blob: 6893655d2634cdd65a15f7ff70b118d02c924e94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_expr_eval.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <utility>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataExtractor.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/arch.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_data_provider.h"
namespace zxdb {
: symbol_context_(SymbolContext::ForRelativeAddresses()),
weak_factory_(this) {}
DwarfExprEval::~DwarfExprEval() = default;
DwarfExprEval::ResultType DwarfExprEval::GetResultType() const {
return result_type_;
uint64_t DwarfExprEval::GetResult() const {
return stack_.back();
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::Eval(
fxl::RefPtr<SymbolDataProvider> data_provider,
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, Expression expr,
CompletionCallback cb) {
is_complete_ = false;
data_provider_ = std::move(data_provider);
symbol_context_ = symbol_context;
expr_ = std::move(expr);
expr_index_ = 0;
completion_callback_ = std::move(cb);
if (!expr_.empty()) {
// Assume little-endian.
data_extractor_ = std::make_unique<llvm::DataExtractor>(
llvm::StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&expr_[0]), expr_.size()),
true, kTargetPointerSize);
// Note: ContinueEval() may call callback, which may delete |this|
return ContinueEval() ? Completion::kSync : Completion::kAsync;
bool DwarfExprEval::ContinueEval() {
// To allow interruption, only a certain number of instructions will be
// executed in sequence without posting back to the message loop. This
// gives calling code the chance to cancel long or hung executions. Since
// most programs are 1-4 instructions, the threshold can be low.
constexpr int kMaxInstructionsAtOnce = 32;
int instruction_count = 0;
do {
// Check for successfully reaching the end of the stream.
if (!is_complete_ && expr_index_ == expr_.size()) {
is_complete_ = true;
Err err;
if (stack_.empty()) {
// Failure to compute any values.
err = Err("DWARF expression produced no results.");
is_success_ = false;
} else {
is_success_ = true;
// The callback may delete |this| but we also want to clear the value to
// prevent accidental future use. So we need to copy members to local
// variables in case |this| goes away.
auto is_complete = is_complete_;
auto cb = std::move(completion_callback_);
cb(this, err);
return is_complete;
if (instruction_count == kMaxInstructionsAtOnce) {
// Enough instructions have run at once. Schedule a callback to continue
// execution in the message loop.
FROM_HERE, [weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()]() {
if (weak_eval)
return is_complete_;
} while (!is_complete_ && EvalOneOp() == Completion::kSync);
return is_complete_;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::EvalOneOp() {
FXL_DCHECK(expr_index_ < expr_.size());
// Opcode is next byte in the data buffer. Consume it.
uint8_t op = expr_[expr_index_];
// Literals 0-31.
if (op >= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lit0 && op <= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lit31) {
Push(op - llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lit0);
return Completion::kSync;
// Registers 0-31.
if (op >= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg0 && op <= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg31) {
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(op - llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg0, 0);
// Base register with SLEB128 offset.
if (op >= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_breg0 && op <= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_breg31)
return OpBreg(op);
switch (op) {
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_addr:
return OpAddr();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const1u:
return OpPushUnsigned(1);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const1s:
return OpPushSigned(1);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const2u:
return OpPushUnsigned(2);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const2s:
return OpPushSigned(2);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const4u:
return OpPushUnsigned(4);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const4s:
return OpPushSigned(4);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const8u:
return OpPushUnsigned(8);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const8s:
return OpPushSigned(8);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_constu:
return OpPushLEBUnsigned();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_consts:
return OpPushLEBSigned();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_dup:
return OpDup();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_drop:
return OpDrop();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_over:
return OpOver();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_pick:
return OpPick();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_swap:
return OpSwap();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_rot:
return OpRot();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xderef:
// TODO(brettw) implement this.
return Completion::kSync;
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_abs:
return OpUnary([](uint64_t a) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(llabs(static_cast<long long>(a)));
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_and:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a & b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_div:
return OpDiv();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_minus:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a - b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_mod:
return OpMod();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_mul:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a * b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_neg:
return OpUnary([](uint64_t a) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(-static_cast<int64_t>(a));
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_not:
return OpUnary([](uint64_t a) { return ~a; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_or:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a | b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_plus:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a + b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_plus_uconst:
return OpPlusUconst();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_shl:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a << b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_shr:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a >> b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_shra:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<int64_t>(a) >>
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xor:
return OpBinary([](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a ^ b; });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_skip:
return OpSkip();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_bra:
return OpBra();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_eq:
return OpBinary(
[](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(a == b); });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_ge:
return OpBinary(
[](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(a >= b); });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_gt:
return OpBinary(
[](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(a > b); });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_le:
return OpBinary(
[](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(a <= b); });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lt:
return OpBinary(
[](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(a < b); });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_ne:
return OpBinary(
[](uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(a != b); });
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_regx:
return OpRegx();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_fbreg:
return OpFbreg();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_bregx:
return OpBregx();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_piece:
// TODO(brettw) implement this.
return Completion::kSync;
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_deref:
return OpDeref();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_deref_size:
// TODO(brettw) implement this.
return Completion::kSync;
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xderef_size:
// TODO(brettw) implement this.
return Completion::kSync;
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_nop:
return Completion::kSync;
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_push_object_address:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call2: // 2-byte offset of DIE.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call4: // 4-byte offset of DIE.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call_ref: // 4- or 8-byte offset of DIE.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_form_tls_address:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call_frame_cfa: // TODO(DX-1510).
