blob: 8804ac77c2ae0596e5adb94fd2438590a56b08bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package cache provides an object cache that uses an adaptive replacement policy
// described by Mediddo & Modha in "Outperforming LRU with an Adaptive Replacement
// Cache Algorithm".
package cache
import (
// Key represents a key to an object in the cache.
type Key interface{}
// Value represents a value associated with a key in the cache.
type Value interface{}
// sigh...
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
// Entry represents a single entry in the cache.
type Entry struct {
// The list.Element corresponding to this entry.
elem *list.Element
// The list.List to which this entry belongs.
list *list.List
// The key for this entry.
key Key
// The value associated with the key for this entry.
Value Value
// Indicates whether this entry has been modified. Callers must set this field
// to true when they modify Value. The cache will only commit this Entry to the BackingStore
// if IsDirty is true.
IsDirty bool
// BackingStore defines the interface that the cache expects from the storage medium for which
// it is acting as a cache.
type BackingStore interface {
// Get is called by the cache when a requested key is not found in the cache and needs
// to be read in from the BackingStore.
Get(Key) Value
// Put is called by the cache when a dirty entry is flushed and should be committed to
// the BackingStore.
Put(Key, Value)
// C represents an object cache.
type C struct {
lru *list.List // Least recently used.
lruhist *list.List // Least recently used history.
lfu *list.List // Least frequently used.
lfuhist *list.List // Least frequently used history.
p int // The adaptive parameter.
size int // Size of the cache.
bs BackingStore // Backing store for the cache.
entries map[Key]*Entry // The actual cache entries.
// New returns a new, initialized Adaptive Replacement Cache.
func New(size int, bs BackingStore) *C {
return &C{
lru: list.New(),
lruhist: list.New(),
lfu: list.New(),
lfuhist: list.New(),
p: 0,
size: size,
entries: make(map[Key]*Entry),
bs: bs,
// evict moves the last Entry from top to the front of bottom, clearing the value associated with the
// Entry and committing it to the BackingStore, if necessary.
func (c *C) evict(top, bottom *list.List) {
victim := top.Back().Value.(*Entry)
// Flush the entry.
if victim.IsDirty {, victim.Value)
victim.IsDirty = false
victim.Value = nil
// Move onto bottom.
victim.elem = bottom.PushFront(victim)
victim.list = bottom
// replace implements the REPLACE subroutine from the paper.
func (c *C) replace(e *Entry) {
lrulen := c.lru.Len()
if lrulen >= 1 && ((e.list == c.lfuhist && lrulen == c.p) || lrulen > c.p) {
c.evict(c.lru, c.lruhist)
} else {
c.evict(c.lfu, c.lfuhist)
// remove deletes an Entry from the cache, committing its value to the BackingStore, if necessary.
func (c *C) remove(e *Entry) {
if e.IsDirty {, e.Value)
e.IsDirty = false
e.Value = nil
e.list = nil
e.elem = nil
delete(c.entries, e.key)
// handleMiss implements Case IV from the paper.
func (c *C) handleMiss(e *Entry) {
if l1len := c.lru.Len() + c.lruhist.Len(); c.size == l1len {
if c.lru.Len() < c.size {
} else {
} else if l2len := c.lfu.Len() + c.lfuhist.Len(); l1len < c.size && l1len+l2len >= c.size {
if l1len+l2len == 2*c.size {
e.elem = c.lru.PushFront(e)
// handleHit implements Case I from the paper.
func (c *C) handleHit(e *Entry) {
e.elem = c.lfu.PushFront(e)
e.list = c.lfu
// handleFakeHit implements Case II and Case III from the paper.
func (c *C) handleFakeHit(e *Entry) {
// Adapt p.
if e.list == c.lruhist {
c.p = min(c.size, c.p+max(c.lfuhist.Len()/c.lruhist.Len(), 1))
} else {
c.p = max(0, c.p-max(c.lruhist.Len()/c.lfuhist.Len(), 1))
// Get returns the Entry containing the Value for the Key k, fetching it from the BackingStore
// if necessary. Callers _must_ set the IsDirty field for the returned Entry if they change the
// Value in the Entry to ensure that the change is propagated to the BackingStore. Callers must
// also not retain the returned Entry.
func (c *C) Get(k Key) *Entry {
e, ok := c.entries[k]
if !ok {
e = &Entry{
list: c.lru,
key: k,
IsDirty: false,
c.entries[k] = e
} else if e.list == c.lruhist || e.list == c.lfuhist {
e.Value =
} else {
return e
// Put associates the Value v with the Key k and stores it in the cache. It additionally marks the
// Entry dirty so that the new Value will be propagated to the BackingStore. Callers may wish to
// use Put when they want to completely replace the Value associated with some Key and want to avoid
// a potentially expensive lookup for the Key in the BackingStore.
func (c *C) Put(k Key, v Value) {
e, ok := c.entries[k]
if !ok {
e = &Entry{
list: c.lru,
key: k,
Value: v,
IsDirty: true,
c.entries[k] = e
} else if e.list == c.lruhist || e.list == c.lfuhist {
e.Value = v
e.IsDirty = true
} else {
e.Value = v
e.IsDirty = true
// Flush commits all dirty Entries in the cache to the BackingStore.
func (c *C) Flush() {
for _, e := range c.entries {
if !e.IsDirty {
}, e.Value)
e.IsDirty = false