blob: 324645c6bcd893717d45d12a6e541873ee1ce1aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/scenic/internal/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
// clang-format off
#include "src/ui/lib/glm_workaround/glm_workaround.h"
// clang-format on
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/interface_request.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/global_matrix_data.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/global_topology_data.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/hanging_get_helper.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/transform_graph.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/transform_handle.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/uber_struct.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/gfx/engine/object_linker.h"
#include <glm/mat3x3.hpp>
namespace flatland {
// An implementation of the GraphLink protocol, consisting of hanging gets for various updateable
// pieces of information.
class GraphLinkImpl : public fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink {
void UpdateLayoutInfo(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LayoutInfo info) {
void UpdateLinkStatus(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLinkStatus status) {
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink|
void GetLayout(GetLayoutCallback callback) override {
// TODO( Handle duplicate calls to a hanging get with an error, as the client
// is not assuming the appropriate flow control.
[callback = std::move(callback)](fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LayoutInfo info) {
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink|
void GetStatus(GetStatusCallback callback) override {
// TODO( Handle duplicate calls to a hanging get with an error, as the client
// is not assuming the appropriate flow control.
HangingGetHelper<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LayoutInfo> layout_helper_;
HangingGetHelper<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLinkStatus> status_helper_;
// An implementation of the ContentLink protocol, consisting of hanging gets for various updateable
// pieces of information.
class ContentLinkImpl : public fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink {
void UpdateLinkStatus(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLinkStatus status) {
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink|
void GetStatus(GetStatusCallback callback) override {
// TODO( Handle duplicate calls to a hanging get with an error, as the client
// is not assuming the appropriate flow control.
HangingGetHelper<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLinkStatus> status_helper_;
// A system for managing links between Flatland instances. Each Flatland instance creates Links
// using tokens provided by Flatland clients. Each end of a Link consists of:
// - An implementation of the FIDL protocol for communicating with the other end of the link.
// - A TransformHandle which serves as the attachment point for the link.
// - The ObjectLinker link which serves as the actual implementation of the link.
// The LinkSystem is only responsible for connecting the "attachment point" TransformHandles
// returned in the Link structs. Flatland instances must attach these handles to their own
// transform hierarchy and notify the TopologySystem in order for the link to actually be
// established.
class LinkSystem : public std::enable_shared_from_this<LinkSystem> {
explicit LinkSystem(TransformHandle::InstanceId instance_id);
// Because this object captures its "this" pointer in internal closures, it is unsafe to copy or
// move it. Disable all copy and move operations.
LinkSystem(const LinkSystem&) = delete;
LinkSystem& operator=(const LinkSystem&) = delete;
LinkSystem(LinkSystem&&) = delete;
LinkSystem& operator=(LinkSystem&&) = delete;
// In addition to supplying an interface request via the ObjectLinker, the "child" end of a link
// also supplies its attachment point so that the LinkSystem can create an edge between the two
// when the link resolves. This allows creation and destruction logic to be paired within a single
// ObjectLinker endpoint, instead of being spread out between the two endpoints.
struct GraphLinkRequest {
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink> interface;
TransformHandle child_handle;
// Linked Flatland instances only implement a small piece of link functionality. For now, directly
// sharing link requests is a clean way to implement that functionality. This will become more
// complicated as the Flatland API evolves.
using ObjectLinker = scenic_impl::gfx::ObjectLinker<
GraphLinkRequest, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink>>;
// Destruction of a ChildLink object will trigger deregistration with the LinkSystem.
// Deregistration is thread safe, but the user of the Link object should be confident (e.g., by
// tracking release fences) that no other systems will try to reference the Link.
struct ChildLink {
// The handle on which the GraphLinkImpl to the child will live.
TransformHandle graph_handle;
// The LinkSystem-owned handle that will be a key in the LinkTopologyMap when the link resolves.
// These handles will never be in calculated global topologies; they are primarily used to
// signal when to look for a link in GlobalTopologyData::ComputeGlobalTopologyData().
