[llcpp][build] Ignore changes to fuchsia.hardware.camera on macOS

Non-stable output from fidlc is causing downstream error in validating
the llcpp checked in bindings code. This is a hack to temporarily
disable checking for this specific library under macOS so as not to
break people's workflow.

FIDL-673 #comment

Test: manually tested that fidlgen_llcpp_zircon does not complain about
changes to this library when building on macOS.

Change-Id: If01c57860ddd03dacab42e3c9ecafa737147c995
diff --git a/tools/fidlgen_llcpp_zircon/llcpp_codegen.cc b/tools/fidlgen_llcpp_zircon/llcpp_codegen.cc
index 6db10f1..0107511 100644
--- a/tools/fidlgen_llcpp_zircon/llcpp_codegen.cc
+++ b/tools/fidlgen_llcpp_zircon/llcpp_codegen.cc
@@ -203,6 +203,15 @@
     RunCommand(fidlgen_llcpp_path, zircon_build_root, args);
+    // TODO(FIDL-673): Temporarily ignore changes to the fuchsia.hardware.camera
+    // library on macOS, until the root issue in fidlc is addressed.
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+    if (target.name == "fuchsia.hardware.camera") {
+      continue;
+    }
     if (!Diff(header, alt_header)) {
       std::cerr << header << " is different from " << alt_header << std::endl;
       return false;