blob: a90779caed6090b8b5c517759218facbceed79d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sdp/sdp.h"
namespace bt {
namespace sdp {
// A ServiceRecord represents a service record in a SDP database.
// The service has a number of attributes identified by defined IDs and each
// attribute has a value.
class ServiceRecord {
// Create a new service record with the handle given.
// Also generates a UUID and sets the Service ID attribute.
// Allow move.
ServiceRecord(ServiceRecord&&) = default;
// Directly sets an attribute to a specific DataElement
void SetAttribute(AttributeId id, DataElement value);
// Get the value of an attribute. The attribute must be set.
// Use HasAttribute() to detect if an attribute is set.
const DataElement& GetAttribute(AttributeId id) const;
// Returns true if there is an attribute with |id| in this record.
bool HasAttribute(AttributeId id) const;
// Removes the attribute identified by |id|. Idempotent.
void RemoveAttribute(AttributeId id);
// Returns the handle of this service.
ServiceHandle handle() const { return handle_; }
void SetHandle(ServiceHandle handle);
// Returns the set of attributes in this record that are in
// the range |start| - |end| inclusive.
// If |start| > |end| or no attributes are present, returns a
// an empty set.
std::set<AttributeId> GetAttributesInRange(AttributeId start,
AttributeId end) const;
// Returns true if any value of the attributes in this service contain all
// of the |uuids| given. The uuids need not be in any specific attribute
// value.
bool FindUUID(const std::unordered_set<UUID>& uuids) const;
// Convenience function to set the service class id list attribute.
void SetServiceClassUUIDs(const std::vector<UUID>& classes);
using ProtocolListId = uint8_t;
constexpr static ProtocolListId kPrimaryProtocolList = 0x00;
// Adds a protocol to a protocol descriptor list.
// Convenience function for adding protocol discriptor list attributes.
// |id| identifies the list to be added to.
// |uuid| must be a protocol UUID.
// |params| is either:
// - a DataElement sequence of parameters
// - a null DataElement, for which nothing will be appended
// - a single DataElement parameter
// kPrimaryProtocolList is presented as the primary protocol.
// Other protocol will be added to the addiitonal protocol lists,
void AddProtocolDescriptor(const ProtocolListId id, const UUID& uuid,
DataElement params);
// Adds a profile to the bluetooth profile descrpitor list attribute.
// |uuid| is the UUID of the profile. |major| and |minor| are the major and
// minor versions of the profile supported.
void AddProfile(const UUID& uuid, uint8_t major, uint8_t minor);
// Adds a set of language attributes.
// |language| is required (and must be two characters long)
// At least one other attribute must be non-empty.
// Empty attributes will be omitted.
// All strings are UTF-8 encoded.
// Returns true if attributes were added, false otherwise.
bool AddInfo(const std::string& language_code, const std::string& name,
const std::string& description, const std::string& provider);
// Set the security level required to connect to this service.
// See v5.0, Vol 3, Part C, Section
void set_security_level(SecurityLevel security_level) {
security_level_ = security_level;
SecurityLevel security_level() const { return security_level_; }
ServiceHandle handle_;
std::map<AttributeId, DataElement> attributes_;
// Additional protocol lists, by id.
// Each one of these elements is a sequence of the form that would qualify as
// a protocol list (a sequence of sequences of protocols and params)
std::unordered_map<ProtocolListId, DataElement> addl_protocols_;
SecurityLevel security_level_;
} // namespace sdp
} // namespace bt