TransformHandle link_handle;
ObjectLinker::ImportLink importer;
// Destruction of a ParentLink object will trigger deregistration with the LinkSystem.
// Deregistration is thread safe, but the user of the Link object should be confident (e.g., by
// tracking release fences) that no other systems will try to reference the Link.
struct ParentLink {
// The handle that the ContentLinkImpl to the parent will live on and will be a value in the
// LinkTopologyMap when the link resolves.
TransformHandle link_origin;
ObjectLinker::ExportLink exporter;
// Creates the child end of a link. The ChildLink's |link_handle| serves as the attachment point
// for the caller's transform hierarchy. |initial_properties| is immediately dispatched to the
// ParentLink when the Link is resolved, regardless of whether the parent or the child has called
// |Flatland::Present()|.
// Link handles are excluded from global topologies, so the |graph_handle| is provided by the
// parent as the attachment point for the ContentLinkImpl.
ChildLink CreateChildLink(
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLinkToken token,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LinkProperties initial_properties,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink> content_link,
TransformHandle graph_handle);
// Creates the parent end of a link. Once both ends of a Link have been created, the LinkSystem
// will create a local topology that connects the internal Link to the ParentLink's |link_origin|.
ParentLink CreateParentLink(
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLinkToken token,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink> graph_link,
TransformHandle link_origin);
// Returns a snapshot of the current set of links, represented as a map from LinkSystem-owned
// TransformHandles to TransformHandles in ParentLinks. The LinkSystem generates Keys for this
// map in CreateChildLink() and returns them to callers in a ChildLink's |link_handle|. The
// values in this map are arguments to CreateParentLink() and become the ParentLink's
// |link_origin|. The LinkSystem places entries in the map when a link resolves and removes them
// when a link is invalidated.
GlobalTopologyData::LinkTopologyMap GetResolvedTopologyLinks();
// Returns the instance ID used for LinkSystem-authored handles.
TransformHandle::InstanceId GetInstanceId() const;
// For use by the core processing loop, this function consumes global information, processes it,
// and sends all necessary updates to active GraphLink and ContentLink channels.
// This data passed into this function is generated by merging information from multiple Flatland
// instances. |global_topology| is the ToplogyVector of all nodes visible from the (currently
// single) display. |live_handles| is the set of nodes in that vector. |global_matrices| is the
// list of global matrices, one per handle in |global_topology|. |uber_structs| is the set of
// UberStructs used to generate the global topology.
void UpdateLinks(const GlobalTopologyData::TopologyVector& global_topology,
const std::unordered_set<TransformHandle>& live_handles,
const GlobalMatrixVector& global_matrices, const glm::vec2& display_pixel_scale,
const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_structs);
TransformHandle::InstanceId instance_id_;
TransformGraph link_graph_;
ObjectLinker linker_;
// TODO( These maps are modified at Link creation and destruction time (within
// the ObjectLinker closures) as well as within UpdateLinks, which is called by the core render
// loop. This produces a possible priority inversion between the Flatland instance threads and the
// (possibly deadline scheduled) render thread.
std::mutex map_mutex_;
// A GraphLinkImpl and the |link_origin| of the child Flatland instance the impl serves.
struct GraphLinkData {
std::shared_ptr<GraphLinkImpl> impl;
TransformHandle child_link_origin;
std::unordered_map<TransformHandle, GraphLinkData> graph_link_map_;
std::unordered_map<TransformHandle, std::shared_ptr<ContentLinkImpl>> content_link_map_;
// The set of current link topologies. Access is managed by |map_mutex_|.
GlobalTopologyData::LinkTopologyMap link_topologies_;
// Any FIDL requests that have to be bound, are bound in these BindingSets. All impl classes are
// referenced by both these sets and the Flatland instance that created them via creation of a
// link. Entries in these sets are controlled entirely by the link resolution and failure
// callbacks that exist in the ObjectLinker links.
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink, std::shared_ptr<GraphLinkImpl>>
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink, std::shared_ptr<ContentLinkImpl>>
} // namespace flatland