blob: d7e171365ff7e27da757352ef8b16b9871b9710f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <queue>
#include "lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h"
#include "src/lib/cobalt/cpp/cobalt_logger.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/scheduling/frame_predictor.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/scheduling/frame_scheduler.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/scheduling/frame_stats.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/scheduling/vsync_timing.h"
namespace scheduling {
// TODOs can be found in the frame scheduler epic: Any new bugs filed concerning
// the frame scheduler should be added to it as well.
class DefaultFrameScheduler final : public FrameScheduler {
explicit DefaultFrameScheduler(std::shared_ptr<const VsyncTiming> vsync_timing,
std::unique_ptr<FramePredictor> predictor,
inspect::Node inspect_node = inspect::Node(),
std::shared_ptr<cobalt::CobaltLogger> cobalt_logger = nullptr);
// Set the renderer and session updaters to be used. Can only be called once.
// |session_updaters| will be called in this order for every event.
void Initialize(std::weak_ptr<FrameRenderer> frame_renderer,
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<SessionUpdater>> session_updaters);
// |FrameScheduler|
void SetRenderContinuously(bool render_continuously) override;
// |FrameScheduler|
PresentId RegisterPresent(SessionId session_id, std::vector<zx::event> release_fences,
PresentId present_id = kInvalidPresentId) override;
// |FrameScheduler|
void ScheduleUpdateForSession(zx::time requested_presentation_time, SchedulingIdPair id_pair,
bool squashable) override;
// |FrameScheduler|
void GetFuturePresentationInfos(
zx::duration requested_prediction_span,
FrameScheduler::GetFuturePresentationInfosCallback presentation_infos_callback) override;
// |FrameScheduler|
void RemoveSession(SessionId session_id) override;
constexpr static zx::duration kMinPredictedFrameDuration = zx::msec(0);
constexpr static zx::duration kInitialRenderDuration = zx::msec(5);
constexpr static zx::duration kInitialUpdateDuration = zx::msec(1);
void OnFramePresented(uint64_t frame_number, zx::time render_start_time,
zx::time target_presentation_time,
const FrameRenderer::Timestamps& timestamps);
// Requests a new frame to be drawn, which schedules the next wake up time for rendering. If we've
// already scheduled a wake up time, it checks if it needs rescheduling and deals with it
// appropriately.
void RequestFrame(zx::time requested_presentation_time);
// Check if there are pending updates, and if there are then find the lowest next requested
// presentation time among all sessions and use it to request another frame.
void HandleNextFrameRequest();
// Update the global scene and then draw it... maybe. There are multiple reasons why this might
// not happen. For example, the swapchain might apply back-pressure if we can't hit our target
// frame rate. Or, the frame before this one has yet to finish rendering. Etc.
void MaybeRenderFrame(async_dispatcher_t*, async::TaskBase*, zx_status_t);
// Computes the target presentation time for the requested presentation time, and a wake-up time
// that is early enough to start rendering in order to hit the target presentation time. These
// times are guaranteed to be in the future.
std::pair<zx::time, zx::time> ComputePresentationAndWakeupTimesForTargetTime(
zx::time requested_presentation_time) const;
// Executes updates that are scheduled up to and including a given presentation time.
bool ApplyUpdates(zx::time target_presentation_time, zx::time latched_time,
uint64_t frame_number);
// Return true if there are any scheduled session updates that have not yet been applied.
bool HaveUpdatableSessions() const { return !pending_present_requests_.empty(); }
// Signal all SessionUpdaters that frames up to |frame_number| have been presented.
void SignalPresentedUpTo(uint64_t frame_number, zx::time presentation_time,
zx::duration presentation_interval);
// Get map of latch times for each present up to |id_pair.present_id| for |id_pair.session_id|.
std::map<PresentId, zx::time> ExtractLatchTimestampsUpTo(SchedulingIdPair id_pair);
// Set all unset latched times for each registered present of |session_id|, up to and including
// |present_id|.
void SetLatchedTimeForPresentsUpTo(SchedulingIdPair id_pair, zx::time latched_time);
// Extracts all presents that should be updated this frame and returns them as a map of SessionIds
// to the last PresentId that should be updated for that session.
std::unordered_map<SessionId, PresentId> CollectUpdatesForThisFrame(
zx::time target_presentation_time);
// Prepares all per-present data for later OnFrameRendered and OnFramePresented events.
void PrepareUpdates(const std::unordered_map<SessionId, PresentId>& updates,
zx::time latched_time, uint64_t frame_number);
// Cycles through SessionUpdaters, applies updates to each and coalesces their responses.
SessionUpdater::UpdateResults ApplyUpdatesToEachUpdater(
const std::unordered_map<SessionId, PresentId>& sessions_to_update, uint64_t frame_number);
// Removes all references to each session passed in.
void RemoveFailedSessions(const std::unordered_set<SessionId>& sessions_with_failed_updates);
struct PresentRequest {
zx::time requested_presentation_time;
trace_flow_id_t flow_id;
// Determines if this Present can be combined with following Presents, or must be displayed for
// at least one frame.
bool squashable;
// Map of all pending Present calls ordered by SessionId and then PresentId.
std::map<SchedulingIdPair, PresentRequest> pending_present_requests_;
std::unordered_set<SessionId> sessions_with_unsquashable_updates_pending_presentation_;
struct FrameUpdate {
uint64_t frame_number;
std::unordered_map<SessionId, PresentId> updated_sessions;
zx::time latched_time;
// Queue of session updates mapped to frame numbers. Used in OnFramePresented.
std::queue<FrameUpdate> latched_updates_;
// All currently tracked presents and their associated latched_times.
std::map<SchedulingIdPair, /*latched_time*/ std::optional<zx::time>> presents_;
// Per-present release fences. To be released as each subsequent present for each session is
// rendered.
std::map<SchedulingIdPair, std::vector<zx::event>> release_fences_;
// References.
async_dispatcher_t* const dispatcher_;
const std::shared_ptr<const VsyncTiming> vsync_timing_;
bool initialized_ = false;
std::weak_ptr<FrameRenderer> frame_renderer_;
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<SessionUpdater>> session_updaters_;
// State.
// Frame number is 1-based so that |last_presented_frame_number_| can remain unsigned.
uint64_t frame_number_ = 1;
uint64_t last_presented_frame_number_ = 0;
bool last_frame_is_presented_ = false;
std::deque<zx::time> outstanding_latch_points_;
bool render_continuously_ = false;
zx::time wakeup_time_;
zx::time next_target_presentation_time_;
const std::unique_ptr<FramePredictor> frame_predictor_;
// The async task that wakes up to start rendering.
async::TaskMethod<DefaultFrameScheduler, &DefaultFrameScheduler::MaybeRenderFrame>
uint64_t wakeups_without_render_ = 0;
inspect::Node inspect_node_;
inspect::UintProperty inspect_frame_number_;
inspect::UintProperty inspect_wakeups_without_render_;
inspect::UintProperty inspect_last_successful_update_start_time_;
inspect::UintProperty inspect_last_successful_render_start_time_;
FrameStats stats_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<DefaultFrameScheduler> weak_factory_; // must be last
} // namespace scheduling