blob: 068b657aa40b650735770cedce0dcc0f3ff805d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/flatland_manager.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
namespace flatland {
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, const std::shared_ptr<FlatlandPresenter>& flatland_presenter,
const std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem>& uber_struct_system,
const std::shared_ptr<LinkSystem>& link_system,
std::shared_ptr<scenic_impl::display::Display> display,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<allocation::BufferCollectionImporter>>&
: flatland_presenter_(flatland_presenter),
primary_display_(std::move(display)) {}
FlatlandManager::~FlatlandManager() {
// Clean up externally managed resources.
for (const auto& [session_id, instance] : flatland_instances_) {
void FlatlandManager::CreateFlatland(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland> request) {
const scheduling::SessionId id = uber_struct_system_->GetNextInstanceId();
FX_DCHECK(flatland_instances_.find(id) == flatland_instances_.end());
// Allocate the worker Loop first so that the Flatland impl can be bound to its dispatcher.
auto result = flatland_instances_.emplace(id, std::make_unique<FlatlandInstance>());
auto& instance = result.first->second;
instance->impl = std::make_shared<Flatland>(
instance->loop.dispatcher(), std::move(request), id,
std::bind(&FlatlandManager::DestroyInstanceFunction, this, id), flatland_presenter_,
link_system_, uber_struct_system_->AllocateQueueForSession(id), buffer_collection_importers_);
const std::string name = "Flatland ID=" + std::to_string(id);
zx_status_t status = instance->loop.StartThread(name.c_str());
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
// TODO( this logic may move into FrameScheduler
// Send the client their initial allotment of present tokens minus one since clients assume they
// start with one. The client also receives information about the next 8 frames.
// `this` is safe to capture, as the callback is guaranteed to run on the calling thread.
[this, id](std::vector<scheduling::FuturePresentationInfo> presentation_infos) {
Flatland::FuturePresentationInfos infos;
for (const auto& presentation_info : presentation_infos) {
auto& info = infos.emplace_back();
// The Flatland instance may have been destroyed since the call was made.
auto instance = flatland_instances_.find(id);
if (instance != flatland_instances_.end()) {
scheduling::FrameScheduler::kMaxPresentsInFlight - 1u,
scheduling::SessionUpdater::UpdateResults FlatlandManager::UpdateSessions(
const std::unordered_map<scheduling::SessionId, scheduling::PresentId>& sessions_to_update,
uint64_t trace_id) {
auto results = uber_struct_system_->UpdateSessions(sessions_to_update);
// Prepares the return of tokens to each session that didn't fail to update.
for (const auto& [session_id, num_present_tokens] : results.present_tokens) {
auto instance_kv = flatland_instances_.find(session_id);
FX_DCHECK(instance_kv != flatland_instances_.end());
// Add the session to the map of updated_sessions, and increment the number of present tokens it
// should receive after the firing of the OnCpuWorkDone() is issued from the scheduler.
if (flatland_instances_updated_.find(session_id) == flatland_instances_updated_.end()) {
flatland_instances_updated_[session_id] = 0;
flatland_instances_updated_[session_id] += num_present_tokens;
// TODO( there shouldn't ever be sessions with failed updates, but if there
// somehow are, those sessions should probably be closed.
return results.scheduling_results;
void FlatlandManager::OnCpuWorkDone() {
// Get 8 frames of data, which we then pass onto all Flatland instances that had updates this
// frame.
// `this` is safe to capture, as the callback is guaranteed to run on the calling thread.
[this](std::vector<scheduling::FuturePresentationInfo> presentation_infos) {
for (const auto& [session_id, num_present_tokens] : flatland_instances_updated_) {
auto instance_kv = flatland_instances_.find(session_id);
// Skip sessions that have exited since their frame was rendered.
if (instance_kv == flatland_instances_.end()) {
// Make a copy of the vector manually.
Flatland::FuturePresentationInfos presentation_infos_copy(presentation_infos.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < presentation_infos.size(); ++i) {
auto& info = presentation_infos[i];
fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::PresentationInfo info_copy;
presentation_infos_copy[i] = std::move(info_copy);
SendPresentTokens(instance_kv->second.get(), num_present_tokens,
// Prepare map for the next frame.
void FlatlandManager::OnFramePresented(
const std::unordered_map<scheduling::SessionId,
std::map<scheduling::PresentId, /*latched_time*/ zx::time>>&
scheduling::PresentTimestamps present_times) {
for (const auto& [session_id, latch_times] : latched_times) {
auto instance_kv = flatland_instances_.find(session_id);
// Skip sessions that have exited since their frame was rendered.
if (instance_kv == flatland_instances_.end()) {
SendFramePresented(instance_kv->second.get(), latch_times, present_times);
size_t FlatlandManager::GetSessionCount() const { return flatland_instances_.size(); }
void FlatlandManager::SendPresentTokens(FlatlandInstance* instance, uint32_t num_present_tokens,
Flatland::FuturePresentationInfos presentation_infos) {
// The Flatland impl must be accessed on the thread it is bound to. |instance| may be destroyed
// before the task is dispatched, so capture a weak_ptr to the impl since the tokens do not
// need to be returned when the instance is destroyed.
std::weak_ptr<Flatland> weak_impl = instance->impl;
[weak_impl, num_present_tokens,
presentation_infos = std::move(presentation_infos)]() mutable {
if (auto impl = weak_impl.lock()) {
impl->OnPresentProcessed(num_present_tokens, std::move(presentation_infos));
void FlatlandManager::SendFramePresented(
FlatlandInstance* instance,
const std::map<scheduling::PresentId, /*latched_time*/ zx::time>& latched_times,
scheduling::PresentTimestamps present_times) {
// The Flatland impl must be accessed on the thread it is bound to. |instance| may be destroyed
// before the task is dispatched, so capture a weak_ptr to the impl.
std::weak_ptr<Flatland> weak_impl = instance->impl;
async::PostTask(instance->loop.dispatcher(), [weak_impl, latched_times, present_times]() {
if (auto impl = weak_impl.lock()) {
impl->OnFramePresented(latched_times, present_times);
void FlatlandManager::RemoveFlatlandInstance(scheduling::SessionId session_id) {
auto instance_kv = flatland_instances_.find(session_id);
FX_DCHECK(instance_kv != flatland_instances_.end());
// The Flatland impl must be destroyed on the thread that owns the looper it is bound to. Remove
// the instance from the map, then push cleanup onto the worker thread. Note that the closure
// exists only to transfer the cleanup responsibilities to the worker thread.
[instance = std::move(instance_kv->second)]() {});
// Other resource cleanup can safely occur on the main thread.
void FlatlandManager::DestroyInstanceFunction(scheduling::SessionId session_id) {
// This function is called on the Flatland instance thread, but the instance removal must be
// triggered from the main thread since it accesses and modifies the |flatland_instances_| map.
fit::make_promise([this, session_id] { this->RemoveFlatlandInstance(session_id); }));
} // namespace flatland