blob: d80ecd6c64bd5dac8150e91f65ccce1179b5c0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h"
#include "lib/media/cpp/timeline_function.h"
#include "src/lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h"
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/test/fakes/packet_info.h"
namespace media_player {
namespace test {
// Implements AudioRenderer for testing.
class FakeAudioRenderer : public fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer,
public fuchsia::media::audio::GainControl {
~FakeAudioRenderer() override;
// Binds the renderer.
void Bind(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer> request);
// Indicates that the renderer should print out supplied packet info.
void DumpPackets() { dump_packets_ = true; }
// Indicates that the renderer should verify supplied packets against the
// indicated PacketInfos.
void ExpectPackets(const std::vector<PacketInfo>&& expected_packets_info) {
expected_packets_info_ = std::move(expected_packets_info);
expected_packets_info_iter_ = expected_packets_info_.begin();
// Returns true if everything has gone as expected so far.
bool expected() {
if (!expected_) {
// A message is logged when |expected_| is set to false, so we don't log anything here.
return false;
if (!expected_packets_info_.empty() &&
expected_packets_info_iter_ != expected_packets_info_.end()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Expected packets did not arrive.";
return false;
if ((delay_packet_retirement_pts_ != fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP) && !packet_queue_.empty()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Packet queue not empty, contains " << packet_queue_.size() << " packets.";
return false;
return true;
uint64_t received() { return packets_received_; }
// Sets a flag indicating whether this fake renderer should retain packets
// (true) or retire them in a timeline manner (false).
void SetRetainPackets(bool retain_packets) { retain_packets_ = retain_packets; }
void DelayPacketRetirement(int64_t packet_pts) { delay_packet_retirement_pts_ = packet_pts; }
// AudioRenderer implementation.
void SetPcmStreamType(fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType format) override;
void AddPayloadBuffer(uint32_t id, zx::vmo payload_buffer) override;
void RemovePayloadBuffer(uint32_t id) override;
void SetPtsUnits(uint32_t tick_per_second_numerator,
uint32_t tick_per_second_denominator) override;
void SetPtsContinuityThreshold(float threshold_seconds) override;
void SetReferenceClock(zx::clock ref_clock) override;
void GetReferenceClock(GetReferenceClockCallback callback) override;
void SendPacket(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet, SendPacketCallback callback) override;
void SendPacketNoReply(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet) override;
void EndOfStream() final;
void DiscardAllPackets(DiscardAllPacketsCallback callback) override;
void DiscardAllPacketsNoReply() override;
void Play(int64_t reference_time, int64_t media_time, PlayCallback callback) override;
void PlayNoReply(int64_t reference_time, int64_t media_time) override;
void Pause(PauseCallback callback) override;
void PauseNoReply() override;
void BindGainControl(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::audio::GainControl> request) override;
void EnableMinLeadTimeEvents(bool enabled) override;
void GetMinLeadTime(GetMinLeadTimeCallback callback) override;
void SetUsage(fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage usage) final { FX_NOTIMPLEMENTED(); }
// GainControl interface.
void SetGain(float gain_db) override;
void SetGainWithRamp(float gain_db, zx_duration_t duration_ns,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type) final {
void SetMute(bool muted) override;
// Determines if we care currently playing.
bool progressing() { return timeline_function_.invertible(); }
// Schedules the retirement of the oldest queued packet if there are any
// packets and if we're playing.
void MaybeScheduleRetirement();
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer> binding_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::media::audio::GainControl> gain_control_bindings_;
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType format_;
fzl::VmoMapper vmo_mapper_;
float threshold_seconds_ = 0.0f;
float gain_ = 1.0f;
bool mute_ = false;
const int64_t min_lead_time_ns_ = ZX_MSEC(100);
media::TimelineRate pts_rate_ = media::TimelineRate::NsPerSecond;
int64_t restart_media_time_ = fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP;
bool retain_packets_ = false;
int64_t delay_packet_retirement_pts_ = fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP;
// Converts Reference time in ns units to presentation time in |pts_rate_|
// units.
media::TimelineFunction timeline_function_;
bool dump_packets_ = false;
uint64_t packets_received_;
std::vector<PacketInfo> expected_packets_info_;
std::vector<PacketInfo>::iterator expected_packets_info_iter_;
std::queue<std::pair<fuchsia::media::StreamPacket, SendPacketCallback>> packet_queue_;
bool expected_ = true;
} // namespace test
} // namespace media_player