blob: a92d6a40971b2b615154355fc84dcfab2d1daa4f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
zircon_extras_manifest("zircon_test_manifest") {
manifest = "tests"
patterns = [ "*" ]
package("zircon_tests") {
__deprecated_system_image = true
deps = [
extra = get_target_outputs(":zircon_test_manifest")
zircon_extras_manifest("zircon_fuzzers_manifest") {
manifest = "tests"
patterns = [
group("zircon_test_metadata") {
test_specs = read_file("$zircon_root_build_dir/tests.json", "json")
target_test_specs = []
foreach(spec, test_specs) {
_test = {
_test = spec.test
# Note: zircon host tests are surfaced separately as
# //src:zircon_host_tests; this is done separately as we want to run host
# tests - bringup or otherwise - together, and the same can't be said of
# zircon tests.
if (_test.os == "fuchsia") {
target_test_specs += [
test = {
forward_variables_from(_test, "*")
label = string_replace(label, "//", "//zircon/")
metadata = {
tests = target_test_specs
# When migrating Zircon fuzzers to the Fuchsia build, add them to this list.
_migrated_fuzzers = [
# Emits a JSON manifest similar to the one used to incorporate Zircon fuzzers into the Fuchsia GN
# build pre-unification. This is used to validate that the list of Zircon fuzzers is the unchanged
# as fuzzers are being migrated. Post-unification, this target can be removed.
generated_file("migrated_fuzzers_manifest") {
outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/migrated_zircon_fuzzers.json" ]
contents = []
foreach(fuzzer, _migrated_fuzzers) {
fuzzer_name = get_label_info(fuzzer, "name")
]) {
contents += [ "$fuzzer_name.$variant" ]
output_conversion = "json"
fuzzers_package("zircon_fuzzers") {
# Zircon fuzzers built using Fuchsia GN.
fuzzers = _migrated_fuzzers
# Zircon fuzzers built using Zircon GN; only enabled if a fuzzer variant is selected.
fuzzer_variants = [
selected_variants = []
foreach(selected_variant, select_variant_canonical) {
if (defined(selected_variant.variant)) {
selected_variants += [ selected_variant.variant ]
if (selected_variants + fuzzer_variants - fuzzer_variants !=
selected_variants) {
fuzzers_manifest = {
target = ":zircon_fuzzers_manifest"
output = "$zircon_root_build_dir/legacy_fuzzers-$target_cpu.json"
deps = [ ":migrated_fuzzers_manifest" ]
# Known to infrastructure.
# TODO( delete me. zbi_tests.json is now always produced.
group("zbi_tests") {