blob: a09288c1ca44cfd5c5ed5df7ac1b4cb825511fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/graph/nodes/node.h"
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/graph/service_provider.h"
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/graph/types/stream_type.h"
namespace media_player {
// Abstract base class for nodes that process sstreams.
class Processor : public Node {
~Processor() override {}
// Sets the type of the stream the processor will consume. This method is used primarily for
// 'injected' decryptors, which are generally created before the input type is known. Decoders
// don't require a call to this method, but are not harmed by it.
virtual void SetInputStreamType(const StreamType& stream_type) = 0;
// Returns the type of the stream the processor will produce.
virtual std::unique_ptr<StreamType> output_stream_type() const = 0;
// Abstract base class for decoder factories.
class DecoderFactory {
// Creates a decoder factory.
static std::unique_ptr<DecoderFactory> Create(ServiceProvider* service_provider);
virtual ~DecoderFactory() {}
// Creates a |Processor| object for decoding a given stream type. Calls back with a
// decoder if the operation succeeds, with nullptr if not. This method may
// call back synchronously.
virtual void CreateDecoder(const StreamType& stream_type,
fit::function<void(std::shared_ptr<Processor>)> callback) = 0;
DecoderFactory() {}
// Disallow copy and assign.
DecoderFactory(const DecoderFactory&) = delete;
DecoderFactory& operator=(const DecoderFactory&) = delete;
} // namespace media_player