blob: fcc934b05389f47e78a61deea83421406eac7e74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/ui/scenic/cpp/view_token_pair.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/input/tests/util.h"
// These tests exercise the context View Space to target View Space coordinate transform logic
// applied to pointer events sent to sessions using the input injection API.
// Setup:
// - Injection done in context View Space, with fuchsia.ui.pointerinjector
// - Target(s) specified by View (using view ref koids)
// - Dispatch done in fuchsia.ui.scenic.SessionListener (legacy)
namespace lib_ui_input_tests {
namespace {
using fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEventPhase;
// Sets up a 9x9 "display".
class CoordinateTransformTest2 : public InputSystemTest {
// clang-format off
static constexpr std::array<float, 9> kIdentityMatrix = {
1, 0, 0, // column one
0, 1, 0, // column two
0, 0, 1, // column three
// clang-format on
void SetUp() override { InputSystemTest::SetUp(); }
void TearDown() override {
injector_ = {};
void Inject(float x, float y, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase phase) {
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Event event;
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::PointerSample pointer_sample;
pointer_sample.set_position_in_viewport({x, y});
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Data data;
std::vector<fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Event> events;
injector_->Inject(std::move(events), [] {});
void RegisterInjector(fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef context_view_ref,
fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef target_view_ref,
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::DispatchPolicy dispatch_policy =
std::array<float, 9> viewport_to_context_transform = kIdentityMatrix) {
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Config config;
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Context context;
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Target target;
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Viewport viewport;
bool error_callback_fired = false;
injector_.set_error_handler([&error_callback_fired](zx_status_t) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Channel closed.";
error_callback_fired = true;
bool register_callback_fired = false;
std::move(config), injector_.NewRequest(),
[&register_callback_fired] { register_callback_fired = true; });
uint32_t test_display_width_px() const override { return 9; }
uint32_t test_display_height_px() const override { return 9; }
std::array<std::array<float, 2>, 2> FullScreenExtents() const {
return {{{0, 0},
fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::DevicePtr injector_;
// In this test we set up the context and the target. We apply a scale, rotation and translation
// transform to both of their view holder nodes, and then inject pointer events to confirm that
// the coordinates received by the listener are correctly transformed.
// Only the transformation of the target, relative to the context, should have any effect on
// the output.
// The viewport-to-context transform here is the identity.
// Below are ASCII diagrams showing the transformation *difference* between target and context.
// Note that the dashes represent the context view and notated X,Y coordinate system is the
// context's coordinate system. The target view's coordinate system has its origin at corner '1'.
// Scene pre-transformation
// 1,2,3,4 denote the corners of the target view:
// X ->
// Y 1 O O O O 2
// | O O O O O O
// v O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// 4 O O O O 3
// After scale:
// X ->
// Y 1 - O - O - O O 2
// | - - - - - - -
// V - - - - - - -
// O - O - O - O O O
// - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - -
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// 4 O O O O 3
// After rotation:
// X ->
// Y 4 O O O O 1 - - - - - -
// | - - - - - -
// V O O O O O O - - - - - -
// - - - - - -
// O O O O O O - - - - - -
// - - - - - -
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// 3 O O O O 2
// After translation:
// X ->
// Y 4 O O O O D 1 - - - C1
// | - - - - - -
// V O O O O O - O - - - -
// - - - - - -
// O O O O O - O - - - -
// U - - - - C2
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// 3 O O O O 2
TEST_F(CoordinateTransformTest2, InjectedInput_ShouldBeCorrectlyTransformed) {
auto [v1, vh1] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
auto [v2, vh2] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
// Set up a scene with two ViewHolders, one a child of the other.
auto [root_session, root_resources] = CreateScene();
scenic::ViewHolder holder_1(root_session.session(), std::move(vh1), "holder_1");
// Scale, rotate and translate the context to verify that it has no effect on the outcome.
holder_1.SetScale(2, 3, 1);
const auto rotation_quaternion = glm::angleAxis(glm::pi<float>() / 2.f, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
holder_1.SetRotation(rotation_quaternion.x, rotation_quaternion.y, rotation_quaternion.z,
holder_1.SetTranslation(1, 0, 0);
SessionWrapper client_1 = CreateClient("view_1", std::move(v1));
scenic::ViewHolder holder_2(client_1.session(), std::move(vh2), "holder_2");
// Scale, rotate and translate target.
// Scale X by 2 and Y by 3.
holder_2.SetScale(2, 3, 1);
// Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise around Z-axis (Z-axis points into screen, so appears as
// clockwise rotation).
const auto rotation_quaternion = glm::angleAxis(glm::pi<float>() / 2.f, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
holder_2.SetRotation(rotation_quaternion.x, rotation_quaternion.y, rotation_quaternion.z,
// Translate by 1 in the X direction.
holder_2.SetTranslation(1, 0, 0);
SessionWrapper client_2 = CreateClient("view_2", std::move(v2));
// Scene is now set up, send in the input. One event for where each corner of the view was
// pre-transformation.
