blob: db29a4e72d727ec132e31c86d194af93e50194be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
extern crate proc_macro;
use {
quote::{quote, quote_spanned},
parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
Attribute, Block, Error, Ident, ItemFn, LitBool, LitInt, LitStr, Signature, Token,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum FunctionType {
// How should code be executed?
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Executor {
// Directly by calling it
// fasync::run_singlethreaded
// fasync::run
// #[test]
// fasync::run_singlethreaded(test)
// fasync::run(test)
// fasync::run_until_stalled
impl Executor {
fn is_test(&self) -> bool {
match self {
| Executor::SinglethreadedTest
| Executor::MultithreadedTest(_)
| Executor::UntilStalledTest => true,
Executor::None | Executor::Singlethreaded | Executor::Multithreaded(_) => false,
fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
!matches!(self, Executor::Test | Executor::None)
impl quote::ToTokens for Executor {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
tokens.extend(match self {
Executor::None => quote! { ::fuchsia::main_not_async(func) },
Executor::Test => quote! { ::fuchsia::test_not_async(func) },
Executor::Singlethreaded => quote! { ::fuchsia::main_singlethreaded(func) },
Executor::Multithreaded(n) => quote! { ::fuchsia::main_multithreaded(func, #n) },
Executor::SinglethreadedTest => quote! { ::fuchsia::test_singlethreaded(func) },
Executor::MultithreadedTest(n) => quote! { ::fuchsia::test_multithreaded(func, #n) },
Executor::UntilStalledTest => quote! { ::fuchsia::test_until_stalled(func) },
// Helper trait for things that can generate the final token stream
trait Finish {
fn finish(self) -> TokenStream
Self: Sized;
struct Transformer {
executor: Executor,
attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
sig: Signature,
block: Box<Block>,
logging: bool,
struct Args {
threads: usize,
allow_stalls: bool,
logging: bool,
fn get_arg<T: Parse>(p: &ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<T> {
fn get_base10_arg<T>(p: &ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<T>
T: std::str::FromStr,
T::Err: std::fmt::Display,
fn get_bool_arg(p: &ParseStream<'_>, if_present: bool) -> syn::Result<bool> {
if p.peek(Token![=]) {
} else {
impl Parse for Args {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let mut args = Self { threads: 1, allow_stalls: true, logging: true };
loop {
if input.is_empty() {
let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
let err = |message| Err(Error::new(ident.span(), message));
match ident.to_string().as_ref() {
"threads" => args.threads = get_base10_arg(&input)?,
"allow_stalls" => args.allow_stalls = get_bool_arg(&input, true)?,
"logging" => args.logging = get_bool_arg(&input, true)?,
x => return err(format!("unknown argument: {}", x)),
if input.is_empty() {
impl Transformer {
// Construct a new Transformer, verifying correctness.
fn parse(
function_type: FunctionType,
args: TokenStream,
input: TokenStream,
) -> Result<Transformer, Error> {
let args: Args = parse(args)?;
let ItemFn { attrs, vis: _, sig, block } = parse(input)?;
let is_async = sig.asyncness.is_some();
let err = |message| Err(Error::new(sig.ident.span(), message));
let executor = match (args.threads, args.allow_stalls, is_async, function_type) {
(0, _, _, _) => return err("need at least one thread"),
(_, false, _, FunctionType::Component) => {
return err("allow_stalls=false only applies to tests")
(1, _, false, FunctionType::Component) => Executor::None,
(1, true, true, FunctionType::Component) => Executor::Singlethreaded,
(n, true, true, FunctionType::Component) => Executor::Multithreaded(n),
(1, _, false, FunctionType::Test) => Executor::Test,
(1, true, true, FunctionType::Test) => Executor::SinglethreadedTest,
(n, true, true, FunctionType::Test) => Executor::MultithreadedTest(n),
(1, false, true, FunctionType::Test) => Executor::UntilStalledTest,
(_, false, _, FunctionType::Test) => {
return err("allow_stalls=false tests must be single threaded")
(_, true, false, _) => return err("must be async to use >1 thread"),
Ok(Transformer { executor, attrs, sig, block, logging: args.logging })
impl Finish for Transformer {
// Build the transformed code, knowing that everything is ok because we proved that in parse.
