f22a60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_component::{LifecycleMarker, LifecycleProxy, LifecycleState},
fidl_fuchsia_sys::{LauncherMarker, LauncherProxy},
fuchsia_component::{client, fuchsia_single_component_package_url},
futures::{future::BoxFuture, FutureExt},
/// The v1 component URL for the AVRCP-Target component.
const AVRCP_TARGET_URL: &str = fuchsia_single_component_package_url!("bt-avrcp-target");
/// An interface for managing a component that provides the `Lifecycle` protocol.
pub trait LifecycleProxyConnector {
/// The URL of the component providing the `Lifecycle` protocol.
const PROTOCOL_PROVIDING_URL: &'static str;
/// Returns true if the protocol `S` exists in the environment, false if not, or an Error
/// if checking could not be completed.
fn check_protocol<S: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(
) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<bool, Error>>;
/// Return a LauncherProxy that can be used to start up components. An Error will be
/// returned if the protocol is unavailable.
/// By default, the environment's LauncherProxy is returned.
fn launcher(&self) -> Result<LauncherProxy, Error> {
/// Return the Lifecycle protocol that can be used to read component status. An Error will
/// be returned if the protocol is unavailable.
/// By default, the environment's LifecycleProxy is returned.
fn lifecycle(&self) -> Result<LifecycleProxy, Error> {
/// The controller for managing the starting of the AVRCP Target component in both
/// CFv1 and CFv2 environments.
pub struct AvrcpTarget;
impl LifecycleProxyConnector for AvrcpTarget {
fn check_protocol<S: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(
) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<bool, Error>> {
async {
let svc_dir = client::new_protocol_connector::<S>()?;
/// Waits for the LifecycleState to be `Ready` or returns Error if using the
/// `proxy` fails.
async fn lifecycle_wait_ready(proxy: LifecycleProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
loop {
match proxy.get_state().await? {
LifecycleState::Initializing => continue,
LifecycleState::Ready => break,
/// Attempts to connect to the `Lifecycle` protocol. Returns the `LifecycleProxy`
/// and an optional App representing the backing component on success, or an Error
/// if the protocol could not be resolved.
async fn get_proxy(
connector: impl LifecycleProxyConnector,
) -> Result<(LifecycleProxy, Option<client::App>), Error> {
// First we attempt to retrieve the Lifecycle protocol from A2DP's environment.
// Typically, in a CFv2 environment, this protocol will exist in the environment.
if connector.check_protocol::<LifecycleMarker>().await? {
info!("Found the `Lifecycle` protocol in the environment");
let lifecycle = connector.lifecycle()?;
return Ok((lifecycle, None));
// Otherwise, fallback to trying to get it via the Launcher protocol.
// This will typically succeed in a CFv1 environment.
if connector.check_protocol::<LauncherMarker>().await? {
info!("Found the `Launcher` protocol in the environment");
let launcher = connector.launcher()?;
let child = client::launch(
<AvrcpTarget as LifecycleProxyConnector>::PROTOCOL_PROVIDING_URL.to_string(),
let lifecycle = child
.context("failed to connect to child component's Lifecycle protocol")?;
return Ok((lifecycle, Some(child)));
// Otherwise, we're unable to resolve the `Lifecycle` protocol.
Err(format_err!("Couldn't get the Lifecycle protocol"))
/// Attempt to start the AVRCP-Target component used to relay media updates to the peer.
/// If the child component was manually launched, returns OK with the component `App`. Dropping the
/// `App` will terminate the child component.
/// If the child component was successfully started (but not manually launched), returns Ok(None).
/// Otherwise, returns Error if any protocols were unavailable or if component starting failed.
pub async fn start_avrcp_target() -> Result<Option<client::App>, Error> {
let connector = AvrcpTarget;
let (lifecycle, child) = get_proxy(connector).await?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use {
fuchsia_async as fasync,
futures::{task::Poll, StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
/// Mock implementation of a controller that provides the `Lifecycle` protocol.