RegisterInjector(client_1.view_ref(), client_2.view_ref());
Inject(0, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(5, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(5, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(0, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
// Context should receive no events.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
EXPECT_EQ(events.size(), 0u);
{ // Target should receive events correctly transformed to its Local Space.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
ASSERT_EQ(events.size(), 6u);
// Targets gets properly transformed input coordinates.
PointerMatches(events[0].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 0.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0));
PointerMatches(events[1].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 0.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0));
PointerMatches(events[2].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 0.0 / 2.0, -4.0 / 3.0));
PointerMatches(events[3].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 5.0 / 2.0, -4.0 / 3.0));
PointerMatches(events[4].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 5.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0));
PointerMatches(events[5].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 5.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0));
// In this test the context and the target have identical coordinate systems, but the viewport
// no longer matches the context's coordinate system.
// Below is an ASCII diagram showing the resulting setup.
// O represents the views, - the viewport.
// X ->
// Y O O O O O O
// |
// V D - - - - C1- - - -
// O - O - O - O - O - O
// - - - - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - - - - -
// O - O - O - O - O - O
// U - - - - C2- - - -
// - - - - - - - - - -
// O - O - O - O - O - O
// - - - - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - - - - -
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
TEST_F(CoordinateTransformTest2, InjectedInput_ShouldBeCorrectlyViewportTransformed) {
auto [v1, vh1] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
auto [v2, vh2] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
// Set up a scene with two ViewHolders, one a child of the other.
auto [root_session, root_resources] = CreateScene();
scenic::ViewHolder holder_1(root_session.session(), std::move(vh1), "holder_1");
SessionWrapper client_1 = CreateClient("view_1", std::move(v1));
scenic::ViewHolder holder_2(client_1.session(), std::move(vh2), "holder_2");
SessionWrapper client_2 = CreateClient("view_2", std::move(v2));
// Scene is now set up, send in the input. One event for where each corner of the view was
// pre-transformation.
// Transform to scale the viewport by 1/2 in the x-direction, 1/3 in the y-direction,
// and then translate by (1, 2).
// clang-format off
static constexpr std::array<float, 9> kViewportToContextTransform = {
1./2., 0, 0, // first column
0, 1./3., 0, // second column
1, 2, 1, // third column
// clang-format on
RegisterInjector(client_1.view_ref(), client_2.view_ref(),
Inject(0, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(5, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(5, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(0, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
// Context should receive no events.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
EXPECT_EQ(events.size(), 0u);
{ // Target should receive events correctly transformed to its Local Space.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
ASSERT_EQ(events.size(), 6u);
// Targets gets properly transformed input coordinates.
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[0].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 0.0 / 2.0 + 1,
0.0 / 3.0 + 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[1].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 0.0 / 2.0 + 1,
0.0 / 3.0 + 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[2].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 5.0 / 2.0 + 1,
0.0 / 3.0 + 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[3].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 5.0 / 2.0 + 1,
5.0 / 3.0 + 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[4].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 0.0 / 2.0 + 1,
5.0 / 3.0 + 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[5].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 0.0 / 2.0 + 1,
5.0 / 3.0 + 2));
// In this test the context and the target have identical coordinate systems except for a 90 degree
// rotation. Check that all corners still generate hits. This confirms that small floating point
// errors don't cause misses.
// Scene pre-transformation
// 1,2,3,4 denote the corners of the target view:
// X ->
// Y 1 O O O O 2
// | O O O O O O
// v O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// 4 O O O O 3
// Post-rotation
// X ->
// Y 4 O O O O 1
// | O O O O O O
// v O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// O O O O O O
// 3 O O O O 2
TEST_F(CoordinateTransformTest2, InjectedInput_OnRotatedChild_ShouldHitEdges) {
auto [v1, vh1] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
auto [v2, vh2] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
// Set up a scene with two ViewHolders, one a child of the other.
auto [root_session, root_resources] = CreateScene();
scenic::ViewHolder holder_1(root_session.session(), std::move(vh1), "holder_1");
SessionWrapper client_1 = CreateClient("view_1", std::move(v1));
scenic::ViewHolder holder_2(client_1.session(), std::move(vh2), "holder_2");
// Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise around Z-axis (Z-axis points into screen, so appears as
// clockwise rotation).
holder_2.SetAnchor(2.5f, 2.5f, 0);
const auto rotation_quaternion = glm::angleAxis(glm::pi<float>() / 2.f, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
holder_2.SetRotation(rotation_quaternion.x, rotation_quaternion.y, rotation_quaternion.z,
SessionWrapper client_2 = CreateClient("view_2", std::move(v2));
// Scene is now set up, send in the input. One interaction for each corner.
