blob: 286f80e0e3f3b81d2eec607e8df8b893fe67a431 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.web;
/// Interface supplied by the embedder for receiving notifications about
/// navigation events in a Frame.
protocol NavigationEventListener {
/// Called when user-visible navigation state has changed since Frame
/// creation or the last acknowledgement callback, whichever occurred last.
/// |change| will contain all the differences in navigation state since the
/// last acknowledgement. Any unchanged properties will be left unset in
/// |change|.
/// Implementer must call the acknowledgement callback to receive new
/// navigation events.
OnNavigationStateChanged(NavigationState change) -> ();
/// Represents the return status of a NavigationController method.
enum NavigationControllerError : int32 {
/// The provided URL is invalid.
/// Provides methods for controlling and querying the navigation state
/// of a Frame.
protocol NavigationController {
/// Tells the Frame to navigate to a |url|.
/// |url|: The address to navigate to.
/// |params|: Additional parameters that affect how the resource will be
/// loaded (e.g. cookies, HTTP headers, etc.)
/// If an error occured, the NavigationControllerError will be set:
/// INVALID_URL: The |url| parameter is invalid.
LoadUrl(Url url, LoadUrlParams params)
-> () error NavigationControllerError;
Reload(ReloadType type);
/// Returns information for the currently visible content regardless of
/// loading state, or an empty entry if no content is being displayed.
GetVisibleEntry() -> (NavigationState entry);
/// Additional parameters for modifying the behavior of LoadUrl().
table LoadUrlParams {
/// Provides a hint to the browser UI about how LoadUrl was triggered.
1: LoadUrlReason type;
/// The URL that linked to the resource being requested.
2: Url referrer_url;
/// Should be set to true to propagate user activation to the frame. User
/// activation implies that the user is interacting with the web frame. It
/// enables some web features that are not available otherwise. For example
/// autoplay will work only when this flag is set to true.
3: bool was_user_activated;
/// Custom HTTP headers.
4: vector<> headers;
/// Contains information about the Frame's navigation state.
table NavigationState {
/// The page's URL.
1: Url url;
/// The user-visible page title.
2: string title;
/// Indicates whether this was a navigation to an error page.
3: PageType page_type;
/// Indicates if there is a following navigation.
4: bool can_go_forward;
/// Indicates if there is a previous navigation.
5: bool can_go_back;
/// Indicates that the main document's statically declared resources have
/// been loaded.
6: bool is_main_document_loaded;
/// Characterizes the type of reload.
enum ReloadType : uint32 {
/// Reloads the current entry, bypassing the cache for the main resource.
/// Reloads the current entry, bypassing the cache entirely.
/// Characterizes the origin of a LoadUrl request.
enum LoadUrlReason : uint32 {
/// Navigation was initiated by the user following a link.
LINK = 0;
/// Navigation was initiated by a user-provided URL.
TYPED = 1;
/// Characterizes the page type in a NavigationState.
enum PageType {
/// Regular web page.
/// Error page.
ERROR = 1;