/// Provides hooks for toggling the Launcher / Lifecycle protocols for testing purposes.
struct MockComponentClient {
supported_services: Vec<String>,
launcher: Option<LauncherProxy>,
lifecycle: Option<LifecycleProxy>,
impl MockComponentClient {
fn new(launcher: Option<LauncherProxy>, lifecycle: Option<LifecycleProxy>) -> Self {
let mut supported_services = vec![];
if launcher.is_some() {
if lifecycle.is_some() {
Self { supported_services, launcher, lifecycle }
impl LifecycleProxyConnector for MockComponentClient {
/// The URL of the mock component providing the protocol is irrelevant since our tests
/// manually implement the `Launcher` protocol.
const PROTOCOL_PROVIDING_URL: &'static str = "foobar";
fn check_protocol<S: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(
) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<bool, Error>> {
let contains = self.supported_services.contains(&S::PROTOCOL_NAME.to_string());
async move { Ok(contains) }.boxed()
fn launcher(&self) -> Result<LauncherProxy, Error> {
self.launcher.clone().ok_or(format_err!("Launcher protocol not available"))
fn lifecycle(&self) -> Result<LifecycleProxy, Error> {
self.lifecycle.clone().ok_or(format_err!("Lifecycle protocol not available"))
async fn avrcp_target_no_protocols_returns_error() {
// Simulate error by providing neither protocol. Attempting to launch should return error.
let mock = MockComponentClient::new(None, None);
let res = get_proxy(mock).await;
async fn avrcp_target_in_v2_returns_ok() {
let (c, _s) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<LifecycleMarker>().unwrap();
// Simulate v2 environment by not providing the Launcher protocol.
let mock = MockComponentClient::new(None, Some(c));
// A request to launch AVRCP-TG in the "v2 scenario" should work, there is no returned
// `App` because this is v2.
let (_proxy, child) = get_proxy(mock).await.expect("launching should work");
async fn avrcp_target_in_v1_returns_ok() {
let (c, mut s) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<LauncherMarker>().unwrap();
// Simulate v1 environment by not providing the Lifecycle protocol.
let mock = MockComponentClient::new(Some(c), None);
// Handle the request to launch the component using the `Launcher` protocol.
fasync::Task::local(async move {
if let Some(req) = s.try_next().await.unwrap() {
info!("Received launch request: {:?}", req);
match req {
LauncherRequest::CreateComponent { .. } => {}
// A request to launch AVRCP-TG in the "v1 scenario" should work - the launched App should
// be returned.
let (_proxy, child) = get_proxy(mock).await.expect("launching should work");
async fn avrcp_target_in_v1_error_when_launcher_error() {
let (c, s) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<LauncherMarker>().unwrap();
// Simulate v1 environment by not providing the Lifecycle protocol.
let mock = MockComponentClient::new(Some(c), None);
// Dropping the ServerEnd of the Launcher protocol will result in errors in any client
// requests.
// A request launch when there is a fatal error when accessing the Launcher protocol will
// return an Error.
let res = get_proxy(mock).await;
fn waiting_for_lifecycle_returns_when_ready() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let (proxy, mut stream) =
let mut wait_fut = Box::pin(lifecycle_wait_ready(proxy));
// We expect a request to get the current state of the Lifecycle service.
// Initially respond with Initializing (e.g the child component is not ready yet.)
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut wait_fut).is_pending());
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(LifecycleRequest::GetState { responder, .. }))) => {
x => panic!("Expected GetState request but got: {:?}", x),
// Should still be waiting. This time, we respond with Ready.
// Respond with ready - future should resolve.
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut wait_fut).is_pending());
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(LifecycleRequest::GetState { responder, .. }))) => {
x => panic!("Expected GetState request but got: {:?}", x),
let result = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut wait_fut);
assert_matches::assert_matches!(result, Poll::Ready(Ok(_)));
fn waiting_for_lifecycle_returns_error_when_client_error() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let (proxy, stream) =
let mut wait_fut = Box::pin(lifecycle_wait_ready(proxy));
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut wait_fut).is_pending());
// Dropping the server end will result in any client requests to resolve to Error.
let result = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut wait_fut);
assert_matches::assert_matches!(result, Poll::Ready(Err(_)));