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_bit_piece: // ULEB128 size + ULEB128 offset.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_implicit_value: // ULEB128 size + block of size.
// TODO(brettw) implement these.
return Completion::kSync;
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_stack_value:
return OpStackValue();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address:
// TODO(DX-694) support TLS.
ReportError("TLS not currently supported. See DX-694.");
return Completion::kSync;
// Invalid or unknown opcode.
fxl::StringPrintf("Invalid opcode 0x%x in DWARF expression.", op));
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::PushRegisterWithOffset(
int dwarf_register_number, int64_t offset) {
auto reg = debug_ipc::DWARFToRegisterID(data_provider_->GetArch(),
// This function doesn't set the result_type_ because it is called from
// different contexts. The callers should set the result_type_ as appropriate
// for their operation.
if (auto reg_data = data_provider_->GetRegister(reg)) {
// Register data available synchronously.
Push(*reg_data + offset);
return Completion::kSync;
// Must request async.
reg, [weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), offset](const Err& err,
uint64_t value) {
if (!weak_eval)
if (err.has_error()) {
weak_eval->Push(static_cast<uint64_t>(value + offset));
// Picks up processing at the next instruction.
return Completion::kAsync;
void DwarfExprEval::Push(uint64_t value) { stack_.push_back(value); }
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadSigned(int byte_size, int64_t* output) {
uint32_t old_expr_index = expr_index_;
*output = data_extractor_->getSigned(&expr_index_, byte_size);
if (old_expr_index == expr_index_) {
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
return true;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadUnsigned(int byte_size, uint64_t* output) {
uint32_t old_expr_index = expr_index_;
*output = data_extractor_->getUnsigned(&expr_index_, byte_size);
if (old_expr_index == expr_index_) {
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
return true;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadLEBSigned(int64_t* output) {
uint32_t old_expr_index = expr_index_;
*output = data_extractor_->getSLEB128(&expr_index_);
if (old_expr_index == expr_index_) {
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
return true;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadLEBUnsigned(uint64_t* output) {
uint32_t old_expr_index = expr_index_;
*output = data_extractor_->getULEB128(&expr_index_);
if (old_expr_index == expr_index_) {
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
return true;
void DwarfExprEval::ReportError(const std::string& msg) {
void DwarfExprEval::ReportError(const Err& err) {
is_complete_ = true;
// The callback may delete |this| but we also want to clear the value to
// prevent accidental future use.
auto cb = std::move(completion_callback_);
cb(this, err);
void DwarfExprEval::ReportStackUnderflow() {
ReportError("Stack underflow for DWARF expression.");
void DwarfExprEval::ReportUnimplementedOpcode(uint8_t op) {
fxl::StringPrintf("Unimplemented opcode 0x%x in DWARF expression.", op));
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpUnary(uint64_t (*op)(uint64_t)) {
if (stack_.empty())
stack_.back() = op(stack_.back());
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBinary(uint64_t (*op)(uint64_t,
uint64_t)) {
if (stack_.size() < 2) {
} else {
uint64_t b = stack_.back();
uint64_t a = stack_.back();
stack_.back() = op(a, b);
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: unsigned the size of a pointer. This is relative to the load
// address of the current module. It is used to for globals and statics.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpAddr() {
TargetPointer offset;
if (!ReadUnsigned(kTargetPointerSize, &offset))
return Completion::kSync;
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: 2 byte signed integer constant.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBra() {
// "The 2-byte constant is the number of bytes of the DWARF expression to skip
// forward or backward from the current operation, beginning after the 2-byte
// constant."
int64_t skip_amount = 0;
if (!ReadSigned(2, &skip_amount))
return Completion::kSync;
if (stack_.empty()) {
return Completion::kSync;
// 0 @ top of stack means don't take the branch.
uint64_t condition = stack_.back();
if (condition == 0)
return Completion::kSync;
// Otherwise take the branch.
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: SLEB128 offset added to base register.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBreg(uint8_t op) {
int reg_index = op - llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_breg0;
int64_t offset = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(reg_index, offset);
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDiv() {
if (stack_.size() < 2) {
} else {
uint64_t b = stack_.back();
uint64_t a = stack_.back();
if (b == 0) {
ReportError("DWARF expression divided by zero.");
} else {
stack_.back() = static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<int64_t>(a) /
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDrop() {
if (stack_.empty())
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDup() {
if (stack_.empty())
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: Signed LEB128 offset from frame base pointer.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpFbreg() {
int64_t offset = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
if (auto bp = data_provider_->GetFrameBase()) {
// Available synchronously.
