blob: 2d9e0cfd78cac3ecb84278897ff30108e07f9f41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/pointerinjector/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/gfx/gfx_system.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/input/internal_pointer_event.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace input {
// Clone |event| and set its coordinates to |coords|.
fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent ClonePointerWithCoords(
const fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent& event, const glm::vec2& coords);
// Extracts the coordinates from |event|.
glm::vec2 PointerCoords(const fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent& event);
// Applies |transform| to |pointer|.
glm::vec2 TransformPointerCoords(const glm::vec2& pointer, const glm::mat4 transform);
// TODO( Remove this.
// Turn two floats (high bits, low bits) into a 64-bit uint.
trace_flow_id_t PointerTraceHACK(float fa, float fb);
// TODO( Remove this.
// Turn a 64-bit uint to two floats (high bits, low bits).
std::pair<float, float> ReversePointerTraceHACK(trace_flow_id_t n);
// For converting between phase enum types.
// No support for HOVER phase.
fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEventPhase InternalPhaseToGfxPhase(Phase phase);
Phase GfxPhaseToInternalPhase(fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEventPhase phase);
// Turns a pointerinjector::Event into the corresponding InternalPointerEvents.
// Expects |event| to be a valid TOUCH pointer event.
// The mapping is directly translated, except for if the phase is ADD or REMOVE, in which case
// the event is duplicated and an extra phase is inserted.
// Phase mapping:
// ADD -> ADD + DOWN
std::vector<InternalPointerEvent> PointerInjectorEventToInternalPointerEvent(
const fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::Event& event, uint32_t device_id, const Viewport& viewport,
zx_koid_t context, zx_koid_t target);
// Turns a gfx pointer event into an InternalPointerEvent.
InternalPointerEvent GfxPointerEventToInternalEvent(const fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent& event,
zx_koid_t scene_koid, float screen_width,
float screen_height,
const glm::mat4& context_from_screen_transform);
// Turns an InternalPointerEvent into a gfx pointer event.
// Does not support HOVER events.
fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent InternalPointerEventToGfxPointerEvent(
const InternalPointerEvent& event, const glm::mat4& view_from_context_transform,
fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEventType type, uint64_t trace_id);
glm::mat4 ColumnMajorMat3VectorToMat4(const std::array<float, 9>& matrix_array);
} // namespace input
} // namespace scenic_impl