fn finish(self) -> TokenStream {
let ident = self.sig.ident;
let span = ident.span();
let ret_type = self.sig.output;
let attrs = self.attrs;
let asyncness = self.sig.asyncness;
let block = self.block;
let inputs = self.sig.inputs;
let mut func_attrs = Vec::new();
// Initialize logging
let init_logging = if !self.logging {
quote! { func }
} else if self.executor.is_test() {
let test_name = LitStr::new(&format!("{}", ident), ident.span());
if self.executor.is_some() {
quote! { ::fuchsia::init_logging_for_test_with_executor(func, #test_name) }
} else {
quote! { ::fuchsia::init_logging_for_test_with_threads(func, #test_name) }
} else {
if self.executor.is_some() {
quote! { ::fuchsia::init_logging_for_component_with_executor(func) }
} else {
quote! { ::fuchsia::init_logging_for_component_with_threads(func) }
if self.executor.is_test() {
// Add test attribute to outer function.
let func = if self.executor.is_test() {
quote! { test_entry_point }
} else {
quote! { component_entry_point }
// Adapt the runner function based on whether it's a test and argument count
// by providing needed arguments.
let adapt_main = match (self.executor.is_test(), inputs.len()) {
// Main function, no arguments - no adaption needed.
(false, 0) => quote! { #func },
// Main function, one arguemnt - adapt by parsing command line arguments.
(false, 1) => quote! { ::fuchsia::adapt_to_parse_arguments(#func) },
// Test function, no arguments - adapt by taking the run number and discarding it.
(true, 0) => quote! { ::fuchsia::adapt_to_take_test_run_number(#func) },
// Test function, one argument - no adaption needed.
(true, 1) => quote! { #func },
// Anything with more than one argument: error.
(_, n) => panic!("Too many ({}) arguments to function", n),
// Select executor
let run_executor = self.executor;
// Finally build output.
let output = quote_spanned! {span =>
#(#attrs)* #(#func_attrs)*
fn #ident () #ret_type {
#asyncness fn #func(#inputs) #ret_type {
let func = #adapt_main;
let func = #init_logging;
impl Finish for Error {
fn finish(self) -> TokenStream {
impl<R: Finish, E: Finish> Finish for Result<R, E> {
fn finish(self) -> TokenStream {
match self {
Ok(r) => r.finish(),
Err(e) => e.finish(),
/// Define a fuchsia component.
/// This attribute should be applied to the process `main` function.
/// It will take care of setting up various Fuchsia crates for the component.
/// If an async function is provided, a fuchsia-async Executor will be used to execute it.
/// Arguments:
/// - `threads` - integer worker thread count for the component. Must be >0. Default 1.
/// - `logging` - boolean toggle for whether to initialize logging (or not). Default true.
/// This currently does nothing on host. On Fuchsia fuchsia-syslog is used.
/// The main function can return either () or a Result<(), E> where E is an error type.
/// If the main function takes an argument, it's expected that argument implement
/// argh::TopLevelCommand. argh::from_env will be invoked to parse command line arguments and
/// pass them to the main function.
pub fn component(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
Transformer::parse(FunctionType::Component, args, input).finish()
/// Define a fuchsia test.
/// This attribute should be applied to a function in a cfg(test) module.
/// It will take care of setting up various Fuchsia crates for the test.
/// If an async function is provided, a fuchsia-async Executor will be used to execute it.
/// Arguments:
/// - `threads` - integer worker thread count for the test. Must be >0. Default 1.
/// - `logging` - boolean toggle for whether to initialize logging (or not). Default true.
/// This currently does nothing on host. On Fuchsia fuchsia-syslog is used.
/// - `allow_stalls` - boolean toggle for whether the async test is allowed to stall during
/// execution (if true), or whether the function must complete without pausing
/// (if false).
/// `.await` is not a stall if something preceding the await will guarantee
/// that it finishes within one loop of the Executor. Defaults to true.
/// This argument is not currently available for host tests.
/// The test function can return either () or a Result<(), E> where E is an error type.
/// The test function can either take no arguments, or a single usize argument. If it takes an
/// argument, that value will be the current iteration count of running this test repeatedly.
pub fn test(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
Transformer::parse(FunctionType::Test, args, input).finish()