// Certain problems can cause the BP to be set to 0 which is obviously
// invalid, report that error specifically.
if (*bp == 0)
ReportError("Base Pointer is 0, can't evaluate.");
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
Push(*bp + offset);
return Completion::kSync;
// Must request async.
data_provider_->GetFrameBaseAsync([weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
offset](const Err& err, uint64_t value) {
if (!weak_eval)
if (err.has_error()) {
if (value == 0) {
weak_eval->ReportError("Base Pointer is 0, can't evaluate.");
weak_eval->result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
weak_eval->Push(static_cast<uint64_t>(value + offset));
// Picks up processing at the next instruction.
return Completion::kAsync;
// 1 parameter: ULEB128 constant indexing the register.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpRegx() {
uint64_t reg = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&reg))
return Completion::kSync;
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(static_cast<int>(reg), 0);
// 2 parameters: ULEB128 register number + SLEB128 offset.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBregx() {
uint64_t reg = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&reg))
return Completion::kSync;
int64_t offset = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(static_cast<int>(reg), offset);
// Pops the stack and pushes an address-sized value from memory at that
// location.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDeref() {
if (stack_.empty()) {
return Completion::kSync;
uint64_t addr = stack_.back();
addr, 8,
[addr, weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](
const Err& err, std::vector<uint8_t> value) {
if (!weak_eval) {
} else if (err.has_error()) {
} else if (value.size() != 8) {
fxl::StringPrintf("Invalid pointer 0x%" PRIx64 ".", addr));
} else {
// Success reading 8 bytes.
uint64_t to_push;
memcpy(&to_push, &value[0], 8);
// Picks up processing at the next instruction.
return Completion::kAsync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpMod() {
if (stack_.size() < 2) {
} else {
uint64_t b = stack_.back();
uint64_t a = stack_.back();
if (b == 0) {
ReportError("DWARF expression divided by zero.");
} else {
stack_.back() = static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<int64_t>(a) %
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpOver() {
// Duplicates the next-to-top over the top item.
if (stack_.size() < 2)
Push(stack_[stack_.size() - 2]);
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: 1-byte stack index from the top to push.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPick() {
uint64_t index = 0;
if (!ReadUnsigned(1, &index))
return Completion::kSync;
if (stack_.size() <= index) {
return Completion::kSync;
// Index is from end (0 = last item).
Push(stack_[stack_.size() - 1 - index]);
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPlusUconst() {
// "Pops the top stack entry, adds it to the unsigned LEB128 constant operand
// and pushes the result."
if (stack_.empty()) {
} else {
uint64_t top = stack_.back();
uint64_t param = 0;
if (ReadLEBUnsigned(&param))
Push(top + param);
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushSigned(int byte_count) {
int64_t value = 0;
if (ReadSigned(byte_count, &value))
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushUnsigned(int byte_count) {
uint64_t value = 0;
if (ReadUnsigned(byte_count, &value))
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushLEBSigned() {
int64_t value = 0;
if (ReadLEBSigned(&value))
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushLEBUnsigned() {
uint64_t value = 0;
if (ReadLEBUnsigned(&value))
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpRot() {
// Rotates the top 3 entries "down" with wraparound. "The entry at the top of
// the stack becomes the third stack entry, the second entry becomes the top
// of the stack, and the third entry becomes the second entry."
if (stack_.size() < 3) {
} else {
uint64_t top = stack_[stack_.size() - 1];
uint64_t one_back = stack_[stack_.size() - 2];
uint64_t two_back = stack_[stack_.size() - 3];
stack_[stack_.size() - 1] = one_back;
stack_[stack_.size() - 2] = two_back;
stack_[stack_.size() - 3] = top;
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: 2-byte signed constant.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpSkip() {
int64_t skip_amount = 0;
if (!ReadSigned(2, &skip_amount))
return Completion::kSync;
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpStackValue() {
// "Specifies that the object does not exist in memory but rather is a
// constant value. The value from the top of the stack is the value to be
// used. This is the actual object value and not the location."
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
// This operation also implicitly terminates the computation. Jump to the
// end to indicate this.
expr_index_ = expr_.size();
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpSwap() {
if (stack_.size() < 2)
std::swap(stack_[stack_.size() - 1], stack_[stack_.size() - 2]);
return Completion::kSync;
void DwarfExprEval::Skip(int64_t amount) {
int64_t new_index = static_cast<int64_t>(expr_index_) + amount;
if (new_index >= static_cast<int64_t>(expr_.size())) {
// Skip to or past the end just terminates the program.
expr_index_ = expr_.size();
} else if (new_index < 0) {
// Skip before beginning is an error.
ReportError("DWARF expression skips out-of-bounds.");
} else {
expr_index_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(new_index);
} // namespace zxdb