blob: 25eb50a6221f67f811423b01c03bca8a996113ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/transform_handle.h"
namespace flatland {
// Represents a set of transforms within the scope of a single Flatland instance.
// This class is intended to be used as a helper class for the Flatland protocol. As an internal
// implementation detail, it does not perform many error checks on its own. For example,
// cycles are allowed between any two transforms, and child transforms do not have to be constructed
// from this graph. Some invariants are enforced only by DCHECK. Do not give clients direct access
// to this class without first filtering inputs and outputs.
class TransformGraph {
// An entry in a TopologyVector. See TopologyVector for more information.
struct TopologyEntry {
TransformHandle handle;
uint64_t child_count;
bool operator==(const TopologyEntry& rhs) const {
return handle == rhs.handle && child_count == rhs.child_count;
// A list of transforms, sorted in topological (i.e., depth-first) order. For each transform,
// there is also a child count -- the number of direct children that element has. Any transform
// with a non-zero child count is immediately followed by its first child in the TopologyVector.
// Because the topology vector is depth-first, a child's children (if it has any) will be listed
// before that child's siblings.
using TopologyVector = std::vector<TopologyEntry>;
// A collection of directed edges, the key in the map is the parent transform and the values are
// the children.
using ChildMap = std::multimap<TransformHandle, TransformHandle>;
// A collection of transforms.
using TransformSet = std::unordered_set<TransformHandle>;
// For testing, equivalent to calling TransformGraph(0).
explicit TransformGraph(TransformHandle::InstanceId instance_id);
~TransformGraph() = default;
// Creates a new transform for use with this graph, and adds it to the graph's internal working
// set of transforms. Released descendants of this transform will be kept alive until this
// transform is released, or until the edges to the descendants are removed.
TransformHandle CreateTransform();
// Releases a transform. If no other transforms reference this transform through an edge, this
// transform will appear in the dead_transforms list the next time ComputeAndCleanup() is called.
// Returns false if the transform was not created by CreateTransform(), or if the transform has
// already been released.
bool ReleaseTransform(TransformHandle handle);
// Checks to see if the current transform has and child transform handles.
bool HasChildren(TransformHandle parent) const;
// Creates a directed edge from the parent to the child transform. Children are kept alive by
// unreleased parents. The parent transform should be an unreleased transform created by calling
// CreateTransform() on this object, but this is only enforced by DCHECK. Returns false if the
// child transform is already a child of the parent transform.
bool AddChild(TransformHandle parent, TransformHandle child);
// Removes a directed edge from the parent and child transform. This may result in one or more
// transforms being added to the dead_transforms list the next time ComputeAndCleanup() is called.
// The parent transform should be an unreleased transform created by calling CreateTransform() on
// this object, but this is only enforced by DCHECK. Returns false if the child transform was not
// previously a child of the parent transform. This function does not remove priority children.
bool RemoveChild(TransformHandle parent, TransformHandle child);
// Removes all child edges from the parent transform. This function does not remove priority
// children.
void ClearChildren(TransformHandle parent);
// Specifies a directed edge from the parent to the child transform that will always be traversed
// first for the parent transform. The TransformGraph does not prevent the new priority child
// from being in the normal child set as well. The parent transform should be an unreleased
// transform created by calling CreateTransform() on this object, but this is only enforced by
void SetPriorityChild(TransformHandle parent, TransformHandle child);
// Clears the priority child of a specific parent transform. This may result in one or more
// transforms being added to the dead_transforms list the next time ComputeAndCleanup() is
// called. The parent transform should be an unreleased transform created by calling
// CreateTransform() on this object, but this is only enforced by DCHECK.
void ClearPriorityChild(TransformHandle parent);
// Clears all data from this entire graph, with one exception. The passed in handle is maintained
// as a member of the working set, but with all existing children removed.
// This operation results in all handles other than |exception| showing up in dead_transforms on
// the next call to ComputeAndCleanup().
void ResetGraph(TransformHandle exception);
// The return value type for ComputeAndCleanup().
struct TopologyData {
// A topologically sorted list of transforms. This will be the set of all transforms visitable
// from the "start" transform, through the directed edges of this graph.
TopologyVector sorted_transforms;
// A set of edges that, when removed from the graph, breaks all existing cycles.
ChildMap cyclical_edges;
// The set of nodes that went out of scope since the last call to ComputeAndCleanup().
TransformSet dead_transforms;
// The number of iterations it took to compute this data. If this value is equal or larger than
// the argument passed into ComputeAndCleanup(), the rest of the data in this struct may not be
// accurate.
uint64_t iterations = 0;
// Generates a topology vector rooted at the "start" transform, as well as additional data
// involving dead transforms, cycles, and iterations. See the TopologyData struct for more
// information.
// If max_iterations is reached, the transform graph will be in an invalid state, and should be
// reset before any further methods are called.
TopologyData ComputeAndCleanup(TransformHandle start, uint64_t max_iterations);
// Store each transform with a priority to allow callers to specify a single child edge to be
// traversed first.
enum ChildPriority {
using PriorityChildMap =
std::multimap<std::pair<TransformHandle, ChildPriority>, TransformHandle>;
using IteratorPair =
std::pair<PriorityChildMap::const_iterator, PriorityChildMap::const_iterator>;
static IteratorPair EqualRangeAllPriorities(const PriorityChildMap& map, TransformHandle handle);
// A static helper function, returns the TopologyVector rooted at the "start" transform,
// following edges defined in the "children" map. Cycles are returned through the out parameter
// "cycles".
// Computation is halted once the return vector has grown to max_length in size.
static TopologyVector Traverse(TransformHandle start, const PriorityChildMap& children,
ChildMap* cycles, uint64_t max_length);
const TransformHandle::InstanceId instance_id_ = 0;
// The id for the next transform generated by CreateTransform().
uint64_t next_transform_id_ = 0;
// The set of unreleased transforms.
TransformSet working_set_;
// The set of all alive transforms.
TransformSet live_set_;
// A multimap. Each key is a global handle, and a priority for ordering. The set of values are the
// children for that handle.
PriorityChildMap children_;
// This variable is only used for DCHECKs. If ComputeAndCleanup() reaches its iteration limit,
// this class will be in an invalid state, and most functions should not be called until the graph
// is reset.
bool is_valid_ = true;
} // namespace flatland