blob: ab1f239d9a68ca6475f33d116d22994e43cbd79e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pipeline_manager.h"
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "graph_utils.h"
#include "src/lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h"
namespace camera {
constexpr auto kTag = "camera_controller";
fit::result<OutputNode*, zx_status_t> PipelineManager::CreateGraph(
StreamCreationData* info, const InternalConfigNode& internal_node, ProcessNode* parent_node) {
fit::result<OutputNode*, zx_status_t> result;
auto next_node_internal =
GetNextNodeInPipeline(info->stream_config->properties.stream_type(), internal_node);
if (!next_node_internal) {
FX_LOGST(ERROR, kTag) << "Failed to get next node";
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL);
switch (next_node_internal->type) {
// Input Node
case NodeType::kInputStream: {
FX_LOGST(ERROR, kTag) << "Child node cannot be input node";
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// GDC
case NodeType::kGdc: {
auto gdc_result = camera::GdcNode::CreateGdcNode(
memory_allocator_, dispatcher_, device_, gdc_, info, parent_node, *next_node_internal);
if (gdc_result.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, gdc_result.error()) << "Failed to configure GDC Node";
// TODO(braval): Handle already configured nodes
return fit::error(gdc_result.error());
return CreateGraph(info, *next_node_internal, gdc_result.value());
// GE2D
case NodeType::kGe2d: {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
// Output Node
case NodeType::kOutputStream: {
result =
camera::OutputNode::CreateOutputNode(dispatcher_, info, parent_node, *next_node_internal);
if (result.is_error()) {
FX_LOGST(ERROR, kTag) << "Failed to configure Output Node";
// TODO(braval): Handle already configured nodes
return result;
default: {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
return result;
fit::result<std::unique_ptr<InputNode>, zx_status_t> PipelineManager::ConfigureStreamPipelineHelper(
StreamCreationData* info, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::camera2::Stream>& stream) {
// Configure Input node
auto input_result =
camera::InputNode::CreateInputNode(info, memory_allocator_, dispatcher_, isp_);
if (input_result.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, input_result.error()) << "Failed to ConfigureInputNode";
return input_result;
auto input_processing_node = std::move(input_result.value());
ProcessNode* input_node = input_processing_node.get();
auto output_node_result = CreateGraph(info, info->node, input_node);
if (output_node_result.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, output_node_result.error()) << "Failed to CreateGraph";
return fit::error(output_node_result.error());
auto output_node = output_node_result.value();
auto input_stream_type = info->node.input_stream_type;
auto stream_configured = info->stream_config->properties.stream_type();
auto status =
output_node->Attach(stream.TakeChannel(), [this, input_stream_type, stream_configured]() {
OnClientStreamDisconnect(input_stream_type, stream_configured);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, status) << "Failed to bind output stream";
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok(std::move(input_processing_node));
fit::result<std::pair<InternalConfigNode, ProcessNode*>, zx_status_t>
PipelineManager::FindNodeToAttachNewStream(StreamCreationData* info,
const InternalConfigNode& current_internal_node,
ProcessNode* node) {
auto requested_stream_type = info->stream_config->properties.stream_type();
// Validate if this node supports the requested stream type
// to be safe.
if (!HasStreamType(node->supported_streams(), requested_stream_type)) {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Traverse the |node| to find a node which supports this stream
// but none of its children support this stream.
for (auto& child_node : node->child_nodes()) {
if (HasStreamType(child_node->supported_streams(), requested_stream_type)) {
// If we find a child node which supports the requested stream type,
// we move on to that child node.
auto next_internal_node = GetNextNodeInPipeline(info->stream_config->properties.stream_type(),
if (!next_internal_node) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to get next node for requested stream";
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL);
return FindNodeToAttachNewStream(info, *next_internal_node, child_node.get());
// This is the node we need to attach the new stream pipeline to
return fit::ok(std::make_pair(current_internal_node, node));
// Should not reach here
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed FindNodeToAttachNewStream";
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL);
zx_status_t PipelineManager::AppendToExistingGraph(
StreamCreationData* info, ProcessNode* graph_head,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::camera2::Stream>& stream) {
auto result = FindNodeToAttachNewStream(info, info->node, graph_head);
if (result.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, result.error()) << "Failed FindNodeToAttachNewStream";
return result.error();
// If the next node is an output node, we currently do not support
// this. Currently we expect that the clients would request for streams in a fixed order.
// TODO(42241): Remove this check when 42241 is fixed.
auto next_node_internal =
GetNextNodeInPipeline(info->stream_config->properties.stream_type(), result.value().first);
if (!next_node_internal) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, ZX_ERR_INTERNAL) << "Failed to get next node";
if (next_node_internal->type == NodeType::kOutputStream) {
<< "Cannot create this stream due to unexpected ordering of stream create requests";
auto node_to_be_appended = result.value().second;
auto output_node_result = CreateGraph(info, result.value().first, node_to_be_appended);
if (output_node_result.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, output_node_result.error()) << "Failed to CreateGraph";
return output_node_result.error();
auto output_node = output_node_result.value();
auto input_stream_type = info->node.input_stream_type;
auto stream_configured = info->stream_config->properties.stream_type();
auto status =
output_node->Attach(stream.TakeChannel(), [this, input_stream_type, stream_configured]() {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Stream client disconnected";
OnClientStreamDisconnect(input_stream_type, stream_configured);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to bind output stream";
return status;
// Push this new requested stream to all pre-existing nodes |configured_streams| vector
auto requested_stream_type = info->stream_config->properties.stream_type();
auto current_node = node_to_be_appended;
while (current_node) {
current_node = current_node->parent_node();
return status;
zx_status_t PipelineManager::ConfigureStreamPipeline(
StreamCreationData* info, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::camera2::Stream>& stream) {
// Input Validations
if (info == nullptr || info->stream_config == nullptr) {
// Here at top level we check what type of input stream do we have to deal with
switch (info->node.input_stream_type) {
case fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::FULL_RESOLUTION: {
if (full_resolution_stream_) {
// If the same stream is requested again, we return failure.
if (HasStreamType(full_resolution_stream_->configured_streams(),
info->stream_config->properties.stream_type())) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND) << "Stream already bound";
// We will now append the requested stream to the existing graph.
auto result = AppendToExistingGraph(info, full_resolution_stream_.get(), stream);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, result) << "AppendToExistingGraph failed";
return result;
return result;
auto result = ConfigureStreamPipelineHelper(info, stream);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.error();
full_resolution_stream_ = std::move(result.value());
case fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::DOWNSCALED_RESOLUTION: {
if (downscaled_resolution_stream_) {
// If the same stream is requested again, we return failure.
if (HasStreamType(downscaled_resolution_stream_->configured_streams(),
info->stream_config->properties.stream_type())) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND) << "Stream already bound";
// We will now append the requested stream to the existing graph.
auto result = AppendToExistingGraph(info, downscaled_resolution_stream_.get(), stream);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGST(ERROR, kTag, result) << "AppendToExistingGraph failed";
return result;
return result;
auto result = ConfigureStreamPipelineHelper(info, stream);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.error();
downscaled_resolution_stream_ = std::move(result.value());
default: {
FX_LOGST(ERROR, kTag) << "Invalid input stream type";
return ZX_OK;
static void RemoveStreamType(std::vector<fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType>& streams,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_remove) {
auto it = std::find(streams.begin(), streams.end(), stream_to_remove);
if (it != streams.end()) {
void PipelineManager::DeleteGraphForDisconnectedStream(
ProcessNode* graph_head, fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_disconnect) {
// More than one stream supported by this graph.
// Check for this nodes children to see if we can find the |stream_to_disconnect|
// as part of configured_streams.
auto& child_nodes = graph_head->child_nodes();
for (auto it = child_nodes.begin(); it != child_nodes.end(); it++) {
if (HasStreamType(it->get()->configured_streams(), stream_to_disconnect)) {
if (it->get()->configured_streams().size() == 1) {
it = child_nodes.erase(it);
auto current_node = graph_head;
while (current_node) {
// Remove entry from configured streams.
RemoveStreamType(current_node->configured_streams(), stream_to_disconnect);
current_node = current_node->parent_node();
return DeleteGraphForDisconnectedStream(it->get(), stream_to_disconnect);
void PipelineManager::DisconnectStream(ProcessNode* graph_head,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType input_stream_type,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_disconnect) {
auto shutdown_callback = [this, input_stream_type, stream_to_disconnect]() {
ProcessNode* graph_head = nullptr;
switch (input_stream_type) {
case fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::FULL_RESOLUTION: {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(full_resolution_stream_ != nullptr, "FR node is null");
if (full_resolution_stream_->configured_streams().size() == 1) {
full_resolution_stream_ = nullptr;
graph_head = full_resolution_stream_.get();
DeleteGraphForDisconnectedStream(graph_head, stream_to_disconnect);
case fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::DOWNSCALED_RESOLUTION: {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(downscaled_resolution_stream_ != nullptr, "DS node is null");
if (downscaled_resolution_stream_->configured_streams().size() == 1) {
downscaled_resolution_stream_ = nullptr;
graph_head = downscaled_resolution_stream_.get();
DeleteGraphForDisconnectedStream(graph_head, stream_to_disconnect);
default: {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Invalid input stream type\n");
// Only one stream supported by the graph.
if (graph_head->configured_streams().size() == 1 &&
HasStreamType(graph_head->configured_streams(), stream_to_disconnect)) {
// More than one stream supported by this graph.
// Check for this nodes children to see if we can find the |stream_to_disconnect|
// as part of configured_streams.
auto& child_nodes = graph_head->child_nodes();
for (auto& child_node : child_nodes) {
if (HasStreamType(child_node->configured_streams(), stream_to_disconnect)) {
return DisconnectStream(child_node.get(), input_stream_type, stream_to_disconnect);
void PipelineManager::OnClientStreamDisconnect(
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType input_stream_type,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_disconnect) {
ProcessNode* graph_head = nullptr;
switch (input_stream_type) {
case fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::FULL_RESOLUTION: {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(full_resolution_stream_ != nullptr, "FR node is null");
graph_head = full_resolution_stream_.get();
case fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::DOWNSCALED_RESOLUTION: {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(downscaled_resolution_stream_ != nullptr, "DS node is null");
graph_head = downscaled_resolution_stream_.get();
default: {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Invalid input stream type\n");
DisconnectStream(graph_head, input_stream_type, stream_to_disconnect);
} // namespace camera