blob: c3f4cca4b0e94fdfd92eca280a48434bd74142e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <BuildConfig.h>
#include "generic_platform_manager_impl_fuchsia.h"
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace DeviceLayer {
* Concrete implementation of the PlatformManager singleton object for the Fuchsia platform.
class PlatformManagerImpl final
: public PlatformManager,
public Internal::GenericPlatformManagerImpl_Fuchsia<PlatformManagerImpl> {
// Allow the PlatformManager interface class to delegate method calls to
// the implementation methods provided by this class.
friend PlatformManager;
// Allow the generic implementation base class to call helper methods on
// this class.
friend Internal::GenericPlatformManagerImpl_Fuchsia<PlatformManagerImpl>;
// ===== Platform-specific members that may be accessed directly by the application.
void ShutdownWeaveStack(void);
// ===== Methods that implement the PlatformManager abstract interface.
WEAVE_ERROR _InitWeaveStack(void);
// ===== Members for internal use by the following friends.
friend PlatformManager& PlatformMgr(void);
friend PlatformManagerImpl& PlatformMgrImpl(void);
static PlatformManagerImpl sInstance;
* Returns the public interface of the PlatformManager singleton object.
* Weave applications should use this to access features of the PlatformManager object
* that are common to all platforms.
inline PlatformManager& PlatformMgr(void) { return PlatformManagerImpl::sInstance; }
* Returns the platform-specific implementation of the PlatformManager singleton object.
* Weave applications can use this to gain access to features of the PlatformManager
* that are specific to the Fuchsia platform.
inline PlatformManagerImpl& PlatformMgrImpl(void) { return PlatformManagerImpl::sInstance; }
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl