blob: fcd99a75fe0952e775d48c530c8f608c6cf45efa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/ranking_features/dead_story_ranking_feature.h"
#include <fuchsia/modular/cpp/fidl.h>
namespace modular {
DeadStoryRankingFeature::DeadStoryRankingFeature() {}
DeadStoryRankingFeature::~DeadStoryRankingFeature() = default;
double DeadStoryRankingFeature::ComputeFeatureInternal(
const fuchsia::modular::UserInput& query,
const RankedSuggestion& ranked_suggestion) {
const auto& proposal = ranked_suggestion.prototype->proposal;
// Proposal not tied to any story.
if (proposal.affinity.empty()) {
return kMinConfidence;
// TODO(miguelfrde): cache ids of stories in context in an unordered_set for
// average O(1) lookup.
for (const auto& context_value : *ContextValues()) {
const auto& story_name = context_value.meta.story->id;
for (const auto& affinity : proposal.affinity) {
switch (affinity.Which()) {
case fuchsia::modular::ProposalAffinity::Tag::kModuleAffinity:
if (story_name == affinity.module_affinity().story_name) {
return kMinConfidence;
case fuchsia::modular::ProposalAffinity::Tag::kStoryAffinity:
if (story_name == affinity.story_affinity().story_name) {
return kMinConfidence;
return kMaxConfidence;
DeadStoryRankingFeature::CreateContextSelectorInternal() {
// Get stories in context.
auto selector = fuchsia::modular::ContextSelector::New();
selector->type = fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType::STORY;
return selector;
} // namespace modular