blob: 57fa9743ae51a6d40b8e513ab4b3c3d22eaf5fc8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "init-task.h"
#include "coordinator.h"
#include "log.h"
namespace devmgr {
InitTask::InitTask(fbl::RefPtr<Device> device, Completion completion)
: Task(device->coordinator->dispatcher(), std::move(completion)),
device_(std::move(device)) {}
InitTask::~InitTask() = default;
fbl::RefPtr<InitTask> InitTask::Create(fbl::RefPtr<Device> device, Completion completion) {
return fbl::MakeRefCounted<InitTask>(std::move(device), std::move(completion));
void InitTask::Run() {
log(TRACE, "running init task for %s\n", device_->name().data());
// If the init task exists for a device, it should always run before
// other tasks for a device.
ZX_ASSERT(device_->state() == Device::State::kInitializing);
// TODO(jocelyndang): consider proxy and composite devices.
if (device_->parent() && device_->parent()->state() == Device::State::kInitializing) {
auto completion = [this](zx_status_t status) {
// Only update the device state if we are not being forcibly removed.
if (device_->state() != Device::State::kDead) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
status = device_->coordinator->MakeVisible(device_);
} else if (device_->state() != Device::State::kDead) {
log(ERROR, "%s: init task failed, err: %d, scheduling removal of device\n",
device_->name().data(), status);
device_->coordinator->ScheduleDevhostRequestedRemove(device_, true /* do_unbind */);
// We still want other tasks to run even if init failed, so do not propagate errors.
// If a driver adds multiple devices, it is possible that init tasks are scheduled
// for both a parent and child. We will still run the child init task if the parent
// init task fails, as drivers expect init to always run before unbind.
// TODO(jocelyndang): consider providing the parent init failure to the child init hook.
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
if (device_->host() != nullptr) {
status = device_->SendInit(std::move(completion));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// Sent the init request, the devhost will call our completion when ready.
// No init request sent, need to call the completion now.
// Since the device didn't successfully send an CompleteInit request, it will not
// drop our init task reference. We need to drop it now.
} // namespace devmgr