RegisterInjector(client_1.view_ref(), client_2.view_ref(),
Inject(0, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(0, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
Inject(0, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(0, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
Inject(5, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(5, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
Inject(5, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(5, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
{ // Target should receive all events rotated 90 degrees.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
ASSERT_EQ(events.size(), 17u);
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[0].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 0.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[2].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 0.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[3].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 0.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[4].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 0.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[5].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 5.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[6].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 5.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[7].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 5.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[8].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 5.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[9].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 5.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[10].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 5.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[11].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 5.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[12].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 5.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[13].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 0.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[14].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 0.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[15].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 0.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[16].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 0.0, 0.0));
// In this test we set up the context and the target. We apply clip space transform to the camera
// and then inject pointer events to confirm that the coordinates received by the listener are
// not impacted by the clip space transform.
TEST_F(CoordinateTransformTest2, ClipSpaceTransformedScene_ShouldHaveNoImpactOnOutput) {
auto [v1, vh1] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
auto [v2, vh2] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
// Set up a scene with two ViewHolders, one a child of the other.
auto [root_session, root_resources] = CreateScene();
// Set the clip space transform on the camera.
// Camera zooms in by 3x, and the camera is moved to (24,54) in the scene's coordinate space.*x offset*/ 24, /*y offset*/ 54, /*scale*/ 3);
// Set up the scene.
scenic::ViewHolder holder_1(root_session.session(), std::move(vh1), "holder_1");
SessionWrapper client_1 = CreateClient("view_1", std::move(v1));
scenic::ViewHolder holder_2(client_1.session(), std::move(vh2), "holder_2");
SessionWrapper client_2 = CreateClient("view_2", std::move(v2));
// Scene is now set up, send in the input. One event for where each corner of the view was
// pre-transformation.
RegisterInjector(client_1.view_ref(), client_2.view_ref());
Inject(0, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD);
Inject(5, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(5, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(0, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
// Context should receive no events.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
EXPECT_EQ(events.size(), 0u);
{ // Target should receive identical events to injected, since their coordinate spaces are the
// same.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
ASSERT_EQ(events.size(), 6u);
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[0].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 0.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[1].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 0.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[2].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 5.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[3].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 5.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[4].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 0.0, 5.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[5].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 0.0, 5.0));
// Basic scene (no transformations) where the Viewport is smaller than the Views.
// We then inject two streams: The first has an ADD outside the Viewport, which counts as a miss and
// should not be seen by anyone. The second stream has the ADD inside the Viewport and subseqeuent
// events outside, and this full stream should be seen by the target.
TEST_F(CoordinateTransformTest2, InjectionOutsideViewport_ShouldLimitOnADD) {
auto [v1, vh1] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
auto [v2, vh2] = scenic::ViewTokenPair::New();
// Set up a scene with two ViewHolders, one a child of the other.
auto [root_session, root_resources] = CreateScene();
// Make the Views bigger than the Viewport.
static constexpr fuchsia::ui::gfx::ViewProperties k100x100x1 = {
.bounding_box = {.max = {100, 100, 1}}};
scenic::ViewHolder holder_1(root_session.session(), std::move(vh1), "holder_1");
SessionWrapper client_1 = CreateClient("view_1", std::move(v1));
scenic::ViewHolder holder_2(client_1.session(), std::move(vh2), "holder_2");
SessionWrapper client_2 = CreateClient("view_2", std::move(v2));
// Scene is now set up, send in the input. The initial input is outside the viewport and
// the stream should therefore not be seen by anyone.
RegisterInjector(client_1.view_ref(), client_2.view_ref(),
Inject(10, 10, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD); // Outside viewport.
// Rest inside viewport, but should not be delivered.
Inject(5, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(5, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(0, 5, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
// Neither client should receive any events.
// Send in input starting in the viewport and moving outside.
Inject(1, 1, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::ADD); // Inside viewport.
// Rest outside viewport, but should still be delivered.
Inject(50, 0, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(50, 50, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::CHANGE);
Inject(0, 50, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::EventPhase::REMOVE);
// Context should still not receive any events.
// But target should receive all of them.
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::input::InputEvent>& events =;
ASSERT_EQ(events.size(), 7u);
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[0].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::ADD, 1.0, 1.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[2].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::DOWN, 1.0, 1.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[3].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 50.0, 0.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[4].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::MOVE, 50.0, 50.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[5].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::UP, 0.0, 50.0));
EXPECT_TRUE(PointerMatches(events[6].pointer(), 1u, PointerEventPhase::REMOVE, 0.0, 50.0));
} // namespace
} // namespace lib_ui_input_tests