blob: 5b1fc6d7426fd7bd20fe5824cade39ae8b10322a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fuchsia_uri_rewrite::{Rule, RuleConfig},
fs::{self, File},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
/// [RewriteManager] controls access to all static and dynamic rewrite rules used by the package
/// resolver.
/// No two instances of [RewriteManager] should be configured to use the same `dynamic_rules_path`,
/// or concurrent saves could corrupt the config file or lose edits. Instead, use the provided
/// [RewriteManager::transaction] API to safely manage concurrent edits.
pub struct RewriteManager {
static_rules: Vec<Rule>,
dynamic_rules: Vec<Rule>,
generation: u32,
dynamic_rules_path: PathBuf,
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum CommitError {
#[fail(display = "the provided rule set is based on an older generation")]
impl RewriteManager {
/// Rewrite the given [PkgUri] using the first dynamic or static rewrite rule that matches and
/// produces a valid [PkgUri]. If no rewrite rules match or all that do produce invalid
/// [PkgUri]s, return the original, unmodified [PkgUri].
pub fn rewrite(&self, uri: PkgUri) -> PkgUri {
for rule in self.list() {
match rule.apply(&uri) {
Some(Ok(res)) => {
return res;
Some(Err(err)) => {
fx_log_err!("re-write rule {:?} produced an invalid URI, ignoring rule", err);
_ => {}
fn save(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
let config = RuleConfig::Version1(std::mem::replace(&mut self.dynamic_rules, vec![]));
let result = (|| {
let mut temp_path = self.dynamic_rules_path.clone().into_os_string();
let temp_path = PathBuf::from(temp_path);
let f = File::create(&temp_path)?;
serde_json::to_writer(f, &config)?;
fs::rename(temp_path, &self.dynamic_rules_path)
let RuleConfig::Version1(rules) = config;
self.dynamic_rules = rules;
/// Construct a new [Transaction] containing the dynamic config rules from this
/// [RewriteManager].
pub fn transaction(&self) -> Transaction {
Transaction {
dynamic_rules: self.dynamic_rules.clone().into(),
generation: self.generation,
/// Apply the given [Transaction] object to this [RewriteManager] iff no other
/// [RewriteRuleStates] have been applied since `transaction` was cloned from this
/// [RewriteManager].
pub fn apply(&mut self, transaction: Transaction) -> Result<(), CommitError> {
if self.generation != transaction.generation {
} else {
self.dynamic_rules = transaction.dynamic_rules.into();
self.generation += 1;
// FIXME(kevinwells) synchronous I/O in an async context
if let Err(err) = {
fx_log_err!("error while saving dynamic rewrite rules: {}", err);
/// Return an iterator through all rewrite rules in the order they should be applied to
/// incoming `fuchsia-pkg://` URIs.
pub fn list<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Rule> {
/// [Transaction] tracks an edit transaction to a set of dynamic rewrite rules.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Transaction {
dynamic_rules: VecDeque<Rule>,
generation: u32,
impl Transaction {
pub fn new(dynamic_rules: Vec<Rule>, generation: u32) -> Self {
Self { dynamic_rules: dynamic_rules.into(), generation }
/// Remove all dynamic rules from this [Transaction].
pub fn reset_all(&mut self) {
/// Add the given [Rule] to this [Transaction] with the highest match priority.
pub fn add(&mut self, rule: Rule) {
fn list_dynamic<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Rule> {
/// [RewriteManagerBuilder] constructs a [RewriteManager], optionally initializing it with [Rule]s
/// passed in directly or loaded out of the filesystem.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct RewriteManagerBuilder {
static_rules: Vec<Rule>,
dynamic_rules: Vec<Rule>,
dynamic_rules_path: PathBuf,
impl RewriteManagerBuilder {
/// Create a new [RewriteManagerBuilder] and initialize it with the dynamic [Rule]s from the
/// provided path. If the provided dynamic rule config file does not exist or is corrupt, this
/// method returns an [RewriteManagerBuilder] initialized with no rules and configured with the
/// given dynamic config path.
pub fn new<T>(dynamic_rules_path: T) -> Result<Self, (Self, io::Error)>
T: Into<PathBuf>,
let mut builder = RewriteManagerBuilder {
static_rules: vec![],
dynamic_rules: vec![],
dynamic_rules_path: dynamic_rules_path.into(),
match Self::load_rules(&builder.dynamic_rules_path) {
Ok(rules) => {
builder.dynamic_rules = rules;
Err(err) => Err((builder, err)),
/// Load [Rule]s from the provided path and register them as static rewrite rules. On error,
/// return this [RewriteManagerBuilder] unmodified along with the encountered error.
pub fn static_rules_path<T>(mut self, path: T) -> Result<Self, (Self, io::Error)>
T: AsRef<Path>,
match Self::load_rules(path) {
Ok(rules) => {
self.static_rules = rules;
Err(err) => Err((self, err)),
fn load_rules<T>(path: T) -> Result<Vec<Rule>, io::Error>
T: AsRef<Path>,
let f = File::open(path.as_ref())?;
let RuleConfig::Version1(rules) = serde_json::from_reader(f)?;
/// Append the given [Rule]s to the static rewrite rules.
