blob: e4fd9ac0b005ef5521ee9a675916ee7a5ed28db6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cpu_stressor.h"
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace hwstress {
namespace {
TEST(CpuStressor, TrivialStartStop) {
CpuStressor stressor{1, []() { /* do nothing */ }};
TEST(CpuStressor, EnsureFunctionRunsAndStops) {
std::atomic<uint32_t> val;
CpuStressor stressor{1, [&]() { val.fetch_add(1); }};
// Ensure we see the counter change a few times.
uint32_t last_val = val.load();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Keep reading "val" until we see it change, sleeping a (exponentially
// increasing) amount of time after each unchanged read.
zx::duration sleep_time = zx::nsec(1);
while (val == last_val) {
sleep_time *= 2;
last_val = val;
// We shouldn't see the counter change any more.
uint32_t final_val = val.load();
EXPECT_EQ(final_val, val.load());
TEST(CpuStressor, MultipleThreads) {
const int kNumThreads = 10;
std::atomic<uint32_t> seen_threads;
// Each thread increments the "seen_threads" counter once.
CpuStressor stressor{kNumThreads, [&seen_threads, added = false]() mutable {
if (!added) {
added = true;
// Wait until we've seen all 10 threads.
zx::duration sleep_time = zx::nsec(1);
while (seen_threads.load() < kNumThreads) {
sleep_time *= 2;
TEST(CpuStressor, RequiredSleepForTargetUtilization) {
// Used 1 second of CPU time in 1 second of wall time. Need to sleep 1 second to reach 50%
// utilization.
EXPECT_EQ(RequiredSleepForTargetUtilization(zx::sec(1), zx::sec(1), 0.5), zx::sec(1));
// Used 1 second of CPU time in 10 seconds of wall time. Don't need to sleep to reach 50%
// utilization.
EXPECT_EQ(RequiredSleepForTargetUtilization(zx::sec(1), zx::sec(10), 0.5), zx::sec(0));
// 1 hour + 1 second of CPU time over 2 hours. Need to sleep for 2 seconds.
constexpr zx::duration kHour = zx::sec(3600);
EXPECT_EQ(RequiredSleepForTargetUtilization(kHour + zx::sec(1), kHour * 2, 0.5), zx::sec(2));
// 1 second CPU time over 1 second of wall time at 10% utilization. Need to sleep 9 seconds.
EXPECT_EQ(RequiredSleepForTargetUtilization(zx::sec(1), zx::sec(1), 0.1), zx::sec(9));
} // namespace
} // namespace hwstress