blob: df5cf21343cb672b0ca71a7012967a8a2e9a8fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/effects_stage.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/packet_queue.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/process_config.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/fake_stream.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/packet_factory.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/threading_model_fixture.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/effects_loader/testing/test_effects.h"
using testing::Each;
using testing::FloatEq;
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
const Format kDefaultFormat =
.sample_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT,
.channels = 2,
.frames_per_second = 48000,
class EffectsStageTest : public testing::ThreadingModelFixture {
// Views the memory at |ptr| as a std::array of |N| elements of |T|. If |offset| is provided, it
// is the number of |T| sized elements to skip at the beginning of |ptr|.
// It is entirely up to the caller to ensure that values of |T|, |N|, and |offset| are chosen to
// not overflow |ptr|.
template <typename T, size_t N>
std::array<T, N>& as_array(void* ptr, size_t offset = 0) {
return reinterpret_cast<std::array<T, N>&>(static_cast<T*>(ptr)[offset]);
testing::TestEffectsModule test_effects_ = testing::TestEffectsModule::Open();
TEST_F(EffectsStageTest, ApplyEffectsToSourceStream) {
testing::PacketFactory packet_factory(dispatcher(), kDefaultFormat, PAGE_SIZE);
// Create a packet queue to use as our source stream.
auto timeline_function = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(
auto stream = std::make_shared<PacketQueue>(kDefaultFormat, timeline_function);
// Create an effect we can load.
test_effects_.AddEffect("add_1.0").WithAction(TEST_EFFECTS_ACTION_ADD, 1.0);
// Create the effects stage.
std::vector<PipelineConfig::Effect> effects;
.lib_name = testing::kTestEffectsModuleName,
.effect_name = "add_1.0",
.effect_config = "",
auto effects_stage = EffectsStage::Create(effects, stream);
// Enqueue 10ms of frames in the packet queue.
stream->PushPacket(packet_factory.CreatePacket(1.0, zx::msec(10)));
// Read from the effects stage. Since our effect adds 1.0 to each sample, and we populated the
// packet with 1.0 samples, we expect to see only 2.0 samples in the result.
auto buf = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(10), 0, 480);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, buf->start().Floor());
ASSERT_EQ(480u, buf->length().Floor());
auto& arr = as_array<float, 480>(buf->payload());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(2.0f)));
TEST_F(EffectsStageTest, BlockAlignRequests) {
// Create a source stream.
auto stream = std::make_shared<testing::FakeStream>(kDefaultFormat);
// Create an effect we can load.
const uint32_t kBlockSize = 128;
// Create the effects stage.
std::vector<PipelineConfig::Effect> effects;
.lib_name = testing::kTestEffectsModuleName,
.effect_name = "add_1.0",
.effect_config = "",
auto effects_stage = EffectsStage::Create(effects, stream);
EXPECT_EQ(effects_stage->block_size(), kBlockSize);
// Ask for 1 frame; expect to get a full block.
auto buffer = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0), 0, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length().Floor(), kBlockSize);
// Ask for subsequent frames; expect the same block still.
auto buffer = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0), kBlockSize / 2, kBlockSize / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length().Floor(), kBlockSize);
// Ask for the second block
auto buffer = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0), kBlockSize, kBlockSize);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), kBlockSize);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length().Floor(), kBlockSize);
// Check for a frame to verify we handle frame numbers > UINT32_MAX.
auto buffer = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0), 0x100000000, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0x100000000);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length().Floor(), kBlockSize);
TEST_F(EffectsStageTest, TruncateToMaxBufferSize) {
// Create a source stream.
auto stream = std::make_shared<testing::FakeStream>(kDefaultFormat);
const uint32_t kBlockSize = 128;
const uint32_t kMaxBufferSize = 300;
// Create the effects stage.
std::vector<PipelineConfig::Effect> effects;
.lib_name = testing::kTestEffectsModuleName,
.effect_name = "test_effect",
.effect_config = "",
auto effects_stage = EffectsStage::Create(effects, stream);
EXPECT_EQ(effects_stage->block_size(), kBlockSize);
auto buffer = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0), 0, 512);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0u);
// Length is 2 full blocks since 3 blocks would be > 300 frames.
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length().Floor(), 256u);
TEST_F(EffectsStageTest, CompensateForEffectDelayInStreamTimeline) {
auto stream = std::make_shared<testing::FakeStream>(kDefaultFormat);
// Setup the timeline function so that time 0 alignes to frame 0 with a rate corresponding to the
// streams format.
// Create the effects stage. We expect 13 total frames of latency (summed across the 2 effects).
std::vector<PipelineConfig::Effect> effects;
.lib_name = testing::kTestEffectsModuleName,
.effect_name = "effect_with_delay_10",
.effect_config = "",
.lib_name = testing::kTestEffectsModuleName,
.effect_name = "effect_with_delay_3",
.effect_config = "",
auto effects_stage = EffectsStage::Create(effects, stream);
// Since our effect introduces 13 frames of latency, the incoming source frame at time 0 can only
// emerge from the effect in output frame 13.
// Conversely, output frame 0 was produced based on the source frame at time -13.
auto ref_clock_to_output_frac_frame =
// Similarly, at the time we produce output frame 0, we had to draw upon the source frame from
// time -13. Use a fuzzy compare to allow for slight rounding errors.
int64_t frame_13_time = (zx::sec(-13).to_nsecs()) / kDefaultFormat.frames_per_second();
auto frame_13_frac_frames =
EXPECT_LE(frame_13_frac_frames.raw_value(), 1);
static const std::string kInstanceName = "instance_name";
static const std::string kInitialConfig = "different size than kConfig";
static const std::string kConfig = "config";
TEST_F(EffectsStageTest, SetEffectConfig) {
testing::PacketFactory packet_factory(dispatcher(), kDefaultFormat, PAGE_SIZE);
// Create a packet queue to use as our source stream.
auto timeline_function = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(
auto stream = std::make_shared<PacketQueue>(kDefaultFormat, timeline_function);
// Create an effect we can load.
// Create the effects stage.
std::vector<PipelineConfig::Effect> effects;
.lib_name = testing::kTestEffectsModuleName,
.effect_name = "assign_config_size",
.instance_name = kInstanceName,
.effect_config = kInitialConfig,
auto effects_stage = EffectsStage::Create(effects, stream);
effects_stage->SetEffectConfig(kInstanceName, kConfig);
// Enqueue 10ms of frames in the packet queue.
stream->PushPacket(packet_factory.CreatePacket(1.0, zx::msec(10)));
// Read from the effects stage. Our effect sets each sample to the size of the config.
auto buf = effects_stage->LockBuffer(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(10), 0, 480);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, buf->start().Floor());
ASSERT_EQ(480u, buf->length().Floor());
float expected_sample = static_cast<float>(kConfig.size());
auto& arr = as_array<float, 480>(buf->payload());
EXPECT_THAT(arr, Each(FloatEq(expected_sample)));
} // namespace
} // namespace media::audio