pub fn static_rules<T>(mut self, iter: T) -> Self
T: IntoIterator<Item = Rule>,
/// Build the [RewriteManager].
pub fn build(self) -> RewriteManager {
RewriteManager {
static_rules: self.static_rules,
dynamic_rules: self.dynamic_rules,
generation: 0,
dynamic_rules_path: self.dynamic_rules_path,
pub(crate) mod tests {
use {super::*, failure::Error, serde_json::json};
macro_rules! rule {
($host_match:expr => $host_replacement:expr,
$path_prefix_match:expr => $path_prefix_replacement:expr) => {
pub(crate) fn make_temp_file<CB, E>(writer: CB) -> tempfile::TempPath
CB: FnOnce(&mut io::Write) -> Result<(), E>,
E: Into<Error>,
let mut f = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
writer(f.as_file_mut()).map_err(|err| err.into()).unwrap();
pub(crate) fn make_rule_config(rules: Vec<Rule>) -> tempfile::TempPath {
let config = RuleConfig::Version1(rules);
make_temp_file(|writer| serde_json::to_writer(writer, &config))
fn test_empty_configs() {
let config = make_rule_config(vec![]);
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&config)
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);
fn test_load_single_static_rule() {
let rules = vec![rule!("" => "", "/rolldice" => "/rolldice")];
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(vec![]);
let static_config = make_rule_config(rules.clone());
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config)
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
fn test_load_single_dynamic_rule() {
let rules = vec![rule!("" => "", "/rolldice" => "/rolldice")];
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(rules.clone());
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
fn test_rejects_invalid_static_config() {
let rules = vec![rule!("" => "", "/a" => "/b")];
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(rules.clone());
let static_config = make_temp_file(|writer| {
"version": "1",
"content": {} // should be an array
let (builder, _) = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config)
let manager =;
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
fn test_recovers_from_invalid_dynamic_config() {
let dynamic_config = make_temp_file(|writer| write!(writer, "invalid"));
let rule = rule!("" => "", "/a" => "/b");
let (builder, _) = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap_err();
let mut manager =;
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);
let mut transaction = manager.transaction();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![rule.clone()]);
// Verify the dynamic config file is no longer corrupt and contains the newly added rule.
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![rule]);
fn test_rewrite_identity_if_no_rules_match() {
let rules = vec![
rule!("" => "", "/a" => "/aa"),
rule!("" => "", "/b" => "/bb"),
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(rules);
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
let uri: PkgUri = "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(manager.rewrite(uri.clone()), uri);
fn test_rewrite_first_rule_wins() {
let rules = vec![
rule!("" => "", "/package" => "/remapped"),
rule!("" => "", "/package" => "/incorrect"),
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(rules);
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
let uri = "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(manager.rewrite(uri), "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap());
fn test_rewrite_dynamic_rules_override_static_rules() {
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(vec![
rule!("" => "", "/package" => "/remapped"),
let static_config = make_rule_config(vec![
rule!("" => "", "/package" => "/incorrect"),
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config)
let uri = "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(manager.rewrite(uri), "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap());
fn test_rewrite_with_pending_transaction() {
let override_rule = rule!("" => "", "/a" => "/c");
let dynamic_config =
make_rule_config(vec![rule!("" => "", "/a" => "/b")]);
let mut manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
let mut transaction = manager.transaction();
// new rule is not yet committed and should not be used yet
let uri: PkgUri = "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(manager.rewrite(uri.clone()), "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap());
let uri = "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(manager.rewrite(uri), "fuchsia-pkg://".parse().unwrap());
fn test_commit_additional_rule() {
let existing_rule = rule!("" => "", "/rolldice" => "/rolldice");
let new_rule = rule!("" => "", "/rolldice/" => "/rolldice/");
let rules = vec![existing_rule.clone()];
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(rules.clone());
let mut manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
// Fork the existing state, add a rule, and verify both instances are distinct
let new_rules = vec![new_rule.clone(), existing_rule.clone()];
let mut transaction = manager.transaction();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
assert_eq!(transaction.list_dynamic().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), new_rules);
// Commit the new rule set
assert_eq!(manager.apply(transaction).unwrap(), ());
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), new_rules);
// Ensure new rules are persisted to the dynamic config file
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), new_rules);
fn test_erase_all_dynamic_rules() {
let rules = vec![
rule!("" => "", "/rolldice" => "/rolldice"),
rule!("" => "", "/rolldice/" => "/rolldice/"),
let dynamic_config = make_rule_config(rules.clone());
let mut manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
let mut transaction = manager.transaction();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), rules);
assert_eq!(transaction.list_dynamic().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);
assert_eq!(manager.apply(transaction).unwrap(), ());
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);
let manager = RewriteManagerBuilder::new(&dynamic_config).unwrap().build();
assert_eq!(manager.list().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);