blob: eeba9e7779d36f2f02fa69bb51bad1215f749c4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef, HandleBased, Task as zxTask};
use log::warn;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ops;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use crate::auth::Credentials;
use crate::fs::{FdTable, FileSystem};
use crate::mm::MemoryManager;
use crate::uapi::*;
// # Ownership structure
// The Kernel object is the root object of the task hierarchy.
// The Kernel owns the PidTable, which has the owning reference to each task in the
// kernel via its |tasks| field.
// Each task holds a reference to its ThreadGroup and an a reference to the objects
// for each major subsystem (e.g., file system, memory manager).
// # Back pointers
// Each ThreadGroup has weak pointers to its threads and to the kernel to which its
// threads belong.
pub struct Kernel {
/// The Zircon job object that holds the processes running in this kernel.
pub job: zx::Job,
/// The processes and threads running in this kernel, organized by pid_t.
pub pids: RwLock<PidTable>,
impl Kernel {
pub fn new(name: &CString) -> Result<Arc<Kernel>, zx::Status> {
let job = fuchsia_runtime::job_default().create_child_job()?;
let kernel = Kernel { job, pids: RwLock::new(PidTable::new()) };
pub struct PidTable {
/// The most-recently allocated pid in this table.
last_pid: pid_t,
/// The tasks in this table, organized by pid_t.
/// This reference is the primary reference keeping the tasks alive.
tasks: HashMap<pid_t, Weak<Task>>,
impl PidTable {
pub fn new() -> PidTable {
PidTable { last_pid: 0, tasks: HashMap::new() }
pub fn get_task(&self, pid: pid_t) -> Option<Arc<Task>> {
self.tasks.get(&pid).and_then(|task| task.upgrade())
fn allocate_pid(&mut self) -> pid_t {
self.last_pid += 1;
return self.last_pid;
fn add_task(&mut self, task: &Arc<Task>) {
self.tasks.insert(, Arc::downgrade(task));
fn remove_task(&mut self, pid: pid_t) {
pub struct ThreadGroup {
/// The kernel to which this thread group belongs.
pub kernel: Arc<Kernel>,
/// A handle to the underlying Zircon process object.
/// Currently, we have a 1-to-1 mapping between thread groups and zx::process
/// objects. This approach might break down if/when we implement CLONE_VM
/// without CLONE_THREAD because that creates a situation where two thread
/// groups share an address space. To implement that situation, we might
/// need to break the 1-to-1 mapping between thread groups and zx::process
/// or teach zx::process to share address spaces.
pub process: zx::Process,
/// The lead task of this thread group.
/// The lead task is typically the initial thread created in the thread group.
pub leader: pid_t,
/// The tasks in the thread group.
pub tasks: RwLock<HashSet<pid_t>>,
impl ThreadGroup {
fn new(kernel: Arc<Kernel>, process: zx::Process, leader: pid_t) -> ThreadGroup {
let mut tasks = HashSet::new();
ThreadGroup { kernel, process, leader, tasks: RwLock::new(tasks) }
fn remove(&self, task: &Task) {
let kill_process = {
let mut tasks = self.tasks.write();
if kill_process {
if let Err(e) = self.process.kill() {
warn!("Failed to kill process: {}", e);
pub struct TaskOwner {
pub task: Arc<Task>,
impl ops::Drop for TaskOwner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct Task {
pub id: pid_t,
/// The thread group to which this task belongs.
pub thread_group: Arc<ThreadGroup>,
/// The parent task, if any.
pub parent: pid_t,
// TODO: The children of this task.
/// A handle to the underlying Zircon thread object.
pub thread: zx::Thread,
/// The file descriptor table for this task.
pub files: Arc<FdTable>,
/// The memory manager for this task.
pub mm: Arc<MemoryManager>,
/// The file system for this task.
pub fs: Arc<FileSystem>,
/// The security credentials for this task.
pub creds: Credentials,
// See
pub set_child_tid: Mutex<UserAddress>,
pub clear_child_tid: Mutex<UserAddress>,
// See
pub signal_stack: Mutex<Option<sigaltstack_t>>,
/// The signal mask of the task.
// See
pub signal_mask: Mutex<sigset_t>,
impl Task {
pub fn new(
kernel: &Arc<Kernel>,
name: &CString,
fs: Arc<FileSystem>,
creds: Credentials,
) -> Result<TaskOwner, zx::Status> {
let (process, root_vmar) = kernel.job.create_child_process(name.as_bytes())?;
let thread = process.create_thread("initial-thread".as_bytes())?;
// TODO: Stop giving MemoryManager a duplicate of the process handle once a process
// handle is not needed to implement read_memory or write_memory.
let duplicate_process = process.duplicate_handle(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS)?;
return Task::create(kernel, fs, creds, process, root_vmar, thread, duplicate_process);
pub fn new_mock(kernel: &Arc<Kernel>, fs: Arc<FileSystem>) -> Result<TaskOwner, zx::Status> {
return Task::create(
fn create(
kernel: &Arc<Kernel>,
fs: Arc<FileSystem>,
creds: Credentials,
process: zx::Process,
root_vmar: zx::Vmar,
thread: zx::Thread,
duplicate_process: zx::Process,
) -> Result<TaskOwner, zx::Status> {
let mut pids = kernel.pids.write();
let id = pids.allocate_pid();
let task = Arc::new(Task {
thread_group: Arc::new(ThreadGroup::new(kernel.clone(), process, id)),
parent: 0,
files: Arc::new(FdTable::new()),
mm: Arc::new(MemoryManager::new(duplicate_process, root_vmar)),
creds: creds,
set_child_tid: Mutex::new(UserAddress::default()),
clear_child_tid: Mutex::new(UserAddress::default()),
signal_stack: Mutex::new(None),
signal_mask: Mutex::new(sigset_t::default()),
Ok(TaskOwner { task })
/// Called by the Drop trait on TaskOwner.
fn destroy(&self) {
pub fn get_task(&self, pid: pid_t) -> Option<Arc<Task>> {
pub fn get_pid(&self) -> pid_t {
pub fn get_tid(&self) -> pid_t {
pub fn get_pgrp(&self) -> pid_t {
// TODO: Implement process groups.
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::fs::test::create_test_file_system;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
async fn test_tid_allocation() {
let kernel =
Kernel::new(&CString::new("test-kernel").unwrap()).expect("failed to create kernel");
let fs = create_test_file_system();
let task_owner = Task::new_mock(&kernel, fs.clone()).expect("failed to create first task");
let task = &task_owner.task;
assert_eq!(task.get_tid(), 1);
let another_task_owner =
Task::new_mock(&kernel, fs.clone()).expect("failed to create second task");
let another_task = &another_task_owner.task;
assert_eq!(another_task.get_tid(), 2);
let pids =;
assert_eq!(pids.get_task(1).unwrap().get_tid(), 1);
assert_eq!(pids.get_task(2).unwrap().get_tid(), 2);